3.1.1 Indonesia Maluku Fuel

Fuel Overview 

Belonging to PT. Pertamina (state-owned enterprise for energy, oil and gas), fuel terminal Wayame (Terminal Bahan Bakar Minyak Wayame or TBBM) is one of the fuel terminals located in the eastern part of Indonesia. The Wayame terminal is managed by the Marketing Operation Region (MOR) VIII under the marketing directorate of PT. Pertamina. The MOR Region VIII covers Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua Provinces. Wayame TBBM receives supply from Pertamina Refinery Unit as well as foreign (imported) fuel productsThe fuel is normally brought by tankers and stored at Wayama TBBM.  As a transit terminal, it supplies fuel to Maluku island and to MOR VIII terminals using the ships. 

For more information and contact details, please see the following links:

4.1 Indonesia Government Contact List 

4.7 Indonesia Fuel Provider Contact List

Fuel Pricing 

Monthly update on fuel price can be foundat:

Seasonal Variations  

Seasonal Variations 

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (i.e. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?) 

The National Military of Indonesia has an agreement with PT. Pertamina for fuel supplies, Lubricant, Aviation fuel and Vigas or LGV. 

Is there a rationing system? 


Is fuel to lower income / vulnerable groups subsidized? 

Yes, certain type of diesel and petrol are subsidised, as well as kerosene.  

Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? 


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to directly contract a reputable supplier / distributor to provide its fuel needs? 

Possible, this however needs to be further discussed with the suppliers. 

Fuel Transportation 

The distribution of fuel in Ambon city is using fuel trucks with capacity vary between 5000 KL up to 16000 KL. In addition, distributions for consignment backloading and industry are using tankers. 

Standards, Quality and Testing 

Wayame terminal equipped with laboratory which has standardised by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). The laboratory is used for checking the fuel quality and quantity accuracy. 

Industry Control Measures 

Do tanks have adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel? 

Yes. By density separator system 

Are there filters in the system which monitor where fuel is loaded into aircraft? 

Yes, there is a filter to segregate oil and water 

Is there adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks? 


Is there a presence of suitable firefighting equipment? 

Yes. Fire extinguishers such as foams, sprinklers and fire pumps are placed around the corner 


Standards Authority 

Is there a national or regional standards authority? 

Yes, available in SOP and guidelines  

If yes, please identify the appropriate national and/or regional authority. 



If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? 

Yes, in principle the work has been carried out according to the standard  


Testing Laboratories 

Are there national testing laboratories? 



Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory 


PT. Pertamina 


TBBM Wayame 


Jl. Putuhena Km 24 Ambon 

Telephone and Fax 




Standards Used 



Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 


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