2.3.5 Colombia Leticia Border Crossing


The department of Amazonas located in the extreme southeast of Colombia, with no road access is the largest territorial entity with the largest land area in the country. It is located in the southern hemisphere, covering an area of approximately 109,665 square kilometers (km2), almost entirely made up of virgin forest covering an area of 6,400 km2 in the Amazon rainforest, bordering the Republic of Peru to the south and west and Brazil to the east.

The border between Colombia, Brazil and Peru is represented by the "Three Frontiers" border milestone of the cities of Leticia in Colombia, Tabatinga in Brazil, and Santa Rosa de Yavari in Peru.

Note that the Amazon River is the main transportation route and tourism is the most important economic activity in the area, followed by fishing and cross-border trade. Neighboring countries, Brazil and Peru, are the main trading partners.


Border Crossing Location and Contact Information

Name of the border crossing

“Three Frontiers milestone” border crossing in Leticia, Amazonas



Nearest city or town to the crossing and distance

Leticia, Amazonas (1 km)





Administrative Authority

Mayor's Office of Leticia

Contact Person

Secretary of Government

Luis Fernando Montes (+57) 8 5927590


Travel Time

Nearest International Airport

Alfredo Vásquez Cobo International Airport, Leticia

Distance in km: 2.8 km

Travel time by truck: 16 min

Travel time by car: 9 min

Nearest Port

River port of Leticia, Amazonas

Distance in km: 2.4 km

Travel time by truck: 15 min

Travel time by car: 8 min

Nearest town with markets, wholesale suppliers and/or relevant manufacturing and productive operations


Tabatinga, Brasil

Distance in km: 4.3 km

Travel time by car: 11 min


Santa Rosa de Yavarí, Peru

Distance in km: 19.1 km

Travel time by boat: 52 min

Additional information


Joint migration control is carried out at the Balsa Migratoria on the Amazon River between Leticia, Colombia and Santa Rosa, Peru and Tabatinga, Brazil.

Hours of Operation


08:00 AM – 17:00 PM


08:00 AM – 17:00 PM


08:00 AM – 17:00 PM


08:00 AM – 17:00 PM


08:00 AM – 17:00 PM





National Holidays


Season-related contingencies

January, March and December are the months of heavy rainfall.

Daily Capacity

This border crossing between Colombia, Brazil, and Peru can operate up to 240 small boats per month, an average of almost 8 small motorboats per day. As for migratory flows, the border area does not have a dynamic flow of people.

Goods crossings are the most relevant flow in this border zone. The most sought-after products in Leticia from Brazil and Peru are rice, sugar, cooking oil, boxed milk, chicken, confectionery and biscuits, sausages, soft drinks, and building materials (iron, stone, sand, bricks, cement, wood).

Pendular Migration or Permanent Circular Mobility

This tripartite border is a migratory phenomenon in which the nationals of one country permanently move between their country of origin and neighboring countries for economic reasons, whether for work, food supplies, health purposes, or social and family networks living on both sides of the border.


Contact Person: DIAN. Leticia, Amazonas

Phone Number: 3208889639. 24/7 service

"FREE TRADE ZONE” Leticia Special Customs Regime Zone

According to Article 566 of Decree 1165 of 2019, all means of transport arriving in the national customs territory must arrive through the places enabled by the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN).

Goods imported through the Port of Leticia, the Vásquez Cobo International Airport and the border crossing between Brazil and Colombia on the International Avenue, in the department of Amazonas, for consumption or use in the municipality of Leticia, shall be entitled to the benefits established by Section XII of Decree 1165 of 2019 and its amendments. However, the Ministry of Finance through Decree 2178 of 2007, stated that goods imported to the Leticia Special Customs Regime Zone may also be consumed in the municipalities of Puerto Nariño and the village of Tarapacá with the same benefits applicable to the municipality of Leticia.

All imports made to the Leticia Special Customs Regime Zone are exempt from customs duties and as they have preferential customs treatment, the importer must certify the documents referring to the special and general provisions that support it, considering the purpose for which the benefits are granted. A simplified import declaration must be filled out and submitted for the entry of goods over one thousand dollars (USD 1,000), without the payment of customs duties without prejudice to the controls that the competent authorities may exercise with respect to the different classes of goods. Goods under one thousand dollars (USD 1,000) shall not require the submission of the simplified import declaration.

To import goods to the Leticia Special Customs Regime Zone, the customs authority under its competencies shall not require any visa, authorization or certification when applying special conditions for importing goods to the entire department of Amazonas.

Supporting documents

  • Commercial invoice, when applicable;
  • Transport document;
  • Packing list, when applicable;
  • Mandate, when no customs endorsement is available and the Import Declaration is made through a Customs Agency or proxy and,
  • Andean Value Declaration and supporting documents when applicable.

 Access to decree 1165 of 2019

Contact Person:

Jose Omar Giraldo Valencia (A)

Contact Person: DIAN. Leticia, Amazonas

Phone Number: 3208889639. (098) 5927366 Ext. 386001 381001 3208889639 24/7 service

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