


Country name


Official country name

The Democratic Republic of Brinland

Assessment dates

From (Month / Year)

Jan / 2023

To (Month / Year)

Feb / 2023

Name of Assessor


Title and Position


Contact (email and phone number)



Table of Contents

Chapter  Name of Assessor  Organization Date Updated 
1 Brinland Country Profile WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
1.1 Brinland Humanitarian Background WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
1.3 Brinland Customs Information WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2 Brinland Logistics Infrastructure WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.1 Brinland Port Assessment YWFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.1.1 Brinland Port of Brindisi WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.2 Brinland Aviation WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.2.1 Brinland International Airport WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.3 Brinland Road Network WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.4 Brinland Railway Assessment WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
2.6 Brinland Storage Assessment WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3 Brinland Logistics Services WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.1 Brinland Fuel WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.2 Brinland Transporters WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.3 Brinland Manual Labour WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.4 Brinland Telecommunications WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.5 Brinland Food and Additional Suppliers WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.6 Brinland Additional Services WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
3.7 Brinland Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure Assessment WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4 Brinland Contact Lists WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4.1 Brinland Government Contact List WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4.4 Brinland Port and Waterways Company Contact List YWFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4.5 Brinland Airport Company Contact List WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4.8 Brinland Transporter Contact List WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4.9 Brinland Railway Companies Contact List WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
4.12 Brinland Waste Management Companies Contact List WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
5 Brinland Annexes WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23
5.1 Brinland Acronyms & Abbreviations WFP OSL-LDU WFP Feb-23