Uganda - 1.2 Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

Regulatory Departments and Quality Control


The below are some of the main authorities in Uganda that has a close link to the logistic capacity in country.

Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to direct and regulate air transport industry in Uganda: Civil Aviation Authority – Uganda (

Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to operate a safe, efficient, and well-developed national roads network: Uganda National Roads Authority - Connecting Uganda - Uganda National Roads Authority (

Uganda Railway Cooperation (URC) to connect freight solutions for imports/exports and local haulage within the region: Uganda Railway corporation | (

Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) to regulate the generation, transmission, sale, export, import, and distribution of electrical energy in Uganda: ERA | Electricity Regulatory Authority

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) to assess, collect and account for central government tax revenue and provide advice to government on matters of policy relating to all revenue sources: Uganda Revenue Authority (

Inspectorate of Government (IGG) to promote good governance through enhancing accountability and transparency, and the enforcement of the rule of law and administrative justice in public offices: The Inspectorate of Government | Zero Tolerance to Corruption (

National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) to increase farmers access to information, knowledge, and technology for profitable agricultural production: National Agricultural Advisory Services – Agriculture in Uganda (

National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) to enhance the contribution of agricultural research to sustainable agricultural productivity, economic growth, food security and poverty eradication through generation and dissemination of appropriate technologies, knowledge, and information: Home - National Agricultural Research Organization (

National Drug Authority (NDA) to ensure access to quality, safe and effective human and veterinary medicines and other healthcare products through the regulation and control of their production, import and distribution: Home - National Drug Authority (

National Medical Stores (NMS) to supply essential medicines and medical supplies effectively and efficiently to Uganda:

Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) to regulate and facilitate public procurement and disposal in Uganda by setting standards, building capacity and monitoring: The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority – Procurement (

Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) to promote and facilitate investment projects, provide serviced land and advocate for a competitive business environment: Home - Uganda Investment Authority

Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) to be the leading private sector body for the business community in Uganda: | Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (

Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) to provide effective and innovative leadership in the development, promotion and application of science and technology and its integration in sustainable national development: Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (

Uganda Office of Prime minister (OPM) to coordinate government ministries, departments, and agencies to ensure effective delivery of services to the people of Uganda:Office of the Prime Minister – A Coordinated, Responsive and Accountable Government for Socio-Economic Transformation (

Central Public Health Laboratories (CPHL) to provide stewardship for the National Health Laboratory Network and to guide the prevention of disease and promotion of health in Uganda:  Home | Central Public Health Laboratories (

Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) to promote fair trade, protect the health and safety of the consumers in Uganda: Uganda National Bureau Of Standards (

Uganda Road Fund (URF) to finance the implementation of the annual road maintenance programmes for district, urban and community access roads: Uganda Road Fund

For more information on government agencies, please see following link: Government Agencies | Uganda National Web Portal (


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