1.2 Eswatini Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

National Marketing and Agricultural Board (NAMBOARD)

The National Marketing and Agricultural Board has three operational functions:

  • Regulatory - This function is enabled by the Import and Export of scheduled agricultural products regulation notice No. 8 (Amendments) effective 1st June 2013. This also covers Quality Assurance where strict quality standards are implemented along with the monitoring of the quality of the farm produce from planting phase to post harvesting phase.

  • Farmers Support and Development - operate a marketing extension service that forms part of farmer support and development through Marketing Extension Officers (MEOs).

  • Encabeni Fresh Produce Market - run a fully-fledged farm input shop

NAMBOARD facilitates the markets for farmers in and outside the country and assists these farmers with production, processing, storage, transportation and, distribution of the produce and sale of the scheduled products.

Eswatini Dairy Board

This is a quasi-government agency that was established in 1971 under the Dairy Act No. 28 of 1968 to regulate and develop the dairy industry. Dairy Board is the agency that has been mandated with the responsibility of implementing and charging import levies on dairy, and the issuance of dairy import and export permits, as per section 25 of the Dairy Board Act. Dairy Board is also the agency mandated with implementing prohibition of import and exports of milk and milk products. The services and regulatory mandate of the Dairy Board include but not limited to;

  • Dairy Development and Quality Control
  • Artificial Insemination
  • Dairy Processing
  • Goat Milk Production
  • Dairy Cattle Purchasing
  • Hay Production
  • Indigenous Cattle Dairying

Eswatini Standards Authority (ESWASA)

ESWASA was formed by the Government of Eswatini through the Quality and Standards Act (10) 2003, which gives the body the mandate of promoting standards and quality in local industry, commerce and the public sector and also empowers the Authority to be the sole custodian of all issues regarding standards and quality in Eswatini. The move to establish ESWASA was in-line with regional and international trends brought about by World Trade Organisation (WTO) initiatives aimed at eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, and creating a neutral platform that will promote trade of quality goods and services across countries and economic blocks. Besides opening up global opportunities for trade, standardisation also ensures that imported and locally manufactured goods are not harmful to human and animal lives and the environment. The mandate and services of the Authority include holding the Database of Eswatini National Standards and other useful information in product and business development amongst other services which include but not limited to:

  • Certification
  • Product Testing - Food and product testing in microbiology. Testing performed in accordance to international standards.
  • Calibration Services
  • Standards Development and Standards Sales
  • Training

Eswatini Department of Regulatory and Quality Infrastructure Development (RQID)

The Department of Regulatory and Quality Infrastructure Development (RQID) is tasked with the development of the legal and institutional framework and infrastructure for standardization, Technical Regulations, Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Metrology to achieve its mission.

The Department is composed of three Sections viz: Accreditation Section; Technical Regulatory Section. and Quality Promotion Section.

Main Responsibilities:

  1. Accreditation - A National Accreditation Focal Point was established in this section to provide a link to accreditation for Eswatini Conformity Assessment bodies (CABs) to the SADC Accreditation Service (SADCAS) weblink -
  2. Technical Regulatory Section - To prepare and administer a Technical Regulatory Framework that provides a common approach to the preparation, adoption and application of technical regulation by the central and local governments.
  3. Quality Promotions Section- To establish the Quality Council and promote quality principles in all sectors of the economy to achieve high quality products and enhanced productivity.

The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Trade (MCIT)

This is the Ministry responsible for formulating policies and promulgation through the International Trade Department and is responsible for the implementation of the Trade Policy. The MCIT is also responsible for formulating policies and promulgation of laws and regulations that ensure fair trading a competitive environment in the economy of Eswatini. It is also responsible for developing a Regulatory and Quality Infrastructure to enhance and / or enable Eswatini products to compete favorably in the domestic and global market by demonstrating with set national and international standards and regulatory requirement. Additionally, MCIT is responsible for attracting, encouraging, facilitating and promoting local and foreign investment in Eswatini, while creating an enabling environment through streamlined and focused policies and legal instruments that will complement Government’s effort to growth of Small and Medium enterprises.

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade departments:

  • The main role and objectives of the Ministry include the formulation of policies and promulgation of laws and regulations that ensure fair-trading and a competitive environment in the Eswatini economy.
  • To develop a Regulatory and Quality Infrastructure  to enhance and / or enable Eswatini products to compete favorably in the domestic and global market by demonstrating  with set national and international standards and regulatory requirement
  • Formulate and implement appropriate industrial development policies, establish service and administer industrial estates.
  • To attract, encourage, facilitate and promote local and foreign investment in Eswatini.
  • To create an enabling environment through streamlined and focused policies and legal instruments that will compliment Government's effort to stimulate growth of Small and Medium enterprises.
  • To create trade opportunities and enhance export competitiveness.
  • To promote the economic development of the people of Eswatini through capital formation by encouraging a sustainable management of cooperative enterprises

Departments under the Ministry

  • Industry Department
  • Investor Roadmap Unit
  • Metrology Section
  • Department of Regulatory and Quality Infrastructure Development
  • Handicraft Promotion Department
  • Small and Medium Enterprises unit
  • Registration of Patents and Trade Marks
  • International Trade Department
  • Liquor Licensing
  • Registrar of Companies
  • Commerce Department
  • Department of Cooperative Development

Ministry of Health

The Medicines and Regulatory Unit under the Ministry of Health is responsible for regulating the importation and exportation of pharmaceuticals in the country, as well as the retail of pharmaceuticals in the country. The Medicines and Regulatory Unit is also responsible for granting import permits to importers of pharmaceutical products. The Medicines and Regulatory Unit is responsible for implementing the Pharmaceutical Act of 1929.

The Road Transportation Department

Under the Ministry of Works, the department is responsible for the administration and regulation of the road transport industry through the permit issuance system. The Department is responsible for the enforcement of the Road transportation Act of 2007, which strongly touches on the transportation of goods in and out of the country. The Department regulates the transportation industry through the issuing of permits and is further responsible for the registration of transportation operators, including cross border, transport operators, the identification of non-tariff measures and inspecting transport to see if it up-to the required standard. 

Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM)

ESCCOM is the regulatory body responsible for regulating the communications sector in Eswatini, constituting of telecommunication services and networks, broadcasting services, postal services and the use and allocation of radio spectrum. It derives its mandate from the Swaziland Communications Commission Act 2013, the Electronic Communications Act 2009 and the Electronic Communications (Importation, Type Approval and Distribution of Communications Equipment) Regulations. Through the various legal documents ESCCOM is responsible for issuing the Permit for Re- Exportation of Communications Equipment, The Electronic Communications License, as well as the issuing the approval Electronic Communications Equipment Approval Certificate, amongst other things.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy (MNRE)

The MNRE has envisioned objective as drivers of its business to propel and foster the aforementioned vision and mission. The following strategic objectives are elucidated for the provision and management of resources for ensuring the optimal land use, mineral exploration, adequate water and energy to meet national aspirations:

  • To set goals and strategies to facilitate the coordination and implementation of Government priorities as outlined in the NDS, PRSAP, MDGs and other national priorities within the Ministry’s portfolio.
  • To develop, review and operationalise relevant policies ensuring optimal utilization of natural resources.
  • To provide general management of land, minerals, water and energy resources.
  • To provide surveying, mapping, land and real rights registration and valuation services for Government and other public entities.
  • To provide facilities for ensuring access to sustainable energy and security of energy supply.
  • To ensure optimal development, management and supply of adequate water resources in a sustainable manner.
  • To explore and identify mineral targets with economic potential.
  • To ensure extraction and value addition to mineral resources for sustainable development and;
  • To develop relative policies, collect and maintain an up to-date database on land and natural resources.

The Eswatini Revenue Service (ERS)

 This is a semi-autonomous revenue administration agency, established through the Revenue Authority Act No. 1 of 2008. It operates within the broad framework of Government but outside of the civil service. ERS is responsible for the administration of Customs and Excise in the country, in accordance with the Customs and Excise Act of 1971. The Department is further responsible for revenue collection, which includes Customs revenue. ERA is also responsible for implementing prohibitions, restrictions and regulatory (for example, narcotics, unlicensed medicines, arms and ammunitions, pornography etc.). ERS is also entrusted with the responsibility of identifying and interdicting illegitimate trade (for example counterfeit or substandard goods; trade in endangered species - CITES obligations). As, the border agency, ERS is responsible for the trade facilitation in the country, as well as providing general export and import rules, as well as cross border procedures.

The Eswatini Revenue Service is a member of various international organisations, such as the World Customs Organization (WCO); the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF). Alliances with established revenue agencies such as the South African Revenue Service (SARS), the Lesotho Revenue Authority (LRA) and the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) have also been pursued to this end.

The Eswatini Environmental Authority (EEA)

This is a quasi-Government entity that was formed to ensure that the environment in the Kingdom of Eswatini is treated in a proper way now and in the future. The EEA is responsible for ensuring that the atmosphere, water, soil, living resources, living conditions in human settlements, flora and energy sources amongst other things are not polluted. The EEA is responsible for the implementation of a number of legislations that affect cross border movement of goods including the Environmental Act of 2002, the Waste Regulations of 2000, the Genetically Modified Organisms Act and the Ozon Depleting Substances Regulations of 2003, amongst others. Through various legal instruments, the EEA is also responsible for issuing import and export permits for a number of goods including genetically modified goods, waste and waste products, and toxic substances, amongst others. 

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.


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