Yemen - 2.1 Yemen Port Assessment

Yemen Port Assessment

Yemen Ports

For information on Yemen Port contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Yemen Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Yemen’s main ports are Aden, Al Hudaydah, Al Mukalla, and Mocha; Aden is the primary port. In addition, Ras Isa serves as the loading point for oil exports, and a small amount of cargo passes through Nishtoon. Facilities at Aden consist of the Maalla Terminal and the Aden Container Terminal (ACT), which opened in March 1999. In November 2003, following the October 2002 bombing of the French supertanker Limburg off the Yemen coast and the resultant dramatic drop in throughput at the Aden port, the Port of Singapore Authority sold its majority stake in the ACT back to the Yemeni government. In June 2005, Dubai Ports International was selected to manage and operate the ACT (and possibly Maalla Terminal) under a 30-year or longer contract; the Yemeni government will remain a minority shareholder.


Reference herein to services or the use of any firm or corporation name is for the information only and in no manner constitutes an endorsement or recommendation by the WFP.
Prices may be subject to frequent change and a range of rates for commercial services are often available from various companies; consequently prices mentioned should be regarded as indicative approximations only.

For the WFP Supply Chain Map of Yemen 2012, please select the following document:

Yemen Supply Chain Map 2012

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