Tonga - 1.2 Regulatory Departments & Quality Control

The Tongan Government structure has single desk Ministries and Ministries with multiple portfolios. In cases where the portfolios are grouped, these are headed by the Chief Executive Officers who report to the relevant Minister. 

Ministry Of Finance and National Planning  

Considers economic and financial needs of country guided by Tongan Strategic Framework Vision using the National Infrastructure and Investment Plan (NIIP) 

Ministry of Meteorology, Information, Disaster Management, Climate Change, Environment, Climate Change and Communications (MEIDECC) 

  • Overseas disaster management planning and coordination. 

  • The Department of Communications, under this Ministry (MEIDECC), is the party responsible for licensing relating to frequencies, and importation of telecommunications equipment. The Kingdom of Tonga is a party to Tampere Convention via accession. The Tampere Convention provides concessions relating to the importation of telecommunications equipment during disaster times. 

  • In October 2015, the Tongan government passed the new Communications Bill 2015 (Communications Act 2015 and the Communications Commission Act 2015) which gave increased powers to the government in regard to controlling internet access.  

Ministry of Revenue and Customs  

  • Responsible for tax revenue collection and customs administration for the Government of Tonga to fund the services to the people of Tonga. The Ministry is also responsible for border security and trade facilitation. 

  • Tonga is involved in the following trade agreements; Pacific Agreements for Closer Economic Relations, South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Co-0peration Agreement, African, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP)-European Union (EU) Partnership Agreement. Tonga is a member of the following organisations World Trade Organisation (WTO), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Asian Development Bank (ADB), African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), G77, United nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) 

Ministry Of Infrastructure  

  • Amalgamation of the former Ministry of Transport and Works Civil Aviation Division (CAD) responsible for: 

  • Ensuring industry compliance with aviation legislation; and 

  • Ensuring that roads are designed, constructed and maintained to internationally recognized standards and specifications that have been approved and adopted by Mol. 

The Marine and Ports Division responsibilities include: 

  • Maritime Safety and Security Unit 

  • Maritime Environment Unit 

  • Outer Island Ports Unit 

  • Administration Support Unit 

Civil Engineering Division (CED) provides systems of rules regulation, policies and enforcement to guide safe, secure, affordable, sustainable and environmentally sound engineering works on major infrastructure in Tonga. 

The Ministry of Internal Affairs 

Combines the Ministry of Training Employment, Youth and Sports (MOTEYS) with the District/Town Officer Department. The Ministry of Internal Affairs consolidates the policy and many of the delivery functions related to social and community development including: 

- Promotion of women's rights and gender issues; promotion and protection of culture; 

- Development of youth and sports; 

- Management of seasonal work schemes; 

- Development of local government capacity and engagement with Government as well as the management of District Development Committees. 

The Ministry will complement the efforts of other Ministries to promote strong inclusive communities in meeting their service needs and ensuring equitable distribution of development benefits. 

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List  

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