3.6 Armenia Additional Services


All the services that might be required for operations are available in Armenia and can be easily contracted. 

For more information on company contact details, please see the following link:4.11 Armenia Additional Services Contact List


The availability of accommodation / housing in the country is on a high level. There are many hotels/hostels/bed and breakfast facilities/apartments available for rent in all the regions of Armenia, varying in prices from 100 USD to 3000 USD and above per month. There can be found accommodations that meet minimum criteria regarding security for agencies. There are many ongoing constructions throughout the country (mainly in the capital city Yerevan) and the country has the capacity to house and support a large influx of demand. There are hotels in different regions of Armenia that have been assessed and with which there exist common UN Long Term Agreements. 

Electricity and Power 

Armenia has no proven reserves of oil or natural gas and currently imports nearly all gas from Russia. The Iran-Armenia Natural Gas Pipeline has the capacity to provide twice the country's 2008 natural gas consumption and has the potential to provide energy security for Armenia as an alternative to the Russian-dominated imports that flow through the Georgian border. Despite a lack of fossil fuel, Armenia has significant domestic electricity generation resources

The main source of electricity in Armenia is Hydropower, Nuclear and Thermal generation. The principal hydro electricity producers are International Energy Corporation with Sevan – Hazdan Cascade seven hydropower plants and Vorotan Cascade who have 3 power plants.

  • Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) was commissioned in 1976 (first reactor) and 1980 (second reactor)
  • The nuclear reactors have been upgraded and adapted to local conditions with a seismic rating of 8
  • After the 1988 earthquake the Board of Ministers of USSR ordered the operation at the NPP to be halted
  • The Government of Armenia restarted the NPP in 1993 to overcome the energy crisis
  • The rehabilitation was undertaken with international specialists from the US, France, Russia and the IAEA
  • The 2nd stage of the NPP, with a capacity of 407.5 MW was restarted in 1995 with no emergency breakages
  • The restart of the NPP caused negative reactions from neighbouring countries and international organizations
  • In 2003, management of NPP was given to the Russian, Inter RAO EES Co (subsidiary of RAO EES Russia)
  • Today, the plant provides more than 33% of total electricity consumption
  • In 2003, NPP generated about 2 billion kWh of electricity which is about 36% of the total generation in Armenia
  • Once per quarter, emergency fire and anti-emergency trainings are performed in the plant
  • Furthermore, once every 3 years, emergency training is conducted at an international level

The country also has eleven hydroelectric power plants and has plans to build a geothermal power plant in Syunik. Most of the rest of Armenia's electricity is generated by the natural gas-fired thermal power plants in Yerevan (completed in 2010) and Hrazdan.

The Armenian electrical energy sector has had a surplus capacity ever since emerging from a severe post-Soviet crisis in the mid-1990s thanks to the reopening of the nuclear power station at Metsamor. The Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant provides 42.9% of the country's electricity. Armenia has plans to build a new NPP in order to replace the aging Metsamor which was built in 1979.

The voltage in Armenia is 220 volts.

Electricity and Power Summary Table

Production Unit

Type (Hydroelectric, Thermal, etc.)

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)

Armenian Nuclear Power Plant


900 MW

407.5 MW

Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant


1,200 MW

600 MW

Yerevan Thermal Power Plant


550 MW

550 MW

Vanadzor Thermal Power Plant


47 MW

49 MW

Financial Services 

Armenia has a strong and stable financial system with banks dominating in the system. The system is well protected due to the strict and market-friendly supervision by the Central Bank of Armenia. The banking system is the biggest part of the Armenian financial market. As of 2019, there are 17 commercial banks operating in the Republic of Armenia. They have 528 branches in Armenia, of which 237 are based in Yerevan. 

The accounting services are also available and at a high level in Armenia. There are many tax and accounting companies, as well as consulting companies. In Armenia function also branches of such international companies as KPMG Armenia CJSC, Grand Thornton Legal and Tax LLC< Ernst and Young CJSC, etc. 

HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC 

The bank was established as a closed joint stock company under the name Midland Armenia Bank J.S.C. in 1996 and was renamed HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC in 1999. The bank is a joint venture between the HSBC Group, which has 70 per cent ownership, and an overseas Armenian businessman with 30 per cent ownership. 

Company Overview 

Company Name 

HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC 


Teryan 66 str, Yerevan RA 



Comments (max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 




Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 



ArmBusiness Bank 

Company Overview 

Company Name 

ArmBusiness Bank 


48 Nalbandyan str., 0010, Yerevan, Armenia 



Comments (max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.) 

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number? 



Provides currency exchange? 



Will initiate / receive wire transfers? 



Provides Loan / Credit services? 



Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 




Talin, Aparan, Ashtarak 


Vanadzor, tashir 


Kajaran, Agarak, Kapan 


Ararat, Masis, Artashat 


Gyumri, Artik 




Vardenis, Gavar, Sevan, Martuni 


Nor-Hachn, Abovyan, Hrazdan 



Clearing and Forwarding Agents 

There are clearing and forwarding agents in Armenia who provide high quality servicesUN holds Long term agreements with several such companies. 

Handling Equipment 

Zepplin Armenia Ltd

District #4, Kotayk Marz, Yerkrord Artadrakan Abovyan,Armenia,              

Name: Frank Janas

Title: General Director

Web: www.zeppelin.am

Tel: +374 10 284 221

Tel: +374 10 222 240

Fax: +374 10 222 370

MLL Motors Ltd,

Building 10/1 Babayan Street,

Yerevan, Armenia   Name: Meruzhan H. Yeghiazaryan

Title: Director

Tel: +374 10 249 692

Mob: +374 91 228 840

Fax: +374 10 249 692

Postal and Courier Services 

In Armenia there exist both – Postal and Courier Service providers. HayPost CJSC is the official national postal operator of Armenia which provides postal, payment and retail services. Haypost currently operates through 900 postal offices across Armenia, from urban to the most remote rural regions. Starting 2010, "HayPost" CJSC began the provision of postbanking services in Armenia.  


Printing and Publishing 

The market of printing and publishing service providers is much developed in Armenia. Most companies offer design and printing services at the same time to make it more convenient for the customers. The companies provide printing not only on paper, but also on other items, such as T-shirts, cups, pens, etc. Among such companies are: Asoghik LLC, Tosp LLC, Task LLC, etc. There are also publishing houses in Armenia, such as Antares Media Holding, Zangak Publishing house, etc. 

Taxi Companies 

There is a vast diversity of taxi service providers in Armenia. Among such, there are individual taxi drivers; taxi services; as well as application-based taxi services such as GG, Yandex Taxi, Uber. The taxi services accept both - cash and coupon payments, in case agreement with company exists. The application-based taxi services accept cash, as well as online payments. Taxi companies offer not only sedan cars, but also mini-vans, buses, and in some cases even trucks. 

Vehicle Rental 

There is a possibility for rental of any type of vehicle in Armenia. The cars can be rented with or without a driver. There exist representations of internationally known companies, such as Hertz (Travelex Co. LTD), SIXT (Fora LLC), J.M.S Co. Ltd, as well as local companies. 

Waste Management and Disposal Services 

Armenia is underdeveloped in its waste management and recycling activities. According to ArmStat, organizations produced 55.2 million mt of waste in 2016, which runs down to about 18.5 mt per capita in year 2016 and probably includes abundant mining waste too. According to Waste Atlas, Armenia produces 368,618 tonnes of MSW (Municipal Solid Wasteper year or 119.8 kilograms (264 lb) per capita/year. 

On May 4th, 2018 modifications of relevant legislation aimed at strengthening responsibility for proper waste management were approved. 

In recent years there have been several attempts initiated by public activists to address this problem including the "Toprak Petq Chi" (Eng - 'I don't need a plastic bag') initiative targeting single-use plastic bags. 

Waste management in Yerevan 

Municipal government of Yerevan - the capital of Armenia has made attempts to solve the problem for the city with a long-term development plan, which includes three main phases: 

  • In winter 2014, an international tender was announced for garbage collection. Two companies were chosen Lebanese waste management company called Sanitek who later opened a branch in Yerevan for operations in that city and Armenian/Swedish Companies called Ecogroup and Mili Consult. 
  • In summer 2016 the Armenian parliament ratified a loan agreement signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which is providing an €8 million loan to Armenia to finance the construction of a solid waste landfill in Yerevan that will comply with EU regulations. 
  • According to the municipal government of Yerevan, the third step is aimed at introducing sorting out and recycling practices with projects that meet European Union standards and regulations. 


Sixty landfills exist in Armenia. No waste sorting, recycling, or reuse takes place at them. The Nubarashen landfill, located near Yerevan, (40°6′24.19″N 44°32′49.26″E), is Armenia's largest waste disposal site. It receives almost all of the solid waste produced in the city of Yerevan and its suburbs, which is about 340 tons per day, or 102,000 tons per year. The site has accumulated over 7.5 million tons of domestic waste over 50 years. 

A waste processing plant is scheduled for construction near Hrazdan city, which will allow for closure of 10 waste dumps.  

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Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.