Moldova - 3.7 Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure Assessment


As of 2018, in the Republic of Moldova there were approximately 1139 landfills being exploited, covering a total area of 1224.0 ha. Landfills are organized by local public authorities. According to statistical data, the amount of solid household waste is constantly increasing, from 2172.8 thousand m3 in 2008 to 3043.1 thousand m3 in 2018. About 90% of the amount of municipal waste collected by sanitation services has been disposed of through storage.

In terms of responsibilities, the Ministry of Environment is the responsible state institution for generating legislation. Local public administrations are responsible for providing waste management services and this is usually done through ‘Municipal Enterprises’. Local public authorities play an important role in waste management, given that the results regarding the collection and disposal of waste depend to a large extent on their ability to organize this, on the involvement of economic agents and civil society in the accumulation of financial resources. Additionally, the Ministry of Environment has issued several certifications to accredited companies: Ministry of Environment | Government of the Republic of Moldova

The following legislation provides the basic framework for waste management practices and regulations:

  • Law nr. 209/2016 on waste: Provides a comprehensive legal framework that addresses various aspects of waste management. Among other things, it contains provisions for the application of the extended producer responsibility, sets the requirement for the development of waste management plans, provision on the transport and handling of waste material, and treatment and disposal methods, among other.
  • Government Decision nr. 561/2020 for the approval of the Regulation on packaging and packaging waste;


Additional legislation and strategies are currently being developed, such as feasibility studies for the establishment of compliant landfills and the Waste Management Strategy. More information can be found in the Ministry of Environment’s website: Ministry of Environment | Government of the Republic of Moldova.

There is selective collection being partially organized in Chisinau municipality and some district centres. The rates of recycling and waste recovery are still low. A list of recycling companies and facilities can be found here Reciclare.MD.

For more information on waste management company contact details, please see the following link: 4.12 Waste Management Companies Contact List

Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal

Collection and disposal of waste material is conducted by the Municipal Enterprises at the different locations. For a complete list of companies specialized in different types of waste disposal, consult Ministry of Environment | Government of the Republic of Moldova.

Hazardous Waste Disposal

The number of disposal facilities for hazardous materials is still limited but is being increased. Its collection and transport are carried out with specialized vehicles for the collection of this waste flow. The government of Moldova has several laws referring to the disposal practices for dangerous goods such as chemical and e-waste. Some of these legislations include but are not limited to:

  • Law nr. 277/2018 on chemical substances;
  • Government Decision nr. 248/2013 on the approval of the Waste Management Strategy for 2013-2027 and the Action Plan for its implementation;
  • Government Decision nr. 212/2018 for the approval of the Regulation on waste electrical and electronic equipment;
  • Government Decision no. 586/2020 approving the Regulation on the management of batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators;
  • Government Decision nr. 505/2020 for the approval of the Regulation on the export and import of dangerous chemicals.
  • Government Decision nr. 93/2023 on Regulation on end-of life vehicles
  • Government Decision nr. 731/2022 on Regulation on waste oil
  • Government Decision nr. 610/2022 Regulation on used tyres

For more information on waste types, please refer to the WREC project.

Medical Waste Overview and Disposal

The territorial authorities for public health shall exercise departmental monitoring of the requirements for the management of waste resulting from medical activities. For general information and regulations on Medical waste, refer to:

For companies certified to conduct disposal of medical materials, consult the following website: Ministry of Environment | Government of the Republic of Moldova