Moldova - 4.4 Port and Waterways Companies Contact List


Port Name


Street / Physical Address




Phone Number (office)

Phone Number (mobile)

Fax Number


Key Role

Description of Duties

Giurgiulesti International Free Port

ICS Danube Logistics

9 Mihai Eminescu str.

Chișinău MD-2009

+ 373 22 999 225


+373 22 999 226

Giurgiulesti International Free Port (

Main operator of the Giurgiulesti Free International Port

Is the main operator of the port. It specifically operates the Oil, Liquid Bulk, Containerized & General Cargo, and Mixed-Gauge Rail terminals

Trans Oil Group of Companies

Str. Tipografilor 11-15, Building A1 013714, Bucharest, Romania

+373 22 229 991 / 223 174


+373 22 295 420 / 592 393

TRANS-OIL GROUP: Agro-Industrial Holding with Diverse Operations (

Is one of the major operators in the port. It operates different terminals through its various subsidiaries:

It operates both grain terminals and the vegetable oil terminal