Iran, Islamic Republic of - 3.7 Waste Management Infrastructure Assessment 


Municipalities are responsible for the management of waste and disposal. There are sub-contractors who are in charge of collecting waste and disposals. These contractors have factories/facilities for recycling plastics and papers as well as municipalities. There are different garbage boxes distributed by municipalities and subcontractors for different types of waste and disposals. Regarding the policy of information sharing which recently circulated via media to inform the Iranian population about the waste and recycle system; Iranian citizens are aware of the waste collection and management system. 

Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal

Municipalities are focal points for all types of disposals all around the country. There are several hubs in place to gather different types of disposals and manage to eliminate or recycle them. 

In capital cities and central cities in every province, there are plenty of trash bins around streets and alleys to gather all disposals. For several years the government tried to improve the culture of usage of trash bins for different types of disposals. 

Hazardous Waste Disposal

Most of the hazardous disposals are collected inside the plants hospitals or other industrial places under the control of HSSE Managers of industries or related places. On the other hand, most cities in Iran are connected to the wastewater network. 

Medical Waste Overview and Disposal

According to Article 7 of Iran’s Waste Management Law, after the decontamination or normalization of medical waste, the management of it falls under the responsibility of municipalities.

The Waste Management Organization, on behalf of the Municipality, is responsible for receiving decontaminated waste, transporting it, and ultimately disposing of it. This process has been outsourced to the private institutes.