Tanzania, United Republic of - 4.12 Waste Management Companies Contact List

Company Profile Waste Information  
Name of Company Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Company main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventilation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
SHUNTAO COMPANY NJORO EMMANUEL MASSENGA 767428533 - - YES YES 15 RECYCLING  Y Y Y Y 200 Y NO Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  landfill E-waste (general) other General Office Waste  physical recycling  
HK ENTERPRISES KIBORLONI VALENTINE SAA MBILI 754445928 - - YES YES 16 RECYCLING  Y Y Y Y   Y NO Aluminum** landfill   unknown   physical recycling  
FIVE STAR HARDWARE PASUA FIVE HARDWARE  784361281     YES YES 20 RECYCLING  Y Y Y Y 300 Y NO Aluminum** landfill   incineration   physical recycling  


Name of Company Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Company main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventilation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
SHANGA     689759067 manager@shanga.org www.shanga.org yes   11 RECYCLING Y   Y Y 8.33 Y   Glass physical recycling         100tons per year,52 people with disabilities employed
MAENDELEO INVESTMENT P. O. BOX 16222, ARUSHA JOHN PAUL MOLEL MAENDELEO 754380229           SORTING/RECYCLING Y             Plastic PT physical recycling         Grind and export
MAENDELEO INVESTMENT P. O. BOX 16222, ARUSHA JOHN PAUL MOLEL MAENDELEO 754380229           SORTING/RECYCLING               Packaging (Polypropylene)  exported         Sorting/export
MAENDELEO INVESTMENT P. O. BOX 16222, ARUSHA JOHN PAUL MOLEL MAENDELEO 754380229           SORTING/RECYCLING               Corrugated Cardboard exported         Sorting/export
MAENDELEO INVESTMENT P. O. BOX 16222, ARUSHA JOHN PAUL MOLEL MAENDELEO 754380229           SORTING/RECYCLING               Furniture physical recycling         End product Charcoal
ARUSHA CITY COUNCIL                 RECYCLING Y   Y Y 10 Y   Organic waste physical recycling         End product Charcoal from Human sheats


Name of Company Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Company main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventilation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
MULTCABLE LIMITED KATA YA MANDU MACHINJIONI MR JAMES 688999055     LICENSED     Recycling Y Y Y Y 200mt Y n/a Packaging (plastics/others - PET and PT)  physical recycling          
MWANZA PLASTICS LIMITED NYAMUHONGOLO-ILEMELA MR JOEL MAKANYAGA 787350000                             physical recycling          
ENVIRONMENT OFFICER-MWANZA   FANUEL KANENENE 752904085   https://mwanzacc.go.tz/                                   OVERVIEW
FALCON PACKAGING LIMITED-INDUSTRY IGOMA MR. SHRIKANT 687967875/0756006929                             physical recycling         PLASTIC INTO FURNITURE
CBOs                                   sorting only          
TANZANIA CUTTLERS MFG LTD P O BOX762, MWANZA BRANCH MURTAZA HUSSEIN             Recycling Y Y Y Y       Aluminum** physical recycling          


Name of Company/Firm/Individual practtioner Physical Address Focal Person Telephone Number Email Address Website Does the company have an Environmental, Health and Safety certification (e.g. ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent) or self-certified management plan for facilities and personnel? (List all available) Business License Validity Dates  Years of experience Company main business Facility is well maintained (roof/walls)? (Y/N) Hazardous materials are processed and stored separately from non-hazardous waste? (Y/N) Facility has adequate ventilation? (Y/N) PPE provided to staff (hard hats, overalls, boots, etc.)? (Y/N) Processing capacity (e.g. max tonnes/day or month)* Collection provided (Y/N) Any transport capacity constraints (geographical, volumes, frequency)? Non hazardous waste accepted Select from dropdown menu Non hazardous waste Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Hazardous Waste Accepted           Select from dropdown menu Hazardous waste disposal Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Admin Waste Accepted    Select from dropdown menu Admin Disposal method    Select from dropdown menu Comments
Tanga city council 09 Hassani Ngwilizi Road,21101 Central Tanga, S.L.P 178 Tanga Kizito L Nkwabi
+27 2644530/3.  Fax: +255 27 2644141/ 272647905
info@tangacc.go.tz www.tangacc.go.tz Mpirani sanitary landfill site EIA certificate No. EC/EIA/2018/0362 This certificate shall remain in force during the whole lifecyde of this specific project unless
henceforth revoked or suspended.
Over 50 years Local Government Services/ Public Services (Waste management general services) Y Y Y Y 100tonnes/day Y Maximum transportation capacity 112tonnes/day out of 217tonnes of solid waste that is generated daily Organic waste landfill E-waste (general) landfill General Office Waste  landfill With exception of infectious/ hazardous health care waste which is mostly incinerated or burnt at the generating facilities, the rest of the SW is either recovered as resource or landfilled.
Recyclers Image Tanga Chumbageni,W3GJ+XVV Tanga Abdul G. Faraji 0713692169/ 0743930275 abdulfaraji000@gmail.com   Registered by BRELA No. 544268 Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit 2 years SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastics, Scrap Metals and Sacks           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Said Issa Khalfan Duga,V3MR+9RX Tanga Said Issa Khalfan 713624272     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling   Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Scrap metals, Plastics and Sacks           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Hamisi Ally Gachi Majengo,W39V+87G Tanga Hamisi Ally Gachi 712513222     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling   Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic, Nylon,Sacks Scrap metals           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Simon Elphalet Kileo Ngamiani Kusini, W38X+WR5 Tanga Simon Elphalet Kileo 713988933     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling   Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic HDPE, PET, Nylon, Sacks, Used oil           Under formalization into City council waste stream
John Yusuph Mzinga Ngamiani Kusini,W473+VFX Tanga John Yusuph Mzinga 710686962     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Nylon, Sacks, Plastics, Tyres, Aluminium foil, Copper wire,            Under formalization into City council waste stream
Ally Juma Ally Majengo,W38V+H7H Tanga Ally Juma Ally 677513599     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastics HDPE, PET           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Hanson Atanus Kyusa Ngamiani Kati,  W4C4+846 Tanga Hanson Atanus Kyusa 0655332366/0657121861     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastics, Sacks, Nylon           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Juma Kasimu Ramadhani Majengo,W38V+X8Q Tanga Juma Kasimu Ramadhani 787733734     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments All recyclibles           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Aisha Hussein Ramadhani Ngamiani Kusini,W38X+MCQ Tanga Aisha Hussein Ramadhani 675329913     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastics HDPE, PET, Scrap Metals           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Karupa Athumani Karupa Ngamiani Kusini,W484+4FX Tanga Karupa Athumani Karupa 716751064     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic, Scrap metal, Sacks           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Bakari Juma Bakari Ngamiani Kusini,W482+W97 Tanga Bakari Juma Bakari 653796957     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments All recyclibles           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Juma Said Omary Majengo, W38V+JQ3 Tanga  Juma Said Omary 692332544     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic HDPE, PET, Scrap, Aluminium steel, Cast           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Mbaraka Ally Omary Majengo, W39V+C3P Tanga Mbaraka Ally Omary 712158081     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic PET, HDPE           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Amiri Suleiman Kisaka Ngamiani Kusini, W38X+RHJ Tanga Amiri Suleiman Kisaka 652525096     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Nylon           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Islam Abdallah Amani Ngamiani Kusini, W482+QPV Tanga Islam Abdallah Amani 715701797     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic HDPE, PET           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Naima Juma Omari Ngamiani Kati,W494+W26 Tanga Naima Juma Omari 714553079     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Ramadhani Joseph Kirienya (Makopo) Duga, W33P+5WR Tanga Ramadhani Joseph Kirienya (Makopo) 659749270     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic HDPE, PET, Scrap metals, Aluminium, Copper           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Mayasa Abdi Ngamiani Kati, W3CV+XHV Tanga Mayasa Abdi 656820270     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic, Scrap Metals, Nylon           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Sefu Abdallah Lugengo’Sefu Skepa’ Duga,  Sefu Abdallah Lugengo’Sefu Skepa’ 717352618     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit   SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic , Scrap Metals           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Anna Daud Siwakwi Duga, V3RQ+RF9 Tanga Anna Daud Siwakwi 653770903     Self certified Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit 8 years SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y N     Hiring transportation equipments Plastic, Sacks           Under formalization into City council waste stream
Taka ni mali group Mpirani Sanitary Landfill Anna Daud Siwakwi 653770903     Permitted b Supposed to have an annually renewed Waste management permit 3 years SW materials recovery/ Recycling N Y Y Y 1tonne per week   Hiring transportation equipments Plastic HDPE, PET, Scrap metals, Aluminium, Copper, coconut cuscs           Under formalization into City council waste stream