Côte d'Ivoire - 1.1 Humanitarian Background



For information on Côte d'Ivoire government contact details, please see the following link4.2.1 Cote D'Ivoire Government Contact List

For information on Côte d'Ivoire humanitarian contact details, please see the following link4.2.2 Cote D'Ivoire Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters

Yes / No

Comments / Details


Yes Occasionally North of 9° latitude North




Yes Moderate to high risk of diseases: Food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhoea, hepatitis A and typhoid fever. Vector born diseases: malaria and yellow fever. HIV

Extreme Temperatures

n/a The climate of Côte d'Ivoire is generally warm and humid, ranging from equatorial in the southern coasts to tropical in the middle and semiarid in the far north. There are three seasons: warm and dry (November to March), hot and dry (March to May), and hot and wet (June to October). Temperatures average between 25 and 32 °C (77 and 89.6 °F) and range from 10 to 40 °C (50 to 104 °F).


Yes Mainly flash floods in mountainous areas mainly in the Man and Odienné region, near the Guinea border in the northwest, also along scattered small mountain chains in the southwest along the Liberian border and in the east. The coastal plains bordered by lagoons do also suffer from occasional floods in the wake of heavy downpours

Insect Infestation

Yes Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza has been identified.


No n/a

Volcanic Eruptions

No n/a

High Waves / Surges

No The low and swampy plains bordered by lagoons are often densely populated. The regular narrow emergence shorelines only partially isolate the lagoons and coastal plains from the sea


No n/a

High Winds

Yes Tornadoes are prevalent along the coastal area during the great rainy season from April to August.

Other Comments


Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife

Yes The risks for terrorism actions and armed conflicts are low to medium. The risks for civil unrest, social disturbances and political crises are medium to high

International Conflict

Yes despite the presence of over 9,000 UN forces (UNOCI) in Cote d'Ivoire since 2004, ethnic conflict still leaves displaced hundreds of thousands of Ivoirians in and out of the country as well as driven out migrants from neighboring states who worked in Ivorian cocoa plantations; the March 2007 peace deal between Ivorian rebels and the government brought significant numbers of rebels out of hiding in neighboring states

Internally Displaced Persons

Yes At the peak of the crisis in 2011, an estimated one million people were internally displaced in Côte d'Ivoire

Refugees Present

Yes At the peak of the crisis in 2011, an estimated 200,000 men, women and children had sought asylum in 13 neighboring countries, with Liberia, Ghana and Togo receiving the largest numbers

Landmines / UXO Present

n/a n/a

Other Comments

One year after the post-electoral crisis, the security and socio-political situation has gradually improved in the major part of Côte d'Ivoire, enabling the return of several hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people and refugees in countries of the sub-region to their places of origin. However, significant security issues (abuses and armed attacks against civilians) persist, as well as community tensions particularly in the west and south-west of the country.

Côte d'Ivoire remains a fragile country in phase of recovery, strongly affected by the after-effects of the many crises that it has gone through for more than one decade, with the latest leading to a worst situation. The reconstruction, peace consolidation and reconciliation process will probably be extremely long and difficult, because President Ouattara's Government is facing numerous challenges, including the restoration of a secure environment throughout the country and along borders, the restoration of the rule of law and justice, the consolidation of State services, reconciliation and reinforcement of social cohesion, economic revival and the fight against poverty.

In this transition context, humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations remains an absolute priority, including the protection of civilians, the restoration of livelihoods, the voluntary return and reintegration of the internally displaced people and refugees. Indeed, several hundreds of thousands of people are still in a situation of high vulnerability, mainly in the western and south-western regions, either because they are still internally displaced (more than 186,000 according to humanitarian actors), or because they have not recovered their livelihoods or are still exposed to abuses committed by armed men. Significant needs persist in all sectors - protection, health, access to water, shelters, education, food security, nutrition and early rehabilitation. Moreover, according to the UN High Commission for Refugees, 182,000 Ivorian refugees are still living in countries of the region, including more than 156,000 in Liberia (figures of 20 October 2011).

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters:

EMDAT information on Côte d’Ivoire

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

All the main roads connecting the ports of Abidjan and San Pedro with the main townships of CI are all-weather roads. The same applies to the Abidjan transit road corridor into Mali (via Pogo) and into Burkina Faso (via Laleraba). The San Pedro transit road corridor into Guinea (via Danané / Gbapleu/Nzoo, Biankouma/ Sipilou and Odienné / Minignan / Bongoula) and into Mali (via Odienné/Tiéfinzo) can be severely restricted due to extremely poor (un-surfaced) road conditions. Articulated 35 – 40 MT capacity horse/trailer combinations are as a rule not suitable for these roads into Guinea. Solid chassis HD trucks so-called 12 wheels – 15 to 25 MT capacity – are much more suitable for these roads. No serious road maintenance works have been carried out during the last 10 years on the entire road network. As a result the road conditions are deteriorating rapidly (worn out bitumen surfaces, potholes, clogged culverts and drains). Primary (long distance) road transport operations inside CI can be carried out all-year round. During the rainy season from April to November transport operations to and from Guinea can be severely restricted along the San Pedro corridor. Consequently for long distance primary road transport out of San Pedro into Guinea transshipment operations along the journey in more appropriate trucks may have to be considered Jan - Jan

Secondary Road Transport

All secondary road transport operations are carried out over dirt roads. No maintenance is been carried out and almost none is lanned. The road conditions are therefore dictated by the weather conditions. Secondary road transport is as a rule carried out with 10 – 15 MT capacity solid chassis trucks with single or double rear axles or with small pick-up vans. Ancillary transport operations to and from the Abidjan port are during daytime severely delayed by heavy traffic. Many roads and tunnels become waterlogged during the rainy season bringing the traffic for long hours to an almost complete standstill.During the rainy seasons between April to November weather conditions may severely restrict transport operations. During the overlapping harvesting seasons of cotton, cocoa and coffee - from November to April a temporary shortage of suitable equipment may prevail on the secondary road transport market. Jan - Jan

Rail Transport

The rail system will as a rule not suffer from adverse weather conditions.Demand for wagons for transport from up-country to the coastal region and Abidjan port area can be high during the harvest season Jan - Jan

Air Transport

During tornadoes (April to August) airports can be temporarily closed. The closure of an airport to all civil air traffic is usually brief and will not entail major disruption to the air traffic. Jan - Jan

Waterway Transport

The local passenger ferry services on the lagoons can be temporary disrupted during the passages of tornadoes. Jan - Jan



Seasonal Affects on Storage and Handling (economic, social, climate…)



From <month> to <month>


Warehousing facilities are in general weatherproof. Storage will not suffer from adverse weather conditions. High degree of humidity may restrict the long-term storage of food commodities in the coastal area.During the peak of the export season (November – April) storage capacity can be in short supply in the Abidjan and San Pedro port perimeter

Nov - Apr


Rain and tornadoes will bring all outside cargo handling operations in port, transit areas and warehouses to a standstill.

Jan - Jan


Unless the roads leading into Guinea are rehabilitated, major transport operations via San Pedro (or Abidjan) into Guinea should be positively avoided during the rainy season

Apr - Nov

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The “Office National de la Protection Civile – ONPC” or “National Office of Civil Defence” is the designated body to prevent civil risks and to activate the rescue means required to safeguard individuals and protect property and the environment from accident and disasters of natural, human or technological, accidental or voluntary origin.

The “Groupe des Sapeurs Pompiers Militaires – GSPM” 1.000 military firemen strong is part of the ONPC. The GSPM are regrouped in 5 camps: Adjamé Indénié, Yopougon, Marcory Zone 4 and Abidjan. In case of need the GSPM unit of “ Société Ivoirienne de Raffinerie – SIR” can be called in for emergency operations in the southern perimeter of Abidjan.

The equipment of GSPM comprises: Emergency rescue vehicles, fire engines, reanimation ambulances, automatic turn-table ladders, rescue vehicles for asphyxiated and wounded, road rescue vehicles, fire tankers, motorized pump trailers, zodiac rescue canoes, foam thrower hoses, diving equipment, compressed air tanker trucks.

For information on Côte d'Ivoire government contact details, please see the following link: 4.2.1 Cote D'Ivoire Government Contact List

Humanitarian Community

The ONPC works closely with the “ Système des Nations Unies – SNU” a coordinating body operating via “ UNCT – United Nations Country Team” and “ IAHCC – Inter Agency Humanitarian Coordination Committee” which is headed by the UN Resident Coordinator M. Georg Charpentier. The latter is Resident Representative of UNDP, Humanitarian Coordinator and Assistant Representative of the Secretary General for the UN peacekeeping mission in Côte d’Ivoire – ONUCI - UNOCI.

The peacekeeping missions of the United Nations – UNOCI – ONUCI and France – LICORNE respectively 9000 and 1800 men strong – play since 2002 an important role in helping CI recover from a protracted period of civil and social unrest. Both ONUCI and LICORNE have the necessary equipment in terms of helicopters, armoured vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, shelters and emergency stocks of fuel to provide in case of emergency the necessary support to humanitarian operations. Communication channels are kept open via different coordinating bodies like SNU, UNCT, IAHCC and OCHA.

Assistance is forthcoming, ONUCI providing on a regular basis facilities for air and land transport, radio communications and fuel supplies. In case of need and if justified ONUCI-UNOCI will provide escort facilities.

The presence of the “Comité International de la Croix Rouge – CICR” is conspicuous. The CICR works in close cooperation with the “Croix Rouge de Côte d’Ivoire – CRCI” and with the other UN agencies.

For information on Côte d'Ivoire humanitarian contact details, please see the following link: 4.2.2 Cote D'Ivoire Humanitarian Agency Contact List