Brinland - LRT - 2.2 Brinland Aviation

Aviation sources within Brinland are very sparse.

Brinland has two international airports: Brinland International Airport and Ahynta International Airport. Brinland International Airport is a civil-military airport.

More information can be found via the following link: 2.2.1 Brinland International Airport. 

Ahynta International Airport is used for national and regional passenger flights, with no real cargo handling facilities. Only one runway (1,300 m) is available at the Ahynta International Airport, but it is currently under extension.

The two main national airports in Brinland are Careti National Airport and Bekario National Airport. Careti National Airport activity has been in sharp decrease since the Brindisi-Ahynta highway entered in service in 2010. Bekario National Airport has a long unpaved runway with significant handling and storage capacities.

Smaller airfields with unpaved runways can be found in Allon, Bratina, Dakaro, Gatjum, Garin Kufai, Gangoy, San Vito and Djakoni. 

Two commercial air carriers are present int he region: Cazair and Airbee. These carriers mainly offer passenger service throughout Brinland, but neither have been evaluation or accepted to provide services for the humanitarian community.