Jamaica - 2 Logistics Infrastructure

Jamaica sits at the intersection of several maritime and aviation routes to the Americas, Europe and Western Africa. The port industry in Jamaica is developed through public and private partnerships with sector integration. There is also development of national infrastructure assets such as ports, airports, road networks and the creation of special economic zones underway.

An example of road development is the toll road from Kingston to Ocho Rios, which 67 km (41.6 miles) long and goes from the north to south of Jamaica.  It’s a brand-new state of the art tolled 4-lane highway and cuts a nearly two-hour drive down to 50 minutes. There are also alternate routes without tolls and other road networks across the island’s highlands. These available structures could be used as an alternate solution during a major disaster, with a major transit time between cities. There are some structural issues and minor road degradation to be found, such as mountainous terrains with unpaved and paved roads.

The road network between the major cities on the northern island are in good condition, specifically between Ocho Rios – Montego Bay.

The Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce (MIIC) has an initiative program for a Jamaica Global Hub.  It involves the creation and expansion of special economic zones across the island, aviation repair and maintenance, ship repair, dry docking zones and the establishment of effective investor programs.