2.6 Georgia Storage Assessment

Georgia Storage Assessment

During the Soviet days warehouses were set up in all major urban centres of Georgia. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, much of the infrastructure has become dysfunctional. Many of these warehouses have access to the railroad. Every major town along the railroad network has warehouses with railway access. Should warehousing capacity still be short, one could look into a number of the factory buildings that are no longer in use. Some improvements (cleaning, removal of hardware, installing of security devises etc.) will be necessary, but it should be cheaper than importing mobile storage units, such as Wiikhalls, and the like. As a result of the industrial past of the country during the Soviet days and the high unemployment rate, it is not difficult to find skilled labourers. Warehouse management staff and logisticians generally need some training, but with the gradual increasing activities of a number of Western Joint Venture companies, skilled staff becomes more available.

Commercial Storage

Location Owner  Available for rent Capacity Type Access Condition
Tsekavshiri Universal Trade Base,  4 Uimashevi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
20,000 m²
Raised siding
Georgian Trans Expedition Terminal,  1 Kokaia Alley, Poti, Georgia
Georgian Trans Expedition
16,500 m²

[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair

Storage Used by Humanitarian Organizations

Location Organisation Sharing possibility Capacity Type Access  Condition
Tbilisi, Lilo 1
3,605 m²

[1] Cold Room Positive, Cold Room Negative, Refrigerator, Freezer,

[2] Compression, Absorption, Solar, Other, unspecified