3 Turkmenistan Logistics Services

Turkmenistan Logistics Services

The current stage of socio-economic transformations in Turkmenistan is a period of institutional reforms aimed at the creation of efficient market mechanisms. The main national interests in the economy are concentrated in the following areas: increase in economic competitiveness and its effectiveness and sustainability, elimination of structural disparities and integration into the global economy. The transport system is becoming the basis for Turkmenistan’s effective integration into the global community with a status that corresponds to the level of a highly developed state.
At present, a steady increase in the role of the transport industry in the country’s economy is being observed. The share of transport and communications in the country’s GDP equates to 4.5% in 2011.

Turkmenistan has a wide variety of modern transport and possesses a widely ramified network of rail, air, road and sea transport and a well developed system of pipelines. The overall length of railway tracks is more than 3,500km, and the length roads is 13,700km,12,300km of which have hard road surfacing. Large-scale works are being carried out in Turkmenistan to modernise its road transport infrastructure in order to activate trade and economic cooperation not only in the Central Asian region but also on a global scale. A clear example of modern advanced construction is the flyover constructed on the highway connecting the international airport in Turkmenbashi City and the Avaza national tourist zone. Chandybil Avenue, which has been attested by the CETE APAVE Cudeurope Certificate and which conforms to the standards of the American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and European standards is another infrastructure project that has been commissioned.

 Modern types of transport are regularly purchased in the country, including the Boeing aircraft, diesel locomotives and railway cars, sea transport (tankers, bulk carriers, etc.), various kinds of road transport vehicles and agricultural machinery. A new, state-of-the-art airport has been put into operation in Turkmenbashi City that accommodates 800 passengers per hour and up toxic aircraft at one time. The airport is equipped with the latest technologies and provides passenger and crew comfort, which significantly promotes the development of tourism in the region. This airport serves airliners flying from South and South-West Asia and is set to become an important transit point. Taking into account the commissioned freight terminals, the Turkmenbashi airport is also a major modern freight hub.

The reconstruction of landing strips in accordance with international standards and the recommended ICAO practice is being carried out at all airports in Turkmenistan. In addition, the works to further develop the competitive international airport in Ashgabat are continuing The main objectives of water transport are the execution of state orders and assignments for freight transport in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea and along the inland waterways of Turkmenistan, ensuring normal operation of the fleet, pontoon and ferry crossings and marine and river landing stages in the transport and handling of freight, which are of strategic importance for the national economy and necessary in order to ensure the activities affecting the daily lives of the country’s population