1.3 Egypt Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption 

For contact information regarding government customs authorities, please see the following link: 4.1 Egypt Government Contact List

Emergency Response 

Agreements / Conventions Description 

Ratified by Country? 

(Yes / No)  

WCO (World Customs Organization) member 

Yes, 26-10-1956 

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention 

Yes, 26 June 1999  

OCHA Model Agreement 

Yes, October 2011 

Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations) 


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration) 


Environment Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification   

Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal  

Convention on Biological Diversity  

Health WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control  

Human Rights Convention on The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women  

Convention on The Political Rights of Women

Convention on The Rights of Persons with Disabilities  

Convention on the Rights of the Child  

Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment  

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide  

UN Conference of Plenipotentiaries on A Supplementary Convention on The Abolition of Slavery, The Slave Trade, Institutions, Practices Similar to Slavery  

International Convention on The Protection of The Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families 

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid  

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination  

Universal Declaration of Human Rights 

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child prostitution and Child Pornography  

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights  

Privileges and immunities Vienna Convention Consular RelationsVienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations  

The UN Charter UN Charter and Statute of the International Court of Justice  

Egypt and Arab League Treaties between Egypt and Arab League 

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response):  

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity) 











Spare Parts 


& Office 


Telecoms Equipment 


If not under LC* then only 1 original legalized Commercial 

Invoice +2 copies Legalized by foreign affairs of COD** and Egypt embassy at COD 

If not under LC* then only 1 original legalized Commercial 

Invoice +2 copies “Legalized by foreign affairs of COD** and Egypt embassy at COD”. 

If not under LC* then only 1 original legalized Commercial 

Invoice +2 copies “Legalized by foreign affairs of COD** and Egypt embassy at COD”. 

If not under LC* then only 1 original legalized Commercial 

Invoice +2 copies “Legalized by foreign affairs of COD** and Egypt embassy at COD” 

If not under LC* then only 1 original legalized Commercial 

Invoice +2 copies “Legalized by foreign affairs of COD** and Egypt embassy at COD” 

If not under LC* then only 1 original legalized Commercial 

Invoice +2 copies “Legalized by foreign affairs of COD** and Egypt embassy at COD” 

AWB/BL/Other Transport 


Unless under LC the normal importation requires: 3 non-negotiable original B/L is mode of transport is by sea Or 1 original AWB / Truck waybill 

Express resale / release telex is also acceptable          

Unless under LC the normal importation requires: 3 non-negotiable original B/L is mode of transport is by sea Or 1 original AWB / Truck waybill 

Express resale / release telex is also acceptable         

Unless under LC the normal importation requires: 3 non-negotiable original B/L is mode of transport is by sea Or 1 original AWB / Truck waybill 

Express resale / release telex is also acceptable         

Unless under LC the normal importation requires: 3 non-negotiable original B/L is mode of transport is by sea Or 1 original AWB / Truck waybill 

Express resale / release telex is also acceptable          

Unless under LC the normal importation requires: 3 non-negotiable original B/L is mode of transport is by sea Or 1 original AWB / Truck waybill 

Express resale / release telex is also acceptable         

Unless under LC the normal importation requires: 3 non-negotiable original B/L is mode of transport is by sea Or 1 original AWB / Truck waybill 

Express resale / release telex is also acceptable         



Certificate of Origin- 2 copies 

+ original document which must be approved by Egyptian consulate in COD 

Certificate of Origin- 2 copies 

+ original document which must be approved by Egyptian consulate in COD 

Certificate of Origin- 2 copies 

+ original document which must be approved by Egyptian consulate in COD 

Certificate of Origin- 2 copies 

+ original document which must be approved by Egyptian consulate in COD 

Certificate of Origin- 2 copies 

+ original document which must be approved by Egyptian consulate in COD 

Certificate of Origin- 2 copies 

+ original document which must be approved by Egyptian consulate in COD 

Packing Lists 

Detailed PL is Recommended 

Detailed PL is Recommended 

Detailed PL is Recommended 

Detailed PL is Recommended 

Detailed PL is Recommended 

Detailed PL is Recommended 

Other Documents 

  • Certificate of origin  

- ProForma 

Invoice(if Under LC ) 

- Delivery order from shipping line agent / airport operator   

Health certificates 

- Test certificate 

- Specification certificate 

Radiation certificate 

Fumigation certificates 

Conformity certificate 



(required for products which undergo standards testing 

Based on the type of commodity  

  • Certificate of origin  

- ProForma 

Invoice(if Under LC ) 

- Delivery order from shipping line agent / airport operator   

- Health certificates 

- Test certificate 

- Specification certificate 

- Radiation certificate 

- Fumigation certificates 

- Conformity certificate 



(required for products which undergo standards testing 

Based on the type of commodity 

  • Certificate of origin  

- ProForma 

Invoice(if Under LC ) 

- Delivery order from shipping line agent / airport operator   

- Health certificates 

- Test certificate 

- Specification certificate 

- Radiation certificate 

- Fumigation certificates 

- Conformity certificate 



(required for products which undergo standards testing 

Based on the type of commodity 

  • Certificate of origin  

- ProForma 

Invoice(if Under LC ) 

- Delivery order from shipping line agent / airport operator   

- Health certificates 

- Test certificate 

- Specification certificate 

- Radiation certificate 

- Fumigation certificates 

- Conformity certificate 



(required for products which undergo standards testing 

Based on the type of commodity 

  • Certificate of origin  

- ProForma 

Invoice(if Under LC ) 

- Delivery order from shipping line agent / airport operator   

- Health certificates 

- Test certificate 

- Specification certificate 

- Radiation certificate 

- Fumigation certificates 

- Conformity certificate 



(required for products which undergo standards testing 

Based on the type of commodity 

  • Certificate of origin  

- ProForma 

Invoice(if Under LC ) 

- Delivery order from shipping line agent / airport operator   

- Health certificates 

- Test certificate 

- Specification certificate 

- Radiation certificate 

- Fumigation certificates 

- Conformity certificate 



(required for products which undergo standards testing 

Based on the type of commodity 

Additional Notes 

For further information on the document requirements stated above, please see the following document: Egypt Customs Information  

*LC : letter of credit  

COD : Country of Dispatch  

Customs Clearance 

General Information  

Customs Information 



· Passport (original) · Work Permit (original) or application documents · Customs Bond · Letter of Guarantee or Power of Attorney · Residence Visa · Inventory - showing number of pieces, cartons and precise contents of each · Keys for any locked items · Letter from Employer to Customs stating duration of Customer's stay and financial guarantees · Certificate of Residence Change · Delivery address and telephone number 


Israeli Products importations / exportations  

Prohibited Items 

Pornographic material · Drugs · Fireworks , Firearms and weapons, ammunition, daggers and swords · Anti-Islamic religious materials · Gold and silver (tableware permitted) · Cordless telephones · Resolution colour printers or photocopiers 

General Restrictions 

GMO food 

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity) 










Spare Parts 


& Office 


Telecoms Equipment 

D&T Exemption 









Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and 


Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and 


Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and 


Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and 


Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and 


Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and 


AWB/BL/Other Transport 


3 Originals + 3 copies, applies 

to UN and NGOs 

3 Originals + 3 copies, applies 

to UN and NGOs 

3 Originals + 3 copies, applies 

to UN and NGOs 

3 Originals + 3 copies, applies 

to UN and NGOs 

3 Originals + 3 copies, applies 

to UN and NGOs 

3 Originals + 3 copies, applies 

to UN and NGOs 



Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Packing Lists 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Original Invoice, applies 

for UN and NGOs 

Phytosanitary Certificate 







Other Documents 

Certificate of Origin 

Fumigation certificate 

Non GMO certificate 

Phytosanitary certificate 

Certificate of Origin 

Fumigation certificate 

Non GMO certificate 

Phytosanitary certificate 

Certificate of Origin 

Fumigation certificate 

Non GMO certificate 

Phytosanitary certificate 

Certificate of Origin 

Fumigation certificate 

Non GMO certificate 

Phytosanitary certificate 

Certificate of Origin 

Fumigation certificate 

Non GMO certificate 

Phytosanitary certificate 

Certificate of Origin 

Fumigation certificate 

Non GMO certificate 

Phytosanitary certificate 

Additional Notes 







Transit Regime 

Customs Information by Entry Points as well as other comments on Customs Information and Document Requirements can be found in the following document: Egypt Customs Information Additional Information.docx