3 Iraq Services and Supply

The main modes of regional and international transportation in Iraq are air, sea, roads, and railway. In addition to these four modes, pipelines are of special importance in Iraq, as they link the export of Iraqi oil to the world through the Turkish port of Ceyhan – Jordanian port of Aqaba. Economy is currently affected by the devaluation of the Iraqi currency vs USD. This can continue to affect prices in the local markets in Iraq, as well as the transportation cost. During a crisis, supply and demand have an influence on the costs and availability of logistics services, especially when the logistical infrastructure is damaged or by increasing the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar. The electricity in Iraq is controlled by the Government, though the current production does not satisfy local needs. The main source of power is still taken from generators, as well as from outside the country Iran and the newly establish supply from Gulf Countries - Saudi Arabia. 

The following sections contain information about logistics in Iraq more broadly.

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