2.1.12 Egypt Port of Ras Gharib

Port Overview

A natural port situated on the west shore of the Gulf of Suez.

Admiralty chart: 753

Admiralty Pilot: 64

Anchorages: Vessels can safely anchor in depth of over 9 m.

Pilotage: Compulsory

Radio Frequency/Information: VHF Ch 16, 4 and 2

Weather: North winds most of the year and occasionally short South gales making anchorage impossible. 

Key port information can also be found at: Website of the Maritime Database on the Port of Ras Gharib 

Port Location and Contacts  



Province or District 


Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km) 

Name: Cairo km: n/a 

Port's Complete Name 



28° 21' N 


33° 07' E 

Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation) 

Egyptian General Petroleum Co 

Management Contact Person 


Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations 

Airport Name: n/a 

Airlines: n/a 

Description and Contacts of Key Companies 

4.4 Egypt Port and Waterways Companies Contact List

Berthing Specifications 

Tanker terminal sheltered by a cape and a chain of reefers. Three loading piers for crude oil. Northern pier, depth alongside 8.23 m, max permissible length of vessel 137 m, max draft 7.32 m, loading rate of 650 t/h. Central pier, depth alongside 10.97 m max. loa 183 m, max draft 9.75 m, loading rate 1200 t/h. 

Berthing and unberthing during daylight hours only. Ballast facility is available 

Southern pier, depth alongside 23.71 m, max loa 299 m, max draft 16.75 m, loading rate 2000 t/h. The diameter of the crude oil loading lines at the three berths are 18 inches, 18 inches and 30 inches respectively. 

Provisions and Fresh Water: Available. 

Towage: Not required. 

Customs Guidance 

1.3 Egypt Customs Information