1.3 Kazakhstan Customs Information

Kazakhstan Customs Information

For information on Kazakhstan Customs contact details, please see the following link:

4.2.1 Kazakhstan Government Contact List

Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC). Membership in the EAEC includes Russia, Kyrgyzstan,Belarus, and Tajikistan, Uzbekistan with Moldova , Armenia and Ukraine having observer status. Trade among the five EAEC countries is generally duty-free, but protective measures, including tariffs, may be applied in selected areas. The countries have not yet established a common external tariff. Kazakhstan is also (with Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus) part of the Single Economic Space (SES), a nascent common market. Kazakhstan is committed to deeper integration with its neighbors through the SES.

All goods and vehicles moving across the borders of Kazakhstan's must be registered by customs. To carry out foreign economic activities (FEA), residents of Kazakhstan must register with the customs authorities and receive an FEA participant's card. If a contract with a foreign partner exceeds $10,000, a transaction certificate has to be drawn up at the customs body as foreign exchange department. Customs registration of exported/imported goods for residents and non-residents may be carried out through a customs broker. A customs brokers is a Kazakhstan-based legal entity set up under Kazakh law that holds a license from the central customs authorities to operate as a customs broker.

For information on Kazakhstan Customs additional details, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Customs Additional Information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to 'crisis' times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes - 30 Jun 1992

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Yes - 2010

OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response): 

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

For information on Kazakhstan Customs Excemption Regular Regime, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan National Customs Legislation and Regime

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Kazakhstan Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Application Procedure Information

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

For Kazakhstan Exemption Certificate document requirement details, please see the following documents: 

Kazakhstan Exemption Certificate Document Requirements Table

Kazakhstan Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Mark the waybills very clearly “Used Household goods and personal effects”.
Packing list should be in English or Russian.
Do not attach the inventory list used for the insurance purposes with the documents enclosed with the shipment.
Pre-alert along with the copies of the rated waybill or transportation cost on the letterhead of the shipper, detailed packing list, valued inventories for customs purposes with origin country & value per item, contact details of consignee and shipping schedule should be sent to your agent by e-mail or fax well in advance, at least 5 days prior to the shipment’s arrival.
Please ask for the consignment instructions before sending the shipment in order to avoid any extra storage / demurrage charges.

Customs Clearance Document Requirements

For information on Kazakhstan Customs Clearance Socument Requirements, please see the above table on Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Transit Regime

For information on Kazakhstan Customs Transit Regime, please see the following document: 

Kazakhstan Transit Customs Regime for Goods

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.