3.6 Mozambique Food Suppliers, Accommodation and OtherMarkets

Mozambique Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

4.8 Mozambique Additional Services Contact List

Main Food Suppliers

Locations: Most commodities are produced and stored in the provinces of Nampula and Zambezia, as well as the major cities in the central region… Chimoio, Gorongosa, Beira and Tete
Transport: The country is large so transport costs must be taken into account as they can be expensive
Currency: Know the currency used during the procurement transcations, know the exchange rate (official and formal)
Payments: Be aware of payment requirements, vendors might demand an advance payment of up to 50 % etc
Deliveries: Be patient during deliveries of orders as there will always be some surprises, prepare a ‘Plan B’
Packaging: There are only two food packaging companies in Moçambique, one in Maputo and one in Nacala (SANAL)
Sugar: For locally produced sugar it is only possible to be purchased through the DNA (Distributor Nacional de Acucar)
Assistance: If you need any advice then contact the WFP Procurement Unit, they will be happy to assist


For a list of accommodation providers, please select the contact list given above.