

Country name:


Official country name:

République d'Haïti; Repiblik Ayiti

Table of Contents

Chapter  Name of Assessor  Organization Date Updated 

1 Haiti Country Profile

Danliang Lian WFP July 2022
1.1 Haiti Humanitarian Background Danliang Lian WFP June 2022
1.2 Haiti Regulatory Departments Yendi Gervé WFP June 2022
1.3 Haiti Customs Information Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012

2 Haiti Logistics Infrastructure

Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012
2.1 Haiti Port Assessment Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti July 2022
2.1.1 Haiti Port International de Port-au-Prince- APN Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti July 2022
2.1.1a Haiti Port of Terminal Varreux Madeline Habib Port Captain, Haiti July 2022
2.1.2 Haiti Port of Jacmel Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti July 2022
2.1.3 Haiti Port of Jeremie  Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti July 2022
2.1.4 Haiti Port of Lafito Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.1.5 Haiti Port of Cap Haitien Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti June 2022
2.1.6 Haiti Port of Gonaives (public port) Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti June 2022
2.1.7 Haiti Port of Gonaives (Sedren Terminal) Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti June 2022
2.1.8 Haiti Port of Saint Marc Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti May 2022
2.1.9 Haiti Port of Carriès Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP October 2016
2.1.10 Haiti Port of Les Cayes Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.1.11 Haiti Port of Terminal Abraham Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.1.12 Haiti Port of Saint Louie de Sud Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.1.13 Haiti Port of Petit Goave Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.1.14 Haiti Port of Miragaone Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.1.15 Haiti Port of Les Moulins d'Haiti Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti March 2022
2.2 Haiti Aviation UNHAS Haiti WFP July 2022
2.2.1 Haiti Port au Prince International Airport - Toussaint Louverture Danliang Lian WFP July 2022
2.2.2 Haiti Cap Haitien International Airport Danliang Lian WFP July 2022
2.2.3 Haiti Les Cayes National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP July 2022
2.2.4 Haiti Jacmel National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP July 2022
2.2.5 Haiti Port de Paix National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP June 2022
2.2.6 Haiti Anse a Galets National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP June 2022
2.2.7 Haiti Belladere National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP June 2022
2.2.8 Haiti Ouanaminthe National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP June 2022
2.2.9 Haiti Hinche National Airfield UNHAS Haiti WFP June 2022
2.2.10 Haiti Jeremie National Airport UNHAS Haiti WFP June 2022
2.3 Haiti Road Network Yendi Gervé WFP July 2022
2.3.1 Haiti Gonaives - Cap Haitian Road Assessment Madeleine Habib Port Captain, Haiti June 2022
2.4 Haiti Storage Assessment Danliang Lian WFP July 2022
2.5 Haiti Milling Assessment Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012

3 Haiti Logistics Services

Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012
3.1 Haiti Fuel Franklin Joseph WFP July 2022
3.2 Haiti Transporters Yendi Gervé WFP July 2022
3.3 Haiti Additional Service Providers Danliang Lian WFP July 2022
3.4 Haiti Manual Labor Yendi Gervé WFP July 2022
3.5 Haiti Telecommunications Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP May 2022
3.6 Haiti Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012
3.7 Haiti Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure Assessment Erin Danford University of Freiburg April 2022

4 Haiti Contact Lists

Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012
4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists Yendi Gervé WFP June 2022
4.2 Haiti Humanitarian Agency Contact List Yendi Gervé WFP June 2022
4.3 Haiti Port and Waterways Company Contact List Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP February 2012
4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List Yendi Gervé WFP June 2022
4.5 Haiti Storage and Milling Company Contact List Danliang Lian WFP July 2022
4.6 Haiti Fuel Provider Contact List WFP Haiti WFP June 2022
4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List Logistics Cluster Unit Haiti WFP March 2022
4.8 Haiti Waste Management Companies Contact List Erin Danford University of Freiburg April 2022

5 Haiti Annexes

UNHAS Haiti WFP July 2022
5.1 Haiti Acronyms and Abbreviation UNHAS Haiti WFP July 2022

2 Haiti Logistics Infrastructure

The following sections contain information on the logistics infrastructure of Haiti.

2.1 Haiti Port Assessment

Within the Port-au-Prince district there are three ports which handle the majority of cargo arriving into Haiti . The three ports are APN Port, Terminal Varreux and Port Lafito. Cap Haitian on the north coast is also an important import port. There are two dedicated fuel terminals at Terminal Varreux and Thor, both close to Port-au-Prince. Terminal Abraham and Moulins d’Haiti are equipped to import bulk grain. A variety of smaller ports are used for local shipments, and some of them (Gonaives, Saint Marc, Jacmel) also handle international shortsea shipments.

In terms of container traffic, there are no direct calls by global liner carriers to Haiti and these ports are called by feeder vessels of global liner operators via regional hub ports: Freeport, Bahamas for MSC calling only at Port-au-Prince; Kingston, Jamaica for CMA-CGM (with Vital S.A. as agent) calling at Port-au-Prince and Cap Haitien; Manzanillo, Panama for Maersk and SeaLand (both with Agemar S.A. as agent) calling at Port-au-Prince; Colon, Panama for Evergreen (with Samar S.A. as agent) calling at Port Lafito.

Seaboard Marine and Antillean are regional lines in the Caribbean.

 Key seaport information may also be found at:

Autorite Portuaire Nationale

Haiti Ports at Maritime-Database.com

Haiti Ports at MarineTraffic.com

 For more information on port contacts, please see the following link: 4.3 Haiti Port and Waterways Company Contact List.




2.1.1 Haiti Port International de Port-au-Prince APN


Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The International Port of Port-au-Prince (known as APN) was to be the centrepiece of a nationwide port rebuilding programme however progress has stalled. The first phase of redevelopment for Quai Nord was completed in June 2016.  Port Lafito now competes as the premier container handling port for Port-au-Prince. Containerised cargo is handled at Quai Nord. Several container feeder services of global liner operators call at this port (MSC, CMA-CGM, ZIM, Maersk/Sealand, Antillean, DP World). The barges, which were temporary wharves during port reconstruction lie at the western end of Quai Nord and are still used for discharge of bulk commodities such as grain.

Quai Sud has not been developed and continues to be used by tugs, small craft and barges. There are no cargo operations at Quai Sud. There are small beach landings between Quai Nord and Quai Sud used for landing craft engaged in cabotage trade and ferry services. International container and bulk operations are managed by Caribbean Port Services who own the cargo handling equipment.

The International Port had a throughput of 180 000 TEUs in 2021. The port handled 277 vessel calls in 2021and 365 in 2020, with an average vessel call of seven hours.

Port website: Autorite Portuaire Nationale

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City Distance from Port

Within Port-au-Prince

Port's Complete Name

International Port of Port-au-Prince (known as APN)





Managing Company or Port Authority

Caribbean Port Services

Autorite Portuaire Nationale

Management Contact Person

General Director- Ken Lacoste +509 4039 4784

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

There are 5 tugs available, 3 Svitzer + 2 APN. Tug service is mandatory. 1 tug for vessels up to 150m LOA, 2 tugs for vessels greater than 150m LOA. North Quay and the RoRo ramp have good fenders and bollards. The cement structures are in good condition. The Barges at the Western end of North Quay have adequate fenders and bollards.

The Southern Quay is in reasonable condition but is crowded with many small vessels and tugs.

North Quay and RoRo berth showing DP World Feeder service vessel alongside. Access to RoRo berth can be blocked when there are containerships in port.

South Quay. Congested with tugs, barges and small craft. Coast Guard vessels also moored here. No cargo operations at South Quay. 


There are three beach berths between North and South Quays which can be used by landing craft.




Ht above SL



North Quay


410 m

 2.7 m

11.5 m

Mainly for container ships



120 m each


11.5 m

Bulk only

RoRo Berth


30 m


6.6 m

Bloced at times by containership operations

South Quay


200 m

1.5 m

6.5 m

Congested. No cargo operations

Beach berths



For landing craft

Port Handling Equipment

Cargo handling equipment belongs to Caribbean Port Services (CPS). They manage the sizable container storage area in the northern section of the port. CPS has a separate entrance gate.





Mobile cranes


 Gottwald/ Konecrane

 650,000 TEUs

Reach -stackers



Top- loaders





Evacuators/ conveyors




Bagging machines




Tanker storage








Container storage area

 40 ha

 400,000 TEUs

Container reefer points


 400 PLUGS



Caribbean Grain Company


Mobile crane at North Quay

Storage Facilities

There is a 40-hectare container yard inside the port facility, in the northern section managed by CPS. The capacity is 400 000 TEUs and there are 400 reefer-points. The average container dwell time is 15 days and the facility is under Navis Octopi terminal operating system (TOS). The port reports 32 container movements per hour. There are warehouse facilities of 1850m2 which is projected to be expanded to 19,000 m2 in 2023. There are private silos on site which belong to Caribbean Grain company. They are used exclusively for rice. 

Security and Access

The port has 24/7 security guards on duty. The area is not covered by CCTV. There are active security patrols within the port by armed guards. The port is surrounded by a high perimeter fence. There are two distinct entrances. CPS gate (Waaf Jeremie) in the north-east and APN in the south-east. CPS has their own security company patrolling the CPS section of the port. APN are responsible for security in the southern section of the port. The PFSOs work in close cooperation. The entire facility is situated in a zone that is subject to gang activity and sporadic violence. Access is restricted at times. (July 2022)

2.1.2 Haiti Port of Jacmel

Port Overview

The port of Jacmel is a small port operated under the supervision of APN in the Sud-Est Department of Haiti, next to the town of Jacmel. The port is inside the Baie de Jacmel and is partially protected by a fringing reef to the south-east. The port is quite exposed and experiences heavy swell at times. A pilot is available to guide vessels, but the approach is not complicated for shallow draft vessels. There are shifting sand banks on the approach to the port, due to the nearby river-mouth.

The port has a total workable surface of approximately 1700 sqm. Located on the southern coast of the country, it is the closest Haitian port to the Dominican Republic (Rio Haina and Caucedo). It does not receive shipments from major global shipping lines.  Bulk carriers with their own cranes discharge cement. These are the only vessel calling regularly at the port (July 2022) There are occasional calls by large stern ramp RoRos discharging second-hand vehicles. There is no RoRo berth and smaller vessel would not be able to discharge due to the height of the main berth.

The small cement ramp, to the north of the main pier, is used by local craft and is too shallow for RoRo operations

There is a customs office (in town located in same facility as that of the aviation authorities).

The location of the port in the south of the island allows greater access to southern areas of the country in an emergency. However, there is very limited storage capacity and cargo traffic to Haiti is only moved through the port sporadically. 

Port website: http://www.apn.gouv.ht/ Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Jacmel, Sud-Est Department

Nearest Town or City 

Port-au-Prince 92km





Port Authority

 Autorite Portuaire Nationale APN

A - Commercial cargo wharf

B - Concrete landing ramp for small landing craft 

C – Old Jetty not usable for commercial cargo. Wooden surface in poor repair

D - Stone mole limiting usage length of west side of wharf

Key Companies

Jacmel is operated under the supervision of APN (Autorite Portuaire Nationale). No stevedore companies or transporters are based at the port but can be arranged by port authorities. Joel Khawley is the principal importer in to Jacmel Port (July 2022) +509 3137 0101.

Handling Equipment

There is no shore-based cargo-handling equipment available at the port and no stevedore company. Forklifts can be sourced locally. There is no other cargo handling equipment. Ships must self-discharge. The pier is adequate to handle heavy trucks.

Pictured here is Mounie K which calls every few months with bagged cement from Dominican Republic.

Storage and Hinterland

There is no dedicated covered storage facility at the port. Cargo must be moved out of the port area directly. The cement apron is relatively small and there is not a large parking area. No transport companies are based at the port, but trucks can be hired from Port au Prince or other locations.   

Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Maximum Draft (m)

Ht above Sea Level


Conventional Berth


East 106 m

West 50 m

5 m / 2.7m above S/L

Eastern berth has good fenders. Often in use as lay-by piers for idle vessels as port only used sporadically for significant cargo traffic.

Old Jetty



3m/ 1.5m above S/L

The wooden surface on this jetty is in very por condition with many planks missing. It could not withstand vehicle traffic.

The main pier extends in a southerly direction. eastern showing the principal berth. Good fenders and bollards in place.

The old jetty showing poor condition of wooden planking.

Security and Access

The port fence is in poor condition. There is a private enterprise building and restoring fishing boats inside the port. Access is not very secure.

2.1.3 Haiti Port of Jeremie


Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Jeremie is a cabotage port and does not comply with ISPS. Main imports are cement and rice. There are vessel calls approximately every 15 days. The port is quite exposed to the east and is likely to experience considerable swell at times. APN ports are free for use by humanitarian organisations carrying cargo that has customs exemption. Fees may be charged for warehouse storage or for truck parking inside the port perimeter.


Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Grand Anse

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince 288km

Port's Complete Name

Port of Jeremie





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Louis Louisnes  Director +509 4033 4775

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

The port consists of a single pier oriented to the East. Total length of pier approx. 100m but only 40m is usable. The platform at the end of the pier was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew. The useable berth is to landward of the platform. The southern side of the pier is used most frequently. There are a few tyres hung as fenders. There 2 are substantial bollards on either side of the pier.

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth



2.3 m

Reported to be 10 m

The mid-section of the pier has potential 40m berths on either side.

Roro Berth


7.5 m

2.3 m

Reported to be 10 m

Local vessel goes stern to, on an angle – as in Diagram.

Container Berth



Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



A stern-to or bow-to roro operation can be conducted at the angled berth half-way along the pier. There is no data on the strength of the pier, but it has been used with heavy vehicle traffic offloading cement.

Main berth looking East & seaward. Taken from ro-ro berth.

Damaged section of the end of the pier. This section is not useable.

Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling equipment and no official stevedoring company. The Port Director can organise stevedores if given a few days’ notice. 


Storage Facilities

Adjacent to the office is a warehouse facility (10 m x 8 m). It is a substantial and well-maintained cement building with a tin roof. It has a smooth cement floor, raised step at door prevents ingress of water. Solid steel double doors which open outwards. Doors were locked. No electricity, though internal lights are fitted. This facility would be available at a discounted rate to WFP. There is a large hardstand area suitable for staging trucks, approximately 800 m2.


The port has 27/7 security guards on duty. Th port is surrounded by a 2.5m high cement wall topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance though a sliding steel gate. There is no electricity so although there are lights installed, they do not work.

Port Access

Access would be difficult for large trucks. The road immediately outside the port is seriously damaged. It is passable for light vehicles and small trucks.

2.1.4 Haiti Port of Lafito

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Port Lafito is a private international container terminal. Although it is privately owned it performs the function of an APN port. The complex covers 13 hectares. It is Haiti’s only Panamax Port and is owned by the GB Group who own the adjacent Industrial Free Zone (not yet operational) and a dryport in Port-au-Prince. The port was opened in 2015 and facilities are in good condition. The port is quite exposed with no breakwater and Ile a Cabrit offering some protection to the west.

Associated Industrial Zone


Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City  with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince 23km

Port's Complete Name

Port Lafito





Managing Company or Port Authority

GB Group

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Director – M Guy William +509 37017545

Security – Garry Amadee +509 4865 2638

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

The port is oriented to the NW-SE at has a single 450 m long berth.  This extends to 500 m with the outstanding mooring dolphins. There is shallow water to the NW as visible in the port photo. This is primarily a container port, but there is a cement operation (Cimex) in the Northern section of the port and vessels are loaded with cement on occasions. Mobile crane discharging container vessel.




Ht above SL



Conventional Berth



2.7 m

Reported to be 12.5 m

NW end of the container berth

Good fenders and bollards in place

Roro Berth






Container Berth


 450 m

2.7 m

Reported to be 12.5 m

Extends to 500 m with outlying mooring dolphins 

Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs


Tugs must be ordered from Por-au-Prince making this an expensive service .

Water Barges



Port Handling Equipment

Port Lafito is managed by SSA Marine and operated Tideworks Terminals Software (TOS).  Container moves are reported as 30/hr



Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Mobile Cranes


 Leihberr LMH420 mobile cranes. 124 mt lifting capacity

 Active and in good condition




 5 high




 5 high



Dedicated chassis




 25 and 30 tonnes

Storage Facilities

There is a container yard inside the port. Containers are stacked up to 3 high on compacted dirt hardstand. Containers are segregated as full, empty and dangerous goods. There are 30 reefer points. Port Lafito is owned by GB Group who own an associated dryport in Port-au-Prince


The port has 24/7 security guards on duty. The uniformed guards were attentive both at the gate and inside the facility. The port is surrounded by a tall wire fence topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance and one exit. A large independent power plant provides 24hr electricity and security lighting throughout the port complex. Fuel is trucked into the port.

Port Access

There is good access to the port. The road is clear and there is no local congestion.

2.1.5 Haiti Port of Cap Haitien

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

 Cap Haitian is the second most important port facility in Haiti after Port-au-Prince regional ports which encompass APN, Terminal Varreux and Port Lafito.. The strategic position on the north coast and close to Dominican Republic makes Cap Haitian an excellent entrance point to the country. Unfortunately, national insecurity and the poor condition of the roads to Gonaives and Port-au-Prince mean that the port is not well connected to the rest of Haiti.

The port lies on the western side of Baie de Cap Haitien. There are numerous reefs on the approach from the north. Navigation marks and lights are reported to be in place an operational (June 2022). The pilot boat is out of service (June 2022). The port is quite exposed to easterly trade winds, particularly Quay #1, the cruise ship berth.

In June 2022 the port was receiving 3 container ships per week and 2 bulk carriers per month. There are also frequent international shipments on dumb (propelled by tug boats) barges importing second-hand goods from Florida and Turks and Caicos.

Cap Terminal run the adjacent container yard and own the cranes within the port. They also provide stevedoring services. Cap Terminal | Home

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Nord Department

Nearest City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (200 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port de Cap Haitian





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Cap Terminal SA (CTSA)
CTSA website: http://www.capterminal.com/
CTSA Contact: Mr Roosvelt Talabert, Operations Manager, +509 3196 5082

Management Contact Person

APN Port Director – Pierre Richard Joseph +509 3101 2222

Security PFSO – Pierre Gerald Gay +509 3631 2587

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Cap Haitian Airport (5 km)

Toussaint Louverture  Port-au-Prince International Airport (200 km)

Port Picture

Berthing Specifications

There are two main quays at right angles, both have adequate fenders and regular bollards along their length. Pier 1 is augmented by the off-standing dolphin to accommodate larger vessels. The cement aprons are in good condition. Aprons are wide enough for direct discharge onto trucks. The pedestrian bridge connecting quay 1 to the port is severely damages and cannot be used. The cabotage both is very active with both motorised and sailing vessels crowding the berth.




Ht above SL



Conventional/ Container Berth


176 (with dolphin)

250 m


10.5m is deepest draft at quay 1


Good fenders and bollards in place

250 m

9.5 m is deepest draft at quay 2

Roro Berth


24 m

1.4 m

9.5 m is deepest draft at RoRo berth

Well-constructed RoRo berth

Berthing Tugs


Tugs are available

Water Barges



The RoRo berth, between quay 2 and the cabotage berth, is well constructed. There are adequate bollards for securing a vessel. Access may be blocked when there are vessels at quay 2.

Port Handling Equipment

Cap Terminal owns both mobile cranes operating in the port. The cranes can service quays 1 and 2. The newest crane came into service in 2021. Discharge rate is reported to be 17 moves/hr. Cap Terminal provide crane operators and stevedores for 24/7 operations. Cap Terminal and other private operators own the cargo handling equipment, such as forklifts in use throughout the port. The weighbridge is out of service (June 2022).

‘Bull Rice’ has privately owned grabs and mobile bagging machines in the port. Rice arrives in bulk and is bagged at the quayside and stored in the large private warehouse on the wharf. Port congestion may be experienced when there is a rice ship in port.

Cement arrives bagged and palletised and is stored in private warehouses on the wharf.

Prestige shipping also offer stevedoring and storage Prestige Ship Services

Cap Terminal’s new crane. Installed in 2021. SWL is 50 MT and is capable of 17 movements per hour. 

Spreader bars are available for 20’ & 40’ containers are available in the port. Not remotely operated.


Portable grab and hopper for bulk cargo owned by Bull Rice who bags rice at the quayside.


Mobile bagging machine. Accurate bagging rate was not available.





Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Mobile Cranes


Cap Terminal

Terex-built (2014)

  1. 50 MT SWL at 8-11 m
  2. 17.9 MT SWL at 36 m



Cap Terminal

 3 high



Cap Terminal

 3 high



Cap Terminal


Dedicated chassis


Cap Terminal

 More can be rented



 Privately owned. Some in poor condition

Storage Facilities

Containers are stored in the adjacent Cap Terminal compound. There is capacity for 2000 TEUs and 20 plugs for reefers. There are 2 generators running 24/7.  Dwell time is 5/6 days for commercial cargo. Additionally, there is a dry-port under construction, managed by Cap Terminal 10km from the port with a capacity of 3000 TEUs. There are large private warehouses withing the port for rice and cement. The molasses tank is out of service. There is a large parking area for imported vehicles.

There is one APN warehouse in poor condition. 10 x 60 m, 800 MT capacity. 


The port is compliant with ISPS International ship security code. There are 24/7 security guards on duty. The uniformed guards were attentive both at the gate and inside the facility. The port is surrounded by a tall wire fence topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance and one exit.

There is extensive lighting throughout the port, reported to be in good working order.

Port Access

Access is difficult as the port is in the centre of town. Large trucks have difficulty manoeuvring through the tight entrance. Traffic congestion restricts ease of access to the port. Connectivity to rest of Haiti is limited by national road security issues and the poor condition of the roads.

2.1.6 Haiti Port of Gonaives (public port)

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Ports of Gonaives and Sedren/Terminal Gonaives both lie withing the Baie de Gonaives. They are separate facilities. Both are managed by APN, but Sedren/Terminal Gonaives is reputed to have private ownership. The port in the centre of the town of Gonaives is largely derelict. Sedren/Terminal Gonaives is the more developed port, it was originally constructed as a port to export bauxite mined in the area. Ownership of Sedren/Terminal Gonaives is contested and there is no regular vessel schedule.

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Artibonite Department

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (142 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port of Gonaives





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Directrice - Mme Fleurette + 509 3220 4514

Technical – Pierre Michel St-Armand +509 3323 7337

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Cap Haitian Airport

The APN office is in this port. The wharf is dilapidated and unmaintained. There is a pile of boulders in the middle of the quay making it almost impossible to be used. The port area is small and there are no storage facilities. The presence of numerous wrecks makes the approach to the berth treacherous. There is a derelict vessel blocking the potentially most useable berth. This port is used by very small coastal traders, sailing cargo boats and fishing boats. APN ports are free for use by humanitarian organisations carrying cargo that has customs exemption.

Port Pictures


Berth used by small coastal vessels. There are many submerged wrecks on the approach.

End of the pier in ruins. Large pile of boulders blocks the access. Derelict vessel in only potentially useable berth.

Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth



Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth/ Ro-Ro


50 m

1.0 m


Many wrecks in area. Silting is likely. Depth unknown

The dog-leg pier is oriented East-West and is well protected deep inside the Baie des Gonaives. There is a very small cement apron littered with boulders. The berth is about 50 m long. The entire wharf is in extremely poor condition The height of the wharf above sea-level is 1.0 m.

Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling cargo equipment in the port.

Storage Facilities

There are no storage facilities.


Security officers are present. The port has a high perimeter wall at the gate but can be easily accessed along the shore.

Port Access

The port is in the centre of town and there is reasonable road access. Traffic congestion might cause some issues at the port entrance at times.

2.1.7 Haiti Port of Gonaives (Sedren Terminal)

Port Overview

The Ports of Gonaives and Sedren/Terminal Gonaives both lie withing the Baie de Gonaives. They are separate facilities. Both are managed by APN, but Sedren/Terminal Gonaives is reputed to have private ownership. The port in the centre of the town of Gonaives is largely derelict. Sedren/Terminal Gonaives is the more developed port, it was originally constructed as a port to export bauxite mined in the area. Ownership of Sedren/Terminal Gonaives is contested and there is no regular vessel schedule.

There are no office facilities at this port. The port is currently closed (June 2022), and ownership is contested.

Key port information may also be found at http://www.maritime-database.com

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Artibonite Department

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (148 km)

Port's Complete Name Sedren/Terminal Gonaives 





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)/ private ownership contested.

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture, Port-au-Prince International Airport, Cap Haitian


Port Picture

Berthing Specifications

The conventional berth is oriented NE-SW and is well protected inside the bay. The pier face is in poor condition with no real fenders and exposed reinforcing bar. There is a potential RoRo ramp, but the area is heavily silted, and ship ramps are not likely to reach dry land. This could make discharge of heavy vehicles impossible.

Type of Berth



Height of berth from sea level


Conventional Berth/ Ro-Ro


35 m

2.0 m

Depth unknown. Small bollard at either end of berth

RoRo berth




Beach with rock groyne. No mooring facilities

Conventional berth

Heavily-silted Roro berth

Port Handling Equipment


There is a crane onsite, but there is no evidence that this crane works.

Storage Facilities

The existing warehouse is in poor condition. The original construction is sound, but sheets of tin and one door are missing. Dimensions (35 m x 14 m). The port area is littered with disused containers. There would be plenty of room for container storage.


Security officers are present. There is a wire-topped 2 m wall around much of the facility & 2 m wire fence in other places. The fences and walls are not well maintained.

Port Access

The port is 5 km from the centre of Gonaives. The last 1.6km is along a poorly maintained unpaved road. This may cause issues in the rainy season.

2.1.8 Haiti Port of Carriès

Port Overview

The port is used for serving the island of La Gonave, both with a ferry-like passenger vessel and local wooden vessels. No international traffic is handled. The port is located very close to the main road (N1) connecting Port-au-Prince and Carriès.


Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com


Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City

with Distance from Port

Cabaret (29 km)

Port Au Principe (57 km)

Port's Complete Name

Cariesse Ferry Terminal





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorité Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

apnpap@apn.gouv.ht (generic APN contact email)

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Port-au-Prince International Airport (PAP)

Aerolineas Mas

Air Canada

Air France

American Airlines

Delta Airlines


Port Picture


Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth





Draft (m)


Conventional Berth




Ferry Terminal

Conventional Berth




Main Wharf

Container Berth





Silo Berth





Berthing Tugs





Water Barges






The main wharf (“ferry terminal”) is built on piles, therefore a weight limitation for working with port handling equipment must be kept in mind.

Port Handling Equipment

No shore based cargo handling equipment is positioned in the port. Vessel loading / unloading is done manually/manpower.

Storage Facilities

Within the direct port area, no storage facilities are available.


2.1.9 Haiti Port of Saint Marc


Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Saint-Marc was previously a regular port of call for RoRo vessels from Miami. It is now primarily a cabotage port, but customs service is available and some imports such as cement arrive in the port. Vessel calls are irregular. There is no port schedule. The port buildings are in good condition, but the wharf is dilapidated and unmaintained. The port area is small and crowded with derelict machinery. The port is very exposed and considerable swell makes it an uncomfortable dock to stay alongside. There are no navigational hazards on the port approach.

APN ports are free for use by humanitarian organisations carrying cargo that has customs exemption. There are limited warehouse facilities available inside the port.

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (88 km)

Gonaives (56 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port of Saint-Marc





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Director: Nola Marius (+509 3800-8157)

Security: M Crescent (+509 3686-9239)

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

The pier is oriented North/South and is extremely exposed. There is a basic cement apron very cluttered with derelict machinery. The berth is about 60m long with a single bollard at either end. The pier wall is broken with exposed reinforcing bar and no fenders. The height of the wharf above sea-level is 1.7m and is used frequently by RoRo vessels.

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth/ Ro-Ro


60 m

1.7 m

10 m reported

Solid cement apron. Berth is in poor condition with no fenders

Container Berth



Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling cargo equipment in the port. Stevedoring can be organised.

Storage Facilities

There is a well-maintained warehouse facility. It is a substantial cement building with a tin roof. It has a smooth cement floor. There are small, locked steel doors. Dimensions: 15 m x 20 m. The is no parking area and the derelict machinery throughout the port make it difficult to manoeuvre long trucks.


The port has 24/7 security guards on duty. The port is surrounded by a 2.5m high wire fence topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance though a sliding steel gate. There are solar powered lights throughout the port complex. Which provide weak lighting most of the night.

Port Access

The port is in the centre of town and there is reasonable road access. Traffic congestion might cause some issues at the port entrance at times.

2.1.10 Haiti Port of Les Cayes

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Les Cayes is an import port, primarily cement from Dominican Republic. There are vessel calls approximately once per month. Vessels do not enter the port. They anchor in the roads and are discharged by small local craft with outboard motors. The port is quite exposed to the east and is likely to experience considerable swell at times. There are several reefs near the entrance and navigation is hazardous. The channel buoys indicated on the chart are not in place. The wreck of the Saint Simon is adjacent to the tourist wharf.

There is no commercial wharf.

APN, SEMANAH and Customs have offices inside the port. APN ports are free for use by humanitarian organisations carrying cargo that has customs exemption. Fees may be charged for warehouse storage or for truck parking inside the port perimeter.


Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Department du Sud

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (200 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port of Les Cayes





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Director - Saint Thomas Rochelle +509 3387 7733

Customs – Gary Clervue  +509 4878 9851

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

The port consists of 2 piers oriented to the East. The port is exposed to the East and experiences choppy conditions and heavy swell at times.  The pier withing the APN port is only suitable for small shallow draft vessel and is used by tourist boats servicing nearby Ile a Vache. The wharf is in good condition. The second pier belongs to the Coast Guard and is accessed via their secure compound. The Coast Guard would make the pier available. The pier has suffered considerable damage in the 2021 earthquake. It is not advisable to bring a vessel alongside to discharging cargo on this wharf. The area between the piers is being filled with rubble from cement buildings destroyed on the earthquake.

Les Cayes should only be considered if the operation suits a vessel being anchored offshore and discharging into small local boats. It may be possible to arrive at the shore with a landing craft, but extensive local knowledge would be required.

There is no formal stevedoring company. 

Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling equipment and no official stevedoring company. Cargo is discharged by small local boats.

Storage Facilities

There are no storage facilities.


In the APN port there is no security, no perimeter fence, and no gate. There are several private enterprises inside the port area including a bar. There are some street-lights which are reported to be working. There is no electricity in the port building, although there is a generator. The Coats Guard compound is well secured. There are security guards 24/7 and a solid perimeter fence. There is one entrance via a sliding steel gate.

Port Access

There is reasonable access for small trucks. Holes in the road make it impractical for large heavy vehicles.

Port Office and access road.

The tourist pier looking towards the port.


The coast guard pier from the coast guard office.

2.1.11 Haiti Port of Terminal Abraham

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

 Terminal Abraham is a private facility owned by the Khawly family. It is principally a bulk commodity port with a single pier. Main imports are grain and cement.  Wheat is ground into flour and bagged on site. Animal fodder is mixed and bagged on site.

There is also a small RoRo berth used by coastal transporters.

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (15 km)

Currently National Highway 2 is blocked, and vehicles cannot pass.

Port's Complete Name

Port of Terminal Abraham





Managing Company or Port Authority

Terminal Abraham

Management Contact Person

Director – Jeff Khawly

Security – Estime Luccene +509 3713 9407

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

There is a single 100 m x 10 m finger pier extending NNW from the shore. It is very exposed to westerly winds. The pier is in reasonable condition and there is frequently a cargo barge, used to transport heavy fuels, on the shoreward side of the pier. Bulk carriers dock on the seaward side and self-discharge into trucks. The trucks then tip their loads into hoppers and conveyors transfer the grain to silos.

There is a small RoRo berth inside the pier. It is a narrow cement structure with 2 small bollards. The ramp is 6.6 m wide. 

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth


100 m


Reported to be 12m

Shoreside berth usually occupied by dumb barge.

Roro Berth


6.6 m wide

0.8 m

Reported to be 4m

Only for vessels with narrow ramps.

Container Berth



Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



Port Handling Equipment

The port has several enterprises operating withing the facility. Cereal d ’Haiti stores and processes wheat to flour. SHAB is mixing and bagging animal feed. There is a large workforce withing the general facility. There are 2 weighbridges.



Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Dockside Crane


Container Gantries


Mobile Cranes




RoRo Tugmaster (with Trailer)


Grain Elevator with Bagging Machines






 Used in warehouses

Storage Facilities

Trucks dump grain in an underground hopper which is then lifted to storage silos with conveyors.

There are 2 excellent warehouse facilities with double access and smooth cement floors. Doors are locked. There is little ventilation. (46 m x 30 m).

There are limited areas for parking and much of the available area is cluttered with broken machinery. There is no officially designated parking zone.


The port has 24/7 security guards on duty. The uniformed guards were attentive both at the gate and inside the facility. We passed through 2 security checks and there was additional security at the pier. The port is surrounded by a 3 high wire fence topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance though a sliding steel gate. There are sections of the fence that are in poor condition.

Port Access

The area of Carrefour is extremely congested, and trucks move slowly outside the gate.

2.1.12 Haiti Port of Saint Louie de Sud

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Saint Louis du Sud is a private port. There has only been one vessel call since the port was constructed. The Danica Sunbeam was chartered by WFP as part of the 2021 Les Cayes earthquake response and discharged bagged rice in the port. The port deep and well sheltered. The entrance to the port is straightforward. There are no channel marks. There is a port boat which can assist with mooring. The wharf suffered some damage in the Les Cayes earthquake but is still serviceable. There is a single commercial wharf. APN, SEMANAH and Customs have offices inside the port. Port fees are charged in this port. USD 200/truck for roro vessels.

The port consists of 1 deep sheltered berth 50m long. There are 4 reasonable bollards along the wharf.  There are sturdy tyres placed as fenders. The height of the wharf is 2.4 m. It would be possible to conduct roro operations from the NE end of the pier. There is a newly formed association of stevedores from the local community.

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Department du Sud

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (176 km)

Les Cayes (37 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port of Saint Louis du Sud





Managing Company or Port Authority

Port du Saint Louis du Sud

Management Contact Person

Director – Milot Zephir +509 3486 3360

Security – Jorile Adrien  +509 4645 4375

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth




Height of berth from sea level


Draft (m)


Conventional Berth



2.4 m

12 m

This is a well-protected berth

Roro Berth





NE end of pier Not an official berth but could be used.

Container Berth



Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling equipment.

Storage Facilities

There is a secure flat area adjacent to the port where MSUs can be erected.


The port is well fenced and there is 24/7 security on guard. There is one access via a sliding gate. The port has security lighting. The adjacent storage area is also well-fenced and secured.

Port Access

Access is via a 7km unpaved road. The road is new and poorly maintained. There re large puddle of standing water which may cause issues in the rainy season. The road will require considerable maintenance to remain serviceable by trucks.


Main Berth

Earthquake damage


RoRo berth

2.1.13 Haiti Port of Petit Goave

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Petit Goave is primarily a cabotage port, but customs service is available and some imports such as cement arrive in the port. Vessel calls are irregular. There is no port schedule. The port was extensively renovated in 2015 and facilities are in good condition. The port is reasonably protected inside the bay with protection from the prevailing Easterly winds. There are no navigational hazards on the port approach.

APN ports are free for use by humanitarian organisations carrying cargo that has customs exemption. There is no fee for use of the warehouse or parking at Petit Goave.

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City

with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince (74 km)

Miragoane (24 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port of Petit Goave





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Director - Mme Carole Exavier +509 4626 4074

Security - Legrand Abellar +509 3674 5499

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

The pier is oriented to the NW at has a single T berth. The Ro-or berth is on the southern side of the pier as indicated above. Vessels approach the roro berth on an angle and make fast to the T berth and the derelict vessel (Maelys1). The pier is in good condition and there is a large hard cement hard stand for staging trucks. There are are adequate fenders and bollards.

The T berth pictured with a vessel alongside and the vessel behind at the roro berth. The crane on the dock belongs to a private entity, Khawley.

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth


52 m

2.7 m

Reported to be 10 m

Good fenders and bollards in place

Roro Berth


20 m

1 m

Reported to be 10 m

Vessels approach on angle between T berth and derelict vessel

Container Berth



Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



The roro berth with a vessel secured between the T berth and the derelict vessel.

Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling equipment and no official stevedoring company. The Port Director can organise stevedores if given a few days’ notice. 

Storage Facilities

There is a well-maintained warehouse facility. It is a substantial cement building with a tin roof. It has a smooth cement floor and good natural light and ventilation. Solid steel double sliding doors. Doors were locked. Dimensions 20 m x 25 m. The is a secure parking area adjacent to the hard stand. It is fully fenced and guarded.


The port has 27/7 security guards on duty. The uniformed guards were attentive both at the gate and inside the facility. The port is surrounded by a 2.5 m high wire fence topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance though a sliding steel gate. There are solar powered lights throughout the port complex.

Port Access

There is good access to the port, although waiting trucks may cause some congestion outside the port. Trucks do not have to pass through the centre of town to access the port.

2.1.14 Haiti Port of Miragaone

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

The Port of Miragoane is located at Reynolds Terminal, 3.2 km west of the town centre. It is an active import port and there is a regular service from Florida with used cars and second-hand clothes. There are frequent vessel calls. No data was available on the exact number of vessel calls. APN, SEMANAH and Customs are present in the port. The port is extremely well protected. There are two entrance channels, from the north and east-south-east. It is likely that the channel markers are not in place. Reynolds Terminal was the site of bauxite exports from 1960s to 1980s.

APN ports are free for use by humanitarian organisations carrying cargo that has customs exemption. Fees may be charged for warehouse storage or for truck parking inside the port perimeter.

Port Location and Contact



Province or District


Nearest Town or City

with Distance from Port

Miragoane (3.2 km)

Port-au-Prince (106 km)

Port's Complete Name

Port of Miragaone – Reynolds Terminal





Managing Company or Port Authority

Autorite Portuaire Nationale (APN)

Management Contact Person

Odregue Terezin- Port Captain +509 3732 6174

Roland LeConte- Security +509 3710 0277

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

The former bauxite wharf is now the principal commercial wharf. The northern side of the wharf has laid-up ships berthed alongside. The T berth at the end of the wharf is the main berth. The wharf is partially obstructed by the obsolete remains of the bauxite export conveyor. Cabotage vessels use the inner berths.

Main wharf showing laid-up vessels and old bauxite export infrastructure.  There are ‘dolphins’ at either end of the T berth to facilitate larger vessels. A Cabotage vessel is on the inner berth. Trucks can access the T berth.

There is a dedicated RoRo berth north of the conventional berth. The berth has a large mooring buoy for vessels to secure to when moored at the berth. There is a large hard stand for vehicles. There is sufficient space for 2 vessels, as pictured below.

RoRo berth has adequate fenders and bollards.

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth



2.7 m

Reported to be 10 m

‘dolphins’ at either end of the berth increase the size of vessel that can be accommodated.

Roro Berth



1.1 m

Reported to be 10 m, but probably less

Enough space to accommodate 2 large roro vessels

Container Berth



Silo Berth



Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



Port Handling Equipment

There is no handling equipment.

There is a stevedoring company. Jean Robert Guerrier +509 3709 2644

Storage Facilities

There is an APN warehouse within the port compound behind the office. It is a corrugated iron and cement construction with a locked door. The building is in poor condition and not clean. Dimensions: 28x 18m


The port has 27/7 security guards on duty. Security guards are dressed informally and are heavily armed. The port is surrounded by a 2.5 m high fence. In some parts it is a wire fence and in others a cement wall. There is one entrance though a sliding steel gate. Overnight parking is available within the port. There is no electricity so although there are lights installed, they do not work. There are two generators adjacent to the APN office.

Port Access

Access is good for all sizes of trucks. The trucks do not have to pass through the centre of Miragoane.

2.1.15 Haiti Port of Les Moulins d’Haiti

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

 The Port of Moulin de Haiti is a private bulk terminal, equipped specifically for grain and specialising in wheat. There is a mill as an integral part of the port. Wheat is processed into flour and bagged on site. The port is occasionally used for rice imports and was previously used for imports of animal feed such as soy and corn. The port is immediately adjacent to Port Lafito container port.


Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Port

Port-au-Prince 20km

Port's Complete Name

Les Moulins d’Haiti





Managing Company or Port Authority


Management Contact Person

Director – Claude-Marcel Grand Pierre +509 32311090

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

There is a single berth oriented to NW /SE. It is exposed to both prevailing Easterlies and Westerly seabreezes. The dock has excellent fenders. The port is well equipped for handling loose bulk grain and is not suitable for other cargo operations due to the dock machinery in place. There are ships approximately once every 2 months.

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Height of berth from sea level

Maximum Draft (m)


Conventional Berth




Reported to be 10m

Good fenders and bollards in place

Roro Berth






Container Berth



Silo Berth




Reported to be 10m

The conventional/silo berth are the same berth 

Berthing Tugs



Water Barges



Port Handling Equipment

There is extensive cargo handling equipment for bulk grain. Ships are discharged using grabs into hoppers. Conveyors connect hoppers to various silos. There is a weighbridge at the port entrance.



Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage







Bagging machines








 In warehouses

Grain Elevator with Bagging Machines


 4 for flour

 2 for other grains



Storage Facilities

There is a large well-maintained warehouse facility, located just outside the port. It is a substantial cement building with a tin roof. It has a smooth cement floor and good natural light and ventilation. Solid steel double sliding doors. Doors with hard stands and sheltered eaves are on 3 sides. The compound is fenced and guarded. 


Length: 213m.

Width: 120m

Middle height: 10,6m

Side Height: 7,2m

Monthly rental is USD15,000.

There are numerous vertical silos in the port compound with a capacity 51000 MT of wheat. There is a large flat silo adjacent to the dock.


The port has 24/7 security guards on duty. The uniformed guards were attentive both at the gate and inside the facility.

The port is surrounded by a 2.5m high wire fence topped with coiled barbed wire. There is one entrance though a sliding steel gate.

The port has its own powerplant and water treatment plant. Power and water are supplied to the neighbouring village.

Port Access

There is good access to the port. The local village is supported by mill and many locals are employed in the port.

2.1.1a Haiti Port of Terminal Varreux

Port Overview

Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

Incorporating both Terminal Varreux and Terminal Varreux Bolloré (TVB). This private port includes a bulk fuel terminal and a general cargo port. The infrastructure has been built for a container terminal, but it is not yet fully operational (July 2022)

Terminal Varreux is an important port for import of petrochemicals and gas. Vegetable oil tankers also discharge here. There is a large tank farm (50million gallon capacity) within the compound connected by pipes to the tanker berth. Tankers take precedence in the port and other berthing arrangements are made around whether there is a tanker in port of expected. Bulk cement and grain are discharged into trucks using ship’s own gear. Cabotage vessels also load break bulk cargos in this port.

In 2021, the port had the following international calls: 101 tankers and 53 bulk carriers for a total of 1,700,000 MT of cargo.

The port is quite exposed and often wind affected making it difficult to manoeuvre within the port. The entrance channel is clearly marked, and vessels can enter at night. There is little tidal variation, but the port may suffer ‘wind heap’ and storm surges. The port area is low-lying and becomes very muddy during the rainy season. Terminal Varreux is adjacent to Cite de Soleil, a neighbourhood which experiences frequent gang-related violence. (July 2022)


Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Ouest Department

Nearest Town or City Distance from Port

Within Port-au-Prince

Port's Complete Name

Terminal Varreux





Managing Company or Port Authority

Terminal Varreux/Terminal Varreux Bollere

Management Contact Person

Director – Richard LeBrun +509 3727 5558

Security – Allen Rosier +509 3707 8016

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures

Toussaint Louverture

Port-au-Prince International Airport

Berthing Specifications

There are5 tugs available, 3 Svitzer + 2 APN. Tug service is mandatory. 1 tug for vessels up to 150m LOA, 2 tugs for vessels greater than 150m LOA. All berths have reasonable fenders and bollards. The cement structures are in good condition.  The container berth #6 is currently used for occasional container movements and bulk cargoes of grain and cement.

The conventional berths #4 and #5 (pictured below) are used for break bulk and cabotage.



Berth #1 and #2 (pictured) are the tanker berths.

A section of #3(pictured below) is sometimes used for Roro vessels with stern ramps. There is no mooring buoy for securing the bow of the vessel. This wharf is 2.7m above sea level and not suitable for bow ramp vessels.

A RoRo ramp of compacted earth surrounded by cement blocks has been constructed on the Eastern shore.




Height above SL



#1 & #2 Tanker Berth


100m. Max vessel length 190m

2.7 m

10.5 m. Max vessel draft 9.5m

Inner and outer berths. Connected to tank farm. Mooring lines block access to #3 and beach berth.

Good fenders, including Yokohama fender, and bollards in place

#3 Small vessel berth



2.7 m

8 m

In two sections

#4 & # 5 Conventional berth


4- 120 m

5-132 m

2.7 m

10 m

Break bulk

#6 Container Berth


 160m. Max vessel length 210m


12.5 m. Max vessel draft 12 m


New RoRo berth



8 m aft

Beach berth


6 m aft

 Subject to erosion and silting. Suitable for small vessels. Trucks may get bogged at times.

Port Handling Equipment

Terminal Varreux had some bulk handling equipment while TVB is well equipped with a modern fleet ready for container operations. There are 4 bucket hoppers and 5 clamshells for rice, wheat, and salt.



Total Quantity and Capacity Available

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage

Mobile Cranes


Gottwald 6407




Terex 45








Tug Master Ottava


Dedicated chassis


40ft and 45ft





 1 new/2 used

There is an ample stock of new cargo handling equipment in the container terminal.

Storage Facilities

There is a container yard inside the port. It is not yet in use. There is an extensive fuel tank farm (50 million gallon capacity). There is a large parking area for trucks. World Food Programme has an MSU on site. There are 2 warehouses 5500 m² and 1900 m². There is also a 30,000 MT flat silo rented to a private company.


The port has 24/7 security guards on duty. The area is covered by CCTV. There are two gates to pass through along the private access road to enter the port. Security is managed by Tevassa. There is a high perimeter fence. The port complex is well lit at night and there are active security patrols. Terminal Varreux is adjacent to Cite de Soleil, a neighbourhood which experiences frequent gang-related violence. (July 2022)

Port Access

The entrance to Terminal Varruex is close to Cite de Soleil. This area is subject to frequent gang related violence. The road within the port becomes very muddy in the rainy season. At times the approach road is lined with tanker trucks waiting for a vessel to discharge.

2.2 Haiti Aviation


Air transport is the main channel for the passenger traffic. Port-au-Prince international airport is the biggest of the country, where basically all humanitarian and development workers arrive in HaitiBut as of today, Port-au-Prince International Airport is again the almost only entry point for passengers. The second international airport of the country is located in the North, at Cap-Haitien.

A number of smaller airports and air fields are present in Haiti, together with numerous Helicopter Landing Zones (HLZ) for internal passenger movements and limited cargo. International flights are available to the United States, Dominican Republic, Cuba, other Caribbean Island and France. Not all operators are however endorsed by UNDSS, limiting the choice and options for official travels.  Since November 2019, WFP managed the UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) in Haiti and deployed a helicopter to provide regular air services for passengers (up to 22 passengers) and light cargo (up to 4 tons of cargo) to the main cities of six departments, as well as ad-hoc flights including full cargo flights and Medevac to and from another 20 and plus locations.

Regular cargo flights serve Port-au-Prince International Airport to deliver fresh goods.

Even if badly damaged during the 2010 earthquake and already unadopted, aging, and incapable to meet the standards of international traffic and the needs of a local traffic, Port-au-Price International Airport continues to serve as a vital link for Haiti.
Besides these technical issues, ground movements for cargo are characterized by very high and varied costs. Given the rather poor conditions of the road network and the insecurity on the road, air transport could be expanded in order to better relay provinces with the capital and its services. Expansion and repair of airstrips could support savings, because fixed-wing aircraft could be used more extensively. For a list of HLZs, please see attached map of UNHAS Haiti location of operations, which not only includes organized helipads, but also other suitable landing locations utilized during an emergency.

Office National Aviation Civile (OFNAC)

The Civil Aviation Sector in Haiti is administrated by the OFNAC, which is a body of the Ministère des Travaux Publics, Transport et Communications (MTPTC).
OFNAC sets the rules for the Haitian air transport sector. It also controls the country's air space traffic, which consists in a large area of the Caribbean air space. This is done by 24/24h air traffic controller's radio room.
OFNAC is part of ICAO.

Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale (AAN)

Another important body of the Civil Aviation Sector is the AAN.
The AAN ensures planning, creation, extensions, management and the exploitation of airports facilities in Haiti. AAN is also part of the MTPTC.

International airports: Toussaint Louverture International Airport Port-au-Prince, Ouest departement;

Hugo Chavez International Airport, Cap Haitien, North departement.

Domestic airports: Jacmel Airport, Jacmel, Sud-Est; Jeremie Airport, Jeremie, Grand’Anse; Antoine Simon Airport, Les Cayes, Sud;  and Port de-Paix Airport, Port de Paix, Nord-Ouest.

Other: UNHAS Haiti has more than 20 remote locations used as landing zones.

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft

Foreign aircraft can land in Haiti only for delivery of cargo and passengers. For longer stays or to operate in Haiti, an authorization has to be obtained from the OFNAC. Conformity certifications and permission for occupying parking space on airport grounds from AAN have to be submitted in order to obtain this authorization.

For information on Haiti Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

Landing charges and parking fees can refer to the following document. (Note*this document serves only as a reference, the rate subject to change, please contact AAN directly for further information)

Barem Tarifaire -AAN

2.2.1 Haiti Toussaint Louverture International Airport


The only runway of Port-au- Prince International Airport is serving two different terminals which are not interconnected. The different accesses lead to those buildings, even if they access the same runway: Toussaint Louverture International Airport, Passengers and Cargo Aerogare Guy Malary-Domestic Flight terminal for passengers only.

Airport Location and Contact
Country Haiti
Province/District Ouest Department
Nearest Town/City with Distance from the Airport Port-au-Prince
Airport's Complete Name Toussaint Louverture International Airport
Latitude 18.57989
Longitude -72.29472
Elevation 90 ft / 30 m
Managing Company or Airport Authority AAN
Management Contact Person
Open From 06:00
Open To 22:00


It’s the only runway of the airport utilized by two terminals. There is no taxi way to de-congest this runway. The runway is in good conditions, but signs of wear are registered at landing points at both ends of the runway (asphalt debris).

Runway #1

Runway Dimensions

9,974 × 141 ft (3,040 × 43 m)


10/28 (Elevation: 100ft (30m))



Helicopter Pad(s)

There are no proper helicopters pads. Helicopters land at runway and hover to the parking space, or land directly on the field near the aircraft parking area.

Helipad #1

Present (Yes / No)

No, but helicopters land on runway or runway side

Largest helicopter that can land

Any size, no space limitation

Width and Length (metres)



Paved / grass

Airport Infrastructure Details

The airfield is located north-east of the city centre, in the populated area of Tabarre. Hence the airport, once far from downtown Port-au-Prince, is now part of the town. This road is often congested and traffic jams are a daily occurrence, especially during rush hours. The passenger terminal building of the international airport is being rebuilt, but current structures are insufficient. Jet fuel reservoirs are located in the airport perimeters. Different shipping companies have offices at the airport. A customs office is also present. On the same airport perimeter, domestics terminal called Guy Malary Terminal serving the domestic flights and UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) flights.  The domestics and international terminals are not connected. Guy Malary has limited capacity both in terms of passenger and cargo. There is no proper storage capacity in the airport perimeter. Air shipping companies have limited space to receive deliveries. Airport perimeter is permeable in terms of security.



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax transport to airfield


Ground Handling Services


Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights








Airport Operating Details

Operating Details
Maximum sized aircraft which can be offloaded on bulk cargo: AN - 124
Maximum sized aircraft that can be offloaded on pallet B - 747
Total aircraft parking area (m²) 80,016 sqm
Storage Area (mt) n/a Cubic Meters (m³) N/A
Cargo Handling Equipment Available (Yes / No) Yes If "Yes" specify below
Elevators / Hi Loaders (Yes / No) high loaders Max Capacity (mt) N/A
Can elevators / hi loaders reach the upper level of a B747 (Yes / No) Yes
Loading Ramps (Yes / No) Yes

Storage Facilities

There are no storage facilities at the airport. Shipping companies have small warehouses not accessible to the public, or for rent for the reception of their goods.

Airfield Cost

Navigation Charges

Three types of charges are in place for Port-au-Prince International Airport:

  • Navigation charges, to be paid to OFNAC
  • Landing fees, to be paid to AAN
  • Cargo handling charges, to be paid to authorized Cargo Handling Companies.

Airfield Charges

Night landing hours are between 22.00 - 06.00 (when landing in those hours +50% plus 1000 USD) During peak hours, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., any scheduled flight with a delay of more than thirty minutes will have to pay, in addition to the landing fee, a penalty equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the applicable fee. Regular flights landing between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. will pay a landing fee increased by fifty percent (50%).
Parking charges hours (or part of) 0.60 USD/Pound for hour after the first two free hours
Charges are administered by AAN.

For the rate of landing and parking apply to Toussaint Louverture International Airport, please refer to:

Haiti Airport Schedule Tariff

Fuel Services Charges

Price per Unit
Jet A-1

USD 5.38/ gallon




Level:  Marginal

Airport perimeter is completely fenced and security guards, police and UN personnel control access to terminals and technical areas. However, some remote areas of the perimeter are not guarded 24 on 24. Passenger security check and baggage scanners are present. Customs inspections are also in place. Airport road is a popular route of protests. This can impede access to the airport and create some insecurity. On the airport road has kidnapping cased reported.

Companies Available 

For information on Haiti Port au Prince International Airport - Toussaint Louverture additional details, please see the following documents:

Haiti Air Navigation Fees

Haiti Airport Tarifs en Application

For information on Haiti Port au Prince International Airport - Toussaint Louverture contact details, please see the following link: 

4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: 

AZ Freight website information on Haiti  

2.2.2 Haiti Cap Haitien International Airport


Cap Hatien is the only other international airport and second largest airport of the country; however its facilities are not at the same level of Port-au-Price International Airport. The airport has a small terminal and passenger building and limited passenger and cargo capacity.

Airport Location and Contact
Country Haiti
Province / District Nord
Nearest Town or City Cap Haitien (0 km)
Airport's Complete Name Aeroport International de Cap Haitien
Latitude 19.73306
Longitude -72.19472
Elevation 3m / 10 ft
Managing Company or Airport Authority Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale
Management Contact Person

Edouane Pierre, Airport Director

+509 3452 8378

Open from N/A
Open to N/A

Airport Picture

Description and Contacts of Key Companies

International Services

International Flights




IBC Airways


Charter and cargo service, regular flights to Fort Lauderdale

Caicos Express Airways


Passenger service, regular flights to Grand Turk, Provindenciales, South Caicos



Passenger flights, regular flights to the Nassau

Spirit Airline


Passenger flights to Fort Lauderdale

Sunrise Airways


Passenger flights to Providenciales, Santiago of Cuba, Santo Domingo (La Isabela Airport)

InterCaribbean Airways


Passenger flights to Providenciales

Domestic Services

Sunrise Airways: private charter and passenger and limited cargo service, regular flights to Port-au-Prince and Port-de-Paix 3 times a day (www.sunriseairways.net)

Other Services

Company Contact Details Services
AVJet Holdings Inc N/A Fuel provider

Each ground handling company have their own ground handling equipment, composed of:

  • 1x Tug and tractor
  • 1x Container loader (7 MT)
  • 1x Pushback Tug.

For information on Haiti Cap Haitien International Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List.


Runway # 1
Runway Dimensions 2,652 m x 40 m
Runway Orientation 05 / 23
Runway Surface Paved
Runway Condition Good

Helicopter Pad

Helipad #1


No designated helipad, but helicopters can land next to the landing strip.

Largest Helicopter that can Land

Not specified

Width and Length (m)

Not specified



Airport Infrastructure Details



JET A-1 fuel






Terminal Building


Single Point Refueling


Passenger Terminal


Air Starter Units


Cargo terminal


Ground Power (mobile)


Pax Transport to Airfield

Yes, minibus service

Ground Handling Services

Yes, JCA Aviation and AMACERCO

Control Tower


Latrine Servicing


Weather Facilities


Fire Fighting Category (ICAO)


Catering Services


De-icing Equipment


Base Operating Room


Parking Ramp Lighting


Airport Radar


Approach & Runway Lights


Airport Operating Details

Operating Details

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Bulk Cargo

A320 or equivalent

Maximum Sized Aircraft that can be Offloaded on Pallet

A320 or equivalent

Total Aircraft Parking Area (m²)


Storage Area (m3 and MT)


Handling Equipment

Loading Ramps


Other Comments


Customs Guidance

For more information on customs in Haiti, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Storage Facilities

The airport has limited storage facilities.

Airfield Costs

Navigation Charges

Haiti Air Navigation Fees

2.2.3 Haiti Les Cayes National Airport

Les Cayes has a small airport called “Antoine Simone des Cayes”. The airstrip is 1,800 m long and has a width of 28 m. Night landing is not possible. The airport is served two times a week by UNHAS on Monday and Thursday. Ongoing discussions to have a scheduled flight with Sunrise (airstrip extension upon request from Sunrise). A helicopter landing zone is located next to airstrip. The small airport building has a waiting hall for passengers. There are no storage facilities and no fuel depot.

Airport Location and Contacts
Country Haiti
Province or District Sud
Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport Les Cayes (9.5 km)
Airport's Complete Name Antoine Simone des Cayes
Elevation  30m / 98 ft
Latitude 18.27111
Longitude -73.78833
Managing Company or Airport Authority Authorite Aeroportuaire Nationale
Management Contact Person

Olivier Thevelin


NGO and/or UN presence at Airport? N/A


Runway # 1
Runway Dimensions 1600 m x 25 m
Runway Orientation 08/26
Runway Surface Paved
Runway Condition Fair

Airport Infrastructure Details

Passenger / Cargo Security Screening Yes, passengers and light cargo only Runway Lighting No
Refueling Capacity N/A Ground Handling Services No
Air Traffic Control N/A Fire Fighting Equipment Yes, 2 trucks
Weather Information YES (solar panel supplied – data directly sent to PaP – UHM) Aircraft Parking Space N/A
Navigation Aids N/A Perimeter Fencing Yes
Windsock Yes

For information on Les Cayes Nationai  Airport contact details, please see the following link:  4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

For information on Haiti Les Cayes National Airport additional details, please see the following documents: 

Haiti Airport Tarifs en Application

Haiti Air Navigation Fees

2.2.4 Haiti Jacmel National Airport

Airport Overview

Jacmel has only an airstrip capable of handling small to medium sized planes. A helicopter landing zone is located right next to airstrip.

The airport building was recently renovated and includes a new waiting hall for passengers.

There are no storage facilities.

Opening hours : 6am – 6pm

Airport Location and Contacts
Country Haiti
Province or District Sud-Est
Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport Jacmel (2 km)
Latitude 18.24111
Longitude -72.51861
Elevation 167 ft / 51 m
Managing Company or Airport Authority Authorite Aeroportuaire Nationale
Management Contact Person

Airport Supervisor (to coordinate landing approval, flight plan):
Georges Junior : +509 3605 2978

Security Supervisor :
Louis Malherbe : +509 3649 3482

NGO and / or UN presence at the airport? N/A


Runway # 1
Runway Dimensions 1200 m x 25 m
Runway Orientation N/A
Runway Surface Paved
Runway Condition Fair

Airport Infrastructure Details

Passenger / Cargo Security Screening Yes Runway Lighting No
Refueling Capacity No Ground Handling Services No
Air Traffic Control No Fire Fighting Equipment Yes (portable fire extinguishers)
Weather Information Yes (solar-powered) Aircraft Parking Space Yes
Navigation Aids N/A Perimeter Fencing Yes
Windsock Yes

For information on Haiti Jacmel National Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

For information on Haiti Jacmel National Airport additional details, please see the following documents: 

Haiti Airport Tarifs en Application

Haiti Air Navigation Fees

2.2.5 Haiti Port de Paix National Airport

Airport Overview

National Airport Authority (AAN in French) does not have personnel on the ground for this airport which implies this airport is not operational for regular flights.

Airport Overview
Country Haiti
Province or District Nord Ouest
Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport Port de Paix
Airport's Complete Name Port de Paix Airport
Latitude 19.93611
Longitude -72.845
Elevation (ft and m) 30 ft / 10 m
Managing Company or Airport Authority AAN
Management Contact Person
NGO or UN Presence at Airport? N/A


Runway # 1
Runway Dimensions 1500 m x 40 m
Runway Orientation
Runway Surface Dirt / Gravel
Runway Condition Bad

Airport Infrastructure Details

Passenger / Cargo Screening Capacity N/A Runway Lighting No
Refueling Capacity N/A Ground Handling Services N/A
Air Traffic Control N/A Fire Fighting Equipment N/A
Weather Information N/A Aircraft Parking Space N/A
Navigation Aids N/A Perimeter Fencing N/A
Windsock N/A

For information on Haiti Port de Paix National Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

2.2.6 Haiti Anse a Galets National Airport

Airport Overview

This airport is located on La Gonaive Island and is for domestic flights only. The National Airport Authority (AAN in French) does not have personnel on the ground for this airport which implies this airport is not operational for regular flights. It is mostly receiving missionary charters flights.

Airport Location and Contact
Country Haiti
Province or District Ouest
Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport Anse a Galets
Airport's Complete Name Anse a Galets Airport
Latitude 18.84111
Longitude -72.88056
Elevation (ft and m) 30 ft / 10 m
Managing Company or Airport Authority AAN
Management Contact Person
NGO and/or UN Presence at Airport? N/A


Runway # 1
Runway Dimensions 750 m x 30 m
Runway Orientation
Runway Surface Dirt / Gravel
Runway Condition Bad

Airport Infrastructure Details

Passenger / Cargo Security Screening N/A Runway Lighting N/A
Refueling Capacity N/A Ground Handling N/A
Air Traffic Control N/A Fire Fighting Equipment N/A
Weather Information N/A Aircraft Parking Space N/A
Navigation Aids N/A Perimeter fencing N/A
Windsock N/A

For information on Haiti Anse a Galets National Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List.

2.2.7 Haiti Belladere National Airport

Airport Overview

Airport is used only for charter flights, and is located on a border town with the Dominican Republic. It is an unpaved runway for small aircraft. The National Airport Authority (AAN in French) does not have personnel on the ground for this airport which implies this airport is not operational for regular flights.

Airport Location and Contact
Country Haiti
Province or District Centre
Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport Belladere
Airport's Complete Name Belladere Airport
Latitude 18.85222
Longitude -72.81639
Elevation (ft and m) 960 ft / 310 m
Managing Company or Airport Authority AAN
Management Contact Person
NGO and/or UN Presence at Airport N/A


Runway #1
Runway Dimensions 1100 m x 50 m
Runway Orientation
Runway Surface Dirt
Runway Condition Bad

Airport Infrastructure Details

Airport Details

Passenger / Cargo Security Screening


Runway Lighting


Refueling Capacity


Ground Handling


Air Traffic Control


Fire Fighting Equipment


Weather Information


Aircraft Parking space


Navigation Aids


Perimeter fencing




For information on Haiti Belladere National Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

2.2.8 Haiti Ouanaminthe National Airport

The National Airport Authority (AAN in French) does not have personnel on the ground for this airport which implies this airport is not operational for regular flights.

Airport Details




Province / District

Nord Est


Airport Name


Elevation (ft)

130 ft / 40 m

IATA & ICAO codes




Town or City (closest)


Runway Condition


NGO / UN (on ground)


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening (Yes / No)


Runway Dimension

730m x 60m

Ground Handling (Yes / No)


Refueling Capacity


Runway Lighting (Yes / No)


Runway Heading


Fire Fighting Equipment (Yes / No)


Air Traffic Control (Yes / No)


Windsock (Yes / No)


Weather Information (Yes / No)


Aircraft Parking space (Yes / No)


Navigation Aids (Yes / No)


Perimeter fencing (Yes / No)


For information on Airports’ contact details, please see the following link: 4.2.5 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

2.2.9 Haiti Hinche National Airfield

Hinche is the capital of "Centre" department, two hours away from the capital (by car). There are no regular flights. The former MINUSTAH helipad was annexed to the runway.  A new helipad has been recently built by the MINUSTAH base. However, good road conditions between Hinche and the capital make this airstrip less interesting. The runway is unpaved.

Airport Details





Province / District




Airport Name


Elevation (ft)

850 ft / 250 m

IATA & ICAO codes




Town or City (closest)


Runway Condition


NGO / UN (on ground)


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening (Yes / No)


Runway Dimension

820m x 35m

Ground Handling (Yes / No)


Refueling Capacity


Runway Lighting (Yes / No)


Runway Heading


Fire Fighting Equipment (Yes / No)


Air Traffic Control (Yes / No)


Windsock (Yes / No)


Weather Information (Yes / No)


Aircraft Parking space (Yes / No)


Navigation Aids (Yes / No)


Perimeter fencing (Yes / No)


For information on Haiti  Hinche National Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List

2.2.10 Haiti Jeremie National Airport

Airport Overview

Jérémie has an airstrip capable of handling small to medium sized planes. A helicopter landing zone that is also used as a parking is located right next to airstrip. The airstrip and the building were both recently renovated, and a new waiting hall is available for passengers.

Opening hours: 6am – 6pm (every day)

Airport Location and Contacts



Province or District


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport

Jérémie (6.5 km)






147 ft / 45 m





Managing Company or Airport Authority

Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale (AAN)

Management Contact Person

Airport Supervisor (to coordinate landing approval, flight plan):
Fiolène Medina – (509) 4892 5573

Rio Jean – (509) 3608 1420

Security Supervisor:

Louis Dieubon - (509) 3711 0496/4317 9151

Richelet Elie (PNH) - (509) 3161 7569

NGO and / or UN presence at the airport?



Runway # 1

Runway Dimensions

1200 m x 25 m

Runway Orientation


Runway Surface


Runway Condition


Airport Infrastructure Details


Passenger / Cargo Security Screening

Yes, physical search and inspection

Runway Lighting


Refueling Capacity


Ground Handling Services


Air Traffic Control


Fire Fighting Equipment


Weather Information

Yes, solar-powered

Aircraft Parking Space


Navigation Aids


Perimeter Fencing




For information on Haiti Jérémie National Airport contact details, please see the following link: 4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List.

2.3 Haiti Road Network


For information on Haiti Road network contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists

Ground transport is the main internal mode of transportation for passengers and goods as well as for trade with the Dominican Republic. The data on the Haitian road network is little reliable. It is structured around a network of a rough length of 3,875 km, with a classification that is based on the notions of primary roads, secondary roads and municipal roads:

The national network (primary), which covers around 956 km, connects the cities of the country in which the socioeconomic or political importance takes on a priority character. The traffics, widely dependent on conditions of the road, are there very variable and can reach 1,000 to 4,000 vih./day for the most taken roads.

The departmental network (secondary) with a length of about 1,615 km, connects the urban areas of lesser importance with the national network. The traffics vary generally between 200 and 1,000 vehicles/day when roads are passable.

The municipal network (tertiary), covers approximately 1,343 km and assures the function of sideboard of the territory of the municipalities. The traffics are generally very low.

More than 700 km of roads have been constructed and renovated since 2011. Significant emphasis has been made on strengthening the road maintenance capacity of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport, Energy, and Communications. The structuralization radial road of the main network (RN1, RN2 and RN3) converging in the capital Port-au-Prince and centers all activities in the country. One of Haiti’s main integration corridors is the Route Nationale 1 (RN1), extending from the country’s capital Port-au-Prince to the second largest city, Cap-Haitien, in the North. The corridor plays a very important role in international trade facilitation and regional integration as it connects the two most important seaports and airport with the major cities and productive regions of the country.  

Distance Matrix

Distance from Capital City to Major Towns (km)

Capital Aquin Cap-Haitien Cabaret Fort-Liberté Gonaïves Hinche Jacmel Jérémie Kenscoff Lascahobas Léogâne Les Cayes Miragoâne Mirebalais Petite Rivière Port de Paix Saint-Marc
138 255 35 303 155 137 121 293 21 89 33 194 94 67 136 228 96
Aquin 138
393 173 440 293 275 156 155 159 227 105 56 44 205 274 366 234
Cap-Haïtien 255 393
220 56 100 311 376 548 276 335 288 449 349 313 119 173 159
Cabaret 35 173 220
268 120 172 156 328 56 129 68 229 129 102 101 193 61
Fort-Liberté 303 440


148 427 424 593 324 376 336 497 397 361 167 221 207
Gonaïves 155 293 100 120 148
276 276 448 176 170 188 349 249 135 92 73 59
Hinche 137 275 311 172 427 276
258 430 158 48 170 331 231 70 364 256 224
Jacmel 121 156 376 156 424 276 258
311 142 210 88 214 112 188 257 349 217
Jérémie 293 155 548 328 593 448 430 311
314 382 260 99 199 360 429 521 389
Kenscoff 21 159 276 56 324 176 158 142 314
110 55 215 115 88 157 249 117
Lascahobas 89 227 335 129 376 170 48 210 382 110
122 283 183 33 126 256 176
Léogâne 33 105 288 68 336 188 170 88 260 55 122
161 61 100 169 261 129
Les Cayes 194 56 449 229 497 349 331 214 99 215 283 161
100 261 430 422 290
Miragoâne 94 44 349 129 397 249 231 112 199 115 183 61 100
151 230 322 190
Mirebalais 67 205 313 102 361 135 70 188 360 88 33 100 261 151
93 223 86
Petite Rivière
de l'Artibonite
136 274 119 101 167 92 364 257 429 157 126 169 430 230 93
92 40
Port de Paix 228 366 173 193 221 73 256 349 521 249 256 261 422 322 223 92
Saint-Marc 96 234 159 61 207 59 224 217 389 117 176 129 290 190 86 40 132

Travel Time Matrix

Capital Cap-Haitien Gonaives Jacmel Les Cayes
6 hrs 3 hrs 3.5 hrs 6 hrs
Cap-Haitien 6 hrs
3 hrs 7.5 hrs 12 hrs
Gonaives 3 hrs 3 hrs
6.5 hrs 7 hrs
Jacmel 3.5 hrs 7.5 hrs 6.5 hrs
3.5 hrs
Les Cayes 6 hrs 12 hrs 7 hrs 3.5 hrs

Road Safety and Security

Road accidents are common due to those reasons: 

  • Poor conditions of vehicles, overloading, as well as bad driving. Cars may not have working headlights or other safety features. Drivers use any open space on the road, regardless of right-side driving law. They may engage in dangerous maneuvers to avoid potholes, they may pass, switch lanes, merge or make turns without signaling or checking for oncoming traffic.
  • The road network is not equipped with safety measures such as vertical and horizontal signs, lights and/or guardrails. Many roads lack lane division indicators. Stop signs and traffic lights are frequently disregarded. Be alert for obstacles on the road, including wrecked or broken down vehicles
  • The poor road condition and maintenance. The majority of rural and mountain roads are unpaved. Road surfaces include gravel and clay.
  • Sidewalk vendors blocking pedestrians who then walk in traffic contribute to unsafe road conditions. Road hazards include carts drawn by animals, loose animals and people in roadways. There is little or no infrastructure for pedestrians, who often walk in roadways. In Haiti, there is no strict traffic law reinforcement for Motorcyclists. some motorcycles drive against traffic rules and disregarding all traffic regulation.


In the time of the updating this document, the gang activities in the town of Martissant have paralyzed traffic on the National Route No. 2 for almost a year. This access constraint impeded the transport of goods to the South, including within the framework of the humanitarian response to the earthquake of August 14, 2021. Traders in the Great South, unable to transport their goods safely to and from Port-au-Prince.

Traffic Regulations

  • Drivers are required to carry their national driving license and International Driving Permit.
  • While driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal, it is nevertheless common; particularly at night.
  • Speed limits are rarely posted; few speed limit signs exist.
  • Stopping at intersections before proceeding is strongly recommended.
  • Rental cars may not be driven over the border into the Dominican Republic

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

The national regulatory body is the MTPTC, however there are no weighbridge facilities, and axle load is not being checked.

For information on Haiti Road network contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists

2.3.1 Haiti Gonaives - Cap Haitian Road Assessment

Total distance is 100km. Allow 4.5 hours for the journey to allow for traffic.

2.4 Haiti Storage Assessment


In Haiti, the situation of lack of adequate and sufficient logistics infrastructure prevails, which make the implementation of humanitarian assistance and development programmes even more difficult. Adequate and secure space has always been a  problem in Port-au-Prince, and even more so in the other regions of the country, especially in rural areas, where no industries or transformation plants have ever been set-up.  Storage is also a factor of challenge for contingency stocks prepositioning, in preparedness for the natural disasters at the departemental and communal levels.

The Haitian private sector is increasingly capable to offer storage spaces, some of them with proper structure and security measures. In recent years, “Airport Industrial Park” (AIP in French), a private park located close to the airport has been developed with adequate facilities and become the main logistics hub of large commercial companies in Haiti. WFP has rented a warehouse in this park. At the departements, in Cap Haitian, Gonaives and Les Cayes, you can find relative adequate private warehouses for rent, but they are not sufficient for the need.

However, in case of another emergency, the available capacity will be again insufficient. The current reception capacity could be a problem in case of large air- and sea arrivals. This has been seen during the 14 August 2021 earthquake response in Haiti.

Current port infrastructures are unable to cope with massive container arrivals. Space at container yards and handling equipment are insufficient and tracking is inadequate, which causes a delay in deliveries.

In Port-au-Prince, the confrontation of the armed gang groups also affected access to the warehouses which usually situated in the suburban areas of the capital city.

During the emergency, in order to cover the lack of storage capacity in the shortest time, Humanitarian organisations like WFP and IFRC set up Mobile Storage Units (MSUs). While the MSUs provide an immediate solution during the emergency response, they are not sustainable or suitable during times of heavy rains, tornados and hurricanes. MSUs are typically made from canvas, are difficult to secure, can be torn from the ground and blown away by heavy winds and flooded by rains. Furthermore, MSUs are not designed to be earthquake proof.  

Overall, this lack of capacity, especially in the departments, concentrates the bulk of humanitarian storage in the capital, taken into consideration of the insecurity on the road connecting capital city to the North and South, pose a great challenge for humanitarian actors to deliver the humanitarian goods quickly.

Commercial Storage

Relatively reliable commercial storage can be found only in Port-au-Prince, Gonaives and Cap Haitien. The rest of the country does not have adequate structures.

Most of the large warehouse spaces commercially available are factories converted to warehouses after the manufacture sector decreased its productions.

Warehouse management companies in Port-au-Prince are able to provide adequate services:



Available for rent





Port au Prince



Various dimension







2280 m2




Port au Prince



20,000 MT

Concrete /steel




Yves Coles


12,000 MT plus 60 m2 open air

Concrete/ steel



Port au Prince

Office City S.A.


1000 m2

Concrete/ steel



[1] Warehouse Type: Open storage, container, rub-hall, silo, concrete, other, unspecified

[2] Warehouse Access: Raised-siding, flat

[3] Warehouse condition: Appears intact, appears damaged, under construction/repair

Public Sector Storage

In the public sector, the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with WHO is managing PROMESS (Programme on Essential Medicines and Supplies), the National Pharmacy depot. The warehouse stores only medical equipment. Its capacity can be augmented with external storage under tents.


Ministry / Agency

Use Possibility





Port au Prince



2900 m³




Haitian civil protection (DGPC in French) has adequate storage facilities in the former MINUSTAH Logistics Base and in most of departments. Humanitarian partners are encouraged to contact the DGPC for the possible usage of the space, contacts can be found in the following link: 4.1 Haiti Government Contact List

Cold Chain

A cold room of 100 sqm is available in Port-au-Prince at PROMESS, the National Pharmacy depot, which is jointly managed by the Ministry of Public Health and WHO. None of the departmental depots have cold room facilities. Some community vaccination projects have solar fridges. No adequate vehicles for cold chain supplies are available. Medicines are transported in cool boxes.

In Port-au-Prince, several warehouse management companies claimed offer cold chain storage facilities, however a assessment for cold chain supply chain facilities have not been realised.


Organisation / Owner

Type [1]

Cooling /  Power [2]


Total Capacity


Port au Prince


Nationa Parmacy


Four of 150kw each

100 m3


[1] Cold Room Positive, Cold Room Negative, Refrigerator, Freezer,

[2] Compression, Absorption, Solar, Other, unspecified

For information on Haiti Storage Assessment contact details, please see the following link: 4.5 Haiti Storage Contact List


2.5 Haiti Milling Assessment

Haiti Milling Assessment

Only one proper mill exists in Haiti. It was recently refurbished (2010/2011). However, most of the flour consumed in Haiti is imported, even if this mill has enormous potential and even has a private harbor to receive bulk commodities directly at the facility.

Les Moulins d'Haiti (LMH) are located on Route Nationale No 1 in Lafiteau (18.6921979N, 72.3555172W), a few kilometers North of Port-au-Prince, and operates two flour mills and a corn mill.

The facility sold over 170,000 mt of wheat flour in 2009. However, the activities of the mills had been abruptly halted following the destruction of its facilities during the 2010 earthquake. Thanks to an agreement between the Government of Haiti and private shareholders it was possible to rebuild this industrial plant. Since December 2011 the wheat mills are again fully operational with a capacity of 1,200 mt per day. In addition a corn mill has been built with a capacity of 120 mt per day. Over 400 people are working in this plant. The new facility is reportedly the largest of the Caribbean.

For Haiti Milling Assessment additional information, please see the following document: 

Haiti LMH Dock Tariff No. 1

For Haiti Milling Assessment contact details, please see the following link:

4.5 Haiti Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Haiti - 1 Haiti Country Profile

Generic Information

Haiti, officially the Republic of Haiti, is a Caribbean country. It occupies the western, smaller portion of the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antillean archipelago, which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Ayiti (land of high mountains) was the indigenous Taínoor Amerindian name for the island. The country's highest point is Pic la Selle, at 2,680 meters (8,793 ft). The total area of Haiti is 27,750 square kilometers (10,714 sq mi) and its capital is Port-au-Prince. Haitian Creole and French are the official languages.

 Source: Wikipedia (publisher), Haiti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti  Date Accessed: 15/07/2022

Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia information on Haiti

IMF information on Haiti

Humanitarian Info

WFP information on Haiti

Haiti Logistics Sector

Humanitarian Response Information

Facts and Figures

Wolfram Alpha information on Haiti

World Bank information on Haiti


1.1 Haiti Humanitarian Background


Due to its geographical location, governance weakness and the great poverty, the Republic of Haiti is ranked 4th among the countries most affected by recurring destabilizing events. Confronted annually with hydro-meteorological events (hurricanes, storms, flooding etc.), the country is considered the most vulnerable of all Caribbean states. Over the past four decades, natural disasters have caused economic losses of around 2% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The last major event was the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit the Southern peninsula on August 14, 2021.

The UN has published the 2022 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and a Humanitarian Response Plan updated 2021-2022 (PRH) for Haiti on March 11 and April 14 2022, respectively. The HNO 2022 identifies approximately 4.9 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Haiti, which represents an increase of about 500,000 people compared to HNO 2021. Food insecurity, political instability, violence linked to the activities of gangs, limited access to essential services and exposure to natural hazards (including earthquakes and tropical storms in August 2021) have further increased humanitarian needs in 2022. (https://reliefweb.int/report/haiti/ha-ti-aper-u-humanitaire-au-5-mai-2022).

Disasters, Conflicts, and Migration
Natural Hazards Yes / No Comments / Details
Drought Yes Some parts of the country affected, see the EMDAT link below for details.
Earthquakes Yes

Potential danger, see the EMDAT link below for details.. On August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake with epicenter about 13 km southeast of Petit-Trou-de-Nippes struck the departments of Nippes. South and Grand'Anse. This earthquake caused the death of 2,246 people, as well as the destruction or significant damage to more than 115,000 houses, thus affecting at least 800,000 people, 650,000 of whom requiring a response.

humanitarian aid (OCHA). The DTM and DGPC estimate that at least 38,777 people have been displaced to assembly sites by the earthquake, of which 22,646 remain displaced as of April 2022.

Epidemics Yes

Covid-19 is still a public health threat in the country. From the beginning of the Pandemic until April 13 2022, Haiti has a total of 30,703 confirmed COVID-19 cases and a total of 835 deaths. Based on WHO data, less than 20% of the population has been vaccinated against COVID 19.


Extreme Temperatures Yes There is more than a 25% chance that at least one period of prolonged exposure to extreme heat, resulting in heat stress, will occur in the next five years. Project planning decisions, project design, and construction methods should take into account the level of extreme hazard.   (https://thinkhazard.org/en/report/108-haiti/EH)
Flooding Yes During rainy season, the EMDAT link below for details
Insect Infestation N/A N/A
Mudslides Yes During the rainy season roads may be difficult to access and are often cut by land slides.
Volcanic Eruptions N/A N/A
High Waves / Surges N/A Potential danger
Wildfires N/A N/A
High Winds Yes Hurricanes
Other Comments Haiti's geographical situation, together with its meteorological and economic conditions and weak infrastructure, makes the country vulnerable to natural disasters. Even small events can have serious consequences.
Man-made Issues
Civil Strife Yes Given unstable political situation, the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) was established by Security Council Resolution 2476 of June 25, 2019 and deployed under Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter.
International Conflict N/A N/A
Internally Displaced Persons Yes Internal displacement has been mainly caused by natural disaster and insecurity caused by clashes between armed gangs.
Refugees Present N/A N/A
Landmines / UXO Present N/A N/A
Other Comments

Natural hazards represent a more serious hazard for Haiti, but its political and economic situation has the potential to deteriorate any time.

According to latest Integrated Food Phase Classification (IPC) report, the global standard for measuring food insecurity, some 4.5 million Haitians are projected to be in severe hunger and of these more than 1.3 million are likely to be at 'emergency' level by June 2022. (https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipc-country-analysis/details-map/en/c/1155096/)

For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters: EMDAT website information for Haiti

Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Affects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

Rainy and Hurricane Season could affect road transport

Apr - Nov

Secondary Road Transport

Rainy and Hurricane Season could affect road transport

Apr - Nov

Rail Transport



Air Transport

In case of hurricanes

Jun - Nov

Waterway Transport

In case of hurricanes

Jun - Nov


Seasonal weather changes can have an impact on delivery operations. Usually, all major towns are accessible all year round except in the case of heavy rains and/or the event of hurricanes by road and bridges, if the security situation does not pose threats on the accessibility Bridges and roads could be washed away and roads could be impassable for weeks. WFP ,the main UN agencies and NGOs prepositions stock at departmental level each year, in order to avoid an interruption of the supply chain in case of accessibility problems. WFP also prepositions off-road trucks on the other side of the possible road blocks as contingency measure during the Hurricane Season to allow a timely and effective response.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response and Preparedness for Emergencies


Haiti is one of the most disaster prone countries in the region. Given the existing political and economic problems, Haiti’s overall capacity to respond to emergencies is limited. This has been a factor amplified the effects of disasters. In July 2017, the Minister of the Interior and Local Authorities, at the official launch of the work to develop the legal framework of the National Risk and Disaster Management System (SNGRD in French). The General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC in French) is the operational body of the SNGRD. In the year of 2019 a National Disaster Risk Management Plan 2019 - 2030 was developed and published (https://www.mict.gouv.ht/plan-national-de-gestion-des-risques-et-de-desastres-2019-2030/ ). This plan was developed to guide a nationally coordinated emergency response and build up a system of resilience through:

  1. Improve knowledge of disaster risks in all their dimensions at the central, departmental, municipal and local levels;
  2. Improve disaster risk governance through policy, institutional and legal framework;
  3. Develop and use sustainable and innovative financial mechanisms to increase the resilience of communities and institutions and reduce disaster risk factors;
  4. Effectively ensure preparation, response and rapid post-disaster recovery through the strengthening of the technical, material and financial capacities of national, departmental, municipal and local institutions in charge of disaster management.

Outside an emergency, during "ordinary times", the National Risk and Disaster Management Committee (CNGRD) sets the policies for the National Risk Management System (SNGR). It consists of a President (Prime Minister), two vice-presidents (the Minister of Interior and the Minister of Environment) and other ministers as members. Technical committees, are established to analyze the different factors of risk (threat, vulnerability) and the application to the implementation of educational tools, land use, the formulation of standards and building codes, etc. These contributions are used to prepare the means and protocols for action, alert, organization and procedures to allow rehabilitation and rapid recovery and safe quality of life after emergencies and disasters.

In times of crisis the SPGRD turns into a Centre d'Operation d'Urgence National (COUN), the departmental committee of Civil Protection in Departmental Emergency Operations Centre and the same happens at communal level, is called Centre d'Operation d'Urgence Départemental (COUD) in order to manage the crisis from the closest point of coordination.

An important role is also played by the Haitian Red Cross, that can count on an extended presence throughout the country and on relevant support from the International Federation of the Red Cross and different national societies.

As far as governmental entities are concerned, the local level has now some means to undertake response activities quickly such as alert and evacuation, and limited response to handle some emergencies more independently. However, more financial, policy and technical supports are required from central level.

Humanitarian Community

The members of the international community have different but complementary capabilities for preparedness and disaster response. In general, the international community has highly technical and specialized and assets available for the management of risk and disaster. With offices and projects throughout Haiti, the international community is generally present during crisis and non-crisis time.

Since 2020, the UN family in Haiti is comprised of 19 agencies, funds and programmes and the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) (https://haiti.un.org/en/about/about-the-un) NGOs and religious communities have also an important role to play in relief operations. According to the latest survey conducted by OCHA in May 2022, there are 73 organizations have operational presence in the country. (https://reliefweb.int/report/haiti/haiti-presence-physique-des-organisations-au-8-juin-2022).

For information on Haiti Humanitarian Background contact details, please see the following links:

4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists

4.2 Haiti Humanitarian Agency Contact List


1.2 Haiti Regulatory Departments

The Ministry of Plan and External Cooperation (MPCE) is the Ministry in charge of the official NGOs registration and the general supervision of NGOs' activities. The supervision is done by a special Unit : ONG’s Activity Coordination Unit (UCAONG).

For specific and sensitive goods imports, some further endorsements are required:

The Ministry of Agriculture (MARNDR) has to endorse customs declarations when importing food.

The Ministry of Health (MSPP) has to endorse customs declaration when importing medical supplies.

Humanitarian activities 

Social activities are coordinated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MAST). 

Emergency and Disaster management activities are coordinated the General Direction of Civil Protection (DGPC) overseen by the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities (MICT).

For information on Haiti Regulatory Departments contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists

1.3 Haiti Customs Information

Haiti Customs Information

One of the main difficulties reported by the majority of humanitarian organizations operating in Haiti is delayed incoming relief cargo. Complicated and complex customs clearance procedures have in many cases delayed humanitarian aid deliveries. (Examples: in April 2010, upon return to normal customs situation, relief trucks were stuck for 7-10 days at the Malpasse/Jimani border on the Dominican side. To date, the importation of a e.g. vehicle takes several months.)

This is due to a series of inter-linked factors such as the organizations' official registration in country and the number of actors involved in every custom clearance declaration.

Custom fees exemption is indeed granted only to officially registered entities. For non-registered organizations fees can rise up to 40% of the value of the shipment.

First step is then to obtain the registration with the Government of Haiti (Ministry of Plan for NGOs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for International Organizations). Once registered the organization can apply, through the help of the line Ministry, for a “Fiscal Identification Number” at the Directorate General for Taxes (DGI), which will identify the NGO as tax exempted.

However every time an international shipment is received, a request for custom fees exemption, "Requete de Franchise", has to be sent again through the line Ministry, in order to have the franchise granted and to get the procedures started.

Despite the efforts made by WFP, the Humanitarian Coordinator, IFRC and the DPC, an emergency customs code does not exist in Haiti yet, and emergency aid has to follow the regular customs procedures, which are long and not accessible to all responders if those are not officially registered.

For the non-registered actors different solutions might be explored, such as partnership with a registered organization able to submit a customs clearance declaration or the donation of the goods to the Government of Haiti through the DPC.

Duties and Tax Exemption

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax free.]

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member


Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention

Not yet, but included in the new Custom Code

OCHA Model Agreement

Planned for 2012

Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)

A Emergency Response Agreement is not in place yet. Further collaboration between Haitian and Dominican Authorities is planned for 2012 in the frame of contingency planning and simulation exercises.

Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times, when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlines process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

he Haitian Customs Code has been last updated in 1987. A new one has been drafted, taking into consideration the new needs of a global market, but its publication date has not been disclosed yet. Given it was prepared by the previous Government it might not be a priority of the current one, however, if the current draft will be approved, special measures for humanitarian relief shall be included.

Until the new code or special rules will not be adopted, the regular process described above has to be followed.

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

To obtain duty free status, an International Organization has to be registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To obtain official acknowledgement of International Organization status, a basic agreement has to be signed between the organization and the Government of Haiti. At the end of the process an official notification will be then published on the Journal of the Republic of Haiti, “Le Moniteur”. Normally the International Organization status is recognized only to the UN Agencies, Organizations and Funds, and to Organization composed by States. Organizations composed by by citizens (national or internationals) have to be registered with the Ministry of Plan and External Cooperation.

Once the recognition is obtained, a request for a “Numero d’Identification Fiscale” (NIF), can be made to the Ministry of Finance, through he help of the MoFA. This number will identify the organization as tax exempted for all future transactions. Once the organization has received its NIF, which will be the proof of being an tax exemptioned organization, the organization has to apply for its “Quitus”. This is a document which states that the organization has fulfilled all its tax duties. For registered organizations its just a formality as they have right to be tax exempted, but this certificate has to be obtained once again from the Direcorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance through the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
To be able to import and export, an organization has to obtain the "Quitus - type B”. Every time a customs declaration is being prepared, a copy of the Quitus has to be attached. The Quitus Fiscal has to be renewed every six (6) months. The MoFA has to send the request to the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the organization.

Non Governmental Organizations

For an NGO to obtain duty free status it has to be registered with the Ministry of Plan and External Cooperation (MPCE). The unit who deals with registrations is the Unite de Coordination des Activites des ONG (UCAONG).
The registration process is described in the decree of the 14 September 1989. Below the list of basic documentation to be submitted to the MPCE:

  • Recognition request
  • Three copies of organization’s statute
  • Two reference letters from two NGO or Agency already working in Haiti;
  • Working permission emitted by the mayor of the municipality where the NGO is planning to work;
  • Provide a list of the NGO board members in 3 copies;
  • Provide judicial records for all the board members in original plus 2 copies.

Fill and sign the form prepared by the MPCE (see attached) in original, plus three (3) copies. Provide banking back up certificate in three (3) copies of an amount of minimum 50,000 HTG from a Haitian Bank.

For foreign NGOs provide three (3) original copies of the Recognition Act of the country of origin, delivered by the home country authorities, duly legalised by a consulate of the Republic of Haiti.

The Statute of the organisation must include:

  • Name and legal address of the NGO;
  • Type and scope of the planned activities;
  • Name, surname, address, nationality of the founder of the NGO;
  • Powers of the administrators;
  • The duration of the organization, the causes and the dissolution clauses.

A third of the members of the local branch of foreign NGOs have to be Haitians. For the foreign organization, a letter authorising the delegates operating in Haiti for the recognition process has to be sent from the organization's HQ.

Once the NGO obtains official authorization to work in Haiti (Communiqué Conjoint), the organization can apply for a (NIF) at the Ministry of Finance through the help of the MPCE. This number will identify the organization as tax exempted for future transaction.

Once the NGO has its NIF, the proof of being a tax exempted organization, the organization has to apply for its Quitus. This is a document stating that the organization has fulfilled all its tax duties. For registred NGOs its just a formality as they have right to be tax exempted, but this certificate as to be obtained once again from the Direcorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance through the help of the MoFA.

To be able to import and export, an organization has to obtain the "Quitus - type B”.

Every time a customs declaration is being prepared, a copy of the Quitus has to be attached.

The Quitus Fiscal has to be renewed every six (6) months. The Ministry of Plan has to send the request to the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the organization.

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

There is no “Exemption Certificate” as such. The fact that the International Organization or NGO is tax exempted is proven to the Government Official through the Organization's NIF.

However, every time a customs declaration is presented, the "Quitus - type B” has to be included. This is the proof that the organization has accomplished all its tax duties (just a formality as tax exempted) and is authorised to export and import.

For every incoming shipping a special customs duties exemption request has to be done, the  “Requete de Franchise”, a franchise request

Customs Clearance

General Information 

After the registration process is completed, the tax-exempted NIF and the "Quitus - type B” obtained, an orgnization will be able to present its Customs Declaration for every incoming shipment (air, road, sea). The Customs Declaration is a form that can be filled and presented at the Ministry of Finance only by an authorized and registered customs broker (see attached list). The organization has however to provide the chosen customs broker with the full set of documents necessary for the process he/she will be doing on behalf of the organization, including the “Requete de Franchise”, which is the letter requesting the customs duties exemption. This letter is the first step to be done for every Customs Declaration. The letter has to be addressed and duly signed (recognized signature) by the organization to the Line Ministry (MoFA for International Organizations and Ministry of Plan for NGOs), and has to contain all the details of the shipment, including B/L number, description of the items and value. Once the letter is ready it has to be attached to the shipping documents and given to the custom broker who will follow up on the process on behalf of the organization.

Customs Information

Document Requirements

  • Declaration Form compiled and presented by an authorized customs broker;
  • Joint Communiqué for the NGOs or Basic Agreement for International Organizations;
  • Quitus Fiscal - type B;
  • Packing List;
  • Bill of Lading/Airway Bill with the recipient organizations' consignee;
  • Freight Certificate;
  • Invoice or declaration of value;
  • Gift Certificate (if applicable);
  • Distribution Plan;
  • Vehicle Title (if applicable);
  • Certificate of Origin (if applicable);
  • Phyto-sanitary Certificate (if applicable);
  • Relevant ministry certificates (i.e. Ministry of Health certificate for medicines, Ministry of Agriculture certificate for seeds).



Prohibited Items


General Restrictions


Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Food Shelter,Wash and education Medicines Vehicles and Spare parts Staff and office supplies Telecoms equiment
Customs Declaration
AWB, BoL, or Other Transport Documents
Donation Non-Commercial Certificate
Packing List
Quitus Fiscal
Distribution Plan
n/a n/a n/a
Joint Communique (For NGOs)
Vehicle Title
 n/a  n/a  n/a
Yes (if Used)
 n/a  n/a


Transit Regime

N/A, Haiti is not part of a corridor.

For information on Haiti Customs, please see the following documents and links: 

Haiti Customs Administration Website

Code Douanier Haiti 5 Mai 1987

Haiti Cholera Customs Process

Haiti Formalites a remplir pout l'obtention du Statut Legal ONG

Haiti Ministere de la Planification et de la Cooperation externe unite de coordination des activities des ONG

Haiti Ministry of Finance Administrative Procedures- Custom fees exemption

Haiti Additional Information for Customs Clearance


Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

For information on Haiti Customs contact details, please see the following link: 

4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists

3 Haiti Logistics Services

Haiti Logistics Services

Disclaimer: Registration does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP/Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities. Please Note: WFP/Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse,comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

The following section contain information on the logistics services of Haiti.

3.1 Haiti Fuel


There is no fuel production in Haiti; all combustible is imported. There is also no refinery. Fuel arrives ready to be consumed.

Type of fuel imported:

  • Gasoline 91,
  • Gasoline 95,
  • Gasoil,
  • Kerosene is imported together with smaller quantity of JET-A1 for the air transportation industry.
  • And Crude oil commonly called MAZAOUT is imported as well for Central electricity purposes.

Haiti used to receive all its petroleum products from Venezuela under a regional agreement called PETROCARIBE, however, after the cessation of the PETROCARIBE program around 2019, mainly because Venezuela had difficultly managed to have significant of product to supply the market, Haiti imported the petroleum via the international market and receive by vessel. However, despite being a monopoly of the Haitian Government for years, since 2021, considering multiple constraints preventing the state to place orders on time, the government was obliged to authorize some large local distributors to import their own cargo of fuel like DINASSA, BANDARI, SOL, ETC. 

During the 2010 earthquake emergency response fuel was imported also from the Dominican Republic, to cope with the shortage resulted from the crisis, but this parallel importation was only allowed for a few weeks. Set up of contingency stocks is recommended especially up country where no large public or private facilities are available. Fuel is delivered only by ship and a change in a ship delivery or a missing delivery could cause distribution shortage.

Fuel cost greatly impact on the trade sectors, increase of fuel price caused large scale of protests in the country.

Fuel Pricing

Since December 10, 2021, there have been new fuel tariffs, resulting in the doubling of diesel and kerosene prices, and a substantial increase in gasoline in Haiti. The gallon of gasoline goes from 201 to 250 Gourdes, diesel from 169 to 353 Gourdes and kerosene from 163 to 352 Gourdes.

Summary of fuel price since December 2021: (UN rate of Jun 2022, 1 US = 114.829 Gdes)

Petrol (per Gallon)

250.00 Gdes/Gal. = 2.177 USD$

Diesel (per Gallon)

353.00 Gdes/Gal. = 3.074 USD$

Kerosene (per Gallon)

352.00 Gdes/Gal. = 3.065 USD

Paraffin (per Gallon)


Jet A1 (per litre)


Seasonal Variations 

Haiti not being a fuel producer, in addition to its very limited and centralized storage capacity, is causing a lot of pressure on the use of the product in the country. Quite often, and even too often, the petroleum product is not available in the market at all. Therefore, consumers have to deal with recurring shortages which sometimes created a generalized panic.

Shortages can also be related to importation problems, high demand and /or any unforeseen ongoing situation in the terminals as there all place in red zone. Any gang fighting or else can impacted even the distribution of fuel in Country.

Thus, we have observed during these past months, regular importation rarely sufficient or enough to supply local needs and consumption as there is no contingency stocks at national level and any delay of vessel caused shortages.

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (Yes / No)


Is there a rationing system? (Yes / No)


Is fuel to lower income/vulnerable groups subsidized? (Yes / No)


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs? (Yes / No)


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to contract directly a reputable supplier/distributor to provide its fuel needs? (Yes / No)


Fuel Transportation

Fuel is received in Port-au-Prince at two facilities (Varreux and Thor) and then distributed from the capital through different private fuel distributors around the country. This transfer is done by road with fuel trucks. Each company has its own fleet of trucks, but to meet the needs, they also sub-contract part of it to private operators. Transportation infrastructure and fleet are not always sufficient to handle current domestic needs as well as increased demand from the humanitarian community.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Tanks with adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel.


Filters in the system, monitors where fuel is loaded into aircraft


Adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks


Presence of suitable fire fighting equipment

Yes but some are inadequate

Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority? (Yes / No)


If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced? (Yes / No)


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories? (Yes / No)


Standards Used

  • Specialized laboratories are not available, and Testing is always done prior the arrival of the fuel in Country. Testing while assuming the distribution itself is always done with basic testing kits made available by the importer.

For information on Haiti Fuel contact details, please see the following links: 

4.6 Haiti Fuel Provider Contact List

4.1 Haiti Government Contact List

3.2 Haiti Transporters


The transport sector in Haiti is marked by the fact that most of the providers only own small fleets; and many times outsource transports to other private owners. Trucks available are not always well kept and services can then become insecure. Losses are often registered, also due to security situations. Traffic accidents are also common. Even if enough transporters are registered for the Port-au-Prince area, it's difficult to find adequate services in the regions where minimum acceptable standards are not always met. WFP uses private assessed transporters, and also its fleet of off road trucks, because many locations are inaccessible for local providers.

For information on Haiti Transporters contacts and fleet size details, please see the following document: 

Haiti Transporters Contacts & Fleet Sizes

3.3 Haiti Additional Service Providers


For information on Haiti additional service provider contact details, please see the following link: 4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List

Vehicle Rental

Many car rental companies are available in country, even international companies such as Avis and Hertz. Cars can be rented with or without drivers and different kind of vehicles are available. Prices are higher than in other countries. Locally owned companies are present also in departmental capitals. A shortage of rental cars was registered after the 2010 earthquake, which lead to a massive development of the sector. 

Taxi Companies 

There are no UNDSS-approved taxi companies operating in Haiti. Many private owners offer taxi services on the street, but these are not recommended, also due the rather bad conditions of the these cars. Some organized services are available, but as mentioned, not approved by UNDSS.

Freight Forwarding Agents

Some companies offer an integrated freight forwarding service. However, the most important part of the process is the custom clearance, for which the hiring of a good Custom Clearance Agent is paramount.

Handling Equipment 

The biggest provider of industrial machinery is the local CATERPILLAR dealer, HAYTRAC  (https://www.haytrac.com/about-us/) who also provides rental services for different type of equipment, such as forklifts, generators and light towers.

Electricity and Power 

The electricity sector in Haiti is largely government-owned. The main responsible body in charge is the Ministère des Travaux Publics, Transport et Communication ((MTPTC).

Electricity is not granted 24/7 and sometimes technical problems or lack of fuel interrupt electricity delivery. During the day industries are receiving the power instead of the residence. Most of the International Organizations produce their own electricity through the extensive use of generators. Pilot projects of solar power have been launched, but have a marginal impact on electricity production, which still relays on imported crude oil and some hydroelectrically produced MW.

Electricity in Haiti is 110 Volts, alternating at 60 cycles per second.

Electricity of Haiti (EdH) generates electricity with water power, and diesel or fuel oil generators. However, the bulk of production is provided by thermal power plants. Currently, the EdH has three independent power producers who feed the network both in the metropolitan area and in the provincial towns. EdH transports the electrical current of its production facilities and those of its suppliers to sub-stations, from where it is further distributed to the areas of consumption. EdH has two high voltage overhead lines, 115 KV and 69 KV. EdH supplies its clients with electrical energy via its distribution network. EdH has six substations in the metropolitan area, that distribute electrical energy over 32 circuits. Other provincial cities are isolated centers, and they have small distribution groups, with the exception of some of them, like Cap-Haitien, Jacmel, and Les Cayes, who have their own medium size crude oil generators. According to various sources, only about 12.5% of the population has regular access to electricity (approx. 12 hours per day) with average outages for 6 hours depending on towns and neighborhoods.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Three internet service providers are also present in country, and satellite and microwave connections are available. Most of the providers gain access to the net through the Dominican Republic or via satellite.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?


Private or Government

Access Haiti, DIGICEL, Natcom

Dial-up only (Yes / No)

No, fiber optic and adsl and microwave also available

Approximate Rates




 For shares lines, approx. 50mbps download speed costs around 220$

Max leasable ‘dedicated’ bandwidth

Up to 40/40 mbps in some locations

For information on Haiti additional service provider contact details, please see the following link:  4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List

3.4 Haiti Manual Labor

Labour is regulated by the Haitian Labor Code. A minimum wage is not always respected as controls are non-existent. UN agencies and NGOs often pay warehouse workers at a per MT rate, instead of a daily rate. The rate varies among organisations and changes subject to inflation, security and other factors. The information in the table below reflects the rate of July 2022 as a reference only.

Type of labour

Local Currency


Daily general worker (unskilled casual worker)

770 GDES/day

5 to 7 USD/day(minimum wage, WFP and NGOs tend to pay more)

Daily general worker (semi-skilled)

Warehouse workers – 1250 GDES/day – 140 GDES/MT

Warehouse workers:10 to 12 USD/day - 1.25 USD/MT

Skilled labour



3.5 Haiti Telecommunications

Land lines and fax lines are not available since the 2010 earthquake. Desk phones work with SIM cards. Various mobile phone providers are present in country, which made the sector a competitive market with relatively low prices for the users. UN Agencies and BINUH are also using radio communication equipment, and so do most of the NGOs in order to comply with security rules. Three internet service providers are also present in country, and satellite and microwave connections are available. Most of the providers gain access to the net through underwater sea cables, but also via the Dominican Republic using microwave links, or via satellite as backup.

For more information on Haiti Telecommunications contact details, please see the following link: 4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List

Telephone and Internet Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?


Does it allow international calls?


On average, number and length of downtime periods

For mobile operators in average – 15% downtime

Mobile phone providers (List)


Estimated availability and coverage

Approx. 80% of country coverage

Internet service Providers


Telecommunication Regulation

The only regulating body for telecommunications is Conseil National des Télécommunications (CONATEL)


Regulations on usage or import of:

Yes / No

Regulating Authority




HF Radio



UHF/VHF/HF radio: handheld, base and mobile



UHF/VHF repeaters






Individual Network Operator Licenses Required


Frequency Licenses Required


Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems

The Humanitarian Telecom System is mostly based on the UNDSS radio network. UNDSS manages a single radio room in Port-au-Prince but there are plans to extend coverage to a few other points of interest in the country, allowing better coverage for Humanitarian Organizations (UN and NGOs).

Existing UN Telecommunication Systems








VHF frequencies







HF frequencies






















For more information on Haiti Telecommunications contact details, please see the following link: 4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List.

3.6 Haiti Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Haiti Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

For information on Haiti contact details, please see the following link: 

4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List

Main Food Suppliers

Food supplies are mostly imported from abroad, including rice, which became the major component in Haitian kitchens.

Food suppliers are importing commodities, mainly from the United States and the Dominican Republic.


Hotels authorized by WFP after structural and security clearance

For information on Haiti accommodation, please see the following document: 

Haiti WFP approved hotels October2011

For information on Haiti contact details, please see the following link: 

4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List

3.7 Haiti Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure Assessment


There is a lack of data in general but for Port-au-Prince, 2,450 metric tons of municipal solid waste are generated per day - more than 900,000 tons per year, mainly organic waste though a growing percentage is plastic waste (data from 2015). Generally Haiti has a poor waste management infrastructure, leading to severe health and environmental issues, such as flooding, air pollution, respiratory ailments, diarrhoea, dengue fever, and cholera. The  average solid waste production rate in Haiti is 0.7 kg per day. There is also a lack of equipment, funding, and proper safety and environmental standards.

Service Métropolitain de Collecte des Résidus Solides (SMCRS) lacks financial resources and has problems in maintaining equipment, limiting the agency’s effectiveness. Haiti also has a very weak legislative framework. In 2017, a law was passed creating a National Solid Waste Management Service (SNGRS), although this was never enforced. In 2012 & 2013, two presidential orders were passed banning the importation of black polyethylene bags and expanded polystyrene (styrofoam) for single-use food packaging.

Waste Collection

Waste collection is approximately 12% nationwide, 37% for Port au Prince. The majority of the waste is left on the street or dumped in drainage canals, causing serious flooding after heavy rains. There is an active informal waste collection sector.

Waste Management Regulations

There is no national system for waste collection or management, leaving most municipalities without any formal structure.

Waste Management Service Providers

Municipalities and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport, and Communications (MTPTC) are responsible for solid waste management and are technically in charge of waste collection. The Metropolitan Solid Waste Collection Service (SMCRS) works in PaP - only municipality with a waste collection service. Private companies are also involved in waste collection for households who can afford it.

Landfill Status

Truittier is the only municipal landfill in the country. Waste is deposited without treatment less than 100 meters from the coast, with no protection against the flow of leachate into the soil. there is a significant contamination of soil and water, exacerbated by medical waste and hazardous substances which are also dumped at the location. Outside Truittier, most waste is disposed of in open dumpsites, accounting for 62% of waste disposal in Haiti.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

4 Haiti Contact Lists

In the following subsections the contact details for Haiti will be presented. 

4.1 Haiti Government Contact Lists

Ministry & National or Provincial/State Authority


City / Town

Street / Physical Address

Name & Title

Email & Website

Phone Number (Office)


Direction Générale de la Protection Civile




Angle Blvd Toussaint Louverture et Clercine 18, Port-au-Prince


Dr Gérard Jerry Chandler



+(509) 37024929

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile




 Angle Blvd Toussaint Louverture et Clercine 18, Port-au-Prince

Chargé de la Coopération

Ing. Moise Jean Pierre



+(509) 48980453

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Artibonite)



Directeur Départemental

Faustin Joseph


+(509) 48980319

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Centre)



Directeur Départemental

Margareth MULTY


+(509) 48913878

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Grande Anse)



Directeur Départemental

Wadson Montisino CLEDANORD


+(509) 31701191 / 37141944

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Nippes)



Directeur Départemental



+(509) 48980309

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Nord)



Directeur Départemental

Jean Henry PETIT


+(509) 48980306

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Nord-Est)

Fort Liberté





Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Nord-Ouest)



Directeur Départemental

Réthone José


+(509) 48960654

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Ouest)



Directeur Départemental



+(509) 48913872

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile


Departemental (Sud)



Directeur Départemental



+(509) 48980308

Direction Générale de la Protection Civile





Directeur Départemental



+(509) 48409696

Ministry of Plan



347, route de Bourdon, Port-au-Prince, Haiti




Ministry of Plan -"Unite de Coordination des Activites des ONG"



347, route de Bourdon, Port-au-Prince, Haiti






Customs Administration



Blvd. La Saline, angle rues du Quai et des Fronts-Fort, Port-au-Prince, Haiti





+(509) 28136161-65

Tax General Direction



60, Avenue Christophe, Port-au-Prince, Haïti, (W.I)





+(509) 22621000

Ministere des Travaux Publics Transports et Communications - MTPTC



29, Rue Toussaint Louverture, Delmas 33




MTPTC- Direction Transport



29, Rue Toussaint Louverture, Delmas 33

Transport Director

Ing, Rudolphe Emile



This Directorate is in charge of road construction and maintenance.

MTPTC – Fonds d’Entretien Routier (FER)


27, Rue Toussaint Louverture, Delmas 33




This Directorate is in charge of fund raising and management for road construction and maintenance.

Ministere de l'Economie et des Finances



5, Avenue Charles Sumner, Port-au-Prince, Haïti





The MEF is the governmental authority in charge of setting the fuel prices.


4.2 Haiti Humanitarian Agency Contact List

For a full list, please see the following document: Haiti Humanitarian Contact List.


Name & Title

Email & Website


Unites Nations in Haiti




Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Christian Cricboom, Head of Office




World Food Programme (WFP)

Jean-Martin Bauer, Country Director




The International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Giuseppe Loprete, Head of Mission




United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Bruno Maes, Representative



+509 25 36 4252

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

Felipe Munevar, Representative



+509 28 16 0980

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

Maureen Birmigham, Representative



+509 28 14 3000

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Saidou Kabore, Representative



+509 28 15 6000

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Jose Luis Fernandez, Representative


+509 29 41 0311

United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS)

Bruno Delais, UNDSS



World Bank Group

Laurent Msellati, Country Manager




Coordonnateur de la Préparation et la Réponse aux Désastres

Garibaldy SANTIAGUE,

Coordonnateur de la Préparation et la Réponse aux Désastres



+509 28 11 00 10

International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Marie Flore Martineau RODOLPHE



Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Holland  




MSF Belgium




MSF France

Logistics in Charge



4.3 Haiti Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Haiti Port and Waterways Company Contact List

Port Name Company Physical Address Name Email

Phone Number


Phone Number


Fax Number Website Key Role
Port-au-Prince ADEKO 33-35 Ave Marie-Jeanne
Blvd Harry Truman
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Marc Kinson Antoine mk.antoine@adeko-ht.com +509 2 816 0880 +509 3 445 0617 +509 2 224 1777 www.adeko-ht.com Agent
Port-au-Prince Agemar/IMT 360 Blvd La Saline
Port-au-Prince, 11101, Haiti
Edouard Baussan jpbaussan@agemar.com +509 2 940 2193 +509 3 701 3626 +509 3 175 4440   Agent
Port-au-Prince Antoine Hogarth Rue Assad 1, Turgeau
P O Box 1255
Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti
Maurice Hogarth ahogarthsa@aol.com +509 2 813 1965       Agent
Port-au-Prince Caribbean Port Services Complexe APN
Boulevard La Saline
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
  info@cps.ht +509 2 831 0320     www.cps.ht  
Port-au-Prince Enmarcolda S.A. 3 Bas Route de Delmas
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, HT-6110
Wilhelm E. J. Lemke enmarcolda@dadesky.com   +509 3 744 4226   http://enmarcolda.com/ Agent
Port-au-Prince ETS J.B. Vital S.A. Boulevard de La Saline
PO Box 87
Port au Prince, Haiti
Raymond Vital etsjbvitalsa@etsjbvitalsa.com
+509 2 940 2640
+509 2 940 2840
+509 3 711 1812
 +509 3 457 6929
Port-au-Prince Haiti Shipping S.A. 33 Ave Marie Jeanne
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Joseph Harry Bretous haship@haship.com +509 2 948 0308       Agent
Port-au-Prince JP Agence Maritime 9 Ave Marie Jeanne
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Jean Yves Paul jpstemship@hotmail.com +509 2 224 5297        
Port-au-Prince JSM Shipping   Jn Staline Marcelin jsm2001us@yahoo.com   +509 3 401 3048      
Port-au-Prince Madsen Import-Export S.A. 35 Ave Marie Jeanne
PO Box 1334
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Erick Madsen madsenship@yahoo.com +509 2 940 4422
+509 2 940 4421
+509 3 467 7203     Agent
Port-au-Prince Mediterranean Shipping Company Limited Haiti S.A. 6 Rue Georges Coles, Route de L'aeroport
P.O. Box 15903
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Philippe Coles ops@msc.haiti.com +509 2 813 1190
+509 2 815 1320
    www.msc.com/hti Shipping Company
Port-au-Prince NADAL S.A. 55 Boulevard Toussaint Louverture
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Christine Nadal Theard nadmar@nadalsa.com +509 2 941 1525     http://www.nadalsa.com Agent
Storage & Handling
Land Transport
Port-au-Prince Quisqueya Shipping   Junot Waag Louis quishipagency@gmail.com   +509 3 812 3479      
Port-au-Prince RVAM 37 Avenue Marie Jeanne
Suite #8, Second Floor
Port au Prince, Haiti
Reginald Villard rvamhaiti@rvamhaiti.com +509 2 816 2011       Agent
Port-au-Prince SAMAR S.A. Route Nationale No. 1, Chancerelles
Port-au-Prince, Haiti 
Jn Bernard Dupoux info@samar.ht
+509 2 814 0050   +509 2 815 0059    
Port-au-Prince Seaboard Marine No. 65 Route de Delmas
Bâtiment Valerio Canez / 3ème étage
Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
Bernard Theard bernardj_theard@seaboardhaiti.com +509 2 943 1414
+509 2 813 1437
+509 3 721 4748   https://www.seaboardmarine.com/haiti Shipping Company
Port-au-Prince Sontram   Richard Lebrun sontram@compa.net   +509 3 114 7282     Agent
Port-au-Prince Thebaud Steamship Agents SA 7 Ave Marie Jeanne
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, HT6110
Patrick Thebaud oper@thebaudagency.com +509 2 943 2756       Agent

4.4 Haiti Airport Company Contact List



Physical Address

Name & Title

Email & Website

Phone Number (office) & Fax Number

Description of Services


Office National Aviation Civile (OFNAC)

11, Boulevard Toussaint Louverture
Fax: BP 1346.

Director General

Laurent Joseph DUMAS, Lt-Col




+509 29102224,

+509 29102226

+509 47541919

OFNAC sets the rules for the Haitian air transport sector.

It also controls the country's air space traffic,

which consists in a large area of the Caribbean air space.

This is done by 24/24h air traffic controller's radio room.


Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale (AAN)

Aéroport International Toussaint Louverture, Boulevard Louverture Port-au-Prince Haiti

Director General

Yves Ducarmel François



+(509) 3455-8228

+(509) 3723-8228

+(509) 3452-9869

The AAN ensures planning, creation, extensions,

management and the exploitation of airports

facilities in Haiti. AAN is also part of the MTPTC.

Haiti Port au Prince International Airport

HAMASERCO (Haytian American Services Company, SA)

Boulevard Toussaint Louverture - Aéroport International Toussaint Louverture de Port au Prince





HANDLING SERVICES Administration Passenger

Services Support Services Ramp Services Operations /

Load Control Cargo / Mail Services Security OTHER SERVICES Airport Ticket Sales Catering Sevices Fueling Services

Haiti Port au Prince International Airport


Boulevard Toussaint Louverture - Aeroport International Toussaint Louverture de Port au Prince

69, Rue Pavée, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Station Manager

Stephane Barjon




+(509) 2813-0402/+(509) 2813-0593/+(509) 3701-4959

Passenger Handling Department,

Cargo Department, Baggage Department, Operations Department,

Ramp Department and Security Department

Haiti Port au Prince International Airport


Boulevard Toussaint Louverture - Aeroport International Toussaint Louverture de Port au Prince


Frantz Desvarieux




Ramp services, Passenger services, Cargo, Services, General Aviation Services, Airline Representation

Haiti Port au Prince International Airport


Boulevard Toussaint Louverture - Route de l'Aéroport en face de la Station National Port au Prince, HT 6110-04

Station Manager

Dimitri Malebranche




+509 38131424 - 38181484

Cargo Handling

Haiti Port au Prince International Airport

Administration Générale des Douanes – Bureau de l’Aéroport

 Boulevard Toussaint Louverture - Aeroport Internationale Toussaint Louverture de Port au Prince




Customs Contact 



4.5 Haiti Storage and Milling Company Contact List

Port Name


Physical Address

Name & Title


Phone Number (office)

Key Role

Description of Duties

Port international de Port-au-Prince

Force Bon Dieu Services

Delmas2, Route de

Delmas Port-au-Prince



+509 3754 6344

Warehouse management


Handling and management services

Port international

de Port-au-Prince

IMWM (International

Marritieam & WH


Parc Industriel de



Lionel Trouillot


+ 509 3607 3697

Warehouse management


Handling and management services

Port international

de Port-au-Prince

BND, Bureau de Nutrition

et Development

Parc Industriel






+509 2222 3791,

+509 2222 3792

Warehouse management


Handling and management services


Office City S.A.

106, Route de Frères, PaP



+509 28130609


Handling and management services



Patrick Joseph


+509 3737-3232

Real estate

Specilized in industrial real estate


Chatelain Cargo service

Sonapi Industrial Parc

Philippe SAUVAGE, Operational Manager


+509 37028125

Transportation and warehouse management office

Handling and management services







Four compartements  with a total area of 2280  m²

4.6 Haiti Fuel Provider Contact List


Physical Address

Name & Title

Email & Website

Phone Number (office)

Phone Number (mobile)

Description of Services Provided

Association Nationale des Distributeurs de Produits Pétroliers 


401 Route de Delmas, B.P.1379,






ANADIPP is a private sector association, regrouping the main fuel companies; and negotiate in their names the rates with the Government.


175, Route de Delmas,

PO Box 15493, Petion-Ville,







Fuel provider

ESSO Standard Oil,

S.A. Limited

Route de Delmas, PO Box 1752,



 Cedric P. Bouquety




Fuel provider

Sol Petroleum

177, Route de Delmas,







Fuel provider


Avenue Lamartiniere,






Fuel provider

Total Haiti S.A.

Boulevard Toussaint Louverture /

Route de l'Aeroport, Port-au-Prince





Fuel provider

4.7 Haiti Additional Service Provision Contact List

Please see the following link for an updated list of suppliers in Haiti: Haiti Suppliers.

4.8 Haiti Waste Management Companies Contact List


Street / Physical Address




Phone Number (office)

Fax Number


Description of Waste Management Services

Kay Blada Recycling

Hinche, Haiti

Johnson “Blada” Desauguste

Executive Director


+1 (336) 684-0432



Recycling of plastic and aluminum

Fuego del Sol

#8 Clarecine 22, Tabarre, Port-au-Prince, Ouest, Haiti

Kevin Adair



+509 4821 7626



Paper shredding, recycling of paper, cardboard, and agricultural waste, office supplies, etc.


7 Michiko, 3BB, Route Nationale #1, Cite Soleil, Haiti

Nel-Ange St Cyr



+509 34 54 6782



Production of paving bricks from recycled plastic and sand


Leogane, Haiti




001 (206) 850-5617



Small-scale plastic waste recycling program alongside regular youth programming

EcoRenew Solutions

#11 Santo 13, Croix Des Bouquets, Ouest, Haiti

#17,  Acul Du Nord, Haiti

Vanessa Pierre






Recycling company accepting PET, PP, HDPE, LDPE, glass, and aluminum (soon collecting paper, cardboard, and styrofoam)

Plastic Bank

350-1333 Johnston St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3R9, Canada




+1 (604) 263-7443



Network of collection centers around the country accepting plastic and aluminum


Port-au-Prince, Haiti







Large recycling center in Port-au-Prince partnering with numerous other organizations

E Recycling

Tabarre, Port au Prince, Haiti




+509 29 40 4040



Recycling center focused on scrap metal (but also accepting plastics, cardboard, paper, and used batteries)

ECSSA/ Lavergne Haiti

16 Rue C. Seant, Rte De Tabarre, Clercine PAP, Haiti HT6110

Edouard Carrie

Executive Director

ecarrie@lavergne.ca, edouard@ecssahaiti.com



http://ecssahaiti.com/, https://lavergne.ca/

Recycling center with full washline accepting plastics, metal, paper, and cardboard


Cité Militaire, Haiti




+509 48 95 8854



Recycling company focusing on plastic waste

Haiti Recycling

Route Nationale #1, Bon Repos, Lathan, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Stephan Sajous



(509) 3869-6147

(209) 436-2353


Recycling company accepting plastic, metals, paper, cardboard, and e-waste

Koperativ Resiklaj Sides

Jacmel, Haiti




+509 31 73 3159



Recycling center accepting plastic and aluminum, run by Olive Tree Projects midwifery center

Pwop-T Recycling

Rue Reine Marie Louise a Cote Paradis, Ouanaminthe, Haiti




+509 38 31 4341



Household waste collection company

5 Haiti Annexes

The following section contains annexes for additional information for the Haiti LCA

5.1 Haiti Acronyms and Abbreviation


Full name of the Agency / Organization


Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale


Alliance pour la gestion des risques et la continuité des activités


Association Nationale des Distributeurs de Produits Pétroliers 


Autorité Portuaire Nationale 


Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs- USAID


Bureau intégré des Nations Unies en Haïti


Bilateral Service Provision


Cost & Freight


Civil Aviation Authority


Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere


Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency


Container Freight Stations


National Risk and Disaster Management Committee 


Centre d'Operation d'Urgence Departemental


Centre d'Operation d'Urgence National 




Digital Logistics Capacity Assessment


Direction Générale de la Protection Civile 


Expanded Joint Operation Centre


Emergency Joint Operations Centre


The Emergency Operations Centre 


Food and Agriculture Organisation


Forty Foot Equivalent Units


Groupe d’appui de la coopération internationale


Garde Côte d’Haiti


General Pocket Radio Service


Gross Register Tonnage


International Air Transport Association


International Civil Aviation Organisation


International Committee of the Red Cross


Internally Displaced Persons


Instrument Landing System


International Monetary Fund


International NGO


Index for Risk Management


International Organisation for Migration


Internet Service Providers




Kilo Volt Ampere


Logistics Capacity Assessment


Lift-on Lift-off


Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources naturelles et du Développement durable


Ministère des Affaires sociales et du Travail


Ministère de l’Intérieur et des Collectivités territoriales


Ministère de l’Éducation et de la Formation professionnelle


Memorables of Understanding


Ministère de la Planification et de la Coopération externe


Ministère de la Santé publique et de la Population


Metric Tons




Non Directional Beacon


Non Food Items


Non Governmental Organisation


Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs


Office National Aviation Civile


Operateurs Portuaires Reunis 


Pan American Health Organization


Post Disaster Needs Assessment


Police Nationale d’Haiti


Resident Coordinator


Roll-on Roll-off


Service de Contrôle du Poids des Véhicules


National Disaster Risk Management System 


Permanent Secretariat for Disaster Risk Management 


Transmission and Distribution


Twenty Foot Equivalent Units


Terminal Handling Charge


Unité hydrométéorologique d’Haïti


United Nations


Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS


United Nations Country Team


United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination


United Nations Development Programme


United Nations Environmental Programme


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


United Nations Population Fund


United Nations Humanitarian Air Service


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


United Nations Children's Fund


(Very) High Frequency


VHF omnidirectional radio range


Very Smart Aperture Terminal


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene


World Bank


World Customs Organisation


World Food Programme


World Health Organisation


World Vision International