South Sudan, Republic of - 1 Country Profile

South Sudan, Republic of - 1 Country Profile

South Sudan Country Map

Generic Information

South Sudan, officially the Republic of South Sudan, is a landlocked country in East-Central Africa that is part of the United Nations Sub-Region of East Africa. Juba is the capital and largest city.

South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on 9 July 2011, making it the most recent sovereign state or country with widespread recognition as of 2023. It includes the vast swamp region of the Sudd, formed by the White Nile and known locally as the Bahr al Jabal, meaning "Mountain Sea".

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources:

Wikipedia information on South Sudan (

IMF Country Information on South Sudan (

Humanitarian Info

World Food Programme Information on South Sudan (

South Sudan Logistics Cluster 

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Information on South Sudan (

Facts and Figures

South Sudan Wolfram Alpha Information (

South Sudan World Bank Information (

South Sudan Population Information (





South Sudan, Republic of - 1.1 Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Disasters



Comments / Details



While accessibility throughout the country is marginally improved during the dry season, conflict over scarce resources in areas affected by drought can lead to insecurity and inter-communal conflict. Compounding this is the road and river infrastructure, which is poorly maintained without any long-term maintenance program, which is deteriorating yearly. Eastern Equatoria and parts of Jonglei are frequently affected by drought. Most conflict incidents occur during the dry season, with Jonglei, Unity, Lakes, Upper Nile, and Warrap states recording the largest number of incidents.



Earthquakes rarely occur in South Sudan.



Poor sanitation and water contamination have led to outbreaks of cholera. For information on other major infectious diseases, please see the following link:

Extreme Temperatures


South Sudan can be hot, but extreme temperatures are rare; the average annual temperature is about 28.5° C, with an average annual high of 33.7° C.



For information on flooding in South Sudan, please see the following link:

Insect Infestation


Locusts, termites, stem-borer, and Dura-bugs can have an effect on crop production; however, the prevalence of such pests has been low.



South Sudan has mainly flat terrain, characterized by rocky outcrops. Landslides are rare.

Volcanic Eruptions


South Sudan has no active volcanoes.

High Waves / Surges


South Sudan is completely land locked and there are no large bodies of water where high waves or sudden water surges could be a problem.



Large areas of grassy plains, savannah and lowland forests characterize South Sudan.  Wildfires often occur because of agricultural burning and are common in areas experiencing consistent drought.

High Winds


High winds can occur and have damaged warehouse facilities in the past; however, they are not considered a constant hazard.

Other Comments


Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife


Since December 2013, South Sudan and its armed forces have been involved in non-international armed conflicts with several armed non-state actors, notably the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army-in-Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) and the National Salvation Front (NAS)

International Conflict


There are no international conflicts between South Sudan and neighbouring countries.

Internally Displaced Persons


For information on IDPs in South Sudan, please see the following link:

Refugees Present


For information on refugees in South Sudan, please see the following link:

Landmines / UXO Present


Parts of the country are still affected by landmines and UXO’s. Jonglei and Western, Central and Eastern Equatoria states have the highest number of known hazards. A few roads in Western and Northern Bahr El Ghazal, Unity, Jonglei and Lakes states are still minded (UNMAS 2023). For more information, see the following link:

Other Comments



For a more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters Country Profile.


Seasonal Effects on Logistics Capacities

Seasonal Effects on Transport

Transport Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details

Primary Road Transport

Rainy season: May to October

Dry season: January to May


The total estimated track length in South Sudan is approximately 90,200 km (about 56047.68 mi). This includes approximately 14,000 km (about 8699.2 mi) of primary and secondary roads and 6,000 km (about 3728.23 mi) of tertiary tracks. Approximately 5,000 km (about 3106.86 mi) of roads remain passable during the rainy season.

Road transport is severely affected during the rainy season, with some parts being completely inaccessible for months.  Pre-positioning of supplies by road takes place during the dry season.

Secondary Road Transport

Rainy season: May to October

Dry season: January to May

The secondary road network is severely affected during the rainy season roads. Many primary and secondary roads receive little to no maintenance and during the wet season, vehicle traffic quickly destroys submerged and waterlogged roads.

Rail Transport


South Sudan has one rail connection, connecting Babanusa (Sudan) with Wau (444 km). This line comprises 248 km of narrow gauge, single-track rail within South Sudan. Rail transport is currently not operational.

Air Transport

Rainy season: May to October

Air transport in South Sudan is weather dependent. Helicopter and small aircraft operations are grounded in bad weather. Landing strips are mostly gravel, making large numbers of airstrips unusable by fixed wing planes during the rainy season necessitating the need to revert to helicopters. At smaller airstrips, the proximity of local villages and lack of security makes incursions of people and animals onto airstrips a hazard to aircraft and crew.

Waterway Transport

All year on the river Nile.

South Sudan controls the upper reaches of the Nile, which gives the country 1,400 km of navigable inland waterways. These main waterways remain navigable throughout the year. However, the barges and pushers have had little investment over the past years and are constantly breaking down, making the barge operations unreliable.


South Sudan has an equatorial climate with high humidity and lots of rainfall. The temperature varies between an average low of 21° C and an average high of 34° C. The country experiences only two seasons. The rainy season varies between May and October, and the dry season varies between January and May. On average, the hottest month is March, and the coolest month is July, with the driest average month being January and the wettest month being August.

During the rainy season, road transport is severely affected as roads become flooded and waterlogged, with large parts of the country becoming inaccessible. The planting and harvest season coincides with the start of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season. In general, agricultural production during this period does not impact the availability of trucks; however, in smaller locations where there is a general lack of services and service providers, seasonal agricultural practices can affect availability. Pre-positioning of supplies and cargo takes place during the dry season.

Seasonal Effects on Storage and Handling

Activity Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details


Rainy season: May to October

Dry season: January to May

Seasonal flooding and insecurity remain the biggest factors affecting storage facilities. Storage facilities in certain areas are at elevated risk of flooding or of being cut-off because of roads being inaccessible. Storage facilities are at risk of being abandoned and/or looted due to insecurity in some areas, especially in those areas experiencing conflict.


June to February

January to August

Agricultural practices (food production and livestock) are the main livelihood activities and sources of income for most households in non-urban areas. Seasonal planting, harvesting and migratory patterns can result in a reduction of available labour. 

Insecurity due to historical inter-tribal conflict, armed insurgencies and cattle raiding in areas such as Jonglei and Unity states can result in the large displacement of people and the unavailability of permanent labour.


Rainy season: May to October

In some instances, transporters may refuse to go into areas affected by conflict. During the rainy season, road transporters may refuse to go into certain areas due to an increased risk of accidents or of getting stuck. Local transporters operate without support, and trucks can get stuck for weeks in areas affected by heavy rains.


Physical access constraints because of perennial flooding, poor road conditions and insecurity remain the biggest factors influencing logistics operations in South Sudan. During the rainy season, 60% of the road network becomes inaccessible. 50% of all counties in 2012 experienced flooding, making moving heavy vehicles difficult. Historically, during the dry season, there is an increase in inter-communal violence and a decrease in the general security situation in certain parts, such as Jonglei. As a result, pre-positioning of stock must be a top priority for any organization during the dry season when the roads remain dry, river levels stable and counties are unaffected by perennial flooding.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response



The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management is mandated to oversee all humanitarian work in South Sudan. In general, the use of military/defense assets in relief operations occurs rarely and, in most occurrences, such assets are utilised on a one time only basis and usually without humanitarian involvement. Close cooperation with military establishments involves the facilitation of access to affected areas in restricted areas.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.



The current humanitarian structure in South Sudan involves several key agencies and organizations that are actively engaged in addressing the humanitarian needs of the population. These agencies work in collaboration to aid and support across various sectors.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) plays a vital role in coordinating humanitarian efforts in South Sudan. OCHA works closely with other UN agencies, NGOs, and government entities to ensure effective coordination, information sharing, and resource allocation. They provide regular updates and reports on the humanitarian situation in the country, guiding the overall response efforts.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is one of the major agencies operating in South Sudan. WFP focuses on addressing food insecurity and malnutrition by providing food assistance to vulnerable populations. Their ongoing programs include general food distribution, nutrition support, and school feeding programs, which aim to improve the nutritional status of communities across the country.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is actively involved in South Sudan, working to protect and promote the rights of children. UNICEF's programs in the country focus on providing access to safe water, sanitation facilities, health services, and education. They also prioritize child protection initiatives, including family tracing and reunification for separated children, and psychosocial support interventions.

Other key agencies and organizations operating in South Sudan include the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and the South Sudan Red Cross Society (SSRCS). ICRC provides healthcare services, supports medical facilities, and promotes respect for international humanitarian law. MSF delivers medical assistance, emergency response, and long-term healthcare interventions. The SSRCS plays a vital role in responding to emergencies, providing relief items, and promoting community resilience.

These ongoing programs and initiatives are crucial in addressing the urgent needs of the population in South Sudan, particularly in the areas of food security, healthcare, water and sanitation, education, and protection. The collaborative efforts of these key agencies and organizations are instrumental in mitigating the impact of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the country.


- United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA):

- United Nations World Food Programme (WFP):

- United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF):

- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC):

- Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF):

- South Sudan Red Cross Society (SSRCS):

For more information on humanitarian agency contact details, please see the following link: 4.2 Humanitarian Agency Contact List.



South Sudan, Republic of - 1.2 Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

South Sudan National Bureau of Standards is responsible for the country’s national infrastructure in terms of standardization, metrology, and accreditation. However, the accreditation body has not been activated. The other stakeholders of the NQI system include various government ministries such as ministries of: Health, Environment and forestry, Livestock and Fisheries, Agriculture and Food Security, Trade and Industry, Transport, Roads and Bridges, Land, Housing and Urban Development, Information and Communication, Energy and Dams and agencies/parastatal bodies such as Drug and Food Control Authority (DFCA), National Communication Authority (NCA), South Sudan Roads Authority (SSRA), South Sudan Urban Water Corporation (SSUWC), South Sudan Electricity Corporation (SSEC) and South Sudan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).

Responsibility for technical regulation and product certification currently falls under the purview of the SSNBS. SSNBS is responsible for ensuring fairness of trade and the protection of consumers against substandard, shoddy, and hazardous products. SSNBS support for trade includes the development and implementation of standards for various sectors mainly through product conformity assessment (testing, inspections, and certification). Conformity assessment is undertaken by different government agencies. For instance, the inspection of medicines and other regulated products is conducted by the DFCA while NCA conducts the inspection of electronic products, especially telecommunication products.

For more information on the department see the following links:


For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List




South Sudan, Republic of - 1.3 Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption

Emergency Response:

[Note: This section contains information which is related and applicable to ‘crisis’ times. These instruments can be applied when an emergency is officially declared by the Government.  When this occurs, there is usually a streamlined process to import goods duty and tax-free.]

In the following table, state which of the following agreements and conventions apply to the country and if there are any other existing ones

Agreements / Conventions Description

Ratified by the Country?

(Yes / No)

WCO (World Customs Organization) member

Yes, ratified 18 July 2012

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention


OCHA Model Agreement


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations)


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration)


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response): 

[Note: This section should contain information on the usual duties & taxes exemption regime during non-emergency times when there is no declared state of emergency and no streamlined process (e.g. regular importations/development/etc.).]

The South Sudan Customs Services exemptions unit handles tax exemptions. UN agencies and NGOs are exempt from import duty, excise duty, vehicles, customs warehouse rent (CWR) and VAT; however, specific exemption procedures must be adhered to by UN agencies or organisations.

Apart from UNMISS and UN agencies, tax exemptions can only be granted to registered taxpayers, and organisations must register for a Tax Identification Number (TIN) at a Directorate of Taxation branch office.  A special tax exemption can be granted to non-UN/NGO organisations, but such exemptions are granted on a case basis and only under certain circumstances.

To be granted a tax exemption on imports, organisations must apply for an exemption at the South Sudan Customs Service unit within the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP) and submit the required documentation related to the cargo. Only the minister of MoFEP can grant tax exemptions.

Once fully processed, an exemption letter will be issued by the South Sudan Customs Service, which will form part of the clearance documents to be presented to customs and border checkpoints.

Organisational Requirements to Obtain Duty Free Status

United Nations Agencies

 There are no special requirements apart from submitting the necessary application and support documentation.

Non-Governmental Organizations

 Before being granted tax exemptions, all NGOs must be registered to operate in South Sudan. All NGOs must register for an NGO Operations Certificate with the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC). NGOs must also register with the Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Development (MoLaCD), Directorate of Registration of Businesses, Associations and NGOs to obtain a registration certificate. All NGOs must register for a Tax Identification Number (TIN) at any Directorate of Taxation branch office.

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure: 

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure

Generalities (include a list of necessary documentation)

  •  The National Directorate of Taxation has the responsibility of collecting all business, sales, withholding, and personal income tax within South Sudan.
  • The National Customs Services collects excise (for both national and state governments), sales tax, income tax and BPT/IT withholding tax on imported goods. Taxes to any government authority other than the National Directorate of Taxation or Customs Services (at the borders) should be refused.
  • The Ministry of Commerce also charges 20% of the value of the goods if no import license is available where required.
  • Tax exemption applications are handled by the Exemptions Unit of the South Sudan Customs Services.
  • Tax exemption requirements apply to the UN, UN agencies and NGOs alike.
  • Currently, only the Minister of MOFEP is authorised to grant exemptions following the advice of the Director General of Customs. Although the process of dealing with the application can be delegated within the South Sudan Customs Services, the Minister is required to sign the actual exemption letter.

Required Documents

    • “Request for Non-Diplomatic Exemptions from Taxes on Imports” application form
    • Application cover letter on organisation letterhead (NGO only)
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation’s cover letter (UN only)
    • Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning cover letter
    • Commercial or Pro-Forma Invoices
    • Donation Certificate (If applicable)
    • Transport Documents, Airway Bills (AWB’s) or Bill of Ladings (BOLs)
    • Packing List
    • Certificate of Origin
    • Operations Certificate. (NGOs only)
    • Registration Certificate. (NGOs only)
    • Purchase Order (PO) (UN only)
    • Certificate of Conformity

The process to be followed (step-by-step or flowchart)

  •  Complete the Request for Non-Diplomatic Exemptions from Taxes on Imports application form as per the instructions. This form can be obtained from the Exemptions unit of the South Sudan Customs Services in Juba, Nimule or Kaya.
  • Attach the required documentation.

As stated above, and where applicable,

  • Attach a cover letter detailing the request. The cover letter must be on the applying organisation's letterhead and addressed to the Director General of Customs Services, signed by the organisation representative, and citing relevant provisions in legislation.
  • UN ONLY:
    • Submit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation’s (MoFAIC) Privileges and Immunities Unit.
    • Submit an additional copy of the applying organisation cover letter.
    • The Privileges and Immunities office will write an additional cover letter to the Director General of Customs Services requesting the clearance of imported items.
  • NGOs ONLY:
    • Submit to the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC).
    • Request the RRC director general to write an additional cover letter to the Director of General of Customs Services requesting the clearance of imported items.
  • Submit an application to the Director General’s Customs Services office (Exemption Unit). Customs Services reviews request/documentation. The Director General of Customs Services gives his initial approval or rejection.
  • IF approved, the exemption application is sent to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning MoFEP for signature. Only the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning can sign the exemption.
    • MoFEP attaches its own cover letter.
  • Exemption application returns from MOFEP to the Customs Service office. The customs services office calculates the value that has to be exempted and notes it on the MoFEP cover letter attached to the application. **This arrangement is set to change whereby tax will be calculated before the application is sent to the Minister to save time. Customs Services DG Stamps and gives final approval.
  • IF Customs exemption is granted:
    • Applying organisation needs to stipulate an entry point.
      • IF airport (Juba): A copy of the documentation will be given for clearance.
      • IF border entry: A receipt will be given (detailing the exemption number) to the clearing agent. The original paperwork is sent to the relevant border point for clearance.
  • IF the application is rejected, the process is stopped and/or the organisation is asked for additional information or clarification. If the application is stopped, the organisation can appeal or restart the process. Appeals should be made directly to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning or his delegated representative.
  • NGOs ONLY:
    • Obtain Import Permits from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment.
    • Write a request letter for an import permit to the Undersecretary General of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Investment.
    • Include cover Letter, invoice(s), certificates & copy of the approved exemption receipt/documents from customs.
    • In some instances, a fine (20% of the value of the goods) can be levied at the border if this permit is not attached.
    • Import Permit is mandatory for all imports of medicines and medical products. This import permit fee is (500 SSP).

Additional Recommendations:

  • It is essential to collect a copy of the approved exemption application or receipt from the customs service’s office as lost documentation or delays at the border could force a re-application process.
  • Submit exemption applications well in advance, at least 3-4 weeks before arrival of shipment.
  • Submit any additional documentation that might support the exemption certification process, but which is not necessarily required.
  • Do not submit multiple applications for the same exemption request. Follow up with the ministry and only re-submit when custom services confirm that the initial application was lost or rejected.  Multiple applications can be viewed as suspicious and can cause the process to be delayed or the application rejected.
  • Ensure that relevant invoices are attached to all applications and declarations, including those made by clearance agents. Missing invoices calculate the duty exempted difficult, which can cause delays.
  • Ensure that the tax exemption application adequately defines the items being imported. This is especially crucial for capital items and vehicles. The chassis or serial numbers should be recorded. Any vehicle or piece of capital equipment imported under an exemption effectively remains under the control of Customs until it changes its status. That is, it is either re-exported, transferred to another entitled person/organisation or any residual duty paid if appropriate. In all these situations, permission of customs is required. At some stage, Customs will be required to verify some of these imports to ensure that goods have not leaked onto the home market inappropriately.

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicle & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment


Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Packing Lists

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Tax exemption application form

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Application Cover Letter

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

MOFEP Cover Letter

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Original, applies to UN and NGOs

Certificate of Origin

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to UN and NGOs

Operations Certificate

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Registration Certificate

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Tax Identification Number (TIN) Certificate

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Import Permit from Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Investment

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Yes, Certified Copy, applies to NGOs

Additional Notes

Submit any additional documentation that might support the exemption certification process, but which is not necessarily required.

Customs Clearance

General Information 

Customs Information

Document Requirements

Copy of the approved exemption application (including Exemption Number) and documentation for entry at borders. Exemption receives (including Exemption Number) for entry at Airport.



Prohibited Items


General Restrictions


Customs Clearance Document Requirements

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity)



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education)


Vehicles & Spare Parts

Staff & Office Supplies

Telecoms Equipment

D&T Exemption Certificate

Yes, Original, 1 copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, 1 copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, 1 copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, 1 copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, 1 copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Original, 1 copy, applies to both UN and NGO


Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Packing Lists

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Phytosanitary Certificate

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to both UN and NGO

Import Permits

Yes, Copy, applies to NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to NGO

Yes, Copy, applies to NGO

Additional Notes

Submit any additional documentation that might support the exemption certification process, but which is not necessarily required.

Transit Regime

All transit goods are declared at the point of import and travel under bond where the customs will validate and discharge the documentation and at point of exit from South Sudan. This is a relatively uncomplicated process and works well.