Türkiye - 2.3 Road Network

Türkiye - 2.3 Road Network




Türkiye has a well-developed road network, with a total length of over 68,526 kilometers. The network is divided into three main types: motorways, state highways, and provincial roads. Motorways are the highest-capacity roads in Türkiye, with four or more lanes and limited access. State highways are two-lane roads with limited access, and provincial roads are two-lane roads with at-grade intersections. 

Coverage and Capacity 

The road network in Türkiye covers the entire country, with good connectivity between major cities and towns. The capacity of the network is also good, with most roads able to handle the current level of traffic. However, there are some bottlenecks, particularly in urban areas. 


There are a number of challenges facing the Turkish road network, including: 

Congestion: Traffic congestion is a major problem in some urban areas, such as Istanbul and Ankara. 

Mountainous terrain: Türkiye is a mountainous country, and this makes it difficult and expensive to build and maintain roads. 

Development and Investment 

The General Directorate of Highways in Türkiye is responsible for the design and construction of roads. They have a two-fold goal: to create safe, sustainable, and environmentally friendly roads, and to improve the quality of life for society. 

The department undertakes survey and project studies to determine the route of new roads, and to assess the environmental impact of the project. Once the route is determined, they begin construction, which can involve the construction of tunnels, viaducts, and bridges. 

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the construction of divided roads, single roads, tunnels, and bridges/viaducts in Türkiye. This is due to the growing population, technological advancements, and increased vehicle usage. 

The General Directorate of Highways is committed to providing safe, reliable, and efficient roads for the people of Türkiye. They are working to upgrade existing road standards and to construct new roads that meet the needs of a growing country. 

Türkiye has built a large network of highways to connect different regions. The East-West Highway Corridors and North-South Axles are two important networks that facilitate transportation between Europe and Middle East countries. Türkiye is also committed to developing and expanding its motorway network, and has awarded 10 highway projects through the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model. The General Directorate of Highways has also implemented a non-stop tolling system on motorways and Bosphorus Bridges, and has made significant advancements in bridge construction. 

In Türkiye, tunnel construction projects are prioritized as part of extensive road development programs. The country focuses on tunnel projects to establish key transit corridors for international transportation networks, to provide access to geographically challenging high mountainous areas (with an average elevation of over 1100 meters), and to enhance traffic safety during harsh winter conditions. 

As of January 1, 2022, there are 349 tunnels with a combined length of 407 km on state and provincial roads in Türkiye. The maintenance, repair, and operation of these tunnels are carried out by 15 Tunnel Maintenance and Operation Chiefdoms, 38 Tunnel Control Centers, and 25 Branch Chiefs. These entities are responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the tunnels and implementing necessary maintenance and repair activities. 

More information on ongoing project on the following link:   


For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List

Distance Matrix 

Distances from Capital City to Major Towns (km) 



















































































Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns (hours) 


















































































Road Security 

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits 


Road Class and Surface Conditions 

Roads in Türkiye run the full gamut from single-lane country roads to modern, divided, trans-European motorways of European standard. Highways in the tourist-frequented western, southwestern, and coastal regions of Türkiye are generally in good condition and are well maintained, while conditions in other areas vary. 

The surface conditions of roads in Turkey vary depending on the road class. Autonomous highways and national highways are generally in good condition and have asphalt or concrete surfaces. Provincial highways, district roads and village roads are often in fair condition and have asphalt or gravel surfaces.  

In road construction, calcareous aggregates are generally used for unbound base courses, surface dressings and asphalt concrete layers. There has been a tendency towards using harder aggregates in wearing courses with the use of basalt or granite, as these have a greater wear life and maintain anti-skid properties over time. In all, the country uses some 100 million tonnes of aggregate for its road construction programme/year. 

Türkiye Road network map on below link: 







Türkiye - 2.3.0 Border Crossing of Bulgaria and Greece


Türkiye has land borders with 8 countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Azerbaijan. Of these, there are 12 land border crossing points that allow for the crossing of people and vehicles between Europe and Türkiye. 

Kapıkule: is the busiest land border crossing point in Europe, with over 4 million people and 400,000 vehicles crossing each year. It is located in Edirne Province, Türkiye, and connects to the Bulgarian border crossing point of Kapitan Andreevo. Kapıkule is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Hamzabeyli: is the second busiest land border crossing point between Türkiye and Europe. It is located in Edirne Province, Türkiye, and connects to the Bulgarian border crossing point of Lesovo. Hamzabeyli is open from 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week. 

Dereköy: is a smaller land border crossing point located in Edirne Province, Türkiye. It connects to the Bulgarian border crossing point of Trnovo.  

İpsala: is a land border crossing point located in Edirne Province, Türkiye. It connects to the Greek border crossing point of Kipoi. 

Edirne-Keşan: is a land border crossing point located in Edirne Province, Türkiye. It connects to the Greek border crossing point of Feres.  

Meriç: is a land border crossing point located in Edirne Province, Türkiye. It connects to the Greek border crossing point of Ormenio.  

Edirne-Pehlivanköy: is a land border crossing point located in Edirne Province, Türkiye. It connects to the Bulgarian border crossing point of Malko Tarnovo.  

When crossing the border between Türkiye and Europe, it is important to have the correct documentation. For citizens of most European countries, a valid passport or national identity card will be sufficient. However, some countries may require a visa, so it is always best to check with the Turkish embassy or consulate in your home country before traveling. 

The Kapıkule border crossing between Türkiye and Bulgaria has more truck movement than any other border crossing between Türkiye and Europe. In 2021, the Kapıkule border crossing handled an average of 1,800 trucks per day. The next busiest border crossing between Türkiye and Europe is the Hamzabeyli border crossing between Türkiye and Bulgaria, which handled an average of 1,500 trucks per day in 2021. 

The Kapıkule border crossing is located in the European part of Türkiye, near the city of Edirne. It is the main land route for trade between Türkiye and Europe. The Hamzabeyli border crossing is also located in the European part of Türkiye, near the city of Edirne. It is the second busiest land route for trade between Türkiye and Europe. 

The increased truck movement at the Kapıkule border crossing is due to several factors. First, the Turkish government has been investing in infrastructure improvements at the crossing in recent years. This has made it easier and faster for trucks to cross the border. Second, the European Union has been working to improve security in the region. This has made it more attractive for businesses to trade between Türkiye and Europe. 

Main challenges with cross-border inland (From/to Europe): 

Permits: Turkish trucks need permits to enter destination countries. There is a limited number of permits available (quota for Turkish trucks is imposed by some European countries), so Turkish trucks may have to wait, use longer routes or pay a fine if they cross a country without a permit. 

Visas: Drivers also need visas to enter destination countries. This can be a challenge, as the visa process can be time-consuming. 

Balance between Türkiye and Europe: There is a shortage of trucks in Europe, which makes it difficult for Turkish trucks to find return shipments. 

Border operations: The borders are mostly operational 24/7, but there are often long queues, which can lead to delays in crossing the border. 

Türkiye - 2.3.1 Border Crossing of Reyhanlı


Reyhanlı border crossing is located on the Türkiye-Syria border about 50 km (31 mi) west of Aleppo in northwest Syria. It connects the Turkish D827 and the Syrian M45 highways, between the cities of İskenderun and Idlib. The closest town on the Turkish side of the border is Reyhanlı in Hatay Province, and the closest towns on the Syrian side are Ad-Dana and Atarib. 

Since 2014, in order to support the humanitarian community to access vulnerable populations and preposition relief supplies, the Logistics Cluster has been facilitating the transshipment of UN agencies’ humanitarian cargo being transported into Syria through UNSC-authorised border crossings. Transshipment operations are supervised by the United Nations Monitoring Mechanism (UNMM). 


Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Türkiye: Reyhanlı (Cilvegözü Border crossing) 
Syria: Bab al-Hawa 

Province or District 

Hatay Province- Reyhanli district 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

Town Name : Reyhanlı in Hatay Province 

Distance in 20 km 





Managing Authority / Agency 

Ministry of Customs and Trade 

Contact Person 



Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Name: Hatay Airport  

Distance in 59 km 

Truck Travel Time: 1:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 1:00 hrs 

Nearest Port 

Name: Iskenderun Port 

Distance in 79 km 

Truck Travel Time: 2:00 hrs 

Car Travel time: 1:30 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Name: Reyhanlı 

Distance in 20 km 

Truck Travel Time: 00:40hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:25 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


8:30 AM: 16:30 PM 


Daily Capacity 

The transshipment capacity of the hubs is approx. 100 trucks per day. 

Customs Clearance 

As of July 2023, the current customs procedure for Humanitarian Cargo is processed as commercial practice and has no consideration for humanitarian cargo in Türkiye.  

  1. When purchased in Türkiye, the seller declares the items as export. 

  1. All transit cargo requires a commercial invoice for customs purposes, and this allows the clearing/forwarding agent to act as cargo owner (consignee not agent of the consignee). 

The implication of these processes is that no Customs declaration document exists in the name of the cargo owner (humanitarian actor). 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - UN Cross-border Operations from Türkiye to Syria can be found here  

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List


Türkiye - 2.3.2 Border Crossing of Öncüpınar 


Öncüpınar border crossing is located on the Türkiye-Syria border about 10 km south of the city of Kilis, and north of the Syrian town of Azaz.  

Security Council Resolution 2672 authorizing UN aid delivery via Bab Al-Hawa expired on 10 July 2023. The Security Council has not reached an agreement on its extension. Therefore, the UN continues to use all available access modalities. Öncüpınar /Bab Al-Salam and Cobanbey/Al Ra’ee continue to be in use for the cross-border movement of UN aid delivery and personnel till 13TH of August 2023. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Türkiye: Öncüpınar Border crossing 
Syria: Bab al-Salam Border crossing 

Province or District 


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

Town Name: Kilis 

Distance in 10 km 





Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade 

Contact Person 

Ibrahim BAIRMAN 

Cross border crossing manager 



Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Name: Gaziantep Oğuzeli International Airport 

Distance in 47 km 

Truck Travel Time: 1:15 hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:50 hrs 

Nearest Port 

Name Iskenderun Port  

Distance in147 km 

Truck Travel Time: 3:00hrs 

Car Travel time: 2:15 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Name: Kilis 

Distance in 10 km 

Truck Travel Time: 00.20hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:15 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 

National Holidays 


No restrictions, but the governor might issue some restrictions during holidays for passengers movement, not for humanitarian cargo.  

Seasonal Constraints  

After 20:00pm trucks movements are limited due to security measures.  


Daily Capacity 

  • The border gate handles 300 trucks on a daily basis 

  • The trucks that enter to Syria through Cobanbey/ Al Rai gate might return back from Oncupinar/Bab Al Salam gates. However, trucks moved in via Oncupinar/BAS must return and cross the border via same gates. 

Customs Clearance 

starting from July 2023, the current customs procedure for Humanitarian Cargo is processed as commercial practice and has no consideration for humanitarian cargo in Türkiye.  

  1. When purchased in Türkiye, the seller declares the items as export. 

  1. All transit cargo requires a commercial invoice for customs purposes, and this allows the clearing/forwarding agent to act as cargo owner (consignee not agent of the consignee). 

The implication of these processes is that no Customs declaration document exists in the name of the cargo owner (humanitarian actor). 

  • For the Humanitarian commodities: By the beginning of the month, WFP communicates – through OCHA- the approx. number of trucks to the ministry of foreign affairs who communicate them to the borders to ensure the smooth movement of trucks.  

  • For the commercial cargo: based on the commodity category/type, it is required to grant the approval from the corresponding ministry/governmental body (i.e., for medical commodities to grant prior approvals from the ministry of health) then the customs declarations is done in one of the inner customs offices in Turkiye and then sent to the border.  

  • For courier: Customs clearance processes are centralized in Gaziantep postal office where the officers proceed with declaration, then trucks/parcels are allowed to head to the borders.  

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List




Türkiye - 2.3.3 Border Crossing of Cobanbey


Cobanbey border crossing is located on the Türkiye-Syria border about 4.4 km south of the city of Elbeyli - Kilis, and north of the Syrian border crossing Al Ra’ee. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Türkiye: COBANBEY  

Syria: Al Ra’ee 

Province or District 


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

Town Name: Elbeyli 

Distance in 4.4 km 


36° 38' 13" N 


37° 28' 32" E 

Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade 

Contact Person 

Savas Koc 

Manager of the Cobanbey border crossing  

Tel: 0 (348)782 2275 


Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Name: Gaziantep Oğuzeli Airport 

Distance 43km 

Truck Travel Time: 1:15 hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:50 hrs 

Nearest Port 

Name: Iskenderun Port 

Distance in 185 km 

Truck Travel Time: 3:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 2:45 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Name Elbeyli 

Distance in 4.4 km 

Truck Travel Time: 00:10 hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:10 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 

National Holidays 



Seasonal Constraints  



Daily Capacity 

Customs Clearance 

As of July 2023, the current customs procedure for Humanitarian Cargo is processed as commercial practice and has no consideration for humanitarian cargo in Türkiye.  

  1. When purchased in Türkiye, the seller declares the items as export. 

  1. All transit cargo requires a commercial invoice for customs purposes, and this allows the clearing/forwarding agent to act as cargo owner (consignee not agent of the consignee). 

The implication of these processes is that no Customs declaration document exists in the name of the cargo owner (humanitarian actor). 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List



Türkiye - 2.3.4 Border Crossing of Habur 


Habur is a border crossing point between Türkiye and Iraq. It is also called (Khabur Gate). Before the control point and gate, there is a bridge crossing the Khabur River, which forms the natural border between Iraq and Türkiye. The crossing is located to the south of the town of Silopi. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Türkiye: Habur 
Iraq: Ibrahim Khalil border crossing 

Province or District 

 Silopi District in the Şırnak Province 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

Town Name: Silopi 

Distance in 15 km 





Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade 

Contact Person 

+90 486 528 70 12


Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Name: Sirnak Serafettin Elci Airport 

Distance in 64 km 

Truck Travel Time: 7:30hrs 

Car Travel time: 6:00hrs 

Nearest Port 

Name Iskenderun Port 

Distance in 720 km 

Truck Travel Time: 10:00hrs 

Car Travel time: 9:30hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Name: Silopi 

Distance in 15 km 

Truck Travel Time: 00:20 hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:20 hrs 

Other Information 


Please provide additional details of this route if relevant, such as information about whether there are fuelling stations or weighing bridges en route. 


Hours of Operation 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 

National Holidays 



Seasonal Constraints  



Daily Capacity 

Habur border crossing is among the busiest border checkpoints in the world and Türkiye’s largest gateway to the Middle East - the Habur border checkpoint, has a total of 2,200 entry-exit capacity per day. 

Customs Clearance 

  • There is free passage for the Turkish/Iraqi trucks for entering/loading. 

  • Customs clearance formalities can be done fully in Silopi customs point. For ‘In Transit’ cargo, it is recommended that the declaration to be conducted at the loading point and move to the border for inspection. 

  •  The average stoppage time for trucks is from 48: 36 hours.  

  • Habur border crossing is the only crossing border between the two countries for commercial & humanitarian trucks.  

  • The parking area capacity -that is located before the crossing border to avoid any congestion -   is 2500 trucks.  

  • The inspection inside Habur border crossing is done by X-Ray & physical inspection.  

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List



Türkiye - 2.3.5 Border Crossing of Gürbulak 


Gürbulak border crossing is located on the Türkiye-Iran border, known on the Iranian side of the border as Bazargan. Gürbulak border crossing is 35 km south-east of the city of Dogubayazit. Gürbulak is the busiest border crossing between the two countries and It’s open 24/7 

Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Türkiye: Gürbulak 
Iran: Bazargan 

Province or District 

Ağrı Province 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

Town Name: Doğubayazıt 

Distance in 35 km 





Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade 

Contact Person 



Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Name: Trabzon Airport 

Distance in 563 km 

Truck Travel Time: 9:00hrs 

Car Travel time: 7:30hrs 

Nearest Port 

Name Trabzon Port 

Distance in 570 km 

Truck Travel Time: 9:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 8:00 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Name Doğubayazıt 

Distance in 35 km 

Truck Travel Time: 00:40 hrs 

Car Travel time: 00:40 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 


24 Hours 

National Holidays 



Seasonal Constraints  



Daily Capacity 

3000 people and 400-500 trucks cross Gürbulak checkpoint daily 

Customs Clearance 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List



Türkiye - 2.3.6 Border Crossing of Sarp Sınır Kapısı 


Sarp Border Gate is the border gate between Türkiye and Georgia on the Black Sea coast. Sarp Border Gate, located 15 km east of Hopa district, is important not only as a gate to Georgia but also as a border gate on the highway that opens to all Caucasus and Central Asian countries. The Sarp Border Gate has a total area of ​​36,000 m2. Since 10 December 2011, Turkish and Georgian citizens can pass to Türkiye and Georgia with just their identity card, without the need for a passport. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Türkiye: Sarp 
Georgia: Sarpi 

Province or District 

Hopa district 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

Town Name: Hopa 

Distance in 15 km 


41° 31' 7" north 


41° 32' 50" east 

Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish Ministry of Customs and Trade 

Contact Person 

Senol Alkan  

Manager of the border  


Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Name: Trabzon Airport 

Distance in 181 km 

Truck Travel Time: 5.00hrs 

Car Travel time: 3.30hrs 

Nearest Port 

Name Hopa port  

Distance in 17 km 

Truck Travel Time: 0.45 hrs 

Car Travel time: 0.26 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Name: Hopa 

Distance in 15 km 

Truck Travel Time: 0.45 hrs 

Car Travel time: 0.26 hrs 

Also, there are restaurants, and supermarkets near the border  


Hours of Operation 















National Holidays 



Seasonal Constraints  



Daily Capacity 

Since 10 December 2011, Turkish and Georgian citizens can pass to Türkiye and Georgia with just their identity card, without the need for a passport therefore, the border services 25,000 people and 2700 Cars/trucks per day.  

Customs Clearance 

  • Customs formalities must be done at the nearest city customs point (Hopa – 15 KM distance). 

  • The stoppage time for trucks and cargo is from 1-2 days. 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List



Türkiye - 2.3.7 Border Crossing of Kipi İpsala


The land border crossing in İpsala is a major commercial crossing between Greece and Türkiye. It is located on the Evros River, which forms most of the land border between the two countries. The border crossing is open 24 hours a day.  

This border handles an average 400 trucks a day, constraints such as drivers having to leave the truck to get approval from various authorities in the border as well as lack of harmonization of customs regulations and lack of personnel have been mentioned by transporters. 


Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Country Türkiye: Ipsala 
Country Greece: Kipi 

Province or District 

Edirne Province 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

27.8 km 


41.95931° N 


26.61057° E 

Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish government’s customs 

Contact Person 



Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Istanbul International Airport  

249 km 

Truck Travel Time: 3:30 HRS 

Car Travel time: 2:35 hrs 

Nearest Port 

Haydarpaşa Port 

302 km 

Truck Travel Time: 4:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 3:30 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Edirne, Edirne Merkez/Edirne 

43 km  

Truck Travel Time: 1:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 0:45 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


08:00 – 17:00 


08:00 – 17:00 


08:00 – 17:00 


08:00 – 17:00 


08:00 – 17:00 


08:00 – 17:00 Only in some special cases when there is an urgent request 


08:00 – 17:00 Only in some special cases when there is an urgent request 

National Holidays 



Seasonal Constraints  



Daily Capacity 

The existence of one lane only for trucks crossing causes delays and allows the crossing of approximately 400 trucks daily. Private cars are provided a separate lane at the Kipi border gate. This lane is typically shorter than the lanes for buses and trucks, so private cars tend to have a shorter wait time at the border. 

Customs Clearance 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

To obtain customs clearance at the İpsala border gate, you will need to provide the following documentation: 

  • Valid passport or other travel document 

  • Customs declaration form 

  • A commercial invoice 

  • Bill of lading 

  • Packing list 

  • Any other documentation that may be required by the Turkish or Greek customs authorities 

The customs declaration form can be obtained from the Turkish or Greek customs authorities at the border crossing. The commercial invoice should be issued by the exporter of the goods. The bill of lading should be issued by the shipping company that transported the goods. The packing list should list the contents of the shipment. 

There are a few potential delays or restrictions that you may encounter when obtaining customs clearance at the Kipi border gate. These include: 

  • The type of goods: Customs clearance can be more time-consuming for certain types of goods, such as agricultural products or hazardous materials.  

  • The inspection: Trucks will be subject to inspection upon entering the country. This can add to the time it takes to clear customs. 

The fees charged for customs clearance at the İpsala border gate vary depending on the type of goods and the value of the shipment. For trucks, the fees are typically around USD 100 per truck. 

It is important to note that the requirements for customs clearance at the Kipi border gate may change from time to time. It is always best to check with the Turkish or Greek customs authorities for the latest requirements. 

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List


Türkiye - 2.3.8 Border Crossing of Hamzabeyli Lesovo


Hamzabeyli: is the second busiest land border crossing point between Türkiye and Europe. It is located in Edirne Province, Türkiye, and connects to the Bulgarian border crossing point of Lesovo.  

When crossing the border between Türkiye and Europe, it is important to have the correct documentation. For citizens of most European countries, a valid passport or national identity card will be sufficient. However, some countries may require a visa, so it is always best to check with the Turkish embassy or consulate in your home country before traveling. 

The second busiest border crossing between Türkiye and Europe is the Hamzabeyli border crossing between Türkiye and Bulgaria, which handled an average of 1,500 trucks per day in 2021. The Hamzabeyli border crossing is located in the European part of Türkiye, near the city of Edirne. It is the second busiest land route for trade between Türkiye and Europe. 


Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 


Country Türkiye: Hamzabeyli 
Country Bulgaria: Border Crossing Lesovo 

Province or District 

Edirne Province 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 

4.7 km 


41.95931° N 


26.61057° E 

Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish government’s customs 

Contact Person 



Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Istanbul International Airport  

249 km 

Truck Travel Time: 3:30 HRS 

Car Travel time: 2:35 hrs 

Nearest Port 

Haydarpaşa Port 

302 km 

Truck Travel Time: 4:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 3:30 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 

Edirne, Edirne Merkez/Edirne 

43 km  

Truck Travel Time: 1:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 0:45 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 

National Holidays 


24 hours a day 

Seasonal Constraints  

24 hours a day 


Daily Capacity 

The Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı daily capacity of the border crossing is 2,000 vehicles. Private cars are provided a separate lane at the Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı. This lane is usually shorter than the lane for commercial vehicles, and it can help to speed up the crossing process. 

The level of traffic at the Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı varies depending on the time of year. During the summer months, when there is more tourism activity, the border crossing can be very busy. During the winter months, traffic is usually lighter. 

In addition to private cars and commercial vehicles, the Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı also handles the crossing of buses and trucks. 

Customs Clearance 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

The customs clearance process at Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı can be delayed for a number of reasons, including: 

  • The volume of traffic at the border crossing 

  • The type of goods being imported or exported 

  • The need for additional documentation 

  • The need for inspection of the goods 

In some cases, the customs clearance process can be further delayed if the goods are subject to import or export restrictions. For example, some goods, such as weapons and drugs, are prohibited from import or export. Other goods may be subject to quotas or other restrictions. 

The following documentation is required to obtain customs clearance at Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı: 

  • Commercial invoice 

  • Packing list 

  • Certificate of origin 

  • Import license (if required) 

  • Export license (if required) 

  • Health certificate (if required) 

  • Phytosanitary certificate (if required) 

The regulatory authority that has established these requirements is the Turkish Customs and Trade Ministry. 

The customs clearance fees at Hamzabeyli Sınır Kapısı vary depending on the type of goods being imported or exported. For trucks, the fees are typically around USD 50 per truck. 

In addition to the documentation and fees listed above, trucks will be subject to inspection upon entering the country.  

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List

The approximate waiting time at the Hamzabeyli Border varies depending on the time of day, the volume of traffic, and the type of goods being transported. During peak hours, it is not uncommon to wait for several hours to cross the border. 


Türkiye - 2.3.9 Border Crossing of Kapitan Andreevo Kapikule  


Kapıkule: is the busiest land border crossing point in Europe, with over 4 million people and 400,000 vehicles crossing each year. It is located in Edirne Province, Türkiye, and connects to the Bulgarian border crossing point of Kapitan Andreevo. Kapıkule is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The Kapıkule border crossing between Türkiye and Bulgaria has more truck movement than any other border crossing between Türkiye and Europe. In 2021, the Kapıkule border crossing handled an average of 1,800 trucks per day. The next busiest border crossing between Türkiye and Europe is the Hamzabeyli border crossing between Türkiye and Bulgaria, which handled an average of 1,500 trucks per day in 2021. 

The Kapıkule border crossing is located in the European part of Türkiye, near the city of Edirne. It is the main land route for trade between Türkiye and Europe. The increased truck movement at the Kapıkule border crossing is due to several factors. First, the Turkish government has been investing in infrastructure improvements at the crossing in recent years. This has made it easier and faster for trucks to cross the border. Second, the European Union has been working to improve security in the region. This has made it more attractive for businesses to trade between Türkiye and Europe. 


Border Crossing Location and Contact 

Name of Border Crossing 



Province or District 

Edirne Province 

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing 


18.1 km 


41°42286 N  


26°23311 E 

Managing Authority / Agency 

Turkish government’s customs 

Contact Person 



Travel Times 

Nearest International Airport 

Istanbul International Airport  

232 km 

Truck Travel Time: 3:30 hrs 

Car Travel time: 2:28 hrs 

Nearest Port 

Haydarpaşa Port 

285 km 

Truck Travel Time: 4:00 hrs 

Car Travel time: 3:08 hrs 

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity 


18.1 km  

Truck Travel Time: 1:00hrs 

Car Travel time: 0:30 hrs 


Hours of Operation 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 


24 hours a day 

National Holidays 


24 hours a day 

Seasonal Constraints  

24 hours a day 


Daily Capacity 

  • The Kapıkule Border is a major border crossing between Türkiye and Bulgaria. It is the busiest border crossing in Türkiye, with an average of 1,250 trucks and 10,000 cars crossing each day. 

  • Private cars are not provided a separate lane at the Kapıkule Border. All vehicles must use the same lanes. 

  • The level of traffic leaving the country is higher than the level of traffic entering the country. In 2021, an average of 7,500 trucks left Türkiye through the Kapıkule Border each day, while an average of 5,000 trucks entered Türkiye. 

The level of traffic at the Kapıkule Border varies depending on the time of year. Traffic is typically heavier in the summer months, when there is more tourism and trade. The level of traffic at the Kapıkule Border is relatively consistent throughout the month of January. However, there is a slight increase in traffic on the 3rd and 4th of January. This may be due to the fact that the 3rd of January is New Year's Day, and the 4th of January is a public holiday in Türkiye. 

Customs Clearance 

Potential delays or restrictions: Customs clearance at the Kapıkule Border can be delayed due to a number of factors, including: 

  • Heavy traffic 

  • Customs inspections 

  • Lack of documentation 

  • Commodities that are subject to import restrictions 

Documentation required: The following documentation is required to clear goods at the Kapıkule Border: 

  • Commercial invoice 

  • Bill of lading 

  • Certificate of origin 

  • Import license (if required) 

  • Phytosanitary certificate (if required) 

  • Certificate of analysis (if required) 

  • Other documentation as required by the Turkish Customs Authority 

Regulatory authority: The Turkish Customs Authority is the regulatory authority that has established the requirements for customs clearance at the Kapıkule Border. 

Fees: The customs fees at the Kapıkule Border are USD 100. 

Trucks will be subject to inspection upon entering the country. The inspection may include a physical inspection of the goods, as well as a review of the documentation. Main challenges related to food items which needs to be taken to Sofia, Bulgaria for laboratory testing before crossing the border, which may result on a 3-4 days wait at a border for clearance to be completed. 

For more information on customs in Türkiye, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.   

Other Relevant Information 

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List