3.3 Uzbekistan Additional Service Providers

3.3 Uzbekistan Additional Service Providers

Uzbekistan Additional Service Providers: Vehicle Rental, Taxi Companies, Freight Forwarding Agents, Handling Equipment, Power Generation and ISPs


For information on Uzbekistan Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List

Vehicle Rental

For information on Uzbekistan vehicle rental prices, please see the following docuement: 

Uzbekistan Vehicle Rental Price List

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Taxi Companies

Taxis and cars for rent are available in all the major towns and cities of Uzbekistan. They are a good option for getting around and the only option when traveling at night. Official cabs are recommended, but visitors will most often find unlicensed cabs. At any rate, you should always agree on a price before getting in. There are a number of cab companies whose vehicles can be rented by phone. 
Sared taxis are also available. While not the most comfortable or the most reliable form of transportation, they offer a local experience for travelers. On some routes, such as Khiva to Urgench or Bukhara, Nukus or Khiva, shared taxis may be the only local transport available. Travelers need to ask around the taxi ranks to find a taxi which is heading to their destination. Schedules are not fixed and fares aren’t set in stone, so travelers need to be patient and negotiate with the driver.
There are no car rental agencies in the country. You can rent a car, but it will essentially be a cab with a driver. Bringing your own car is possible but travelers are advised to check travel restrictions with regard to driving as some areas, such as Termez and the Surkhandarya region, require a special permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tashkent. While Uzbekistan is connected by road to its neighbors, not all borders are safe to cross and some are indeed closed. It is always best to check beforehand. Generally, an International Driving Permit is required for driving in Uzbekistan along with valid insurance from your home country. Driving is on the right. Seatbelts are not required.
Buses are only recommended for the most adventurous of foreign travelers. Many local buses are old and rickety, and keep unreliable schedules, running very slowly and breaking down often. Newer, more comfortable private buses are slowly emerging. However, schedules are still unreliable as most operators readily throw away the timetable to wait for more passengers. Personal provisions such as toilet paper and reliable, clean food must be taken with you when traveling by bus as journey can be long.

Freight Forwarding Agents

Uzbekistan’s logistics sector is composed of a diverse group of freight forwarders and logistics companies, including local firms and those from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Switzerland, the Republic of Korea, and the PRC. These companies offer mostly traditional forwarding and warehousing services. Supply chain management and third-party logistics services are still at an embryonic stage of development in the country.

Electricity and Power 

The Power Industry of Uzbekistan operates in the framework of the State Joint Stock Company ”Uzbekenergo”, established in the form of open joint stock company including the Coal Industry enterprises since 2001.
The company structure includes 53 enterprises and organizations, including 39 open joint-stock companies, 11 unitary enterprises, 2 societies with limited liability and company branch-“Energosotish”.
At present, all enterprises affiliated the company structure and being the subject for privatization already denationalized except two.
In accordance with Decree NoPP-407 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 10.07.2006 “On extension of privatization process 2006-2008”, the privatization of unitary enterprise “Talimardjan TPP” is planned for 2007, and privatization of unitary enterprise “Tashkent TPP” is planned for 2008.
As for now, the company performs the centralized electric power supply of national economy and population, and also sale of thermal energy to industrial and domestic consumers in distinct cities of the Republic.
During the economic reform years, the Power Industry’s enterprises annually generate up to 48bln.kW/h of electric power and more than 10 mln. Gcal of thermal power that fully meet the economic and population demand of the country.
The installed capacity of Power Plants of Uzbekistan exceeds 12,3 mln. kW equal to 50% of all generating capacities of the Interconnected Power System of Central Asia.
SJSC ”Uzbekenergo”, having the 39 Power Plants of total installed capacity 12,0 mln. kW is actually the key producer and supplier of electric power in the Republic. The share of Department Power Plants in the structure of generated capacities produces not less than 3% (320MW).
The installed capacity of Power Plants is enough to meet the growing demand consumption of the Republic, for implementation of export power supply commitments and keeping the energy security of the country.
The Thermal Power Plants of total capacity 10,6mln. kW is the base of the Power System of Uzbekistan. The power units of capacity from 150 to 800 MW each are set up at 5 big Thermal Power Plants.
These are such a big Thermal Power Plants as Talimardjan, Syr-darya, Novo-Angren and
Tashkent TPP’s generating over 85% of electric power.
All Hydro Power Plants of the company in general are united into cascades of HPP’s and operate based on waterway. The largest HPPs are located in the upper of Chirchik river (Charvak HPP, Khodjikent HPP, Gazalkent HPP) and have the water storage basins allowing to operate in regulation capacity mode.
For power generation at TPP’s the gas share usage is 90,8%, mazut is 5,3% and coal is 3,9%. This tendency shall be keeping in the nearest future, gas remains as the main fuel and the share of coal increases up to 10-12% in fuel balance.
The power transmission and distribution are fulfilled by means of power transmission lines of 0,4-500kV to all consumers of the Republic.
The extension of power transmission lines are over 235 thousand km. All consumers are connected to centralized power supply system.
The arrangement of power transmission lines of 220-500kV with 7,5 thousand km extension provides the stable operation of power system, the transmission of power from the Power Plants to the load centre, passing supply of power to the cross-boarder countries.
The most branched power transmission lines are the distributing mains of 0,4- 6- 10 kV. Through the distributing mains the power supply effected to the customers of the Republic.
It is worthwhile to say that the main volume of power supply accrued to industrial enterprises, agricultural consumers and population. The share of annual power consumption along the Republic is 1940kW/h per capita.

For infpormation on Uzbekistan Power and Electricity additional information, please see the following documents: 

Uzbekistan Structure of Electric Power Consumption in 2006

Uzbekistan Structure of Installed Capacities of Power Plants

Uzbekistan Electricity and Power Additional Information

 Uzbekistan Electricity Price information

Note: The information provided in the attached documents, which has been taken from the old DLCA, does not match the structure of the new LCA and is therefore provided separately.

Production Unit

Type [1]

Installed Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)



12,3 mln. kW


[1] E.g. Hydroelectric power, Thermal power...

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

There were over 9 million Internet users in Uzbekistan as of 19 March 2012, according to Uzbekistan's Agency for Communications and Information (UzACI). The "Uzbek Internet" is sometimes called "Uznet", akin to Runet. The country code (top level domain) for Uzbekistan is .uz

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?

(Yes / No)


Private or Government


Dial-up only (Yes / No)


Approximate Rates





Max leasable 'dedicated' bandwidth


For information on Uzbekistan ISP providers, please see the following link: Uzbekistan Golden Pages Website

For information on Uzbekistan Additional Service Provider contact details, please see the following link: 

4.9 Uzbekistan Additional Service Provision Contact List