Honduras - 3.3 Manual Labour

Honduras - 3.3 Manual Labour

Honduras is a country that stands out in the region as an investment destination, since it has the youngest workforce in Latin America. 50% of the population is relatively young, and 37% of the Economically Active Population (EAP) is in the 16-29 age range.

It is worth mentioning that Honduran workers are highly productive, and also have experience in production, marketing, administration, and logistics, for mid-level management positions.

With a considerable bilingual population, Honduras becomes an attractive country for companies from the United States and Canada. Same ones that seek this type of personnel with neutral accent for their businesses, especially those that are dedicated to sustainable businesses (BPOs) and Call Center investors, who have opened more than 10 thousand jobs in recent years

In the last 20 years, more than half a million Hondurans have been trained in the textile-clothing industry, and assembly of electronic parts. Honduras has a large amount of low-cost labor with the skills and abilities that allow them to train easily, and perform efficiently in these areas.


Labor rates



(Local currency -lps)

Rate from 2023

General work (Unskilled labour (*) per day


     Rate from 2023


General Work (Semi-skilled labor (**) per day


Rate from 2023

Work with Skilled Labor (***) per day


Rate from 2023