Honduras - 2.3 Road Network

Honduras - 2.3 Road Network


The official roads of the country have an extension of 14,346 kilometers, according to information from the Honduran Road Fund. These roads are classified into four aggregates: primary road network; secondary road network; neighbourhood road network; Tertiary road network. Within the primary road network are the main roads linking cities or are of national importance, regardless of whether they are paved or not. The secondary road network is made up of the roads that connect towns and cities to the primary road network and have relevance at the departmental level. The neighborhood road network is made up of roads that connect secondary and primary road networks with towns and / or villages and have importance within the municipalities, The tertiary road network is made up of some trails built by private institutions and are not interference of the Honduran Road Fund.


Distance matrix

Distances from the capital to major cities (km)



San Pedro Sula


Puerto Cortes




Santa Rosa de Copan










San Pedro Sula


















Puerto Cortes




































Santa Rosa de Copan










Time Matrix

Travel time from the capital to major cities



San Pedro Sula


Puerto Cortes




Santa Rosa de Copan



3 hr 54 min

8 hr 12 min

3 hr 41 min

5 hr 10 min

1h 26 min

2 hr 46 min

5 hr 40 min

San Pedro Sula

3 hr 46 min


3 hr 39 min

58 min

1 hr 53 min

2 hr 37 min

5 hr 25 min

3 hr 10 min


6 hr 40 min

3 hr 52 min


4 hr 47 min

2 hr 6 min

5 hr 38 min

8 hr 21 min

6 hr 25 min

Puerto Cortes

4h 54 min

57 min

4 hr 41 min


2 hr 53 min

3 hr 47 min

6 hr 18 min

4 hr 19 min


4 hr 59 min

1 hr 57 min

2 hrs

2 hr 49 min


3 hr 54 min

6 hr 31 min

4 hr 43 min


1 hr 26 min

2 hr 39 min

5 hr 40 min

3 hr 44 min

3 hr 56 min


3 hr 5 min

4 hr 44 min


2 hr 39 min

5 hr 29 min

8 hr 21 min

6 hr 26 min

6 hr 34 min

2 hr 56 min


6 hr 57 min

Santa Rosa de Copan

5 hr 45 min

3 hr 22 min

6 hr 49 min

4 hr 27 min

5 hr 3 min

4 hr 48 min

7 hr 16 min




In the Republic of Honduras, the Honduran Traffic Accident Information System is under the responsibility or competence of the National Traffic Directorate of Honduras.

It can be deduced that in Honduras the issue of road safety arose in 2005 (first actions), with the Program for Sustainable Institutional Strengthening of the Road Sector, with the study carried out by the firm THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP INC., in which policies are established, under the tutelage of the National Road Safety Council (CONASEVI).

Bridge scales and axle load limits



Honduras - 2.3.1 Land Border Crossing of El Florido


It is a “conventional” custom, with a lot of tourist traffic, since a few kilometers away are archaeological remains, and it is not enabled as a fiscal route neither by Honduras nor by Guatemala.

The customs buildings of Honduras and Guatemala are separated, with an esplanade in the middle that corresponds to the parking area for heavy vehicles. Building conditions are poor on both sides, without air conditioning and more deficient in the Honduras area.

The Agricultural Services of Honduras and Guatemala are located in a new booth, completely renovated with air conditioning and in better condition than the customs buildings. The issuance of the certificates was to begin at the same time, eliminating the double certification.

For the implementation of the process of deepening integration, Integrated Border Posts have been created, which have Trade Facilitation Centers to guarantee an agile passage of goods and Control Centers to attend to goods exempted from free circulation. To this is added the upcoming implementation of the Peripheral Customs of the Customs Union, which will serve to attend the customs operations of goods entering the single customs territory.

The Customs Union seeks to facilitate trade between Guatemala and Honduras, accelerating it and reducing its cost. The two countries have integrated their trade procedures at three common land borders: Agua Caliente, El Florido and Corinto. Instead of duplicating paperwork and paperwork on both sides of the border, trade between Honduras and Guatemala now requires only an online instrument called "FYDUCA" (Factura y Declaración Única Centroamericana).

In the customs union between Guatemala and Honduras, 75% of trade between the two countries was liberalized, making them more competitive and productive. This meant 50% of the Central American population and about 52% of intraregional trade.

The Customs Union model will work in two additional customs offices, El Amatillo and El Poy. The benefit in terms of the mobility of goods at the borders thanks to the Customs Union will make it possible to speed up the crossing procedures, a reduction in transaction costs for all exporters and for users of border points.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

The Florido

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

Sta Rosa de Copan

 53 km





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Ever Matute / ematute@aduanas.gob.hn/



Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Ramon Villeda Morales Airport

196.6 km

Travel time by truck: 4 h 5 min

Travel time by car: 4 h 5 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

242.3 km

Travel time by truck: 5 h 3 min

Travel time by car: 5 h 3 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

San Pedro Sula (Industrial City)

Distance in km: 180 km

Travel time by truck: 4 hrs 6 min

Travel time by car: 4 hrs 6 min

Additional information



Hours of Operation















National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations


Daily capacity

This customs has a high traffic and the passage is relatively agile due to the integrated binational coordination that exists between the countries, on average it takes 6 minutes to make the border crossing thanks to the integration process between Guatemala and Honduras.

Private cars have their own lane at El Florido Customs. This lane is usually faster than the lane for trucks and buses.

 Customs Clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original)

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.



Other relevant information

Since June 1, 2021, the advance electronic transmission of the Central American Single Declaration (DUCA) is mandatory for trade in goods originating in the region (DUCA-F) and for the import or export of goods with third countries (DUCA-D) at the three common border posts between Guatemala and Honduras: El Florido, Agua Caliente and El Corinto, as confirmed by SIECA.

This measure, the first to be implemented in the Central American region in a bilateral and coordinated manner, has a clear objective: to reduce transit and waiting times at common border posts, facilitating foreign trade operations, in compliance with Ministerial Instance Resolutions – UA 83/2020 and 59/2019.

All importers and exporters will be able to make use of the DUCA-F Advance Declaration, through the computer systems of the single windows of each country. In the case of Honduras, all exports with DUCA-F will be made through the Export Procedures Center (CENTREX) of the Ministry of Economic Development; and for Guatemala, through the Single Window for Exports (VUPE)

For the process of filling out and submitting the DUCA-F Advance Declaration of goods:

  • The exporter must type, in the CENTREX system in the case of Honduras and VUPE for Guatemala, the information related to the definitive export regime and upload images of the documents that support the regime (commercial invoice and transport document)".
  • CENTREX and VUPE will transmit the information to the computer system of the Customs Service, which will validate the information transmitted and record the Declaration.
  • The Customs System of Honduras and Guatemala will send the information to the repository of the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA).
  • The system of the countries will receive the validation of the Advance Declaration for the agile passage of the goods.




Honduras - 2.3.2 Land Border Crossing of Agua Caliente


The Agua Caliente land customs office is located in the municipality of Santa Fe, Department of Ocotepeque. It also operates under the Customs Union scheme between Honduras and Guatemala, which entered into force in June 2017.

This juxtaposed custom was to change to integrated customs in a few days, with Honduran customs officials moving to the Guatemalan customs building.

Agua Caliente resumes its customs operations, with the authorization of the Bailey bridge located at kilometer 234 of the CA-10 road route at the height of the dividing line between the republics of Honduras and Guatemala.

The installation of the Bailey bridge will guarantee the circulation and transit in a safe and suitable way for the means of transport and the general population that make their passage through the aforementioned customs. In the same way, it will provide better security to users, restoring normality in the attention of customs operations and other services provided by the institutions of both countries.

Between 2016 and 2021 the Agua Caliente customs has been among the top ten main customs, according to its level of collection.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

Agua Caliente

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

Santa Rosa de Copan


14°52′59" N


88°49′00" W

Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix



Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Palmerola International Airport

354.3 km

Travel time by truck: 7 h 18 min

Travel time by car: 7 h 18 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

324.2 km

Travel time by truck: 6 h 49 min

Travel time by car: 6 h 49 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Ocotepeque Municipal Market

21.5 km

Travel time by truck: 32 min

Travel time by car: 32 min

Additional information



Opening hours















National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



 Daily capacity

Every day they make their passage through the Agua Caliente customs between 100 to 120 means of transport that carry out customs operations to this is added the light vehicles that transit for tourism, medical and minor trade issues. "

As a facilitation measure, the integrated Corinth border point was made available to the alternate route for the entry or exit of goods from or to Guatemala in means of transport of heavy loads, reinforcing a greater number of personnel and extending opening hours.

 Customs Clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

image-20240513122415-1 In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.


Other relevant information

Since June 1, 2021, the advance electronic transmission of the Central American Single Declaration (DUCA) is mandatory for trade in goods originating in the region (DUCA-F) and for the import or export of goods with third countries (DUCA-D) at the three common border posts between Guatemala and Honduras: El Florido, Agua Caliente and El Corinto, as confirmed by SIECA.

This measure, the first to be implemented in the Central American region in a bilateral and coordinated manner, has a clear objective: to reduce transit and waiting times at common border posts, facilitating foreign trade operations, in compliance with Ministerial Instance Resolutions -UA 83/2020 and 59/2019.

All importers and exporters will be able to make use of the DUCA-F Advance Declaration, through the computer systems of the single windows of each country. In the case of Honduras, all exports with DUCA-F will be made through the Export Procedures Center (CENTREX) of the Ministry of Economic Development; and for Guatemala, through the Single Window for Exports (VUPE)


For the process of filling out and submitting the DUCA-F Advance Declaration of goods:

  • The exporter must type, in the CENTREX system in the case of Honduras and VUPE for Guatemala, the information related to the definitive export regime and upload images of the documents that support the regime (Commercial invoice and transport document)".
  • CENTREX and VUPE will transmit the information to the computer system of the Customs Service, which will validate the information transmitted and register the Declaration.
  • The Customs System of Honduras and Guatemala will send the information to the repository of the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA).
  • The system of the countries will receive the validation of the Advance Declaration for the agile passage of the goods.



Honduras - 2.3.3 Land Border Crossing of El Poy


It is an integrated custom, the officials of Honduras and El Salvador are in the building of El Salvador, a building of about forty-two years old (year of construction 1963), in good condition, air conditioning, with a spacious parking for trucks, about 200 meters that, at the time of the visit, at eight o'clock in the morning it was empty. Although there were trucks outside the customs, in the area of El Salvador.

The El Poy was implemented jointly for El Salvador and Honduras as bordering countries, the study analyzes in detail the processing of customs operations, in order to identify obstacles or bottlenecks in the border crossing and implement the solutions that are necessary, the study does not include the Customs – Companies partnership approach, which can be elaborated address in an effort in the near future.

Governments and the trade industry share a deep interest in facilitating the passage of goods. Therefore, the activities related to the calculation and recording of the time required in the clearance of goods provide relevant information to introduce improvements in processes or identify changes in regulatory matters in order to guarantee effective trade facilitation.

The El Poy border crossing in the north of Chalatenango will be the first to have the infrastructure for the full functioning of the Customs Union. It is expected to be ready in November this year and will incorporate segregated lanes and the integration of computer systems.

Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

El Poy

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

New city Ocotepeque

391 km logistics corridor





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Palmerola International Airport

342.3 km

Travel time by truck: 7 h 1 min

Travel time by car: 7 h 1 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

312.2 km

Travel time by truck: 6 h 38 min

Travel time by car: 6 h 38 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Central Market of Ocotepeque

8.6 km

Travel time by truck: 16 min

Travel time by car: 16 min

Additional information



Opening hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal Constraints



Daily capacity

The data received is that there is a daily traffic of 100 trucks, likewise it has a traffic of 300 containers per day on average, about 25% of El Amatillo, 440 vehicles pass per day and in 2022 117,000 operations were made.

Customs Clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.


Other relevant information

Since June 1, 2021, the advance electronic transmission of the Central American Single Declaration (DUCA) is mandatory for trade in goods originating in the region (DUCA-F) and for the import or export of goods with third countries (DUCA-D) at the three common border posts between Guatemala and Honduras: El Florido, Agua Caliente and El Corinto, as confirmed by SIECA.

This measure, the first to be implemented in the Central American region in a bilateral and coordinated manner, has a clear objective: to reduce transit and waiting times at common border posts, facilitating foreign trade operations, in compliance with Ministerial Instance Resolutions -UA 83/2020 and 59/2019.

All importers and exporters will be able to make use of the DUCA-F Advance Declaration, through the computer systems of the single windows of each country. In the case of Honduras, all exports with DUCA-F will be made through the Export Procedures Center (CENTREX) of the Ministry of Economic Development; and for Guatemala, through the Single Window for Exports (VUPE)


For the process of filling out and submitting the DUCA-F Advance Declaration of goods:

  • The exporter must type, in the CENTREX system in the case of Honduras and VUPE for Guatemala, the information related to the definitive export regime and upload images of the documents that support the regime (Commercial invoice and transport document)".
  • CENTREX and VUPE will transmit the information to the computer system of the Customs Service, which will validate the information transmitted and register the Declaration.
  • The Customs System of Honduras and Guatemala will send the information to the repository of the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA).
  • The system of the countries will receive the validation of the Advance Declaration for the agile passage of the goods.

It is of vital importance to establish the baseline of binational clearance times1 of the import, export and transit regimes at the El Poy border, before the entry into force of the Customs Union, and to be able to quantify the improvements to the processes integrated at that border, the time during which the customs or other type of border control body exercises verification controls causes the general movement to stop. of goods and has become an increasingly important issue for international trade operators and end-users.

For more information on the contact details of the Government, please consult the following link: https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00ZF4Q.pdf

Honduras - 2.3.4 Land Border Crossing of Mocalempa


The Mocalempa Customs is located in the Commonwealth of Mapulaca, integrated by the municipalities of Mapulaca, Virginia, Piraera and La Virtud, located in the south of the department of Lempira, and particularly on the border line between Honduras and El Salvador.

For a better purpose of facilitating the payment of taxes to the customs user and combating smuggling, the government of the republic, through the presidential commission for the integral reform of the Customs System and Trade Operators (Cprisao), inaugurated the Mocalempa customs, in the Mapulaca commonwealth, south of the department of Lempira, border between El Salvador and Honduras.

The  following services will be offered at the new customs office:

  • Trade, through the payment of taxes for imports and exports.
  • Immigration control for entry and exit from the country.
  • Quarantine Control.
  • Presence of the Lenca-Sumpul Joint Task Force.

Customs services are offered for minor trade through the payment of taxes for imports and exports, immigration control for entry and exit from the country and quarantine control.

The custom was opened with the objective to the customs user to comply with the obligation to pay for attributes and combat smuggling.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point


Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

La Concepción





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Name of border crossing point

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Palmerola International Airport

222.3 km

Travel time by truck: 5 hrs 46 min

Travel time by car: 5 hrs 46 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

352.3 km

Travel time by truck: 7 h 37 min

Travel time by car: 7 h 37 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Mapulaca Market

1.5 km

Travel time by truck: 19 min

Travel time by car: 19 min

Additional information




Opening hours















National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations





Honduras - 2.3.5 Land Border Crossing of La Concordia


The agreement with the decision to create a customs office in this area of Nahuaterique, not only sought to benefit its almost 7 thousand inhabitants, but also the surrounding populations, including Marcala, La Esperanza and other sectors that use this route for trade and thereby boost the economic activity of the department of La Paz.

Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

La Concordia

Province or district

Marcala, La Paz

Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

La Paz

92.4 km





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Palmerola International Airport

117.2 km

Travel time by truck: 2 h 35 min

Travel time by car: 2 h 35 min

Nearest port

Port of Amapala

163.5 km

Travel time by truck: 4 h 16 min

Travel time by car: 4 h 16 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Municipal Market

140.7 km

Travel time by truck: 3 hrs 19 min

Travel time by car: 3 hrs 19 min

Additional information



Opening hours


8:00 – 16:00


8:00 – 16:00


8:00 – 16:00


8:00 – 16:00


8:00 – 16:00





National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

image-20240513123255-1 In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.








Honduras - 2.3.6 Land Border Crossing of El Amatillo


With normal attention in the clearance of goods and customs operations corresponding to import, export and transit of land cargo carriers works the Customs "El Amatillo in the municipality of Goascoran, Valle, informed the Customs Administration of Honduras.

The entrance to the customs of El Salvador from Honduras is made passing over a bridge about a hundred meters before the customs, bridge that was collapsed, with an access to the customs with great difficulty because of the narrowness of the road, and once you leave the bridge, you have to make a sharp turn,  when the customs building was in front, slowing down the circulation.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

El Amatillo

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing


36.1 km


14° 30' 00"


88° 48' 00"

Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Tocotín International Airport

170.5 km

Travel time by truck: 2 h 22 min

Travel time by car: 2 h 22 min

Nearest port

Port of Amapala

60.4 km

Travel time by truck: 1 h 41 min

Travel time by car: 1 h 41 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Nacaome Municipal Market

34.8 km

Travel time by truck: 38 min

Travel time by car: 38 min

Additional information



Opening hours















National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

It is one of the most important entry and exit points between both countries. This border crossing is a crucial route for trade and transport of people, generating a significant level of traffic on a daily basis.

As for the traffic of private cars in El Amatillo, it is important to bear in mind that this border point is mainly used by commercial cargo vehicles and freight transport. While there is no specific lane for private cars separate from cargo traffic, lines of vehicles are usually established in order of arrival to facilitate the process of reviewing documents and customs procedures.

Given the constant flow of commercial vehicles, the El Amatillo border crossing can experience periods of high congestion and extended wait time, especially during peak hours and peak business days.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)


In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.










Honduras - 2.3.7 Land Border Crossing of Guasaule


It is a custom integrated in a building in Nicaragua. The state of the facilities is good, air conditioning, with two parking lots for heavy vehicles, one very large (capacity one hundred trucks), with a reconnaissance area with a capacity of eight trucks at the entrance to Nicaragua, and another large but smaller in the direction of the entrance Honduras.

Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point


Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing


45.6 km


13° 3' 46"


-86° 57' 1"

Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Toncontín International Airport

183 km

Travel time by truck: 3 hrs 25 min

Travel time by car: 3 hrs 25 min

Nearest port

Henecan Port

80.2 km

Travel time by truck: 1 h 30 min

Travel time by car: 1 h 30 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Choluteca Municipal Market

45.3 km

Travel time by truck: 1 hrs

Travel time by car: 1 hrs

Additional information

The international transits Honduras-Nicaragua enter directly into Nicaragua, since the verification of the transit guide (the DTI) is simultaneous. Both countries have electronic connection.


Opening hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

At Aduana Guasaule, both private cars and commercial vehicles share the same entry and exit point. There is no separate lane specifically for private cars. This means that private cars must queue up alongside cargo and commercial transport vehicles to complete customs formalities.

The Guasaule Customs border crossing experiences a high level of traffic on a daily basis, especially due to trade and transport activity between Honduras and Nicaragua. During peak periods, such as weekdays and holiday seasons, traffic can increase significantly, which can result in extended wait times at the border. The daily truck traffic is about three hundred vehicles.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)


In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.

image 8










Honduras - 2.3.8 Land Border Crossing of La Fraternidad


La Fraternidad is a land border custom located in the Municipality of San Marcos de Colon, in the Department of Choluteca in the place La Fraternidad, more popularly known as EL ESPINO.

Currently this customs functions as a juxtaposed type, since in the customs of El Espino there is a Honduran official and in La Fraternidad a Nicaraguan official.

Like most of the border customs between Honduras and Nicaragua, according to Records Recorded in books of nineteen seventy-three, this custom served as military guard. This border post was historically a meeting point for Central American personalities and presidents. In this way the customs have functioned as a transit custom, since as a result of the opening of the customs "El Guasaule" the transit of merchandise has decreased.

Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

La Fraternidad

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

San Marcos de Colon

9.4 km





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Toncontin International Airport

206.4 km

Travel time by truck: 3 h 55 min

Travel time by car: 3 h 55 min

Nearest port

El Henecán Port

103.5 km

Travel time by truck: 1 h 51 min

Travel time by car: 1 h 51 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Municipal Marking Immaculate Conception

67.5 km

Travel time by truck: 1 hrs 26 min

Travel time by car: 1 hrs 26 min

Additional information

Within the enclosure there is a large tonnage scale, where another procedure is carried out within customs, with competence of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.


Opening hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours


Open 24 hours

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

At custom La Fraternidad, private cars share the same point of entry and exit with other vehicles, including commercial and cargo transport vehicles. There is no separate lane specifically for private cars. This means that private cars must queue up with other vehicles to complete customs formalities.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods; 
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods; 
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.
  1. Letter of the means of transport (original):
  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.
  1. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)
  2. FAUCA (simple copy):
  • Certificate of Origin
  1. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)
  2. category A and B: Phytosanitary Certificate (original)


In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.




Honduras - 2.3.9 Land Border Crossing of Las Manos


Customs Hands; in the North-East of the country; in Danlí, Department of El Paraíso.

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Las Manos

Province or District

El Paraiso

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing


92.2 km




- 86°33'0"

Managing Authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact Person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Toncotín International Airport

135.7 km

Travel time by truck: 2 h 52 min

Travel time by car: 2 h 52 min

Nearest port

Henecan Port

237.7 km

Travel time by truck: 4 h 53 min

Travel time by car: 4 h 53 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Municipal Market of El Paraiso

12 km

Travel time by truck: 20 min

Travel time by car: 20 min

Additional information



Opening hours


6:00 – 18:00


6:00 – 18:00


6:00 – 18:00


6:00 – 18:00


6:00 – 18:00


6:00 – 16:00


6:00 – 16:00

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations


At customs, the estimated truck traffic in both directions is eighty to one hundred and fifty trucks per day.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.


Other relevant information

Next to the Honduras building in the direction of the customs of Nicaragua and within the enclosure, there are different booths of restaurants, grocery stores, beverage booths.ect. The agricultural services are located in two booths, on each side of the respective customs office, and the certificates are issued twice.




Information taken from: https://www.oie.sieca.int/documentos/ver/InformePlandeInversionesAduanasPerif%C3%A9ricasyLimitacionesenlasadunasIntrarregional.pdf



Honduras - 2.3.10 Land Border Crossing of Las Trojes


The facilities available at this customs office are usually basic, including checkpoints, immigration, and customs offices, as well as some basic services such as shops and restaurants.

When crossing through this border crossing, travelers often face some common difficulties. Among them are possible delays in immigration and customs procedures due to the volume of people crossing the border.

This is a border with a high transit of migrants who come from several countries in South and Central America, especially Venezuela and Colombia.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

Las Trojes

Province or district

El Paraiso

Nearest city with distance from the border crossing


79.7 km





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Tocotín International Airport

180.6 km

Travel time by truck: 4 h 42 min

Travel time by car: 4 h 42 min

Nearest port

Henecan Port

282.6 km

Travel time by truck: 6 h 39 min

Travel time by car: 6 h 39 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.


170.7 km

Travel time by truck: 4 hrs 7 min

Travel time by car: 4 hrs 7 min

Additional information



Opening hours















National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.


Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

As for traffic, it is common for there to be a constant flow of people and vehicles crossing the border in both directions, including private cars and cargo vehicles. However, due to the more remote location of Trojes compared to other border crossings, the level of traffic may vary depending on the season and the economic or political situation in the region.

It is important to note that wait times at the border can vary, especially during periods of high demand or during more rigorous inspection processes. It is always advisable to make sure you have the required documentation to avoid possible mishaps when crossing the border in Trojes, Honduras.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.





Honduras - 2.3.11 Land Border Crossing of Toncontin


The Toncontín Customs is located in the central area of the country, in Tegucigalpa, Department of Francisco Morazán.

Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point


Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing






Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Toncotín International Airport

1.4 km

Travel time by truck: 3 min

Travel time by car: 3 min

Nearest port

Port of Henecan

110.7 km

Travel time by truck: 2 h 4 min

Travel time by car: 2 h 4 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Belen Zonal Market

7.5 km

Travel time by truck: 14 min

Travel time by car: 14 min

Additional information



Opening hours















National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)


In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.



Honduras - 2.3.12 Land Border Crossing of El Corinto


The Customs of Corinto is located in the northern zone of Honduras, in the Department of Cortés.

This new customs territory is consolidated as a more attractive market for investors because it contains half of the Central American population, among other benefits.

For the implementation of the process of deepening integration, Integrated Border Posts have been created, which have Trade Facilitation Centers to guarantee an agile passage of goods and Control Centers to attend to goods exempted from free circulation. To this is added the upcoming implementation of the Peripheral Customs of the Customs Union, which will serve to attend the customs operations of goods entering the single customs territory.

The Customs Union seeks to facilitate trade between Guatemala and Honduras, accelerating it and reducing its cost. The two countries have integrated their trade procedures at three common land borders: Agua Caliente, El Florido and Corinto. Instead of duplicating paperwork and paperwork on both sides of the border, trade between Honduras and Guatemala now requires only an online instrument called "FYDUCA" (Factura y Declaración Única Centroamericana).

In the customs union between Guatemala and Honduras, 75% of trade between the two countries was liberalized, making them more competitive and productive. This meant 50% of the Central American population and about 52% of intraregional trade.

The Customs Union model will work in two additional customs offices, El Amatillo and El Poy. The benefit in terms of the mobility of goods at the borders thanks to the Customs Union will make it possible to speed up the crossing procedures, a reduction in transaction costs for all exporters and for users of border points.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

El Corinto

Province or district


Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

Puerto Cortes



15° 34' 58"


-88° 22' 14"

Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix


Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Ramon Villeda Morales Airport

125.1 km

Travel time by truck: 2 h 12 min

Travel time by car: 2 h 12 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

60.0 km

Travel time by truck: 1 h 12 min

Travel time by car: 1 h 12 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Puerto Cortes Industrial Zone

60 km

Travel time by truck: 1 hrs

Travel time by car: 1 hrs

Additional information



Opening hours


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00


5:00 –10:00

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

With the implementation of the FYDUCA within the Customs Union between Guatemala and Honduras, it has been possible to facilitate trade and competitiveness of companies by eliminating the times used in customs management thanks to its implementation. The average transit time is 30 min.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.







Honduras - 2.3.13 Land Border Crossing of La Mesa


The custom of La Mesa is located inside the Ramón Villeda Morales International Airport.

With the main objective with the measures established above is to avoid the interruption of national and regional trade, providing ease and agility to imports and exports.


Border crossing point location and contact

Name of border crossing point

La Mesa

Province or district

La Lima

Nearest city with distance from the border crossing

San Pedro Sula

13.9 km





Managing authority / Agency

Honduran Customs Administration

Contact person

Fausto Calix



Travel schedules

Nearest international airport

Ramon Villeda Morales Airport

1.7 km

Travel time by truck: 4 min

Travel time by car: 4 min

Nearest port

Puerto Cortes

66.0 km

Travel time by truck: 1 h 11 min

Travel time by car: 1 h 11 min

Closest location with operating wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity.

Guamilito Market

16.7 Km

Travel time by truck: 28 min

Travel time by car: 28 min

Additional information



Opening hours


7 a.m to 9 p.m


7 a.m to 9 p.m


 7 a.m to 9 p.m


7 a.m to 9 p.m


7 a.m. to 9 p.m.


7 a.m to 9 p.m


7 a.m to 9 p.m

National holidays

New Year's Eve (January 1)

Good Friday (March/April)

Holy Saturday (March/April)

Easter (March/April)

Labor Day (May 1)

Independence Day (September 15)

Christmas (December 25)


Border points between Honduras and its neighboring countries usually close on these holidays. However, it is important to check with border authorities for up-to-date information on closing times.

Seasonal limitations



Daily capacity

According to the National Institute of Statistics of Honduras (INE), the daily capacity of La Mesa Customs in Honduras is 1,000 20-foot containers (TEU). However, actual capacity is usually lower, due to factors such as the availability of personnel, equipment, and infrastructure.

Customs clearance

  1. Commercial Invoice (original):

The Original Invoice must be formulated in the Spanish language or its corresponding translation attached. That commercial invoice shall contain at least the following information:

  • Name and address of the seller;
  • Place and date of issue;
  • Name and address of the buyer of the goods;
  • Detailed description of the goods, by make, model or style;
  • Quantity of the goods;
  • Unit and total value of the goods; and
  • Terms agreed with the seller. When the commercial description of the goods included in the commercial invoice comes in code or codes, the importer must attach to the invoice a list of the information duly decoded.

2. Letter of the means of transport (original):

  • Present the transport document that has been contracted and negotiated.

3. Customs Value Declaration (DVA) (original)

4. FAUCA (simple copy):

  • Certificate of Origin

5. Phytosanitary Export Certificate of the country of origin (simple copy)

6. category A and B: Phytosanitary certificate (original)

In the case of urgent shipments (DE SOCORRO), the clearance procedure established  in Decree No. 147-2020 — Law for the Facilitation of International Humanitarian Assistance in the Event of Disaster and Initial Recovery will apply.

