Ethiopia - 1 Ethiopia Country Profile

Ethiopia - 1 Ethiopia Country Profile

Generic Information

Ethiopia, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With  95,045,679 (2013) inhabitants, Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world and the second-most populated nation on the African continent. It occupies a total area of 1,100,000 square kilometres (420,000 sq. meters), and its capital and largest city is Addis Ababa.


Find the country in the generic links below:

Wikipedia Country Information Website of Wikipedia on Ethiopia

IMF Country Information Website of the IMF on Ethiopia

Economist Intelligence Unit* Website of the Economist on Ethiopia

(*note - this is a paid service)


Humanitarian Info:

World Food Programme Website of the WFP on Ethiopia

Logistics Cluster Website of the Ethiopia Logistics Cluster

Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Website of OCHA on Ethiopia


Facts and Figures:

Wolfram Alpha Website of Wolframalpha on Ethiopia

World Bank Website of the Worldbank on Ethiopia

Population Information: Website of the Worldpopulationreview on Ethiopia

Ethiopia - 1.1 Ethiopia Humanitarian Background


In 2022 Ethiopia has faced multiple overlapping humanitarian crises, putting at risk the lives and livelihoods of millions of people and driving continued high and urgent needs for humanitarian support. The 2023 Ethiopia Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) requires US$3.99 billion to target more than 20 million people across the country. This includes an estimated 4.6 million internally displaced people (IDPs) In 2023, the prioritized humanitarian response is structured around three strategic objectives, aiming to address immediate lifesaving needs, provide safe and inclusive access to essential services, and contribute to support and build linkages towards recovery and resilience.

Although the end of 2022 brought about peace and improved access in Northern Ethiopia (Afar, Amhara and Tigray) with the signing of the cessation of hostilities agreement (COHA), humanitarian needs stemming from a two-year conflict are still high, and increased support is required to facilitate returns and scale-up recovery efforts. Conflict has continued or escalated in other parts of the country, most notably in Oromia, impeding humanitarian access and driving high needs and displacement within the region and to neighbouring Amhara region. In Benishangul Gumuz region, hundreds of thousands of people remained displaced for most of 2022.

Geologically, the Great Rift Valley is susceptible to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, frequent droughts, flooding in the river basins and deforestation. Nomadic pastoralists are people on a continuous move, and they run into possible conflict with the semi-nomadic pastoralists and neighbouring settlers. Population growth and the concentration of population in major urban centres will put further pressure on the already overburden public infrastructure and water resources. The lack of social services and infrastructure, basic health, modern education and clean water in outlying areas leads to increased migration of people to urban areas. Drought among all hazards has the single greatest impact on social and economic conditions in Ethiopia.

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

Natural Hazards



Comments / Details



Jul 1965, Sept 1969, Dec 1973, May 1983, Jun 1987, Oct 1989, Jul 1998, Sept 1999, Nov 2005, 2003, May 2008, Jan 2009, 2015, 2022



Earthquake (seismic activity) 25/08/1906



1970, 1981, 1985, 1989 (Meningitis), 2020 (COVID-19)

Extreme Temperatures





1968, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022

Insect Infestation


2004 and 2019-2021 (locusts)

Mar 2017 (armyworm)



September - Oct 2019 (SNNPR)

Volcanic Eruptions


Ertale in Afar Region (Rift Valley) (1967 to present), Dabbahu (2005), Dalaffilla (2008), Manda Harraro (2009)

High Waves / Surges





Baley Mountain National Park

High Winds




Additional information


Man-made Issues



Comments / Details

Civil Strife



International Conflict


Ethiopia vs Eritrea (1998-2000)

Internally Displaced Persons


  • The HRP 2023 lists some 4.6M internally displaced people, with most IDP movements being due to conflict and social tensions.


Refugees Present


Ethiopia hosts over 823,000 refugees and asylum seekers, predominantly from South Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea.


Landmines / UXO Present


UNMAS identified 35 confirmed hazardous areas measuring 6,340,538 m2 and 226 suspected hazardous areas measuring 1,05,045,013 m2. Areas at risk are mostly in Somali, Tigray and Afar regions.


Other Comments


 According to the February 2023 WFP Ethiopia Market Watch, the average consumer price index (food inflation) rose to 32% The same source reports that diesel and benzene subsidies were gradually being removed and prices were revised upwards.…

According to the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan   20.1 million people estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance, including in the sectors of food, agriculture, WASH, health, education, nutrition, protection and ES/NFI.


Calamities and Seasonal Affects

Seasonal Effects on Transport



From (month) to (month)

Primary Road Transport

Meher season: All regions (Largest percentage of rainfall)

June to September

Secondary and Tertiary Road Transport

Gu seasonal rains in the Somali Region

April to June

Meher seasonal rains (largest percentage of rainfall)

June to September

Dayr seasonal rains in the Somali Region

October to December

Road Transport

During the fertilizer season, transport solutions are mobilized nationally as required by the government for the transportation of fertilizers, which causes limited availabilities of transporters for other commodities, including for humanitarian cargo. Generally, due to late arrival of cargo the pressure on the Djibouti corridor is built Jan onwards. In 2023, due to availability of foreign exchange, significant decrease in commercial and Government imports have been observed.

November -May

Rail Transport



Air Transport



Waterway Transport




Seasonal Effects on Storage and Handling

Activity Type


Time Frame

Comments / Details



November to December

Supplies to the markets of newly produced food crops is relatively higher during this season, which is likely to increase demand for storage facilities and daily laborer.



September to October

Cultural and religious events such as Ethiopian new year, the finding of the true cross (Maskal), and Errecha (yearly socio-religious festival among Oromo ethnic group) affect handling operations due to mobility of daily laborers to take part in celebrations.



March – June

The level and frequency of stock infestation can be higher during this time than other periods due to high humidity and related climate factors.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response


The Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Commission (EDRMC), formerly known as the National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC), was formed in 2014 replacing the Disaster Risk Management Food Security Sector (DRMFSS).

The Commission is accountable directly to the Prime Minister’s offices and the National Disaster Risk Management Council chaired by the Prime Minister and has members designated by government including the heads of lead sector institutions.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Ethiopia Government Contact List.

Humanitarian Community

The overall humanitarian coordination is led by the government’s Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Coordination Commission (EDRMC), which leads federal and regional level Disaster Risk Management Technical Working Groups (DRMTWG), co-chaired with OCHA.

4.2 Ethiopia Humanitarian Agency Contact List

Ethiopia - 1.2 Ethiopia Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

The Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority (EFDA) is a federal regulatory body established under Proclamation No. 1263/2021 and its mandate defined under regulation No. 531/2023. EFDA was established to safeguard the public’s health by ensuring the safety and quality of food, the safety, quality, and efficacy of medicines, the safety, quality, and functionality of medical devices, as well as the safety of cosmetics and other health products. It also regulates alcohol and tobacco products to reduce their consumption and protect the public from devastating consequences of death, disability, and disease.  

Before the adoption of regulation No. 531/2023 and proclamation No. 1112/2019, the Authority had been regulating products, professionals, premises, and practices (4Ps). However, after the adoption of the regulation and proclamation, its mandate limited to regulation of regulated products such as food, medicine, medical devices etc. and establishment associated with these products. Accordingly, among others, it regulates the production, importation, exportation, and distribution of regulated products. It registers and issues market authorizations and certificates of competency, authorizes clinical trials, monitors safety of medicine and medical devices etc. and takes administrative measures against non-compliance. Currently the Authority has seven branches across the country and works with regional and city administration regulators. 

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links:  4.1 Ethiopia Government Contact List and 4.3 Ethiopia Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List.

Ethiopia - 1.3 Ethiopia Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption 

National Customs Legislation and Regime 

Customs regulation clearly stipulates that a government agency must budget for and pay tax on humanitarian cargo except the Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (DRMFSS) which has a duty-free status and Ethiopia Disaster Risk Management Commission (EDRMC), Ministry of Education (MoE). All humanitarian cargo irrespective of its urgency must be processed by the respective government agency approaching the humanitarian agencies for the assistance program. A project document must also be deposited with the customs Authority to verify to which category each import/consignment belongs. This does not include items that WFP imports into the country for its own use, in which case the Ministry of Foreign Affair clears the items on the basis of duty-free status.  

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below: 4.1 Ethiopian Government Contact List

Emergency Response 

Agreements / Conventions Description 

Ratified by Country?

WCO (World Customs Organization) member 

Yes, 06/08/1973 

Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention 


OCHA Model Agreement 


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations) 


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration) 


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response) 

National Customs Legislation and Regime 

Capital goods importation request of duty free, by governmental agencies and non-governmental aid organizations shall be accelerated, upon which the following documents are submitted to the ministerial organization. 

A. Documents to be submitted by non-governmental aid organizations: 

1. Project agreement document with the appropriate government organization, being approved by the federal Government or regional administrative organization. 

2. Valid registration certificate, of the organization registered either from the Ministry of Justice or regional Justice Bureau. 

3. Document of agreement proposal. 

4. Loading document. 

5. Packing List and Commercial Invoice. 

6. Donation certificate, if the capital goods obtained by donation. 

7. List of capital goods and equipment. 

8. Certificate of Origin 

9 . Supporting letter written by the appropriate federal or regional government organization where the NGO is working. 

B. Documents to be submitted by governmental agencies or organizations: 

1. Application letter of the appropriate agency or organization. 

2. Project profile. 

3. Packing List and Loading document. 

4. List of capital goods and equipment; 

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status 

United Nations Agencies 

Memorandum of Understanding must be signed between UN Agencies and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to obtain a duty-free status. A letter of understanding regarding duties and Taxes exemption must be signed between UN agencies and Ethiopian government for each project. 

Pre-conditions required  

1. Parties requesting for duty-free importation, shall attach the following documents together with their application: 

  • Photocopy of Renewed investment permit (If the project is under duty, then work permit); 

  • Invoice, made by the name of an investment permit or organization. 

  • Loading document, made by the name of an investment permit or organization. 

Without Prejudice to submit the list of Information Mentioned under Number 1-4 

1. Investors shall submit endorsement of loading document, where import is made by letter of credit. 

2. Investors shall submit foreign exchange application for import and purchase order where import is through Cash Against Document (CAD), Telegraph Transfer (TT); 

Franco-Valuta privilege 

1. Where the investor is Ethiopian National Residing abroad and sole owner, then letter written by the Ethiopian Embassy stated that the Investor resident is abroad and thereon Authenticated by the Ministry of foreign affairs. 

2. Besides, the condition mentioned under letter A, foreign resident shareholder shall submit, legal document that describes collaboration of the share is made in kind, where the investor is an association. 

3. Foreign nationals of Ethiopian Origin Identification card /yellow/ vested by the Authority of security, Immigration and Refugee affairs, where the investor is sole owner. 

4. Besides, the condition mentioned under letter A, foreign resident shareholder shall submit, legal document that describes collaboration of the share is made in kind, where the investor is an association. 

5. Domestic investors who got a donation for their investment except vehicle. 

An Investor who bought imported equipment temporarily Duty free shall submit 

1. Evidence, that describes the goods were imported duty free formerly 

2. Document proving for, an appropriate government organization who have agreed, imported equipment temporarily duty free, 

3. Now on wards because of the completion of the project, can be sold. 

4. Sales contract agreement 

Goods bought from Bonded Warehouse Duty Free 

1. Loading document, for the goods loaded. 

2. Sales contract agreement 

3. Whereas, accompany letter written by the sales organization to our institution. 

The quantity and type of goods, whereas tax is unpaid, sold from bonded ware house, price sold, the name of an investor who bought the goods and loading document for the goods loaded shall be submitted. 

Project, eligible for import of Radio communication duty free, in accordance with the prior permit of the Authority of security, Immigration and Refugee affairs and Ethiopian Telecommunication Agency. 

Non Governmental Organizations 

NGO's arriving in Ethiopia must sign a draft agreement with Ministry of Justice. This ministry will issue a registration certificate to operate in Ethiopia. NGO’s must explain the reasons to work in Ethiopia and also should provide some documentation on the organization: 

  • Prospective project proposal 

  • Organization rules & regulations 

  • Documentation on activities in others countries and partners 

  • Registration document from their country of origin 

This agreement is valid only for three years and must be renewed after such a period. Renewal will be done according to performance evaluation by Charity & Societies Agency on the programs and good working relationship between NGO and the Ethiopian government. If NGO’ s operation on only one project they must get a permit from that specific country, However, if they want to participate in more than two projects their operation agreement must be signed by the Federal Government. 

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure: 

For contact information regarding government custom authorities, please follow the link below:  

4.1 Ethiopian Government Contact List 

Duties and Taxes Exemption Application Procedure 


As required under Customs Regulation, all customs formalities must be handled by a clearing agent. Humanitarian organizations, including NGOs cannot have direct contact with the customs authority without the direct involvement of the clearing agent. 

To prepare the declaration the forwarding agent needs to get the bill of lading, Gift certificate and other supporting documents (see document requirements below). Then, the forwarding agent prepares the declaration to be sent to the counterpart in order to get the request of exemption that has to be signed by the concerned counterpart office before it is submitted to the clearing agent for further processing of the documentation and finally this document has to be scrutinized by Addis Lagar customs before its validated by the appointed customs officer. 

This whole process can take around ten to twelve days. 

Process to be followed


Exemption Certificate Document Requirements 

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity) 



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education) 


Vehicle & Spare Parts 

Staff & Office Supplies 

Telecoms Equipment 


Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Packing Lists 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Other Documents 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Customs Clearance 

General Information  

Customs Information 

Document Requirements  


1. Project agreement document with the appropriate government organization, being approved by the federal Government or regional administrative organization; 

2. Valid registration certificate, of the organization registered either from the Ministry of Justice or regional Justice Bureau; 

3. Document of agreement proposal; 

4. Loading document; 

5. Packing List; 

6. Donation certificate, if the capital goods obtained by donation; 

7. List of capital goods and equipment; 

8. Supporting letter written by the appropriate federal or regional government organization where the NGO is working 

UN Agencies 

Agency's request for duty free importation shall be accompanied by the following documents: 

  1. Bill of Lading 

  1. Gift Certificate 

  1. Invoice 

  1. Packing List 

  1. Non-GMO certificate 

  1. Certificate of Origin 

  1. Health Certificate 

In case of NFI's, the following documents must accompany the request letter: 

  1. Bill of Lading 

  1. Invoice 

  1. Packing List 

  1. Certificate of Origin 

The documents are submitted to a clearing agent, which should be sent to the respective counterpart office for the budget / duty-free letter based on the project type. The letter and the cargo documents shall be submitted to Customs for the final clearance permit. 



Prohibited Items 

Weapons, Drugs and Some Telecommunication equipment 

General Restrictions 


Customs Clearance Document Requirements 

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity) 



NFI (Shelter, WASH, Education) 


Vehicles & Spare Parts 

Staff & Office Supplies 

Telecoms Equipment 

D&T Exemption Certificate 

Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 


Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents 

Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates 

Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Packing Lists 

Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Phytosanitary Certificate 

Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Other Documents 

Yes, Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Yes Original 

Transit Regime 

Transit Regime 

  • Unaccustomed goods shall be transported under customs control from one customs office to another or from entry to exit or c clearance office. Goods in transit should be transported through the prescribed routes designated by customs within a given limited standard time period as set by customs. 

  • Transit Request: Declarants should forward their transit request to clearance and Transit Control office in a way of filling in the Ethiopian Customs transit application and permit format annex 7.10 together with required supporting documentation according to clearance requirement check list annex of the transit manual. 

  • Processing of Transit operations: Processing of transit operations shall follow the principles and standards described in Part six of the transit manual. 


The declarant shall commits himself upon requesting for transit operation to the responsibility of paying duty of transit goods, follow the prescribed custom routes for transit together with finally availing the transit the transited goods to customs office of destination and notify same to the office of departure. The carrier as well has to commit itself to customs for transiting the shipment to customs Transit and clearance control offices within a limited time and through prescribed routes by the freight declaration format annexes 7.21 of the transit manual. 


Import clearance for 3-AXLE CARGO SEMI-TRAILER 


Trailer type                   :  Three axle Cargo Semi-Trailer 

Gross trailer weight      :  30 ton 

Kerb weight                  :  Shall be indicated 

King pin                        :  Heavy duty, Dia. 31/2” 

 2.  BODY     

Body length                       :  12000mm 

Body width                         :  2500mm 

Side & rear boards height  :  800mm 

Front board height             : 1600mm 

Ground clearance              :  300mm(fully loaded) 

Overall length                    :  17,000mm(Tractor & Trailer) 

Trailer’s fuel tank               : ≥ 400 Liters  

Water tank                        :  80liters, aluminum, with sufficient support 

Mechanical operated roller which for winding cables at convenient  place: 12 required                    

Twist lock for container     :  8 required                                                                                                        

Tool box: 60 x 60 x50cm   : 2mm thickness required.  


Construction                    :  All steel 

Loading surface               : Checkered steel 

Material thickness            : 5mm 

Roping hooks & winches :  Sufficient number shall be provided along the two sides, front & rear board   

  4.  CHASSIS  

4.1 Frame 

Construction      : Shall adequately support the gross weight of the trailer                                                                               

Cross members : Sufficient number shall be provided to withstand rigorous on- and-off the road conditions.                                                                      

Chassis flange   : Must be one piece 

4.2   Bumper 

            Manufacturer's current standard heavy duty rear bumper shall be installed. 

4.3.  Mud Guard 

           Rear with flap : required 

           Front               : required