Palestine - 1 Palestine Country Profile

Palestine - 1 Palestine Country Profile

Generic Information 

Palestine is in Western Asia claiming the West Bank (bordering Israel and Jordan) and Gaza Strip (bordering Israel and Egypt) with Jerusalem as the designated capital, although its administrative center is currently located in Ramallah. Palestine has a population of 4,816,503 as of 2016, ranked 123rd in the world.  

The state of Palestine is recognised by 136 UN members and since 2012 has a status of a non-member observer state in the United Nations. It is a member of the Arab League, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, G77, and the International Olympic Committee and other international bodies.  


Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a generic country overview, please consult the following sources: 

Palestine Wikipedia Country Information

Palestine Economist Intelligence Unit Information

Humanitarian Info 

Palestine World Food Programme Information

Palestine Logistics Cluster

Palestine UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Information

Facts and Figures 

Palestine Wolfram Alpha Information 

Palestine World Bank Information 

Palestine Population Information





1.1 Palestine Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration 

Natural Disasters 



Comments / Details 






The last big earthquake happened in 1927, and according to the statistics that every 100 year an earthquake hit this area 




Extreme Temperatures 


By the Dead Sea and in the Negev desert, temperatures can during the months of June, July and August reach extreme levels 



Small floods 

Insect Infestation 






Volcanic Eruptions 



High Waves / Surges 






High Winds 



Man-Made Issues 

Civil Strife 


Israeli occupation of Palestinian areas (West Bank and Gaza Strip)

International Conflict 


Last international conflict between Israel in Lebanon took place in 2006 - however mainly affecting Israel and not directly Palestine. 

Internally Displaced Persons 


About 1,400,000 Palestinian refugees live in the Gaza Strip and about 800,000 in the West Bank 

Refugees Present 



Landmines / UXO Present 



 For more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters 

 Seasonal Effects on Logistics Capacities

There are not seasonal effects on logistics capacities.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response 


The Palestinian Civil Defence (only covering West Bank) will be the main focal entity under the Palestinian Authority. Their capacity is however currently not at a stage where they can coordinate or deliver any assistance to the population which is why WFP and other agencies have initiated a capacity building project with particular emphasis on logistics, emergency telecommunication and information management.  

During any emergency in Palestine, coordination with the Israeli Civil Administration will be crucial in order to ensure humanitarian access.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Palestine Government Contact List


WFP has past experience with logistics cluster activation in Gaza during 2009 and 2014. Further to WFP's capacity to assist other agencies, UNRWA has their main role on the ground. For the remaining other agencies each one will rely on their capacity and assets in case of a major emergency.  

For more information on humanitarian agency contact details, please see the following link: 4.2 Palestine Humanitarian Agency Contact List



State of Palestine - 1.2 Palestine Regulatory Departments and Quality Control


Organisations responsible for the food quality infrastructure in Palestine:

There are two public institutions with relevance to food quality and safety in Palestine: 


the Ministry of Health is the authority for Inspection and analysis of Food quality and safety, they set the national standards for the fortification of wheat flour and the Iodization of salt.


The PSI (Palestinian Standards Institution): is a public institution that seeks to ensure high competitiveness of Palestinian products, and facilitates trade, contribute to protect the health and safety of Palestinian citizens and environment, PSI represents Palestine in the International system of standards and metrology by developing Palestinian standards that are internationally harmonized by providing testing and inspection and metrology services as well as certifications and conformity marks.

Pages - Palestine Standards Institution : Main Page (


The Institute has the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. ​​Prepare and adopt Palestinian standards for products, and services; review, amend, replace and publish them. 
  2.  Grant conformity marks and compliance certificates and
  3.  Provide inspection and testing services.
  4. Establish a national system of metrology, unify the tools and methods of measurement, and provide calibration services.
  5. Approve labels for products.
  6. Cooperate with local and scientific institutions to achieve the objectives of the Institute and fulfill its duties and authorities.
  7. Provide support and encourage research and development for testing laboratories recognized in the areas of standards and metrology.
  8. Enter into agreements with Arab, regional, and international institutions for mutual recognition of conformity marks and certificates and cooperate with them in the areas of quality infrastructure. 
  9. ​Respond to inquiries related to standards, technical regulations, metrology, and conformity assessment.
  10. Provide training services for employees of the private and public sectors.  

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 

4.1 Palestine Government Contact List

4.3 Palestine Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List


State of Palestine - 1.3 Palestine Customs Information

Duties and Tax Exemption 

For contact information regarding government customs authorities, please see the following link: 4.1 Palestine Government Contact List

Emergency Response

Agreements / Conventions Description 

Ratified by Country? 

WCO (World Customs Organization) member 


Annex J-5 Revised Kyoto Convention 


OCHA Model Agreement 


Tampere Convention (on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations) 


Regional Agreements (on emergency/disaster response, but also customs unions, regional integration) 


Exemption Regular Regime (Non-Emergency Response)

National Customs Legislation and Regime 

Customs regulations and procedures pertaining to importations into Palestine and Israel are determined within the framework of Israeli customs laws, international customs agreements, and the Paris Protocol signed between the Government of the State of Israel (GoI) and the P.L.O. (1994).  The valuation of commodities for customs purposes is based upon the GATT (1994) agreement whereby the classification of goods is based upon the principles of the “Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System”. 

The Paris Protocol outlines the modus operandi of economic cooperation between the GoI and the P.L.O. and authorises a degree of autonomy for the PA to set customs policies and procedure for imports of certain commodities from Jordan and Egypt. According to the Paris Protocol, the PNA is also entitled to exempt duties and taxes for donations destined to institutions within the PNA (West Bank and Gaza).  Export Defence law with reference to the Wassanger Arrangement limit the scope and of imports and transhipment through Israel to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.  The political situation in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip remains volatile whereby the West Bank and Gaza Strip are often subject to regular restrictions in importations. 

There are two main authorities entitled to grant tax and duty exemptions for organizations with operations in Palestine. In Israel, the MSA and Beit El Civil Administration are authorised to grant tax exemption to 12 international organizations (including the ICRC and UNDP) which operate in Palestine. These twelve organizations are entitled to receive an exemption of duties according to article 17 of customs tariff and in accordance with agreements between the organization and the GoI. The PNA Ministry of Finance is entitled to grant tax and duty exemptions for international donations to institutions situated within the Palestinian Authority (West Bank & Gaza Strip) including UNRWA. Besides UNRWA, UNSCO and UNTSO all other UN agencies fall under the UNDP umbrella for requesting tax exemptions. As a member state of the United Nations, and in accordance with the 1946 convention on privileges and immunities, the GoI extends tax exemption privileges to the United Nations. 

Aside from the aforementioned UN agencies, there are 132 international organizations which are registered with the Israeli Ministry of Social Affairs (MSA), entitled to maintain an office in Israel and East Jerusalem and/or allowed to work in Palestine. These organizations are entitled to import goods assuming they maintain an Israeli business registration number and/or import goods through a through a local supplier. 

Organizational Requirements to obtain Duty Free Status 

United Nations Agencies 

UNDP, UNTSO and UNRWA have duty-free status in Israel and in Palestine. UNDP serves as an umbrella organization for numerous UN agencies. 

Non-Governmental Organizations 

INGOs may approach the GoI and request tax exemption privileges. INGOs which are not entitled to receive tax exemption, however, may consider partnerships with INGOs and UN agencies which are entitled to receive an exemption of duties on imports. 

International organizations may also receive tax and duty exemptions from the PNA Ministry of Finance by sending aid donations to registered institutions situated in the PNA (e.g. Ministry of Health hospital). 

Exemption Certificate Application Procedure

Organizations registered with the Israeli Ministry of Social Affairs (MSA) are entitled to receive a tax exemption. They should complete the required form (No. 380) and send it alongside a stamped packing list, proforma invoice and copy of bill of lading to the Customs Office in Jerusalem (Givat Shaul). The average time required to obtain the required signatures and approvals for tax and duty exemptions is approximately two working days.  

For requesting donation tax exemptions from the PNA Ministry of Finance, all requests should be addressed to the Director General of the Customs Excise and VAT department, Ministry of Finance.  In order to request a donation exemption, the following documents should be sent to the National Coordinator of Exemptions, in Palestinian Customs, Excise and VAT department.  

Exemption Certificate Document Requirements 

Duties and Taxes Exemption Certificate Document Requirements (by commodity) 



NFI  (Shelter, WASH, Education) 


Vehicles  Spare Parts 

Staff  & Office Supplies 

Telecoms Equipment 

Commercial Invoice 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

AWB/BL/Other Transport Documents 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Packing Lists 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Yes (1 copy) 

Other Documents 

Letter of origin and health certificate 






Additional Notes

IL Civil Admin./MSA Exemption Requests require more documents depend on kind of imported commodity.   

Customs Clearance 

General Information  

Customs Information 

Document Requirements  

For Customs Clearance process original documents are needed to be present. 

Embargoes / Prohibited Items 

Below there is a link for the restricted import items in to the Gaza Strip. 

Customs Clearance Document Requirements 

Customs Clearance Document Requirements (by commodity) 



NFI  (Shelter, WASH, Education) 


Vehicles Spare Parts 

Staff  & Office Supplies 

Telecoms Equipment 








D&T Exemption Certificate 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

AWB/SWB/BL/Other Transport Documents 

Yes, AWB/SWB: 1 copy; BoL: Original and 1 copy 

Yes, AWB/SWB: 1 copy; BoL: Original and 1 copy 

Yes, AWB/SWB: 1 copy; BoL: Original and 1 copy 

Yes, AWB/SWB: 1 copy; BoL: Original and 1 copy 

Yes, AWB/SWB: 1 copy; BoL: Original and 1 copy 

Yes, AWB/SWB: 1 copy; BoL: Original and 1 copy 

Donation/Non-Commercial Certificates 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Yes, 1 copy 

Packing Lists 







Exemption Certificate 

Yes, original and 1 copy. Applies to IL tax-exempt imports (Customs Article 17) 

Yes, original and 1 copy. Applies to IL tax-exempt imports (Customs Article 17 

Yes, original and 1 copy. Applies to IL tax-exempt imports (Customs Article 17 

Yes, original and 1 copy. Applies to IL tax-exempt imports (Customs Article 17 

Yes, original and 1 copy. Applies to IL tax-exempt imports (Customs Article 17 

Yes, original and 1 copy. Applies to IL tax-exempt imports (Customs Article 17 

Other Documents 

Certificate of Origin (1 copy, original?); Phytosanitary certificate (1 copy); PH level certificate (1 copy) 


MOH Pharmaceutical/medical devices Department Import Permit (Original and 1 copy); Export Permit (Original, 1 copy with shipment, 1 copy with clearing agent) 



Ministry of Communications Permit (1 copy); Ministry of Trade and Industry Permit (1 copy) 

Transit Regime 

After the discharge of the vessel at the port, all the containers are moved to the bonded warehouse outside the port within the 4 free days given by the Port Authorities. 

The Customs Clearance agent start the clearance of this shipment with the Port Authorities (MoHMoA, Security and Customs). This may take from 2-6 days.  



Annexes and Links

Contact Directory of Local Aid Coordination Secretariat (LACS)

Annex documents:

Dual Use List EN (2008)

Restricted Import List Gaza Strip (2013)