Kenya - 2.1 Port Assessment

Kenya - 2.1 Port Assessment

Port Assessment



There are about 15 ports in the country and most of these are undergoing expansion and renovation to meet global standards. The main ports are Mombasa, Lamu and Kisumu Port. The rest are classified as small ports 


Mombasa Port - Situated on the East African Coast, is not only the premier port of Kenya but the largest and the busiest port of the Eastern African region. Mombasa Port comprises the Kilindini Harbour, Port Tudor, Port of Reitz, and the Old Port plus the waters surrounding the island of Mombasa. The port has a total of 19 berths with a quay length of 4200 metres. Six berths are container terminals, 13 for conventional cargo, one crew ship terminal, 2 oil terminals and Mbaraki wharf and Old Port. The annual handling capacity of the port is 2.65 million TEU’s. It is managed and operated by the Kenya Ports Authority that also offers pilotage, docking, anchorage, stevedoring. Shipping, transport, and storage services are given by private enterprises.  


Port of Lamu - The Port of Lamu was commissioned in May 2021. It has 3 complete berths with a quay length of 1200 metres and when complete the port will have a total of 23 berths. KPA (Kenya Ports Authority) has deployed 5 mobile harbour cranes. Currently it has a warehouse that can accommodate 10,000 tonnes. There is a police station inside the port, KPA security and patrol by Kenya Defence Forces. KPA is also constructing a water desalination plant for use by port and serve surrounding community.  


Kisumu port - located in Kisumu County is critical in connecting Kenya, Mwanza and Bukoba in Tanzania and Port bell in Uganda through lake transport. It facilitates multimodal cargo transport from rail, road, and water. It handles both containerized and conventional Cargo as well as pedestrians. It has a capacity to handle 50,000 TEUs or an equivalent of 200,000 metric tonnes. It consists of a 352m long quay wall in an L-shape, and a draft of 2.5m to 3.5m. The port has a yard area of 58,428 metre square for handling TEUs and conventional cargo. KPA plans to increase the port capacity in line with the increase in cargo and passenger freight across the East African community. The port has recorded steady growth in the last 5 years following its rehabilitation by the government of Kenya in 2019-2023. Volume of cargo has grown 3,431 tonnes in 2017 to 54,014 tonnes in 2021 (grown 15 times) while the number of vessels docking at Kisumu Port has increased 7 vessels in 2017 to 77 vessels in 2021 (grown 7 times).  


Kilifi Port is situated on Kilifi Creek and has a boatyard. The port area is sheltered and has a bridge. It also offers marine services. KPA aims to develop it further and construct a dock for handling fish and build Luxury Marine Buildings plus 200 mooring points for all kinds of ships. 


Port of Mtwapa is a small port and receives smaller yachts and ships. Also, there is not much space for expanding this port. However, plans are underway to develop it further to make it a fishing port equipped with a fish landing facility.  

KPA is now constructing a land point for fish and some berths. 


Port of Shimoni is in Shimoni opposite Wasini island on the southern coast of Kenya. It handles about 10,000 metric tonnes of cargo and is the busiest of the small ports in terms of coastal trade. It has a dock, used primarily for fishing and tourism. It also has a deep and well-sheltered bay that can accommodate large ships. Currently KPA is constructing a new jetty to handle fish, general cargo, and passengers. 


Port of Malindi is located on the northern side, just 120 km away in Mombasa town. It has a dock that is in good condition however due to accretion, the breaking area has drifted to the fish handling part of the port. Its anchorage is 11 m to 12.2 m, and it can accommodate vessels measuring up to 500 m. This port exports cotton, sim-sim, and copra. It also serves the fish industry and has scope for expansion to revamp the dock to make it an efficient fishing port and a tourist spot, as the Malindi town is a popular tourism destination. Currently, the fish jetty handles about 1,250 MT (Metric Tonnes) annually and sees 8000 tourist vessels. KPA has also decided on expanding this port by acquiring an additional 2500 sqm of land area to construct administrative and office buildings, cold storage for fish, ice facility, fuel services, ship repair etc.  


Port of Kiunga is a dock near the Village of Kiunga that deals with 2500 MT of fish annually and coastal trade that comprises 1000 MT of cotton and coconut exports. This jetty has poor sea access, and the KPA is planning to take 20 acres of land to develop this port into an efficient fishing port that would boost the fishing sector. It also plans to dredge the water channel and construct another wharf that has easy access to the waters. The port would also have offices and buildings apart from a cold storage facility for keeping seafood. 

Kenya - 2.1.1 Port of Mombasa

Port Overview 

Mombasa is located on the east coast of Africa approximately midway between the South African Port of Durban and major ports in the Red Sea and the Middle East. It is Kenya’s and indeed East Africa’s biggest and busiest seaport. 
The port is the main gateway to East and Central Africa serving a vast hinterland of more than 120 million people in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Eastern DRC, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Northern Tanzania 

  • The Port of Mombasa has a length of 7 nautical miles, a width of 300 m and a maximum depth of 15 m. 

  • The inner harbour has a tidal range of 3.5 m. 

The main port currently has 19 berths comprising of 1 bulk grain terminal, 2 oil terminals/jetties, 6 container berths, 13 general cargo berths and one cruise ship berth. Recent investments in modernising handling equipment, dredging of the main entrance channel and widening of the turning basin has enabled larger, modern post panamax vessels to call at the port. The port is currently ranked 326th of the top ranked container world ports and overall 28th in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Port website: Website of the Kenyan Ports Authority 

Port Location and Contacts 




Province or District 

Mombasa County 

Town or City (Closest location) with Distance (km) 

Name: Mombasa 

km: 3km 

Port's Complete Name 

Kilindini Harbour, Mombasa 





Managing Company or Port Authority (If more than one operator, break down by area of operation) 

Kenya Ports Authority 

Management Contact Person 

Capt. William K. Ruto/ MD 

Closest Airport and Frequent Airlines to / from International Destinations 

Airport Name: Moi International Airport 

Airlines: Kenya Airways, Ethiopian Airlines, Air Uganda,  


Google map Port of Mombasa


Description and Contacts of Key Companies 

Mombasa port is managed by the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) who own and operates the port facilities. The port includes Kilindini Harbour, Port Reitz, Port Tudor, the Old Port, and the whole of the tidal waters encircling Mombasa Island. The port authority exclusively provides pilotage, tug, mooring, dockage, buoyage, anchorage, security, stevedoring and shore handling services within the port. Other services such as Shipping, Clearing & Forwarding, Transport and Storage are performed by private companies (contact list below). 

There also exist other Government authorities in the port engaged in revenue collection and enforcement of standards. These are the Kenya Revenue Authority (Customs & Border Control Department)- KRA/C&BC, the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), the National Biosafety Authority (NBA), Port Health Services and the Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA) amongst others.  

For more information on port contacts, please see the following link: 4.4 Port and Waterways Companies Contact List.

Port Performance

Cargo throughput at the port of Mombasa has been rising over the years driven by the corresponding growth of its captive hinterland economies.  

Container Traffic (TEUs): 2018 -2022 



Port Throughput (‘000’) :2018 - 2022 


This positive trend of 2.3% has necessitated the port authority to focus on several initiatives aimed at increasing efficiency and effectiveness of its services. The initiatives have been amongst others decreasing dwell times of consignments, increasing speed of discharge/loading by modernising equipment, increasing size of ships calling the port through dredging and widening of the turning basin etc. The highest draft is 15m which is sufficient to handle Panamax size vessels.  

The storage capacity the port can handle is about 48,000 TEUs at any one point. 

In the last 7 years the port has not experienced congestion following the below measures: Fixed berthing window arrangement which programmes vessels calling port of Mombasa for berth on arrival.  

  1. Expansion of the stacking area capacity at the port by opening the second container terminal 

  1. Acquisition of additional modern handling equipment 

  1. Recruitment of dockers has been ongoing and currently the port has 600 dockers which is sufficient to work on the vessels. 

  1. SGR extends up to berth 1. 

  1. Automation - use of e-citizen for booking 

Berthing is strictly on first come documents ready basis with priority granted to Oil tankers, Containers ships, bulk carriers, and other conventional ships in that order. In times of on-going and known humanitarian crises, priority berthing, labour and equipment is available on “need be basis”. In such instances, it is important that the port management is adequately sensitized to facilitate.  

Port bottlenecks exist by way of. 

  1. System breakdown e.g., ICMS by KRA 

  1. Inadequate Seals - Regional Electronic Cargo racking System (RECTS) 

  1. Harmonising 24-hour operation with other agencies. 

Number of vessels calling port of Mombasa in 2022 was 1,561 with total.   

Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges 

Link to relevant tariff/rates web page: 

For detailed information on Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges at the Port of Mombasa, please select the following document: 

Kenya Mombasa Port Additional Information 

Berthing Specifications 

Type of Berth 


Length (m) 

Maximum Draft (m) 

Conventional Berth 



11.5 - 12.5 

Container Berth 


13.5 - 15 

Silo Berth 




Number Berthing Tugs 



Water Barges 

1 + other privatised 



Kipevu Oil Terminal (KOT) 



Old KOT 




  • Some of the conventional berths can and are used to berth container ships that are self-accentuated / have handling gear (cranes) such as berths #5 - #11 and #12 

  • 2 of the berths are used for berthing passenger ships while 2 handle bulk grain carriers such as berths #1 and #2. 

  • The conventional berths are therefore mostly multipurpose. 

For further information on Berthing Specifications, please select the following document: 

Kenya Mombasa Port Additional Information 

General Cargo Handling Berths 

Cargo Type 

Berth Identification 

Imports - Bagged Cargo 


Exports - Bagged Cargo 




Imports and Exports - RoRo 

1, 2 

Other Imports 

Mbaraki wharf 2 berths 

For further information on general cargo handling berths, please select the following document: 

Kenya Mombasa Port Additional Information 

Port Handling Equipment 

Port equipment is procured, managed, and replenished by the Port Authority. The port Authority has a fully-fledged Engineering department led by a General Manager Engineering reporting to the Managing Director. The department has several sections within it such as Marine, Automotive, Mechanical, Electrical etc.  



(Yes / No) 

Total Quantity and Capacity Available 

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage 

Container Gantries 


45mt ship to shore – 16 

45mt rubber tyred – 48. 

40mt rail mounted - 8 

In active use 

In active use 

In active use 

Mobile Cranes 



35mt – 2 

50mt – 4 

60mt - 2 

80mt - 1 

Harbour mobile crane - 7 

All in active use 

Reach stacker 


45mt – 27 

Empty container handlers - 12 

All in active use 

RoRo Tug master (w/ Trailer) 


Terminal tractors - 6 

All in active use 

Grain Elevator w/ Bagging Machines 






1.5 – 3mt – 9 

5mt – 9 

10mt – 3 

16mt – 13 

20mt – 1 

25mt - 6 

All in active use 


Container Facilities 

The port has 6 container berths with 1,400 metres length of seafront and 4 of these berths have ship to shore gantry cranes for discharge while 2 of them are for container ships with their own gear. Three of the conventional berths can be used for the container vessels.  The container berths are backed up by a container terminal stacking yard of 197,000m². Other stacking yards spread across the port may be used for stacking spill over containers from the container terminal. These have a total area of 57,916m².  



20 ft 

40 ft 

Container Facilities Available 



Container Freight Station (CFS) 



Other Capacity Details 



Daily Take Off Capacity (Containers per day) 

2,000 - including TEU's and FEU's 


Number of Reefer Stations (connection points) 

795 connection points 


Emergency Take-off Capacity (Give an indication) 



Off take capacity of gang shift (in Containers per shift) 



The existing container terminal was designed to handle throughput of 2,650,000TEU’s per annum.  

Customs Guidance 

Customs clearance formalities start with shipping line lodging ship’s manifest with customs immediately before departure from the last port of call. Upon approval of manifest by customs, the Clearing agent can lodge an entry in the ICMS system for a consignment within the ship. The consignment is inspected by various relevant regulatory agencies and released by customs online after payment of the various duties. If exempted from duty, for exempted consignment approval is done online before final release. Upon clearing with customs, the agent proceeds to settle port charges and release consignment with KPA. Once completed, the port gives a “Pick up Order”/PUO which is effectively the gate pass to allow cargo exit from port. The whole clearing process takes on average 2 working days hence possible to have all clearance in place by time of ship arrival to facilitate direct delivery upon discharge. 

For additional customs information, please see the following link: 1.3 Kenya Customs Information 

Terminal Information 

Multipurpose Terminal 

Various berths within the port can be regarded as multipurpose. E.g., berth 1 and 2 serve Cruise and RORO ships while berths 5, 11 and 12 serve conventional and container ships with own gear.  

Grain and Bulk Handling 

Grain and Bulk Handling at the port is done either through; 
• Grain Bulk Handlers Limited (GBHL) vide conveyor from port to silos outside port. 
• Conventional bagging vide grabs onto bagging plants alongside ship and to trucks. 
The Grain Bulk Handlers Limited (GBHL) is a private company which commenced operations in 2000. It owns and operates a specialised terminal for handling bulk grain imports and is the sole operator for mechanical bulk grain handling at the Port of Mombasa. 
In 2019, GBHL handled a total tonnage of 2,700,000 and is the largest bulk grain handling terminal in Africa. 

A key feature of the GBHL facility is that the storage silos are located outside the port area allowing easy access for trucks with a minimum of road congestion.  
• Total storage capacity is 245,000mt.  
• Discharge is through 2 or 3 Buhler Port lines onto a modern conveyor system which transfers grain from the ship hatch to the silos. 
• Discharge rate is max 600mt per hour and 12,000mt pwd. 
• The terminal has bagging and bulk rail and road loading facilities together with weighbridge.  
Conventional grain bagging is mainly done when there is a long list of ships lining up for the GBHL berth terminal hence waiting time and demurrage not deemed economical. In most circumstances, this has been left for bulk fertilizer shipments and for grain shipments of relatively small quantity (<7,000mt). The main companies operating conventional bagging are 
• Multiport International 
• Nectar Group 
• Interglobal Services (agent for Portserve International) 
These 3 companies pool together equipment and among them have 12 bagging plants (each with 2 lines) and 8 grabs. 

Main Storage Terminal 

The port is backed up with storage facilities located out of port. Storage inside port is discouraged through punitive costs and customs regulations. The port has also over time knocked down sheds to create container stacking grounds. However, some warehouses are still available alongside the main quay and back of port.  

Storage Type 

Number of Storage Facilities 

Area (square meters) 

Bagged Cargo 



Refrigerated Cargo 

General Cargo 




Stevedoring activities in port constitute discharge and loading activities for containerised, loose/break bulk, bulk liquid grain etc. The port authority offers all stevedoring activities except for bulk grain and liquid discharge/loading activities where specific operators have been licensed to offer the service.  

Hinterland Information 

Goods are only released out of port after payment of all port dues, customs duties and when they meet other import conditions ascertained by other Government regulatory agencies. Exit from port and onwards into the hinterland is mainly by rail or road. There is more reliance on deliveries by road over 65%, and the rest by rail - SGR and MGR (Refer to contact list for available road transport companies).  

To speed up evacuation from port to deter demurrage and punitive port storage charges, cargo is also shunted ex-port by trucks onto warehouses or transit yards out of port from where it is then dispatched either by road or rail to its destination in the hinterland. 


Port Security 

Kenya has implemented the maritime security requirements contained in Chapter XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code through the Merchant Shipping Bill 2004 and the Maritime Security Regulations 2004. These regulations apply to all seaports in Kenya and passenger ships, cargo ships of 500 GRT or more and mobile offshore drilling units on international voyages. 

Security Level 2 applies in Kenyan territorial waters and seaports. Any change of security level or its area of application will be communicated by notices to mariners, navigational warnings, circulars, VHF communication or any other appropriate means. 

Port Security in Kenya has been tightened considerably following the events of 11 September 2001 and the sharp rise in terrorist incidents worldwide and lately in Kenya. Until recently KPA was concerned mainly with cargo security. But now in common with other port authorities around the world KPA is focusing its attention on the security of everyone visiting its ports and using their facilities.  

KPA has introduced several measures to make the port a safer place for business which includes: 

  • New electronic surveillance equipment including CCTV. 

  • A fully-fledged police station within the port headed by an Officer Commanding Police Division/OCPD Port. 

  • Coastguard surveillance of waters in port area 

  • New search and rescue centre set up jointly with the IMO to supplement sea surveillance. 

  • Plain-clothes and uniformed security officers on patrol in port areas 

  • Strict controls on port entry with all port users and visitors required to display biometric passes and to weigh reflector jackets when accessing the quayside. 

  • Restricted entry to container terminal and other key sections such as oil terminals. 

  • Continuously manned watch towers in car handling area and container terminal 

  • A rapid response team to deal with urgent security matters in or near the port area. 

  • A centralised verification area at the container terminal, car handling area and the CFS 

  • Physical and electronic operated Barriers at port gates to deter forced entry and ensure proper security checks. 

  • Mandatory scanning of all export containers. 

  • Random targeting of import containers for scanning without stripping – thus helping to reduce pilferage. 



ISPS Compliant 

(Yes / No) 



Current ISPS Level 

Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional 

Police Boats 


Fire Engines 





Kenya - 2.1.2 Kenya Port of Lamu

Port Overview 

Port of Lamu came into being as an alternative port to complement the existing Port of Mombasa as contained in Economic Sessional Paper Number 10 of 1965. It is one of the flagship infrastructure projects identified by the Government in Kenya Vision 2030. It is part of the development of a new transport corridor linking a new and modern Port of Lamu with Garissa, Isiolo, Maralal, Lodwar and Lokichogio and branching at Isiolo to Moyale at the border with Ethiopia and proceeding to the border with Southern Sudan. This development will include the long-term physical planning of Lamu Metropolis area and once completed, the corridor will comprise of. 

  1. Standard gauge railway line 

  1. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) 

  1. Warehousing facilities 

  1. Road network 

  1. Oil pipeline (Crude & product) 

  1. Oil refinery (Isiolo/Lamu) 

  1. International Airports (Lamu, Isiolo and Lokichogio) 

  1. Port at Lamu (Manda Bay). 

  1. Resort cities (Lamu, Isiolo and Lake Turkana) 


The LAPSET Corridor 



Project Description 

The proposed port site at Kililana in Manda Bay at 40o 55' East and 2o 11' South was selected because it has deep and sheltered bay and a wide navigable entrance channel. Hydraulic and geotechnical surveys have confirmed that the area is suitable for port construction. The projected 10Km shore length has the capacity to accommodate up to Twenty-Three (23) berths each with a length of 400 m. 

The Port has two harbour channels: 

  1.  Southern Channel (Sub channel) Dredge depth of 12.5m & 300m wide  

  1. Eastern Channel (Main Channel) Dredge depth of 17.5m & 600m wide 


Project Benefits 

The port is expected to attract larger cargo ships and aims to provide benefits within the region by passing on savings derived from lower marine costs due to faster ship turnaround time and at the same time of reducing the cost of doing business. 

More information and updates on the project can be found at:  

Kenya Vision 2030 Website  

Wikipedia Port of Lamu Website 

Port website: 

Key port information may also be found at:


Port Location and Contact 



Province or District 

Lamu County 

Nearest Town or City 

with Distance from Port 


341 km 

Port's Complete Name 

Port of Lamu 


2° 16' 5" S 


40° 54' 9" E 

Managing Company or Port Authority 


Kenya Port Authority 

Management Contact Person 

Managing Director - Capt. William K. Ruto 

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures 

Manda Airport   

Jambo jet - Nairobi–Jomo Kenyatta 

Safari link - Kiwayu, Nairobi–Wilson 

Skyward Express - Mombasa, Nairobi–Wilson 

Capacity of the terminal 

The first three berths of Lamu port are completed with marine salvage operation (LOF) and Marine Terminal (MT).  

Total Quay length 1.2km, Water depth: 17.5m at Lowest Tide (LAT) and 20.5m at High tide 

STS span is 30.5m from seaward to landward rail, 1,200,000 TEUs Capacity 200 Reefer Points 3040m sq. Customs Warehouse. 




Key Milestones 


  • Commissioning of the 1st Berth on 20th May 2021 



  • KPA deployed 5 harbour mobile cranes.  

  • 4 Rubber tyred gantry cranes  

  • 4 terminal tractors 

  • one 25 mt forklift  

  • Harbour tug for craft assistance (guiding ships in the harbour, berthing/unberthing, towage)  

  • Pilot boat for compulsory pilotage services  

  • Mooring boat for making fast the ship alongside berth. 

  • One storage facility (shed) wit capacity of 3000mt. 


Seasonal Constraints 



Time Frame 

Rainy Season 



Major Import Campaigns 



Other Comments 



Handling Figures as May 2023 

Vessel Calls 

Not available 

Container Traffic (TEUs) 



Conventional handling - 244.5 MT (Fishing 31.5) and 22,684 Livestock 

Number shipments called Lamu 22 


Handling Figures Bulk and Break Bulk for 2022 

Bulk (MT) 

Break bulk (MT) 

Discharge Rates and Terminal Handling Charges 

Port of Lamu is on Promotional Tariff. 

Promotional Tariff in place to attract vessels and cargo (Transit & Transhipment traffic) to the new Port. 

Marine Services 

  • Call Based Dues (Light, Port & Harbour & Security Dues) charged once at the first port of call. 

  • GT Based Dues (Pilotage, Tug Service, Mooring) charged 50% for the second port call. 

  • RoRo, Pure Car Carriers and Passenger vessels charged 50% of the GT Based Dues 

Cargo Handling Services 

  • Stevedoring of cargo –40% discount 

  • Stevedoring Coasters’ cargo – 40%discount 

  • Shore Handling/Wharfage – 40%discount 

Berthing Specifications 

Type of Berth 





Draft (m) 


Conventional Berth 




can handle both containers and conventional 

Container Berth 




can handle both containers and conventional 

Silo Berth 




no silo yet 

Berthing Tugs 



Water Barges 




Not available 

General Cargo Handling Berths 

Cargo Type 

Berth Identification 

Imports - Bagged Cargo 


Exports - Bagged Cargo 


Imports and Exports - RoRo 


Other Imports 



Port Handling Equipment 




Total Quantity and Capacity Available 

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage 

Dockside Crane 


Not available 

Not available 

Container Gantries 


Not available 

Not available 

Mobile Cranes 


Not available 

Not available 

Reach stacker 


Not available 

Not available 

RoRo Tug master (with Trailer) 


Not available 

Not available 

Grain Elevator with Bagging Machines 


Not available 

Not available 



Not available 

Not available 



Not available 

Not available 


Container Facilities 


20 ft 

40 ft 

Container Facilities Available 

3 berths 

same for 20ft 

Container Freight Station (CFS) 



Refrigerated Container Stations 


same for 20ft 

Other Capacity Details 

as under equipment 

as under equipment 

Daily Take Off Capacity  
(Containers per Day)  

data no available 

data not available 

Number of Reefer Stations  
(Connection Points) 


same for 40ft 

Emergency Take-off Capacity  

Give an indication 

Give an indication 

Off take Capacity of Gang Shift  
(Containers per Shift)  

data not available 

data not available 

Customs Guidance 

Customs clearance formalities start with shipping line lodging ship’s manifest with customs immediately before departure from the last port of call. Upon approval of manifest by customs, the Clearing agent can lodge an entry in the ICMS system for a consignment within the ship. The consignment is inspected by various relevant regulatory agencies and released by customs online after payment of the various duties. If exempted from duty, for exempted consignment approval is done online before final release. Upon clearing with customs, the agent proceeds to settle port charges and release consignment with KPA. Once completed, the port gives a “Pick up Order”/PUO which is effectively the gate pass to allow cargo exit from port. The whole clearing process takes on average 2 working days hence possible to have all clearance in place by time of ship arrival to facilitate direct delivery upon discharge. 

For additional customs information, please see the following link: 1.3 Kenya Customs Information 

Terminal Information 

The terminal is multipurpose a can handle both conventional and containerised. 


A warehouse storage shed is available and can handle 3000mt. 

Storage Type 

Number of Storage Facilities 

Area (m2) 

Bagged Cargo 

one shed 

30 x40  

Refrigerated Cargo 

Not available 


General Cargo 

animals and fresh products 



Stevedoring activities in port constitute discharge and loading activities for containerised, loose/break bulk, bulk liquid grain etc. The port authority offers all stevedoring activities except for bulk grain which is handled by private. Liquid discharge/loading activities not applicable in Lamu for now 

Hinterland Information 

Goods are only released out of port after payment of all port dues, customs duties and when they meet other import conditions ascertained by other Government regulatory agencies. Exit from port and onwards into the hinterland is mainly by rail or road. There is more reliance on deliveries by road over 90%, due to decreased capacity of rail, run down infrastructure, and rolling stock.  

To speed up evacuation from port to deter demurrage and punitive port storage charges, cargo is also shunted ex-port by trucks onto warehouses or transit yards out of port from where it is then dispatched either by road or rail to its destination in the hinterland.  

Port Security 

Kenya has implemented the maritime security requirements contained in Chapter XI-2 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code through the Merchant Shipping Bill 2004 and the Maritime Security Regulations 2004. These regulations apply to all seaports in Kenya and passenger ships, cargo ships of 500 GRT or more and mobile offshore drilling units on international voyages.  

Security Level 2 applies in Kenyan territorial waters and seaports. Any change of security level or its area of application will be communicated by notices to mariners, navigational warnings, circulars, VHF communication or any other appropriate means.  

Port Security in Kenya has been tightened considerably following the events of 11 September 2001 and the sharp rise in terrorist incidents worldwide and lately in Kenya. Until recently KPA was concerned mainly with cargo security. But now in common with other port authorities around the world KPA is focusing its attention on the security of everyone visiting its ports and using their facilities.   

KPA has introduced several measures to make the port a safer place for business which includes:  

  • New electronic surveillance equipment including CCTV.  

  • A fully-fledged police station within the port headed by an Officer Commanding Police Division/OCPD Port.  

  • Coastguard surveillance of waters in port area  

  • New search and rescue centre set up jointly with the IMO to supplement sea surveillance.  

  • Plain-clothes and uniformed security officers on patrol in port areas  

  • Strict controls on port entry with all port users and visitors required to display biometric passes and to weigh reflector jackets when accessing the quayside.  

  • Restricted entry to container terminal and other key sections such as oil terminals.  

  • Continuously manned watch towers in car handling area and container terminal  

  • A rapid response team to deal with urgent security matters in or near the port area.  

  • A centralised verification area at the container terminal, car handling area and the CFS  

  • Physical and electronic operated Barriers at port gates to deter forced entry and ensure proper security checks.  

  • Mandatory scanning of all export containers.  

  • Random targeting of import containers for scanning without stripping – thus helping to reduce pilferage.  




ISPS Compliant  

(Yes / No)  



Current ISPS Level  


Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional  

Police Boats  



Fire Engines  






Kenya - 2.1.3 Port of Kisumu

Port Overview 

Kisumu port, which is positioned in Kisumu Central Constituency, in Kisumu Town, in Kisumu County, in Kenya is under the management of Kenya Port Authority (KPA). It is situated on the shores of Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. The Port is one of the ports on Lake Victoria that offer organised shipping services on the Lake. The other ports are, Port Bell and Jinja in Uganda; and Mwanza, Bukoba, and Musoma in Tanzania. Out of these ports, Kisumu, Mwanza, and Port Bell are the largest, in terms of throughput. Inland shipping on Lake Victoria forms a vital component of an intermodal supply chain along the Central and Northern Corridor linking to Mombasa and Dar es Salaam ports. The port links Kisumu to Port Bell in Uganda and Mwanza in Tanzania, using rail ferries that carry rail wagons loaded directly from rail tracks in the three ports.  



The port occupies 17.5 hectares of land with a stacking area designed to accommodate a throughput of 15,000 TEUs per annum. Similarly, taking Kisumu’s 2014 import figure of 21,943 tons as a starting point, and considering all developments and economic growth, Kisumu’s local cargo imports are estimated to increase to 130,000 tons by 2025, and further to 180,000 tons by 2035. The Port which has been underutilised for over 20 years is in operation after being refurbished at a cost of KES 700 million 

Currently, the Port of Kisumu operates only at a fraction of its capacity and former throughput. Due to the deterioration of the rail connection from Mombasa to Kisumu, transit cargo volumes have decreased steeply over the last decades. The port still handles some of the local cargo and specific transit cargo. However, all cargo volumes have dwindled, due to a lack of critical mass and the reliability of the transport system. Lake ports have RoRo ramps, and all break bulk is handled manually. The port of Kisumu exports: Edible Oil, Gas Oil, Steel Billet, bagged fertilizer, ceramic tiles, and assorted nails among other products in small quantities. Exports through the port include sugar, iron sheets, cotton seed cake and Sorghum. 

Port website: 


Port Location and Contact 



Province or District 

Kisumu County 

Nearest Town or City 

with Distance from Port 


3.4 Km 

Port's Complete Name 

Kisumu small Port 





Managing Company or Port Authority 


Kenya Port Authority 

Management Contact Person 

​​Managing Director, Capt. William K Ruto​ 

Nearest Airport and Airlines with Frequent International Arrivals/Departures 

Kisumu international Airport 

Port Picture 


Kisumu port facilities are grouped in a wide area of land some 6ha in size including; a 262m quay, a rail-wagon ferry pier, including 90 meters of berthing space alongside the pier, on reclaimed land, almost perpendicular to the main quay, a warehouse measuring 50m by 16m on the main quay, a 3,000 m2 paved storage area directly behind the warehouse, and offices for the harbour master, customs, and police department. 


Description and Contacts of Key Companies 

Customs and all other key regulatory bodies are available at the port to ensure smooth clearance of cargo. 

For more information on port contacts, please see the following link: 4.4 Port and Waterways Companies Contact List. 


Port Performance 

​​​Cumulative Cargo Through-put Report from 1st August 2017 to Date: -​​ 

​​​ ​​ 








​​​Vessels Reg.​​ 








​​​Export (tons)​​ 








​​​Import (tons)​​ 








​​​Total (tons)​​ 









​​​Average Monthly Vessel Calling & Cargo Through-put​​ 

​​​No of Vessels​​ 

​​​Export (MT)​​ 

​​​Import (MT)​​ 

​​​Monthly Cum. (MT)​​ 






Main Export include gas Oil, Steel Billet bagged fertilizer, ceramic tiles, and assorted nails.​​ 

​​​Main imports include bagged sugar, iron sheets and sorghum ​​ 

​​​​​ ​​​ 

The Inland Container Depot Kisumu (ICDK) is in Kibos in Western Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria along the Kibos road in Kondele. The facility is linked to the Port of Mombasa by railtainer service. The volume of cargo handled at the revamped Kisumu port jumped to 17,735 tonnes in 2019, a 62 per cent increase compared to 2018 due to improved efficiency and a surge in trade. Data from Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) shows the volume of cargo shipped through the Kisumu port jumped from 9946 tonnes in 2018 to 58,289 tonnes in 2022 which is a 17% increase. The rise in cargo was buoyed by a strong second-half performance, reflecting better efficiency and an overall improvement in trade among partner states of the East Africa Community (EAC). The number of vessels using the port also increased to 41 in 2019 compared to nineteen the previous year, representing a 116 per cent jump. The upgrading work included concreting of the port yard, construction of the quayside, repairs of the linkspan, revamping the dry dock and rehabilitation of all buildings to boost efficiency. All roads within and the link roads to the port facility have also been repaired and feeder jetties and piers are also being put in place. The port has further been equipped with equipment such as forklift trucks, mobile cranes, and tractor-trailers. 

One problem the port has faced in recent decades has been the growth of hyacinth weed, which chokes off a large part of the Kisumu pier and frustrates shipping activities. 

The port has been stimulated by the growth in the shipment of goods through the port to destinations in Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Democratic Republic of Congo. Kisumu has also been designated a “city” by the central government of Kenya. Although Kisumu’s rank as a city has not been formalized through a charter by the central government 


Port Handling Equipment 

The preparedness of Kisumu Lake Port operations was boosted by allocating the following equipment. 





Total Quantity and Capacity Available 

Comments on Current Condition and Actual Usage 

Dockside Crane 




Container Gantries 

Not Available 


Mobile Cranes 


100% operational 

Reach stacker 


100% operational 

RoRo Tug master (with Trailer) 

Not Available 


Grain Elevator with Bagging Machines 

Not Available 



Not Available 




Fifty percent operational 

Terminal Tractor 2, 50% operational 

Marine boats 2, 50% operational 

  • The equipment is in good working condition. 

  • The Kisumu Port was privileged to have two grabs for handling bulk cargo.  


Container Facilities 

Port facilities are grouped in a wide area of land some 6ha in size. This area includes: a 262m quay, a rail-wagon ferry pier, including ninety meters of berthing space alongside the pier, on reclaimed land, almost perpendicular to the main quay. 


Customs Guidance 

Upon approval of manifest by customs, the Clearing agent can lodge an entry in the ICMS system for a consignment within the ship. The consignment is inspected by various relevant regulatory agencies and released by customs online after payment of the various duties. If exempted from duty, for exempted consignment approval is done online before final release. Upon clearing with customs, the agent proceeds to settle port charges and release consignment with KPA. Once completed, the port gives a “Pick up Order”/PUO which is effectively the gate pass to allow cargo exit from port. The whole clearing process takes on average two working days hence possible to have all clearance in place by time of ship arrival to facilitate direct delivery upon discharge. 


For more information on customs please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information.  

Terminal Information 


The berth is multipurpose. 


No grain bulk handling facility in Kisumu port 


A warehouse measuring 50m by 16m on the main quay, a 3,000m2 paved storage area directly behind the warehouse, and offices for the harbour master, customs, and police department. 




The stevedoring service is outsourced in an arrangement between the cargo owners and gang representatives. 

Hinterland Information 

Kisumu port facilitates multimodal cargo transport from rail, road, air, and water. In the year 2023 the port realised a total of 407 trucks loading from the port.  


Port Security 

The security service is outsourced. (Details awaiting update from KPA) 



ISPS Compliant 

Yes / No 

Current ISPS Level  
(Level 1 = Normal, Level 2 = Heightened, Level 3 = Exceptional) 

Insert current level here 

Police Boats 

not available 

Fire Engines 

not available