1 Lesotho Country Profile

1 Lesotho Country Profile

Generic Information

Officially the Kingdom of Lesotho (SothoNaha ea Lesotho), is an enclaved country surrounded entirely by South Africa. It is by far the largest of the world's three independent states completely surrounded by the territory of another country, with Vatican City and San Marino being the other two. Additionally, it is the only such state outside the Italian peninsula, and the only one that is not a microstate. Lesotho is just over 30,000 km2 (11,583 sq mi) and has a population of about 2 million. Its capital and largest city is Maseru. The official languages are Sesotho and English. 

It has a population of about 2.3 million people out of which more than 70 percent live in rural areas. About 51 percent are females and 49 percent are males. Although Lesotho is classified as a lower middle-income country, it has a low human development index (HDI) of 0.527, with a rank of 165 out of 188 countries. More than 57 percent of Basotho live below poverty line with more female headed households trapped in poverty than male headed households while the Unemployment rate is estimated at 32.8 percent and the youth are more affected.

Other development challenges include high rate of HIV and AIDS which is estimated at 25.6 percent and ranked second highest in the world. The country has stunting rate of 33.2 percent and remains high across the ten districts. Less than 10 percent of land is arable, and agriculture which is mainly rainfed is the main source of livelihood for rural population.

Lesotho is highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, with droughts already affecting harvest yields and causing significant loss of livestock. The climate is predicted to become warmer and dryer, making droughts and floods more frequent and intense. With less snow on the mountains and an increase in run-off rates, soil erosion will worsen and deplete the soil of nutrients. While some climate adaptation measures are being taken, the country lacks the resources for extensive mitigation

Following the 2015/16 El Nino induced drought, over 709,000 people were food insecure in 2016. This number reduced to 257,000 people in 2018 mainly due to high performance of the agricultural sector and stable food prices. However, the Lesotho Vulnerability Assessment Committee (LVAC) presented a deteriorating trend in food security situation as the number of food insecure population continued to increase with 2019 recording a total of 508,000 people in IPC (Integrated Phase Classification for Food Security) Phase 3 (refer to Annex 1, Figure 1). In 2019, Lesotho experienced drought in October/November which resulted in delayed agricultural activities. Two months before harvest, Lesotho is confronted with the worldwide shock, coronavirus which affects lives and livelihoods.

The LVAC conducted a rapid assessment in March through face to face survey to assess the status and conditions of crops, food security and nutrition. The LVAC used the information collected from this assessment as a basis to formulate the assumptions for the most likely scenario for food and nutrition security in view of COVID-19. This scenario will estimate the needs in the next six months (April to September).

Intermittent lockdowns to curb the spread of the coronavirus are expected over the course of 2022, which may constrain economic growth in the year. Increased agricultural output (driven by cannabis production) and strong global demand for diamonds will spur growth in 2023.

2021 Statistics

Key Indicators

Indicator Name



  De Jure Population

Census 2016


  Inflation rate



  Unemployment rate

LFS 2019


  Infant mortality

Census 2016


  Child mortality

Census 2016


  Under-Five mortality

Census 2016


  Maternal mortality

Census 2016


  Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Census 2016


  Life Expectancy at birth (Females)

Census 2016


  Life Expectancy at birth (Males)

Census 2016


  GDP growth rate

QGDP 3rd Quarter 2021


  GDP at current prices

QGDP 3rd Quarter 2021

M 9 567m  

  GDP at constant prices (Real GDP)

QGDP 3rd Quarter 2021

M 5 209m  

  GNI Per Capita current prices

2020 Annual National Accounts

M 20 017  

  GNI Per Capita constant prices

2020 Annual National Accounts

M 11 036  

  Food Poverty Line

2017/18 Poverty Trends

M 352.39  

  Poverty Line

2017/18 Poverty Trends

M 648.88  

  Poverty Rate

2017/18 Poverty Trends


  Poverty Gap

2017/18 Poverty Trends


Crops 2019/2020 Maize Sorghum Wheat
Yield per hectare for 2019/20 0.50   0.30   0.60 
Area Planted (ha) for 2019/20 51,547   14,157   3,936  
Production (MT) for 2019/20 21,782   4,111   2,004 

Lesotho Wikipedia Country Information Lesotho - Wikipedia

Lesotho IMF Country Information Lesotho and the IMF

Lesotho Economist Intelligence Unit Information* Lesotho Economy, Politics and GDP Growth Summary - The Economist Intelligence Unit (eiu.com)

(*note - this is a paid service)

Humanitarian Info

Lesotho World Food Programme Information Lesotho | World Food Programme (wfp.org)

Lesotho UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Information Lesotho | OCHA (unocha.org)

Facts and Figures

Lesotho Wolfram Alpha Information Lesotho - Wolfram|Alpha (wolframalpha.com)

Lesotho World Bank Information Lesotho: Development news, research, data | World Bank

Lesotho Population Information Lesotho Population 2022 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs) (worldpopulationreview.com)

Lesotho Bureau of Statistics Bureau of Statistics (bos.gov.ls)


1.1 Lesotho Humanitarian Background

Disasters, Conflicts and Migration

The mountain Kingdom of Lesotho like many countries is no stranger to disasters. The landlocked small state of 2.2 million people is continually buffeted by multiple shocks, primarily drought but also flooding, frost, hail and storms. The country was responding to a catastrophic drought as COVID-19 advanced into Sub-Saharan Africa in February 2020. This drought was so severe that the UN said it was ‘one step away from famine’ - highlighting the acute risk of compound shocks in Lesotho which jeopardize efforts to improve the lives of Basotho. In early 2021, still battling against the COVID-19 pandemic, Lesotho was hit by heavy rains that caused infrastructure damage, worsening the already critical situation.

Approximately three-fourths of Lesotho’s population relies on subsistence and small-farming agriculture for their livelihoods. Thus, Lesotho’s economy is very vulnerable to the increase in droughts and dry weather. Droughts and limits on the hydroelectricity sector have increased the amount of water-borne diseases. The United Nations Development Programme has begun to institute pilot projects that will help Lesotho navigate and help prevent desertification. Late onset of rains, below-average rains, dry spells, frost, and recurrent droughts are the most visible causes of hunger and malnutrition in the country. Well-below average rainfalls have resulted in deterioration of the pasture and livestock conditions while unending lean seasons have further reduced food reserves to drastically low levels, leaving affected populations in IPC Crisis-level food insecurity.

As with other countries in the Southern African Development Community region, the 2016 El Niño phenomenon provided impetus for Lesotho to introduce the IPC Acute Food Insecurity classification. The country committed to undertaking at least one analysis per year and has done so at district level for the whole country.

In 2016, Lesotho made a first attempt to integrate IPC into the Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis process chaired by the Disaster Management Authority. The Lesotho Vulnerability Committee (LVAC) undertakes an annual assessment that provides information for IPC analyses in the country. The IPC Technical Working Group forms a committee of LVAC and is composed of Government departments, UN Agencies (UNICEF, WFP and FAO) and a few NGOs, namely Care, Oxfam, Save the Children and Lesotho Red Cross Society.

Since the El Niño-induced drought of 2016, which resulted in increased food insecurity in the region, IPC results have been used to inform and respond to food insecurity in the country.

Though there has been increased effort to understand chronic food insecurity challenges in Lesotho, the country has yet to request for in-country IPC Chronic Food Insecurity analysis. The country will instead be undertaking IPC Acute Food Insecurity training and analysis in 2018. According to the results of the latest IPC Acute Food Insecurity analysis, about 179,000 people (12% of the analyzed population in rural areas of Lesotho) are facing high acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3) in the current period from July to September 2021, and may require humanitarian action to reduce food gaps, protect and restore livelihood and prevent acute malnutrition. All ten analyzed rural districts of the country have been classified in IPC Phase 2 (Stressed) in the current period. From October 2021 to March 2022, around 312,000 people (21% of the analyzed population) are projected to be in IPC Phase 3. Seven of the analyzed districts are projected to be in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) in this period.

Although heavy rains destroyed some crops in January 2021, causing waterlogging in some parts of the country, Lesotho registered an improvement in crop production this year due to the good seasonal rainfall performance, after three consecutive years (2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20) of poor agricultural production. Crop production is expected to boost the economy to the moderate growth of 2.6%. The increase in crop production also resulted in improved household food access. However, some poorer households across Senqu River Valley and mountain livelihood zones are expected to experience food consumption gaps before the start of the projected period, which is normally the lean season in Lesotho. Prices of food remained higher than both last year’s and the five year average and are expected to remain high in the projected period.

Lesotho: Acute Food Insecurity Situation July - September 2021 and Projection for October 2021 - March 2022 | IPC Global Platform (ipcinfo.org)

Below-average agricultural production caused by recurrent drought, irregular rainfall, and poor economic conditions have heightened humanitarian need across Lesotho and limited the ability of many households to meet basic food requirements. Approximately 755,000 people—nearly 40 percent of Lesotho’s total population—across all ten districts of the country are projected to experience Crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity through March 2021, according to data from the Lesotho Vulnerability Assessment Committee. Most aid organizations working in the country are declaring drought emergencies in the whole country with reduced national capacity to cope with hunger and malnutrition levels.

Lesotho has a fairly well established disaster management system, laid out in the National Disaster Management Plan supported the Disaster Management Act. The heart of the system is the Disaster Management Authority (DMA). Placed in the Office of the Prime Minister, and drawing its authority from the Disaster Management Act, DMA is responsible for planning, coordination and implementation of emergency and disaster response in the country.

As with every country globally, COVID-19 has dealt the economy of Lesotho a severe blow adding to the tragedy of the lost and impacted lives. A recession is expected from 2021 with the GDP projected to decline by 5.8 percent after years of a sluggish economy.


Natural Disasters



Comments / Details


The regularity and severity of drought occurrences in Lesotho has increased over the last two decades. Major drought emergencies were recorded in 1983-84, 1991-93, 1994-1996, 1997/98, 2000/01, 2002-2004, 2007 and in 2012. In 2015-2016, Lesotho experienced the impact of the unprecedented El-Nino phenomenon which plunged the country into a serious food insecurity situation. In 2019, Lesotho experienced drought in October/November and also in 2020





The outbreak of COVID-19.

Extreme Temperatures

High temperatures, affecting production of the maize crop.


Flash floods occur in the Lowlands, affected production of the maize crop.

Insect Infestation






Volcanic Eruptions



High Waves / Surges






High Winds

No N/A

Other Comments

While Lowland Districts are affected by floods, the Highland are affected by snow

Man-Made Issues

Civil Strife



International Conflict



Internally Displaced Persons



Refugees Present



Landmines / UXO Present



Other Comments


For a more detailed database on disasters by country, please see the Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters Country Profile.

Seasonal Effects on Logistics Capacities

Seasonal Effects on Transport

Transport Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details

Primary Road Transport

The Lesotho primary road linking all District headquarters are tarred and relatively accessible throughout the year. Mokhotlong, Thaba-Tseka, Qacha’s Nek and Semonkong may be closed during heavy snowfall.

The Government of Lesotho has prioritised investment of Road Network. Lesotho Roads Management System (LRMS) indicate a total of 8638 KM, including 1817 KM of tarred road and 4358 KM of gravel road and 2463 KM of earth road.

Secondary Road Transport

The secondary roads within the districts provide the access to farms, hospitals, and markets. During the winter seasons June – August, snow in highland affects the secondary road network.

All secondary roads within the districts are either gravelled or earth road.  The secondary roads within the districts provide access to farms, hospitals, and markets. The local councils and the Ministry of Local Government are entrusted with upgrading and bituminising urban roads and bus terminals. This is according to the Lesotho Road Management Systems (LRMS).

Rail Transport

Modern rail line exists and runs up to Maseru from Bloemfontein in South Africa. The rail transport is accessible throughout the year.

The South Africa Railway connects Maseru with Durban. Lesotho has no in-country rail network.

Air Transport

One Operational international airport servicing international and local flights.

Nineteen Aerodromes or Airstrips exist in the country

Airport in Maseru, King Moshoeshoe International Airport.

Waterway Transport



Transport networks in Lesotho are dominated by road, which makes up more than 70 percent of domestic transport needs. Other modes include air and limited rail 1.5 km services, as well as ferry boats at river crossings, animal transport and pedestrian travel, especially in the sparsely populated highland areas. The movement is normally affected by the total shutdown of the borders between Lesotho and south Africa, with the slow in and out of the commodities.

Seasonal Effects on Storage and Handling

Activity Type

Time Frame

Comments / Details


Main Crops maize, sorghum, beans, potatoes, and vegetables planting period May – September.

Lesotho has its main warehousing capacity in Maseru. The country does not have a strategic grain reserve or silo complex as it relies on RSA suppliers.

The Government’s- Food Management Unit (FMU) has fourteen warehouses complexes across all the districts in the country.

There are also privately owned warehouses, mainly owned by Chinese Garment factories in Leribe and Maseru.


Warehouses capacity is available in Maseru and all districts throughout the year.

Warehouse handling labour is available in all warehouses.


Under the Basic Agreement with the Lesotho Government, WFP is allowed to use the FMU warehouses complex. The Government also allows other humanitarian agencies to access these facilities during times of emergency on free cost / charge basis. 

The Disaster Management Authority (DMA) is mandated to coordinate emergency interventions in the country.

Lesotho does not have its own silos where they store food, they rely purely on two millers, Lesotho Flour Mills and Maputsoe Millers (LEFCO).  The farmers normally experience post have lost when their commodities cannot be taken by the packers.

Capacity and Contacts for In-Country Emergency Response 


The Disaster Management Authority (DMA) of Lesotho is tasked with preparedness for response to support the people of Lesotho in times of disasters whether natural or man-made, expected or unexpected incidents. To achieve this, the DMA is structured into five core working groups:

  1. Health and Nutrition
  2. Water and Sanitation
  3. Training
  4. Logistics
  5. Emergency Services and Early Warning

 For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.

Humanitarian Community

IOM Lesotho, working in partnership with the Government of Lesotho, UN agencies, civil society, private sector and migrants, intends to contribute to the implementation of National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) II, LUNDAP (Lesotho United Nations Development Assistance Pan) as well as the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


The FAO in Lesotho supports vulnerable farming households through provision of agricultural inputs and training on Conservation Agriculture, Home Gardening and Nutrition.


UNFPA Lesotho concentrates on the following areas; Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Rights including Family Planning and Maternal Health, HIV Prevention, Gender Based Violence and Population Dynamics.


UNICEF's work in Lesotho is divided into the following programme areas: HIV/AIDS and Health/NutritionEducationChild Protection and Social Protection.


The mission of the WHO Lesotho Country Office is to promote the attainment of the highest possible level of health for all people living in Lesotho through collaboration with the government and other partners in health development and the provision of technical and logistic support to country programmes.


The UNDP in Lesotho works in partnership with the Government and development partners to fight poverty, strengthen good governance, including the rule of law, human rights, promote gender equality, protect the environment and advance economic and social progress for all Basotho.


Works in partnership with the Government and international agencies to address Hunger and Food Security Issues under the SDGs 2 and SDG 17 respectively. UN WFP implement School Feeding in the Country.


UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, is an innovative partnership that leads and inspires the world in achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

Partners In Health in Lesotho

PIH has worked in Lesotho since 2006, when they were invited by the government to support its response to the HIV epidemic. PIH’s work and programs in Lesotho have grown to include maternal health, child health, drug-resistant TB, mental health, non-communicable diseases and more, transforming care and health systems across the country.

World Vision International 

World Vision is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to helping children and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty. http://www.worldvision.org/

Mothers2mothers International

Mothers2mothers (m2m) is an African-based not-for-profit organization that is a leader in global efforts to create an HIV-free generation. Using a simple solution rooted in communities most affected by the pandemic, m2m's peer approach harnesses the personal experiences, local language, common culture, and infinite strength of women. m2m trains, employs, and empowers HIV-positive women from local communities who understand first-hand the social and cultural challenges facing HIV-positive and negative women who are their peers.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

MAF pilots transport personnel and supplies related to clean water projects and well digging projects.

Action Aid USA

ActionAid is an international network building a just, equitable, and sustainable world in solidarity with communities on the frontlines of poverty and injustice

For more information on humanitarian agency contact details, please see the following link: 4.2 Humanitarian Agency Contact List.

1.2 Lesotho Regulatory Departments and Quality Control

Lesotho Standards and Quality Assurance Department (LSQAS) 

The Standards and Quality Assurance Department of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing (LSQAS) has been the National Standards Body for Lesotho and an ISO subscriber member since 1 January 2000 and is the focal point for Standards and Quality issues. The legal framework to provide for establishment of standards, certification and related issues is still in the pipeline. No national standards have been developed to date and currently, the department is primarily concerned with awareness creation and promotional work.

Industries in Lesotho have traditionally relied on the South African Bureau of Standards for voluntary standards facilities and quality and assurance schemes. Lesotho exporters have developed their standards according to the technical quality requirements of importing countries and international standards. Lesotho participates in a regional program on Standardization, Quality, Accreditation and Metrology for SADC. The program aims to harmonize standards across all member states.

Ministry of Health 

The Ministry of Health has the mandate to lead and regulate all health matter in Lesotho. The MOH liaises with all international organisations on matter relating to health on behalf of the government of Lesotho. The ministry has a mission to provide an efficient and compassionate health care and social welfare system, with particular emphasis on the prevention and eradication of priority health and social welfare problems that are amenable to cost-effective interventions. There is need to implement a selective package of health and social welfare interventions that will bring maximum benefit to health and social welfare objectives, and strategies leading to the realisation of the vision viz. Health for all by the Year 2000.

Lesotho Communications Authority 

The Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) is a statutory body, established in June 2000, with the mandate of regulating the communications sector in Lesotho. This mandate entails: granting licences to all communications operators; promoting fair competition; approving tariffs; managing the radio frequency spectrum; empowering and protecting consumers; type-approving terminal equipment and other related responsibilities.

Department of Environment 

The DoE is the executive arm of the National Environment Council and the principal agency responsible for managing the environment and the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. It falls under the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture. While the DoE is the sole legislated reviewer of EIAs, the Director of the DoE may delegate any of his/her functions to a line ministry, a Technical Advisory Committee (assembled for specific project reviews) or any public officer.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security 

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security is responsible for the control of the importation and exportation of agricultural products to/from Lesotho. When importing or exporting goods, foodstuffs or agricultural products you may be required to obtain the relevant permit and/or Sanitary/Phytosanitary certificates from the following departments. 

Lesotho | ASTI (cgiar.org) 

Ministry of Small Business Development, Cooperatives and Marketing

The mandate of the Ministry is to create and maintain a more equitable and enabling environment for industrial, agri-business and commercial development, through formulating and monitoring the implementation of appropriate commercial, marketing and industrial development policies and enforcing supporting legislation. Establishing institutional frameworks which promote foreign direct investment in terms of the country's commercial, marketing and industrial activities as well as fostering the global competitiveness of Lesotho' economy based on comparative advantage. (a) Through the One Stop Business Facilitation Center (OBFC), the Ministry participates in the export and import business facilitating the clearance of extra SACU exports and the issuance of import permits on some goods originating outside the SACU region. (b) Through the Department of Marketing the Ministry is responsible for issuance of import permits relating to some agricultural commodities, for protection of national markets against the international competitors.

Department of Traffic and Transport

Through its department of Traffic and Transport, the Ministry is a stakeholder in the import and export business, whereby the department issues permit for Southern African Regional Police Chief Co-Operation (SARPCCO) Clearance, deregistration of motor vehicles aimed for export to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


1.3 Lesotho Customs Information

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