3 Republic of the Congo Logistics Services

3 Republic of the Congo Logistics Services

The Republic of the Congo has a good availability of services and suppliers in major cities such as Brazzaville, Pointe Noire, Dolisie, Ouesso, Oyo and Owando.

Ninety-eight percent of the supply and services sector is supported by private companies and two percent monopolistic actors such as in the postal service and the water and electricity distribution (SNDE/SNE).

In the last years a general development of the construction activity (commercial and residential) especially in the Brazzaville and Pointe Noire areas has taken place.

Since 2010, the offer for banking and financial services has doubled in the country but there are still delays and difficulties in finding foreign currency and only very few businesses accept payments by credit cards.

Most of the services are of good quality but pricing is generally very high and some delays must be considered when contracting.  

Some of the providers might have limited availability of equipment and it is strongly recommended to have more than one agreement in place with different companies.

In 2017, the capital Brazzaville has experienced many fuel ruptures (Gasoline and Diesel), lasting on average 3-4 days with consequences in terms of economic loss.

At the beginning of the year Brazzaville also experienced a rupture of gas propane that lasted about two months.  


3.1 Republic of the Congo Fuel

Congo's national oil company, the Société Nationale des Pétroles du Congo (SNPC), regulates all oil production and exploration activities in the country. Despite of being one of Africa’s largest oil producing countries with a daily production of around 250,000 barrels per day (2016 figures), there are occasional fuel shortages in the Congo. 

The refinery CORAF in Pointe-Noire produces basically all oil products for the national market such as petrol, diesel, jet fuel etc. However, the supply does not always match the demand and occasionally oil products must be imported to complement. In 2016, CORAF production that has maximum capacity  estimated to around 21,000 bbl/day could satisfy just 42% of the internal demand. The rest was imported.

Fuel is distributed by Société Commune de Logistique Petroliere (SCLOG) and sold on to the market through four marketing companies; TOTAL, PUMA, SNPC, XOIL, AFRIC, SNPC-D, SNAT. SCLOG is mainly supplied from the refinery CORAF and secondarily from Kinshasa and in limited quantities from Cameroun through the entry point of Ouesso. They feed the respective oil depots using ground transport (rail tankers or tanker trucks) or river barges.

SCLOG presently manages eight oil depots with different stocking capacity: Pointe-Noire (65,000m3), Brazzaville (22,300m3), Dolisie (850m3), Mossendjo (900m3), Loutété (300m3), Oyo (4200m3), Ouesso (1700m3) and Impfondo (380m3). Two additional reservoirs of capacity 1000m3 each are planned to be built in Ouesso and Impfondo, the date of final complexion of the works is unknown. 

The fuel authority is the Ministere des Hydrocarbures. Its role include: promote and develop the oil sector, define and elaborate the national policy for an efficient management of the petroleum resources and control the private companies and organisations related to the oil sector. Through SCLOG it assures storage and transport of petrol, diesel, kerosene throughout the whole national territory. Through the control authority Agence de regulation de l’aval petrolier (ARAP) it assures competitiveness, transparency and maximum productivity in the oil sector. Aviation Jet A1-fuel is handled by SNPC who oversees the aircrafts refuelling and the Airports stocks.

Fuel is sold to the market through four marketing companies. Total and SNPC distribution are the two largest companies with the most diversified distribution network and fuel stations, but Puma and Xoil are also major actors. Fuel stations are easily found in the urban centres in the south but are scarcer in the north where the lack of infrastructure makes supply difficult. Impfondo receives most fuel by river barge but during the dry season from January to May the Ubangui river is not navigable and the supply is affected accordingly. Companies and humanitarian organisations in Betou in the north of the Likouala region receive supplies by road from Bangui in neighbouring CAR but there is no regular supply and fuel is generally imported in 200 litre drums.

The Oil Company Total in 2016 started the exploitation of the petrol field Moho Nord 75km off the coasts of Pointe Noire. The project is a joint venture among Total (53,5%), Chevron Overseas Limited 31,5% and SNPC (15%) and will grant at its maximum exploitation stage a daily production of 100,000 barrels per day. The daily production of the Republic of the Congo was of 250,000 barrels in 2016 and will reach the level of 300,000 barrels by the end of 2018.

For more information on government and fuel provider contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Republic of the Congo Government Contact List and 4.7 Republic of the Congo Fuel Providers Contact List.

Information may also be found at: http://www.mytravelcost.com/petrol-prices/ which is updated monthly. 

Fuel Pricing

Fuel prices are fixed by the Government and a fuel VAT-tax of 18 % is included in the sales price.

Fuel Prices per Litre as of: 25 09 17

(local currency and USD - $)


XAF 595 - $ 1.10


XAF 475 - $ 0.88



Jet A-1

XAF 600 - $ 1.11

Seasonal Variations 

No seasonal variation on prices but certain regions such as Impfondo and Betou receive most of fuel by river barge and since during the dry season from January to May the Ubangi River is not navigable and the supply chain is affected.

During the dry season, private companies and humanitarian organisations located in Betou in north of the Likouala region receive supplies by road from Bangui in neighbouring CAR but there is no regular supply and fuel is generally imported in 200 litre drums.


Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (i.e. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?)


Is there a rationing system?


Is fuel to lower income / vulnerable groups subsidized?


Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs?


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to directly contract a reputable supplier / distributor to provide its fuel needs?


Fuel Transportation

The internal transportation of fuel is done by tank truck, rail tank wagon or tank barge. SCLOG dispose of 126 owned wagons for the transportation of fuel and as of 2017 is subcontracting 86 tanker trucks. The limited storage capacity just 380m3 in Impfondo, seasonal constraint and lack of infrastructure in not allow regular supply of fuel especially in the northern part of the Country.

Current capacities are not sufficient to meet any increase in demand from the humanitarian community particularly in the north.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Do tanks have adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel?


Are there filters in the system which monitor where fuel is loaded into aircraft?


Is there adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks?

YES. On the SCLOG trucks. Not always on other company’s trucks

Is there a presence of suitable firefighting equipment?

YES, generally but not always.

Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority?


If yes, please identify the appropriate national and/or regional authority.



If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced?

YES, quality testing performed at CORAF refinery

Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories?


Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


CORAF (Congolaise de rafinage)




Avenue de la Raffinerie- Siafoumou, Pointe Noire

Telephone and Fax

222948000 – 06 654 0662



Standards Used



Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.


3.2 Republic of the Congo Transporters


Most of the truck companies with large fleets operate near large cities and are based in the southern part of the Country (port of Pointe Noire and Brazzaville). These companies usually operate nationwide and can usually offer solutions through multimodal transport (i.e. river and road). Some of them offer international transportation to Congo, Cameroun, and CAR. This has been the case in the past for various humanitarian cargo

There is also a large variety of small-scale firms operating with few vehicles usually company owned.

Most of the companies are using vehicles able to circulate on paved roads but have limitations when transporting on bad surfaces. Off-road portions can be a challenge, even for experienced companies, especially in rainy season, and this is reflected on the transportation costs.

Transportation costs are expensive and much higher than in neighbouring countries (with exception of CAR). However, price is not the only factor to consider but also vehicle quality, driver experience, feedback from other organisations, knowledge of the region and ability to back up a convoy in difficulty (by sending other trucks) are essential points to examine when hiring a company.

Foreign operators with large fleets are present in Pointe Noire and the Brazzaville area and operate to move mainly containerized, bulk, and bagged cargos from the port of Pointe Noire to Brazzaville and return.

The tables below represent the main transport companies that have been physically visited and assessed, and is non-exhaustive.

For more information on transport company contact details, please see the following link: 4.8 Transporter Contact List.


Fortis Logistique Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

Countrywide, with possibilities of border countries on specific occasions.


Number of Vehicles

Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

Tractor 6x6 and 6x4


40T Max

Capacity limited by country law / Good condition

Flatbed 3 axles


40T Max

Capacity limited by country law / Good condition



40T Max

9 x 3 axles trailers; 5 tank trailers; 83 x 2 axles trailers; Good condition

Total Capacity

99 trucks / 106 Trailers


Handling Equipment:

  • 47 forklift Toyota 3,5 T Capacity
  • 2 Forklift Hangcha 8 T Capacity
  • 1 Forklift Toyota 3T Capacity
  • 2 Forklift Hyundai 3.5 T Capacity


SAT (Société Africaine de Transport) Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

Countrywide and international (Pointe Noire – Bangui / Yaounde)

Trucks / Trailers

Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

Tractor 6x6; 6x4; 4x2; 4x4


35 – 40 T

Capacity limited by country law / Good Condition

Flatbed 3 axles


50 T

Capacity limited by country law / Good condition

Total Capacity


35 – 50 T


Handling Equipment:

  • 1 forklift Kalmar 12T
  • 1 Forklift Hyster 5T
  • 1 Forklift Hyster 7T
  • 3 mobile cranes (unknown capacity)
  • 1 Hyab crane truck (unknown capacity)


Prisme SCG Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered


Trucks / Trailers

Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

6x4 2 axles


20 T

Capacity limited by country law / Old functioning trucks for heavy off-road / Based in Nkayi

Total Capacity


20 T


Lambo K+ Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

Countrywide / Based in Nkayi

Trucks / Trailers

Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

2 axles


20 T

Capacity limited by country law / Old functioning trucks for heavy off-road / Based in Nkayi

3 axles


22 T

Capacity limited by country law / Old functioning trucks for heavy off-road / Based in Nkayi

Total Capacity


20 – 22 T


Navitrans Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

Countrywide / Based in Pointe Noire

Trucks / Trailers

Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

Truck Semi-remorque



Capacity limited by country law / Good condition

Hillux pick-up



Good condition

Total Capacity


1.5 - 30T


Handling equipment (available for rental):

  • 2 forklift 16T
  • 2 forklifts 12T
  • 1 Telehandler 7T
  • 1 forklift 3.5T

NAVITRANS also owns a vesel (LAETITIA) with the following specifications:

  • Type: Landing craft
  • Flag: Marshal Islands
  • Gross tonage: 1409
  • Summer deadweight (T): 1710
  • Length (M): 68
  • Beam (M): 16
  • Draugh (M): 3.3
  • Year of built : 2017
  • Functionalities: Ro/Ro, Ship to ship, 64 TEU max, liquid bulk 1480 CBM

The following are data from 2015 that can still be up to date and worth to take into consideration: 

SMGC Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

Countrywide, with possibilities of border countries on specific occasions


Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

Truck semi-remorque


30 T

Capacity limited by country law / condition unknown

Truck benne Actros


22.5 T

Capacity limited by country law / condition unknown

Truck benne Axor


22.5 T

Capacity limited by country law / condition unknown

Total Capacity


22.5 - 30 T


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.3 Republic of the Congo Manual Labour


Unemployment rates are high and it is quite easy to find unskilled labour in the Congo. WFP is using manpower companies for stevedoring to facilitate the administration of hiring and paying casual labour.

The unions in the country play an important role in resolving workplace issues by being a voice for employees and acting as a bargaining representative during bargaining negotiations.

Concerning the legislation ruling the employment market, presidential law #819/20/21 of 31 December 2010, establishes the economic treatment for employees in the public sector which is also used as reference for the private sector.


Labour Rate(s) Overview


(Local Currency & USD - $)

Rate as of 10/10/17

Daily General Worker (Unskilled casual labour)

80,000XAF – 144USD

 UN rates

Daily General Worker (Semi-skilled labour)

           120,000XAF – 220USD

 UN rates

Skilled Worker

            350,000XAF – 635 USD

 UN rates

3.4 Republic of the Congo Telecommunications

Competition on the mobile telephone market is relatively scares with two major companies dominating the market MTN and AIRTEL while AZUR and CONGO TELECOM have a marginal role. The rates are relatively high compared to other African countries.

No restrictions are applied for registering SIM cards, a government issued document is required for nationals, while a passport is required for internationals.

For more information on telecoms contacts, please see the following link: 4.1 Republic of the Congo Government Contact List.

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?

YES (Congo Telecom)

Does it allow international calls?


Number and Length of Downtime Periods (on average)


Mobile Phone Providers


Approximate Percentage of National Coverage

 80% MTN and AIRTEL together

Telecommunications Regulations

The Congolese Act of 25 November 2009 created a new telecommunications and postal regulatory authority in Congo (Brazzaville), called L’Agence de régulation des postes et des communications électroniques (ARPCE — The Congolese Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Agency). The ARPCE is a Public Administrative Authority that benefits from legal personality, and budgetary authority, because it is financed by a tax on companies operating in the regulated sectors. It is subject to oversight by the Ministry in charge of Postal Services and Telecommunications. In support of its general mission of postal and telecommunications regulation, the ARPCE benefits from the powers to emit instructions and administrative rules and regulations, the power to impose sanctions, the power to control postal and telecommunications networks, according to the law as it stands.

Regulations on Usage and Import


Regulations in Place?

Regulating Authority




HF Radio



UHF/VHF/HF Radio: Handheld, Base and Mobile



UHF/VHF Repeaters









Individual Network Operator Licenses Required

An MOU is in place between the UN agencies and the government of the Congo.

Frequency Licenses Required

An MOU is in place between the UN agencies and the government of the Congo.

Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems

There is a UN shared HF and VHF radio communications system operated by UNDSS who is based at UNDP compound in Brazzaville.

UN staff must report to UNDSS when leaving their respective duty stations, radio check is regularly performed and increased in frequency based on the security current level.

Other UN Agencies do have their own communications system such as Thurayas satellite phones for internal use.

Existing UN Telecommunication Systems








VHF Frequencies







HF Frequencies







Locations of Repeaters














Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

The main internet providers in the Republic of the Congo are AMC, WIFLY, MTN, AIRTEL and CONGO TELECOM of which the latter is state owned and is the only optic fibre provider in the country. Currently, most of the UN agencies are independent but can contract through private companies. Most of the businesses are connected through private providers or the state-owned Congo telecom, connections in general are reliable. Connection breakdowns can occur. In the past breakdowns have been caused by the rupture of a submarine cable and by the demand of the government. The average length of the breakdowns was one week.

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?


If yes, are they privately or government owned?


Dial-up only?


Approximate Rates (local currency and USD - $)


 280CFA or 0.50USD per minute with max speed of 56Kbps


 1,253 CFA per GB at speed 2MBPS

Max Leasable ‘Dedicated’ Bandwidth


Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)

The main companies of the Republic of the Congo are MTN, AIRTEL, AZUR and the state-owned CONGO TELECOM. The four main Companies all together guarantee a coverage of about 80 percent of the national territory, with different strength and coverage depending on the region.

The regulatory authority in Congo (Brazzaville) is L’Agence de régulation des postes et des communications électroniques (ARPCE — The Congolese Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Agency)

For information on MNOs please visit the GSM Association website.


Number of Agent Outlets by Area

Network Strength by Area

Contracted for Humanitarian or Government Cash Transfer


Services Offered

(i.e. Merchant Payment,

Bulk Disbursement,

Receive & Make Payment)










Merchant payment, Receive & Make Payment (Airtel Money)












Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.5 Republic of the Congo Food and Additional Suppliers

The availability of goods and services in the local market has been growing over the last 5 years since the economy has grown regardless of the oil prices windfall and some retail, services and import/export companies have been created. As the economy is focused around the oil industry the Republic of the Congo imports most of the products and do not have major manufacturing and production capacities. Oil and oil derivates, are transformed in the only refinery of the Country.

The top exports of the Republic of the Congo are Crude Petroleum, Refined Copper, Rough Wood, Refined Petroleum and Sawn Wood.

Its top imports are Food stuff, Special Purpose Ships, Iron Structures, Insulated Wire, Packaged Medicaments, and Palm Oil.

Even though the Congo is rich on fertile soils for there is no agribusiness Industry in the Country and the local production of food is mainly generated by small farmers and local fishermen associations and does not meet the internal demand.

The types of food consumed are Manioc (>80 %), rice, wheat, poultry, fish, hunting meat, bananas, ground nuts, palm oil, vegetables, beans.

The dominating staple food is cassava roots which is produced mainly for the family subsistence or for the local consumption. There are no large importing companies for food but there are many small trading companies that import food stuffs for local sales.  That makes the level of local competition fare but items are just procured through traders.

For humanitarian organisations distributing food there are few options for large scale local purchases through traders and prices are generally higher than buying on the international market.

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a general overview of country data related to the service and supply sectors, please consult the following sources:

The Observatory of Economic Complexity – MIT (OEC) http://atlas.media.mit.edu/en/profile/country/cog/


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.


3.6 Republic of the Congo Additional Services


The Republic of the Congo offers a vast range of services going from cars and handling equipment rentals, shipping services, printing and publishing services, financial and microcredit services, security services, forwarding services, transportation services.

Some of the providers might have limited availability of services and equipment and it is strongly recommended to have more than one LTA in place with essential providers.

For more information on company contact details, please see the following link: 4.10 Republic of the Congo Additional Services Contact List.


Accommodation/housing is available in the main cities Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire. Hotel prices are relatively high. The prices for residencies especially for long term stays has cut in half during the last two years this is mainly due to the down fall of oil prices and the residential development in Brazzaville which increased drastically the offer. Most of the houses especially new developments respond to the Minimum operating Residential Security Standards (MORSS) criteria.  

Electricity and Power

In the Republic of the Congo the state defines and implements the national electricity policy throughout the territory. Through the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics, it exercises a trusteeship on the Electricity Sector Development Fund (FDSEL) in charge of the financing of the sector, as well as on the National Agency for Rural Electrification (ANER), competent to carry out, the work of rural electrification.

The Congolese electricity market is managed by the National Electricity Company (SNE), which is the public company that manages the public utility of electricity, founded in 1967. The SNE is intended to: "directly or indirectly manage the activities of the production, transport, distribution and marketing of electrical energy;" SNE ensures its operations of maintenance and maintenance of electrical infrastructure either directly or outsourcing through services contracts concluded with public or private entities.

The estimated national demand in the Republic of the Congo is 355 MW, however the rate of access to electricity is nowadays of just 45% in urban areas and 5.6% in rural areas and which is not granted 24 hours. The supply is irregular with daily interruptions several hours every day even in the capital Brazzaville.

Already, the Congo has an installed capacity of about 600 MW coming mainly from the CEC's thermal power plant in Pointe-Noire (300 MW), Brazzaville (32 MW) from the Djeno gas plant (50 MW) plus the hydroelectric plants of Imboulou(120MW), Moukoukoulou(74MW) and Liouesso (19,2MW).

Electricity in Congo: 220V, alternating at 60 cycles per second, 1500 km of high tension cable transports the electricity generated at hydroelectric plants to the urban centres. This network has been implemented by the company China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corporation (CMEC). But in order to guarantee a constant supply of electricity, the majority of companies and residencies do have their own back-up generators.

Electricity and Power Summary Table

Production Unit


(Hydroelectric, Thermal, etc.)


Capacity (MW)

Current Production (MW)

CEC Pointe Noire
























Imported Electriciry

From DRC (Inga)



Financial Services

The Republic of the Congo has currently eleven commercial banks registered with BEAC29. The banks are mostly privately-owned subsidiaries of foreign institutions and the three largest commercial banks take almost 60% of total assets in the banking system.

The commercial banks provide credit and other services primarily to large companies involved in the sectors of: oil, forestry, telecommunications, import-export, and services. Some private banks has started to offer loans of up to $100,000 to individuals and small businesses in recent years.

The microfinance sector is of a reasonable size and is expanding. Per the BEAC, the microfinance (MFI) sector is becoming increasingly importantly. The major microfinance institutions are in Brazzaville and Pointe Noire but are also located in rural areas. Today 62 microfinance service providers operate in the country including banks, small and micro firm development institutions, NGOs, pure MFIs.



The social capital to the creation of the BSCA. Bank is 53 billion FCFA.

 The shareholder participation of the Bank places the Chinese agricultural Bank (BAC) in the lead with 50% , 8 Congolese and French private shareholders with 21.5% the national oil Company of the Congo (SNPC)  15%, the Congolese State is 12%, and the Society Magminerals Potassium of Congo has 1.5%

Company Overview

Company Name

Banque Sino-Congolaise pour l'Afrique (BSCA Bank)


Avenue de l’amitié, Brazzaville




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information

Subsidiary of the Chinese agricultural Bank (BAC)

Other Locations


Service Location(s)



Banque Postale du Congo

Created in 2012 the bank is a societe anonime with 10 billion CFA capital. Owned by the Congolese State for 80% and 20% by Societe des Postes et d’Epargne du Congo (SOPECO) which is the national postal company. The bank offers financial services including loans, salary payment and fund transfers. It has 42 branches in Congo located both in rural and urban areas.

Company Overview

Company Name

Banque Postale du Congo


Blvd. Denis Sassou Nguesso rond-point de la Poste.




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information



Other Locations


Service Location(s)

All departments



Ecobank, whose official name is Ecobank Transnational Inc. (ETI), is a public limited liability company, was established as a bank holding company in 1985 as a pan-African banking conglomerate, with banking operations in 36 African countries. It is the leading independent regional banking group in West Africa and Central Africa, serving wholesale and retail customers

Company Overview

Company Name



Av. Amilcar Cabral Imm. ARC 3rd floor, Brazzaville




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information



Other Locations


Service Location(s)

Central Africa and Sub Sahara. 36 Countries

Brazzaville, Pointe Noire, Oyo, Dolisie

Credit du Congo

Created in April 2002, Crédit Lyonnais Congo quickly established itself as one of the major banks in the Republic of the Congo. In March 2007, it took the credit denomination of the Congo, following the redemption of Crédit Lyonnais by Crédit Agricole.

In September 2009, the bank was bought by the Moroccan group Attijariwafa Bank who currently owns 91% of the shares.

Company Overview

Company Name

Credit du Congo


Avenue Amilcar Cabral (face Radisson), Brazzaville




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information


Other Locations


Service Location(s)


7 selling points ; 4 in Brazzaville, 2 in Pointe-Noire and 1 in Pokola.

BGFI Bank Group S.A.,

BGFIBank Group, whose full name is BGFIBank Group S.A., is a financial services organization headquartered in Gabon. The group has subsidiaries in eight countries including Gabon, Benin, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Madagascar, France and Cote d'Ivoire.

Company Overview

Company Name

BGFI Bank Group S.A.,


Avenue de l’amitié, Brazzaville




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information


Other Locations


Service Location(s)


Brazzaville, Pointe Noire


Bank BCI was created in October 2006.

Company Overview

Company Name

Banque Commerciale Internationale (BCI)


Av. Amilcar Cabral, Brazzaville




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information


Other Locations


Service Location(s)


Brazzaville, Pointe Noire, Dolisie, Gamboma, Impfondo

Societe Generale Congo

One of the first European financial services groups. An actor in the real economy for over 150 years, Société Générale employs more than 148 000 employees, present in 76 countries.

Present in the Republic of Congo since April 2012.

Company Overview

Company Name

Societe General Congo


Av. Amilcar Cabral, Brazzaville




(max / min transfer or exchange amounts, etc.)

Has IBAN, BIC, or SWIFT number?



Provides currency exchange?



Will initiate / receive wire transfers?



Provides Loan / Credit services?



Other Comments or Key Information


Other Locations


Service Location(s)


Brazzaville, Pointe Noire

Clearing and Forwarding Agents

As of today, there are around 30 major freight forwarders in the Republic of the Congo. Some of them offer an integrated freight forwarding service while the most important part of the process remains the custom clearance.

Most forwarding agents are in Pointe-Noire as it is the entry point for most imports. Many of them also have branches in Brazzaville usually connected to the airport.

Handling Equipment

Handling equipment is partially available in Congo and can be found through companies such as: Hubei Star Import & Export Trade Co., Ltd or General Leasing Congo located in Pointe Noire. Also some big transportation or handling Companies may be willing to rent the equipment on a case-by-case basis. Pallets can be ordered locally to the many timber companies operating in the Country.

Postal and Courier Services

As of today, the sector counts, in addition to the public postal operator (the Post and Savings Society of the Congo-SOPECO), 46 private postal operators of which 7 with international capability including DHL CONGO and UPS.

SOPECO today has a network consisting of 37 post offices, mainly concentrated in the major cities of the country, Brazzaville, Pointe Noire and Dolisie.

ARPCE is the Agency for the regulation of posts and electronic communications, the Congolese authority for the control, monitoring and regulation of the postal and electronic communications sectors.

Printing and Publishing

The Republic of the Congo has recently developed this sector. There are currently around 10 printing and publishing business located mainly in Brazzaville and Pointe Noire.

Taxi Companies

There are no official Taxi Companies in The Republic of the Congo.

There is no central booking system for taxis and in principle they must be called on the street.  There are plenty of taxis available in all major towns and are very easy to recognize. The Taxies are not MOSS compliant and sometimes are in very bad mechanical conditions.

Prices are negotiable but in general between US$ 1.5-3 depending on the distance and the time of the day  After 22:00pm in the evening taxis are generally harder to find.

Vehicle Rental

Most of the services are located in Pointe Noire. Cars are available with or without driver and start from USD 60-70 per day for a small vehicle.

Waste Management and Disposal Services

The Congolese Ministry of Tourism and Environment (Ministère du tourisme et de environnement) is responsible for solid waste Management.              

The task is carried out through various services such as the National Health Service, municipalities and the police.

Solid waste management activities are decentralized at Provincial level and fall under the responsibility of the Provincial Government through the environment unit. There is no recycling programme in the country.

Waste Disposal-non-Hazardous 

The place of destruction is determined by the municipality.

Waste Disposal-Hazardous 

The place of destruction is determined by the municipality.

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