3.4 Bolivia Manual Labor Costs

3.4 Bolivia Manual Labor Costs

Bolivia Manual Labor Costs

The Labor Act Nº 28699 governs the dependency and subordination relationship of the worker to the employer, the contract or employment relationship and the receipt of wage or salary in the national territory.

The Central Obrera Boliviana COB, is the body that brings together the major employment sectors in the country and on behalf of these sectors, negotiates with the Government the labor and wage relationship of its members  

No worker in any of its forms or manifestations, should receive pay below the national minimum wage, that for 2014 is 1,440 bolivianos (215.57 dollars)

There is ready availability of labour in the country; international organizations have no problems to cover their temporary labour requirements. An example is when a job opening is announced, multiple offers are received.

Type of Labor

Local Currency



Daily general worker (semi-skilled)




Daily general worker (unskilled casual worker)




Skilled labor




Fuente: Personal compilation, based on averages of the sector