3 Iraq Services and Supply

3 Iraq Services and Supply

The main modes of regional and international transportation in Iraq are air, sea, roads, and railway. In addition to these four modes, pipelines are of special importance in Iraq, as they link the export of Iraqi oil to the world through the Turkish port of Ceyhan – Jordanian port of Aqaba. Economy is currently affected by the devaluation of the Iraqi currency vs USD. This can continue to affect prices in the local markets in Iraq, as well as the transportation cost. During a crisis, supply and demand have an influence on the costs and availability of logistics services, especially when the logistical infrastructure is damaged or by increasing the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar. The electricity in Iraq is controlled by the Government, though the current production does not satisfy local needs. The main source of power is still taken from generators, as well as from outside the country Iran and the newly establish supply from Gulf Countries - Saudi Arabia. 

The following sections contain information about logistics in Iraq more broadly.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.1 Iraq Fuel

The Republic of Iraq is the second biggest oil producer in OPEC. Iraq has a production capacity of 5 million barrel/day of crude oil, exporting capacity is around 3.5 M barrel/day and the remaining is for country consumption. Oil incomes represents 92% of Iraq annual budget. Meanwhile, Federal Government of Iraq is importing gasoline, gas oil and kerosene for internal consumption. Iraq has 14 oil refineries, with a total capacity of 922K barrel/day, distributed in different provinces in addition to four (4) refineries are under constructions. Some of those refineries will produce high octane benzene to reduce the need to import. 

Since 19 July 1999, according to national legislation order 66 of 1999 issued by the Committee on Economic Affairs, the fuel prices are managed by the Government of Iraq.

In KRI the fuel from internal national refineries provenience does not cover 100% of fuel consumption needs. Privately owned gas stations are authorized to import fuel and sell at a higher price compared to privet or owned gas stations under the responsibility of federal government.

The KRI has two main refineries, Bazian and Kalak, and Kurdistan now is self-reliant in petrol as the new benzene processing facilities at these plants has come online. KRI governmental petrol station can only be used by government vehicles, while private petrol stations are used by the rest of the population for private or business use. In the third quarter of 2021, KRI had an issue with securing vehicle fuel internally which led to increase the cost of fuel products.

For more information on government and fuel provider contact details, please see the following links: HQ staff will input links to sections 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.7 Fuel Providers Contact List here.

Information may also be found at: http://www.mytravelcost.com/petrol-prices/ which is updated monthly. 

Fuel Pricing

In Federal Government, Prices are fixed as per below table for civilians however, wholesales price for international entities in Iraq might cost more equals to the export price.

Fuel Prices per Litre as of 01 Nov 2020


Octane 95: 650 IQD - 0.44 $/Litre

Octane 92: 450 IQD - 0.30 $/Litre


400 IQD - 0.27 $/Litre



Jet A-1

250 IQD - 0.17 $/Litre sell price for Iraqi Airways


Fuel Prices per Litre as of 01 Aug 2021


Octane 98: 1200 IQD - 0.81 $/Litre

Octane 95: 975 IQD - 0.66 $/Litre

Octane 92: 750 IQD - 0.51 $/Litre


650 IQD - 0.44 $/Litre

700 IQD - 0.47 $/Litre



Jet A-1


Seasonal Variations 

Seasonal Variations

Are there national priorities in the availability of fuel? (i.e. are there restrictions or priorities for the provision of fuel such as to the military?)


Is there a rationing system?


Is fuel to lower income / vulnerable groups subsidized?

Federal Government of Iraq is subsidizing the fuel price for citizens including distribution of 100 Litre/month of white oil with a price of 150 IQD/ Litre

In KRI there are not any specialized price for the vulnerable groups, however the fuel prices are different from location to another where the vulnerable groups usually resorting to fuel stations that offer a suitable price as clarified in the types of fuel with prices.

Can the local industry expand fuel supply to meet humanitarian needs?


Is it possible for a humanitarian organization to directly contract a reputable supplier / distributor to provide its fuel needs?


Fuel Transportation

Provinces under the Federal Government of Iraq (all Iraq except KRI) are provided with oil products and gas through Oil Products Distribution Company  (OPDC). The company is responsible for supply citizens, Power Plants, government and civil generators with oil gas, discharge of refineries production of liquid gas, benzene, Jet fuel, diesel, and gas oil. it supervises the distribution activities of 1352 fuel station and 2070 gas and oil yards in Iraq. Additionally, it has a fleet of 1287 distribution trucks.

Standards, Quality and Testing

Industry Control Measures

Do tanks have adequate protection against water mixing with the fuel?


Are there filters in the system which monitor where fuel is loaded into aircraft?


Is there adequate epoxy coating of tanks on trucks?


Is there a presence of suitable firefighting equipment?


Standards Authority

Is there a national or regional standards authority?


If yes, please identify the appropriate national and/or regional authority.

National: COSQC

If yes, are the standards adequate/properly enforced?


Testing Laboratories

Are there national testing laboratories?



Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


Government entity


Oil Products Distribution Company.



Telephone and Fax



Not Available

Standards Used



Fuel Quality Testing Laboratory


Ministry of Environmental Resources (Governmental entities)


Hawbash Khaleel Mahmoud – Head of Testing laboratories.


Erbil – Adala Qtr

Telephone and Fax



Standards Used



For contact information, please see the following link: 4.7 Iraq Fuel Provider Contact List.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.


3.2 Iraq Transporters

Transportation companies are largely available with a wide range of truck typology and loading capacity from 2 MT to 40 MT. Many are small companies with a limited fleet that can scale up their capacity when needed. Maximum limit capacity to be transported in truck is between 24 to 25 MT of cargo all over Iraq including KRI. The quality of the roads is predominantly good, and the price of fuel is generally stable and considerable cheap, but it is slightly more expensive in the governorates of KRI than the rest of the Iraqi governorates.

For more information on transport company contact details, please see the following link: 4.8 Transporter Contact List.

AI-Naseem General Transport Company Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

All over the country


Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles




Modern models




Modern models




Modern models




Modern models




Modern models

Pickup Truck



Modern models

Pickup Truck



Modern models

Pickup Double Cab



Dedicated to transporting people




Modern models

Refrigerated Trucks



Modern models

Fuel & Water Tank


5000-36000 L

Modern models

Truck Crane



Modern models

Transportation Bus



Dedicated to transporting people


Transfer Company for General Trading and Transport of Goods LTD Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

All over the country


Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

Covered Truck








Refrigerated Trucks




Truck Crane





SHAD COMPANY Transport Capacity Summary

Regions Covered

All over the country


Number of


Capacity per

Vehicle (MT)

Comments / Condition of Vehicles

Covered Truck



Modern models

Covered Truck



Modern models




Modern models

Pickup Truck



Modern models


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.3 Iraq Manual Labor

Manual labour is easily available throughout Iraq. The local market can provide skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers in all sectors of activity. Daily price for an unskilled worker is average 25,000 per day. The daily wages for a skilled worked is on average of 35,000 IQD per day. 

Regarding handling of cargo, common use in Iraq is to charge for:

  1. Full offloading or loading of a defined truck size (for light items) or
  2. Weight of cargo to be handled (for food and non-food) or,
  3. daily labour / paid per day.

The loading and offloading for unskilled workers remain average 25,000 IQD per day.

Labour Rate(s) Overview as of October 2021



Daily General Worker (Unskilled casual labour)

25,000 IQD / 17 USD

Daily General Worker (Semi-skilled labour)


Skilled Worker

35,000 IQD / 24 USD

3.4 Iraq Telecommunications

For more information on telecoms contacts, please see the following link: 4.11 Additional Services Contact List.

Telephone Services

Is there an existing landline telephone network?


Does it allow international calls?


Number and Length of Downtime Periods (on average)


Mobile Phone Providers

Asia Cell, Zain, and Korek

Approximate Percentage of National Coverage

 All Iraq

Telecommunications Regulations

Regulations on Usage and Import

Regulations in Place?

Regulating Authority



Ministry of Telecommunications

HF Radio


Ministry of Telecommunications

UHF/VHF/HF Radio: Handheld, Base and Mobile


Ministry of Telecommunications

UHF/VHF Repeaters


Ministry of Telecommunications



Ministry of Telecommunications



Ministry of Telecommunications

Individual Network Operator Licenses Required

Yes, controlled by Ministry of Telecommunications.

Frequency Licenses Required

Yes, to be obtained from Ministry of Telecommunications.

Existing Humanitarian Telecoms Systems

Existing UN Telecommunication Systems







VHF Frequencies

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

HF Frequencies

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Locations of Repeaters

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.

Restricted. Not for general distribution.


UN Compound

UN Compound

UN Compound

UN Compound

UN Compound

UN Compound

Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Internet Service Providers

Are there ISPs available?


If yes, are they privately or government owned?


Dial-up only?


Approximate Rates (local currency and USD - $)





Max Leasable ‘Dedicated’ Bandwidth

 100 MB

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)

For information on MNOs please visit the GSM Association website.


Number of Agent Outlets by Area

Network Strength by Area

Contracted for Humanitarian or Government Cash Transfer Programmes?

Services Offered (i.e. Merchant Payment, Bulk Disbursement, Receive & Make Payment)



Cover all Iraq



Asia Cell


Cover all Iraq





Cover all Iraq



3.5 Iraq Food and Additional Suppliers

In 2020, exports represented 23.21% of GDP (39,344.6 M.$) while imports represented 25.55 % of GDP (43,297.0 M.$).

According to OEC, in 2019, the top exports of Iraq are Crude Petroleum, Refined Petroleum, Gold, Tropical Fruits, and Petroleum Coke, exported mostly to China, India, South Korea, United State), and Italy. The top imports of Iraq are Refined Petroleum, Broadcasting Equipment, Cars, Jewelry, and Rolled Tobacco, importing mostly from United Arab Emirates, Turkey, China, India, and South Korea. Additionally, Iraq was the world's biggest importer of Wheat Flours ($469M).

Iraq’s manufacturing activity has been closely connected to the oil industry. The major industries in that category have been petroleum refining and the manufacture of chemicals and fertilizers. 

Iraq has a highly competitive market in terms of goods however the level of competency in services varies depending on type of services, for example, high technology services and telecommunication services are not very competitive due to limited number of reliable service providers, though, it can still be considered competitive as at least three reliable service providers are available.

Imports allow high level of competency in the market due to wide range of brands and services offered with potential for scaling up. However, one of the main challenges in the Iraqi market are related to payment method, as bank transfer is not favoured due to lack of liquidity by some of the banks. Additionally, direct contracting and cash payment is the most used methods by the wholesalers rather than tendering and bank transfers.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.5.1 Iraq Food Suppliers

Since 1990, Iraq has been using the public distribution system (PDS) to achieve food security and counteract the debilitating effects of the economic sanctions imposed on Iraq in 1990, by providing families with basic food items on monthly basis (Alzobaidee, H.L.K. 2015. Social Protection and Safety Nets in Iraq. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies). In 2016, 90% of Iraqi households (33 million people) received subsidised food commodities, while the programme’s expenditure was reported to be 0.6 per cent of GDP (Reference), the PDS were legible for all Iraqi’s however, the government decided to exclude some categories effective on 01 June 2021. The main PDS food commodities are Rice, Wheat Flour, Sunflower Oil and White Sugar. lately in 2021, tomato paste, beans and chickpeas were added to the PDS. However, the distribution of all commodities and frequency were varied from month to another depending on the economic situation in Iraq. Therefore, Iraq is trying to reach food security and increase the production of the strategic commodities such as wheat and barley. According to the ministry of agriculture for Iraq.

The local needs for wheat are approximately 4.2 million tonnages, in 2020 Iraq was able to produce more than 6.2 million tonnages of wheat however Iraq is still importing approximately of 1 million tonnages to mix with the local production for quality matters. Meanwhile Iraq produced barley of approximately 1.7 million tonnage which is over the local needs. Iraq is encouraging the production of those two commodities locally by purchasing them in a higher price than the international market, which was one of reasons for the surpluses. Dates, tomato, eggplants, onion, and others are a surpluses commodity, please refer to this link (Available in Arabic only) for more details on local production. Ministry of Trade for Iraq is contracting  Etihad Food Industries Co. Ltd to cover the PDS requirement of sugar and sunflower oil.  the factory is producing Sugar, Sunflower oil, Vegetable Ghee, RDB palm Olein and Corn oil. the factory capacity is 4000 MT/day for sugar and 2400 MT/day for sunflower oil. Altunsa Company has presence in Iraq as a food supplier and manufacturer, it provides rations, dry pulses, sunflower oil with a capacity of 2000 MT/Day and wheat flour with a capacity of 1000 MT/Day.

Additional information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For more specific and detailed overviews of food availability and market conditions, please consult the following sources:

WFP Vulnerability and Analysis Mapping (VAM):  (http://vam.wfp.org/)

USAID Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET): (http://www.fews.net/)

For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link: 4.10 Supplier Contact List.

Retail Sector

According to the Iraqi Chamber of Commerce and Central Statistics office, there are approximately 100,000 registered private food retailers and wholesalers. However, it is noticed that there might be more than 200,000 unregistered small retailers. Retailers generally purchase most items from established wholesalers and from specific wholesale markets. Overall, sales among registered retailers have grown modestly at a few percentage points per year.

Types of Retailers Available

Type of Retailer



Supermarket – concentrates mainly in supplying a range of food, beverage, cleaning and sanitation products; have significant purchasing power; are often part of national/regional/global chains.


Convenience Store/Mini Market – medium sized shop; offers a more limited range of products than supermarkets; usually has good/stable purchasing power; may be part of chain or cooperative.


Permanent shop with strong supply capacity individually/family-owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; good storage and reliable supply options.


Permanent shop with limited supply capacity individually/family-owned store; offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; limited storage and unstable supply options.


Mobile Shop/Market Stand individually/family-owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; may be found at outdoor markets, camps or unstable environments.



Supplier Overview

Company Name

Etihad Food Industries Co. Ltd


Babylon, Iraq

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Yes, refinery factory

Sugar: 4000 MT/day

Soybean / sunflower oil: 2400 MT/day

RBD Palm olein Oil: 2400 MT/day

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate Turnover in MT


Sugar: 1.25 MT /Annual

Soybean / sunflower oil: 450 K MT/Annual

RBD Palm olein Oil: 25 K MT/ Annual

Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information

Contracted supplier with MOT for sugar and sunflower oil for the PDS.

One of the biggest refineries in MENA

Well-known brand in Iraq.


Supplier Overview

Company Name

Altunsa Company   


Duhok, Iraq

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?



Rations: 2,000 MT/day

sunflower oil: 2,000 MT/day

dry pulses: 2,000 MT/day

wheat flour: 1000 MT/day

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?

Information not available

Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate Turnover in MT


Rations: 60,000 MT/ Annual

sunflower oil: 10,000 MT/ Annual

dry pulses: 200,000 MT/Annual

Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information

Company HQ is in Turkey. Well-known brand in Iraq.


Supplier Overview

Company Name

Tazweed Commercial Solutions


Duhok, Iraq

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?

Information not available

Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate Turnover in MT


Rations: 15,000 MT/ Annual

Canned fish: 1,000 MT/ Annual

dry pulses: 10,000 MT/Annual

Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information

Based in Jordan and has branch in Iraq.


Primary Goods / Commodities Available

Commodities by Type**

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title)


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.)

i.e. sheep and goats, swine, poultry…

Sheep, goats, poultry, camels, cows and buffalo are available locally (breeding) and import is allowed except for poultry.

01 - Meat and meat preparations

i.e meat of bovine animals, meat of sheep, dried or smoked meat of swine, sausages…

Available, mostly are imported by privet sector.

Iraq is Islamic country, importation of dried or smoked meat of swine is not allowed.

02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs

i.e. milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs…

Available, local production and imported products. Eggs are on the yield of surpluses hence importation of egg is restricted at times of surpluses.

03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs…

i.e. fish (chilled or frozen), fish (salted or in brine), fish liver and roes…

Fish is available and a surpluses commodity.

04 - Cereals and cereal preparations

i.e. wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta...

Wheat flour is a surpluses commodity however import of WHF is needed for mixing with local product for quality purposes.

Yellow maize is surpluses commodity and available.

Rice is available in market, however local planted rice does not cover the local need and limited to specific types hence market is mainly importing rice.

05 - Vegetables and fruit

i.e. vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juices…

Some fruit and vegetables are surpluses commodities such as onion, eggplants, watermelon, and dates.

However, all veg, and fruits are available in the market.

06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

i.e. sugars (beet or cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar …

Sugar is produced locally (raw materials are exported). However, exportation is allowed, and market is a mix of locally produced and exported product.

07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof

i.e. coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, mate, pepper…

Information is not available

09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

i.e. ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeasts…

Available in the market, both local produced and exported products.

41 - Animal oils and fats

i.e. lard, fats and oils…

Information is not available.

42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

i.e. soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil…

Available in the market, both local produced and exported products.

**For non-food products please see section 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers, and for fuel/petroleum products please see section 3.1 Fuel.

For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link: 4.10 Iraq Supplier Contact List

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.5.2 Iraq Additional Suppliers


the Iraqi market is mainly depending on import for most of supplies. Manufacturing and production factories are very few in the country and limited to specific industries such as oil, water tanks, plastic/nylon materials and construction materials such as cement and brick. Wide range of products that is needed by the humanitarian actors are available by wholesalers however, most of them are imported. Most of wholesalers are in the capital or big cities such as Baghdad, Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, and Basra. Tents, water pumps, pipes, water tanks, office furniture, potable water are available in country however IT and communication equipment are special case. some of items falls under approval from different government authorities such as ministry of interior and intelligence.

The main challenges in Iraqi market linked to humanitarian actors is most of the wholesalers in the capital are not complying with UN/ INGO procurement terms and conditions such as having bank accounts or accepting bank transfer payment to the firm bank account. Moreover, they accept direct contracting and/or advanced cash payment therefore general trading, medium size or retail firms are more likely to be contracted if bulk quantities are needed. Situation is different in KRI, wholesalers are more flexible and can comply with humanitarian procurement terms and conditions.

Throughout the crisis of ISIS in 2014, some of suppliers/service providers have developed a good experience to respond to the humanitarian needs responding to the ongoing crisis. Through working with the UN agencies and NGOs, they developed a good understand and knowledge of the policies and rules/regulations of the humanitarian organizations.

For more information on Iraqi industry, please refer to this KAPITA Report.

For more information on suppliers’ contact details, please see the following link: 4.10 Supplier Contact List.

Wholesale – High Tech Co.

Supplier Overview

Company Name

High Tech Co.


Iraq – Baghdad – Erbil

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?

Yes / Provision of commodities to end user & managing retail locations.

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate turnover in USD - $

8 M $ Yearly turn over

Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information


Wholesale – Al Hayat Co. for internet

Supplier Overview

Company Name

AL Hayat Co. for internet


Iraq – Baghdad

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?

Yes / Provision of commodities to end user & managing retail locations.

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate turnover in USD - $

590,396.00 $ Yearly turn over

Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information


Wholesale – Al Nabaa Network Solutions

Supplier Overview

Company Name

AL Nabaa Network Solutions


Iraq – Baghdad

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?

Yes / Provision of commodities to end user & managing retail locations.

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate turnover in USD - $


Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information


Wholesale – Alressoom Alalamiya Company for home and office furniture trading and manufacturing limited

Supplier Overview

Company Name

Alressoom Alalamiya Company for home and office furniture trading and manufacturing limited


Iraq – Baghdad

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?

Yes / Provision of commodities to end user

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Approximate turnover in USD - $


Payment Methods Accepted

Bank Transfer

Other Comments or Key Information



**For FOOD products please see section 3.5.1 Food Suppliers, and for fuel/petroleum products please see section 3.1 Fuel.


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.6 Iraq Additional Services


The market is very rich in all kinds of services/commodities with a various standard, in general the basic services required to set up and run the operation are available in Iraq, and in case of unavailability of some basic services, there's always alternative service to replace them for example the generators replace the national electricity grid during the outages.

For more information on company contact details, please see the following link: 4.11 Additional Services Contact List.


Rental properties are plentiful throughout Iraqi cities but are less common in rural areas. Iraqi houses/apartments vary in size and quality. In general, the newer houses/apartments will be found toward the outer edges of cities and older ones toward the middle. Many of the houses/apartments in the new residential complexes are equipped with security gates, security guards, and 24-hour surveillance cameras.

In addition, all hotels, motels, hotel apartments, and other lodging options are available in Iraq, and they are a combination of (1 to 5 stars).

Electricity and Power

Iraq's power electricity has a total capacity of around 10,000 MW. As a consequence of the increasing economy and the boom in consumer purchases of electrical products and gadgets, the demand for electricity has skyrocketed. Furthermore, power in Iraq is subsidized, resulting in increasing consumption.

Iraq's daily power requirement is 6,400 MW, while daily production averages 4.470 MW. And there's the summer peak demand: 6.800-7,500 MW, or 35%-40% of the peak summer demand that hasn't been reached yet.

In Iraq, electricity is generated by:

  1. Thermal power stations: the nominal rating (5,415) MW the actual rating (1,600) MW.
  2. Gas turbine stations: the nominal rating (2,181) MW the actual rating (650) MW.
  3. Hydroelectric stations: the nominal rating (2,518) MW the actual rating (650) MW.
  4. Diesel stations: nominal rating (87) MW actual rating (87) MW.
  5. Imports:
    1. Jordan 1 cent per kilo/per hour.
    2. Turkey 5.58 cents per kilo/per hour.
    3. Iran 650 MW of electricity from Iran.
    4. Kuwait.

Financial Services

There are plenty of reliable financial services companies in the country, the most well-known ones, can be found in the contact list.

Clearing and Forwarding Agents

There are plenty of reliable clearing and forwarding agents in the country, as well as a number of transporters who working as clearing and forwarding agents, the most well-known ones, can be found in the contact list.

Handling Equipment

There are plenty of reliable handling equipment companies in the country, the most well-known ones, can be found in the contact list.

Postal and Courier Services

There are plenty of reliable postal and courier services companies in the country, the most well-known ones, can be found in the contact list.

Printing and Publishing

There are plenty of reliable printing and publishing companies in the country, the most well-known ones, can be found in the contact list.

Taxi Companies

There are plenty of reliable taxi companies in the country, the most known ones are Taxi Careem and Ober.

Vehicle Rental

There are plenty of reliable vehicle rental companies in the country, and they also have a representative office at the airport arrival terminal, the most well-known ones, can be found in the contact list.

Waste Management and Disposal Services

Municipalities are responsible for management of waste and disposals. There are sub-contractors who oversee collecting waste and disposals. These contractors have factories/facilities for recycling plastics and papers.

In Federal Iraq: The disposal of food and non-food items are through the Ministry of Science and Technology. While for medical items, the disposal should be done through cooperation with MoH and hospitals that have a special waste and disposal facilities.

In KRI: Below are the steps for disposing items:

  1. The organization/stakeholder directs a letter to JCC.
    1. The letter is entitled (Request to Dispose/Destroy Items).
    2. Attach a list of items (quantity and description).
    3. Attach photos of the items to be destroyed.
    4. Mention a focal point name of the organization.
  2. Based on the letter received from the organization/stakeholder, JCC sends a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency.
  3. The Environmental Protection Agency sets an inspection date for taking samples of items to be disposed.
  4. The Environmental Protection Agency determines the method of disposing based on the type of items.
  5. Following the disposing of the items in the presence of the organization/stakeholder focal point, the Environmental Protection Agency sends two letters, one to JCC and the other to the organization confirming the completion of disposal.

Waste Disposal: Non-hazardous

Municipalities serve as hubs for all forms of waste disposal around the country. Several hubs have been established to collect various forms of waste and handle its elimination or recycling.

There are lots of garbage bins surrounding streets and alleyways in every province's capital and key cities to collect disposals. The government has been attempting for some years to improve the culture of using garbage containers for various forms of disposals.

Waste Disposal: Hazardous

Most of the hazardous disposals are collected inside the plants or hospitals or other industrial places or related places under the control of (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Science and Technology in FI, and (Board of Environmental Protection and Improvement) in KRI. On the other hand, most cities in Iraq are connected to the wastewater network.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.