3.6 Turkmenistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

3.6 Turkmenistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

Turkmenistan Food Suppliers, Accommodation and Other Markets

In 2011 the president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, raised wages, pensions and other social allowances by 10%. At the start of 2012 he authorised a similar increase in salaries and social spending as part of official plans to reduce poverty and improve living standards. As basic foodstuffs and utilities are heavily subsidised in Turkmenistan, consumers will have been less affected by the global increases in fuel and food costs in 2011, which eroded private consumption more forcefully in other countries in the region.

4.5 Turkmenistan Additional Service Providers 

Main Food Suppliers

For information on supermarkets and local markets, please select the following document:

Turkmenistan Food Suppliers Additional Information


For a list of accommodation providers in Turkmenistan, please select the contact list highlighted above.