State of Palestine - 3.5 Palestine Food and Additional Suppliers

State of Palestine - 3.5 Palestine Food and Additional Suppliers

The food market in Palestine covers all edible products that are bought and consumed for nutrient-based purposes. The market includes both fresh and processed foods and consists of different segments: the dairy products & Eggs segment covers animal products, the Meat segment covers animal products, the Fish & Seafood segment, Fruits cover fresh (processed and frozen), the Vegetables segment (processed and frozen), Bread & Cereal products, Oils, Sauces and Spices. 

The cultivation of fruit trees is the key segment of the production of plants in Palestine. The main fruit trees of Palestine are grapevines, olive trees, citrus, figs, and almonds. In the West Bank of Palestine, the grapevines form the second among the major fruit crops. In Palestine, more than 30 different vegetable crops have been planted. The type of agriculture that takes place in Palestine is yearly and cyclic agriculture such as grains and vegetables. In the Gaza Plain, Marj Ben Amer and some of the inner plains grain plantation was grown.

Primary estimates for GDP at constant prices showed an increase of 5% in Palestine during the 4th quarter of 2021, mainly in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing by 19%, compared to the previous year.

The sector employs a continuously shrinking share of the workforce that is leading to the replacement of agricultural land with industrial projects.

The local mills in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) are producing wheat flour for the local market, on the other side the manufactories are producing dairy products (milk, white cheese, and labneh) and exporting the dairy products to Jordan but in a high cost as the products are saved in the refrigerators. Palestine has one salt factory in the Dead Sea for producing natural salt and has farmers for eggs as well.

Palestine imports vegetable oil, rice, sugar, lentils, and chickpeas, as well as canned pulses, canned tuna, and sardines.  

For information on  contact details, please see the following links:  

4.10 Palestine Supplier Contact List

4.11 Palestine Additional Services Contact List

Generic country information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For a general overview of country data related to the service and supply sectors, please consult the following sources: 

The Observatory of Economic Complexity – MIT (OEC) - Palestine


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.5.2 Palestine Additional Suppliers

For more information on suppliers’ contact details, please see the following link:4.10 Palestine Supplier Contact List

**For FOOD products please see section 3.5.1 Food Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel.


Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.


State of Palestine - 3.5.1 Palestine Food Suppliers



Palestine is a limited agricultural producer in the Middle East and all over the world. It is a good producer of olive oil, dates, and grapes.

The share of household expenditure allocated to food and beverages will remain high due to the current high prices of all production and consumer materials.

No mentioned cases of direct foreign investment in food and beverages in Palestine due to the fluctuating situation. All the investments are owned by the national citizens.

Additional information can be located from sources which are regularly maintained and reflect current facts and figures. For more specific and detailed overviews of food availability and market conditions, please consult the following sources: 

WFP Vulnerability and Analysis Mapping (VAM) - Palestine

For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link:4.10 Palestine Supplier Contact List


Retail Sector

The food retail sector in Palestine can be put into two major groups: organized and unorganized retailers. Organized retailers include multi-format retailers, local or regional supermarkets, and discount retailers. Unorganised retailers, also called the traditional market, constitute smaller, individual convenience stores called bastat in different compounds.

The Palestinian retail market mainly consists of traditional players, despite the steady growth of local and international chain stores and recent acquisitions and mergers. Some of the biggest retailers include the likes of the Turkish Plaza Malls, and the French retailer Carrefour.


Types of Retailers Available

Type of Retailer



Supermarket – concentrates mainly in supplying a range of food, beverage, cleaning and sanitation products; have significant purchasing power; are often part of national/regional/global chains.


Convenience Store/Mini Market – medium sized shop; offers a more limited range of products than supermarkets; usually has good/stable purchasing power; may be part of chain or cooperative.


Permanent shop with strong supply capacity individually/family owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; good storage and reliable supply options.


Permanent shop with limited supply capacity individually/family owned store; offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; limited storage and unstable supply options.


Mobile Shop/Market Stand individually/family owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; may be found at outdoor markets, camps or unstable environments.


Wholesale – Al Shini

Al Shini Supermarket, is one of the largest companies having the highest market share in the organized retail sector in Palestine. This company has a limited number of stores in Palestine. It operates only in Palestine due to some of the political restrictions.


Supplier Overview

Company Name

Al Shini Supermarket


West Bank

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?



Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?



Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Payment Methods Accepted

Cash & Visa

Other Comments or Key Information



Primary Goods / Commodities Available

Commodities by Type**

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title)


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.)

i.e. sheep and goats, poultry…

Not Available

01 - Meat and meat preparations

i.e meat of bovine animals, meat of sheep, sausages…


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs

i.e. milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs…


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs…

i.e. fish (chilled or frozen), fish (salted or in brine), fish liver and roes…


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations

i.e. wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta...


05 - Vegetables and fruit

i.e. vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juices…


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

i.e. sugars (beet or cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar …


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof

i.e. coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, mate, pepper…


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

i.e. ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeasts…


41 - Animal oils and fats

i.e. lard, fats and oils…


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

i.e. soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil…



Wholesale – Bravo

Bravo, one of the largest companies having the highest market share in organized retail sector in Palestine. This company has a limited number of stores in Palestine. It  operates only in Palestine due to some of the political restrictions.


Supplier Overview

Company Name

Bravo Supermarket


West Bank

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?



Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?



Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Payment Methods Accepted

Cash & Visa

Other Comments or Key Information


*Basic details for the main office should be shown here, additional contact details for local/regional offices and full contact details for the main office to be included in section 4.10 Supplier Contact List.



Primary Goods / Commodities Available

Commodities by Type**

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title)


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.)

i.e. sheep and goats, poultry…


01 - Meat and meat preparations

i.e meat of bovine animals, meat of sheep, dried or smoked meat of swine, sausages…


02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs

i.e. milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs…


03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs…

i.e. fish (chilled or frozen), fish (salted or in brine), fish liver and roes…


04 - Cereals and cereal preparations

i.e. wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta...


05 - Vegetables and fruit

i.e. vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juices…


06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

i.e. sugars (beet or cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar …


07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof

i.e. coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, mate, pepper…


09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

i.e. ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeasts…


41 - Animal oils and fats

i.e. lard, fats and oils…


42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

i.e. soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil…



Wholesale – Mashhadawi

Originally wholly owned by French hypermarket leaders Carrefour. Carrefour is a joint venture of Sabancı Holding and Carrefour. CarrefourSA reached 72 franchise stores in 17 cities and launched grocery shopping and delivery partnerships with marketplaces and 150 independent outlets.

Supplier Overview

Company Name



West Bank

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity?



Does the supplier have its own retail capacity?



Does the supplier have its own transport capacity?


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities?


Payment Methods Accepted

Cash & Visa

Other Comments or Key Information



**For non-FOOD products please see section 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel. 

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.