2.3.8 Zambia Border Crossing of Nchelenge

2.3.8 Zambia Border Crossing of Nchelenge


This border post is not busy. This post pre-clears all cargo going to Chipungu Border Post.  Road access is damaged tarmac until turn off from the D79 main highway. This post also supports the Nchelenge Harbour activity on Lake Mweru. This point is on Lake Mweru with no immediate border control on DRC side. Its water gateway point to Kilwa on is on the DRC side. Waiting time is dependent upon documentation completeness. 

Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Zambia: Nchelenge Border Post

Province or District

Nchelenge District, Luapua Province

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Mansa (230 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA)

Contact Person

Mr. Bwalya Malamba, Frank, Customs Collector, Mobile: +260 964 067 319


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Ndola – Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport (560 km)

Truck Travel Time: 32 hrs

Car Travel time: 18 hrs

Nearest Port

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1,628 km)

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

Mansa (230 km)

Truck Travel Time: 4.5 hrs

Car Travel time: 3 hrs

Other Information


Roads are good tarmac and in good condition.  Border post is a bit quiet with half day wait with correct documentation.  Little to no parking for trucks except along main road. Fuel easily available. 

Hours of Operation

Every day regardless of holidays or season

0600 – 1800 hours

Daily Capacity

This border post is a bit quiet.  Very little parking space for trucks except along the roadside.  Operates as pre-clearance for Chipungu Border Post and primary for Nchelenge Harbour activity. Average of 6 trucks per day cross both ways with about a 1-2 hour wait when all documentation is correct.  Road access is good tarmac on D79.  The post gets busier when the mines are active in DRC.    

Customs Clearance

Minimum delays occur because of Self-assessment pre-clearing routine on documentation done in advance.  Documentation requirements for food (cereals):

  1. Waybill
  2. Export permit (dependent on commodity)
  3. Certificate of Origin (COMESA/SADC)
  4. Fumigation certificate
  5. Export schedule (in case of Maize)
  6. Invoice
  7. Phytosanitary certificate

Electronic pre-clearance possible and recommended through forwarding agent.  Bond is held by the agent for fees. ZRA is the Regulatory Authority. Inspection is required for import and export by Ministry of Agriculture and ZRA.  Fee of USD 100 per foreign registered truck and US$20.20 for Zambian trucks. All trucks are subject to inspection upon entering or leaving the country.

For more information on customs in Zambia, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

All cargo crossing at the Chipungu Border Post must pre-clear in Nchelenge.  Road from Nchelenge to Chipungu Border Post is gravel and in poor condition with a very narrow one way bridge across the Kalungwishi River.  30MT trucks use the route. Food is inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture. 

Nchelenge Border Post, PO Box 740091 Nchelenge, Tel: +260 211381751, email: advice@zra.org.zm.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.