3.5 Armenia Food and Additional Suppliers

3.5 Armenia Food and Additional Suppliers

Armenia is a net food-importer country. Top import and export destination is Russia. In general, all the products and services are available and can be purchased in Armenia. 

The market relationships in Armenia are being regulated by RA Law on Procurements. There is also a State Committee for Protection of Economic Competition of the RA, the goals of which are protection and promotion of economic competition, creation of appropriate environment for fair competition, contribution to the development of entrepreneurship and protection of consumer rights in the Republic of Armenia. 

The Observatory of Economic Complexity – MIT (OEC)

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.  

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider. 

3.5.1 Armenia Food Suppliers


Armenia’s relatively strong agricultural performance since 2001 has resulted in a substantial increase in self-sufficiency levels of main food products and overall food availability. About 66 percent of the total dietary energy per person available for consumption comes from domestic production.  However, the availability of food in Armenia highly depends on food imports, especially with regard to cereals and certain types of meat whereby Armenia imports 50.5 percent of the supplied wheat, 42 percent of legumes, 78 percent of poultry, 42 percent of pork, and 92 percent of vegetable oil. Armenia’s high dependency on food imports means food prices remain highly vulnerable to shocks in external food markets. The domestic food price volatility index stands at nearly 12 percent, demonstrating Armenia’s high month-to-month fluctuation in prices of foods. 

For more information on food supplier contact details, please see the following link:4.10 Armenia Supplier Contact List 

Retail Sector 

AT Kearney notes that Armenia still has an unsaturated retail market which is shifting rapidly to modern formats. In Yerevan, the country's capital and home to about 80 percent of the country's retail sales, shoppers spend almost $100 million monthly on consumer goods, primarily food. Home improvement, clothing, and furniture are the top non-food categories. Retail trade is moving from small and medium stores to large trade centers, including supermarkets.  Currently, there are several malls and large stores operating in Yerevan involved in trade of food and consumer products. Supermarkets are the most frequently used stores for FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) purchases in Yerevan. From international players Carrefour hypermarket is functioning in Armenia. The established retailers are mainly stable. 

Types of Retailers Available 

Type of Retailer 

Rank (1-5, where 5 is the most common)

Supermarket – concentrates mainly in supplying a range of food, beverage, cleaning and sanitation products; have significant purchasing power; are often part of national/regional/global chains. 


Convenience Store/Mini Market – medium sized shop; offers a more limited range of products than supermarkets; usually has good/stable purchasing power; may be part of chain or cooperative. 


Permanent shop with strong supply capacity – individually/family owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; good storage and reliable supply options. 


Permanent shop with limited supply capacity – individually/family owned store; offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; limited storage and unstable supply options. 


Mobile Shop/Market Stand – individually/family owned store; usually offers fewer commodities and a limited selection of brands; may be found at outdoor markets, camps or unstable environments. 


Wholesale – Alex Holding Co. LTD 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Alex Holding Co. LTD 


Armenia, 0065, YerevanTichina St. 3rd Lane, 2/2 Building 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 

Yes/ The supplier is engaged in food processing. 

Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 

Yes / The supplier owns the supermarket chain Yerevan City 

Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate Turnover in MT 

The Holding was one of the biggest tax payers in Armenia in 2018 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, card 

Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 


22 supermarkets, all districts 

Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** (SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


00 - Live animals (other than fish, crustaceans, molluscs, etc.) 

i.e. sheep and goats, swine, poultry… 

Produced locally 

01 - Meat and meat preparations 

i.e meat of bovine animals, meat of sheep, dried or smoked meat of swine, sausages… 

Produced locally and imported 

02 - Dairy products and birds’ eggs 

i.e. milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, eggs… 

Produced locally and imported 

03 - Fish (not marine mammals), crustaceans, molluscs… 

i.e. fish (chilled or frozen), fish (salted or in brine), fish liver and roes… 

Produced locally and imported 

04 - Cereals and cereal preparations 

i.e. wheat, rice, flour of maize, pasta... 

Produced locally and imported 

05 - Vegetables and fruit 

i.e. vegetables, fruit and nuts, jams/jellies, fruit juices… 

Produced locally and imported 

06 - Sugars, sugar preparations and honey 

i.e. sugars (beet or cane) raw, natural honey, fruit/nuts preserved by sugar … 

Produced locally and imported 

07 - Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices and manufactures thereof 

i.e. coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, mate, pepper… 

Produced locally and imported 

09 - Miscellaneous edible products and preparations 

i.e. ready-to-eat foods, margarine, sauces, soups and broths, yeasts… 

Produced locally and imported 

41 - Animal oils and fats 

i.e. lard, fats and oils… 

Produced locally and imported 

42/43 - Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated 

i.e. soya bean oil, olive oil, maize oil, vegetable oil… 

Produced locally and imported 

**For non-FOOD products please see section 3.5.2 Additional Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.

3.5.2 Armenia Additional Suppliers


All the key commodities used in humanitarian operations are available in Armenia being either produced locally or imported. Medicine is being imported from different countries by wholesalers as well as being produced locally and is made available through very big number of pharmacies spread all over the country. Construction materials and kitchen equipment, IT equipment, water pumps, potable water are all available for procurement in the local markets.  

For more information on suppliers’ contact details, please see the following link:4.10 Armenia Supplier Contact List

Wholesale – Freja and Son LLC 

Potable water supplier. 

Supplier Overview 

Company Name 

Freja and Son LLC 


Armenia, 0014, Yerevan, Adonts St., 2/1 Building 

Does the supplier have its own production / manufacturing capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own retail capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own transport capacity? 


Does the supplier have its own storage facilities? 


Approximate turnover in USD - $ 

1,409,000 USD in 2018 

Payment Methods Accepted 

Cash, bank payment 


Other Locations 


Service Location(s) 


All regions of Armenia 


Primary Goods / Commodities Available 

Commodities by Type** 

(SITC Rev 4 Division Code - Title) 


24/27 - Crude materials, inedible, except fuel 

i.e. fuel wood, crude fertilizers, sand/stone/gravel 

Produced locally 

51 to 59 - Chemical and related products 

i.e. chlorine, pharmaceuticals, soaps, plastic tubes/pipes, chemical fertilizers 

Imported and produced locally 

61 to 69 - Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 

i.e. rubber tyres, wood pallets, textiles, cement, iron/steel pipe fittings, copper wire, metal tanks 

Imported and produced locally 

71 to 79 - Machinery and transport equipment 

i.e. engine/machine parts, generators, sewing machines, pumps, telecoms equipment, vehicles 


81 to 89 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles 

i.e. prefabricated buildings, lighting fixtures, furniture, clothing, medical/surgical instruments 

Imported and produced locally 

91/93/96/97 - Commodities not classified elsewhere 


Imported and produced locally 

**For FOOD products please see section 3.5.1 Food Suppliers, and for FUEL/PETROLEUM products please see section 3.1 Fuel. 

Disclaimer: Inclusion of company information in the LCA does not imply any business relationship between the supplier and WFP / Logistics Cluster, and is used solely as a determinant of services, and capacities.

Please note: WFP / Logistics Cluster maintain complete impartiality and are not in a position to endorse, comment on any company's suitability as a reputable service provider.