1.2 Guinea Regulatory Departments


Guinea is a member of the Economic Community of West African States and is also a member of the MANO River Union. The MANO River Union aims to strengthen the capacity of Member States to integrate their economies and coordinate development programs in the area of peace building, as a prerequisite to any development, trade promotion, development of industry, energy, agriculture, natural resources, transport and telecommunications, monetary and financial affairs; in short, all aspects of economic and social life of the Member States.

The ‘Direction de la Legislation, de la Règlementation et des Relation Internationales’ is in charge of preparing the different legislative text projects and regulations for Customs purposes.

The Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics (MEH) is in charge of the supervision, control and regulation of the sector. It defines and implements the energy policy and the structure of the tariffs. The National Council for Electricity acts as a consultative organization. It consists of representatives of several ministerial departments, delegates of the dealers, representatives of consumers and independent experts. The council is the instrument of mediation between the various actors of the electricity sector. The Electricity Sector Regulatory Body was created in September 2005. It still lacks a clear definition of its mission.

The Direction Nationale de Postes et Telecommunications (DNPT) regulates the telecommunications in the country.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has the mandate of designing, re-elaboration, implementation, monitoring and reassessment of government policy matters in Economic, Finance and Budget.

The Minister Delegate for the Budget shall, as delegated by the Minister of Economy and Finance, manage the functions relating to the preparation and execution, taxation and customs. 

The National Office for the Control of Quality is in charge of controlling the quality of all the food entering the country and issuing the Phytosanitary certificate accordingly.

For information on contact details, please see the following links: 

4.1 Guinea Government Contact List

4.3 Guinea Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List

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