2.3.1 Peru Border Crossing of Zarumilla (Ecuador)


The Zarumilla Border Complex (CEBAF) is an immigration control building located in the department of Tumbes, northern Peru. It is located at kilometre 1292 of the Pan-American Highway in the district of Aguas Verdes, province of Zarumilla; it is the obligatory passage for all entry or exit to and from Ecuador using Tumbes as an access road.

The Origin of the CEBAF, came from Decision 502 of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN), signed in Valencia-Venezuela, June 22, 2001, Purpose that the member countries Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, develop a joint action to achieve better use of its physical space, strengthening the infrastructure and services necessary for the economic integration of the sub region.

The CEBAF is the set of facilities that are located in a portion of the territory of one or two adjoining member countries, adjacent to a border crossing, border, which includes the access routes, enclosures, equipment and furniture necessary for the provision of the service of integrated control of the flow of people, people, luggage, luggage, merchandise and vehicles, and where complementary services of facilitation and user care are provided. Integrated control service: The verification and supervision of the legal conditions of entry and exit.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

Peru: Zarumilla
Ecuador: Huaquillas

Province or District

Zarumilla, Tumbes

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Tumbes (24.3 km)





Managing Authority / Agency

Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administracion Tributaria  - SUNAT

Contact Person

Carlos Rios Sanchez


Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Talara International Airport (Cap. Victor Montes)

Distance in km 205

Truck Travel Time: 2 hours

Car Travel time: 1 hour 50 minutes

Nearest Port

Paita Port (Terminales Portuarios Euroandinos)

Distance in km 293.7

Truck Travel Time: 6 hours

Car Travel time: 5 hours 40 minutes

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity

City of Tumbes

Distance in km 21

Truck Travel Time: 30 minutes

Car Travel time: 25 minutes

Other Information


The authorized border crossing is the place of land connection constituted by the International Bridge of Peace and both countries for the formal entry and exit of people, luggage, merchandise and vehicles.

Hours of Operation


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours


24 Hours

National Holidays

Open all year

Seasonal Constraints

Mostly during the vacations period in July and December. In addition, rainy season affect sometimes the passing due to the road is interrupted.

Daily Capacity

Since the CEBAF began to operate, there has been an increase in traffic and passage of vehicles, cars and export and import merchandise, the maximum service capacity of up to 300 vehicles per day, there have been peaks of 2,200 cars per month that have passed through the CEBAF. In passengers, there was a greater influx that is believed to be due to the entry of Venezuelan citizens to Peru, reaching almost 25,000 people in a single month. However, the passenger service capacity is up to 2,000 people per day.

Customs Clearance

SUNAT - the Tumbes Customs Administration in the Tumbes Region, through its Officials Office, represents ADUANAS, it contributes to the prevention of smuggling by preventing and combating customs illicit. It also has a Customs Technique area for the administration and processing of merchandise submitted for the different customs regimes of foreign trade such as Import, Export, Cargo Inspection and Collection. Exports are reaching almost 20 million dollars a month in products that are being exported Dry Coffee in Grains, Ethyl Alcohol, Onions, Fresh Garlic, Eggs, Printing Material (Magazines, Books, Catalogs, etc.). Procedures have been simplified and this has helped to carry out import regularization in less time.

For more information on customs in Peru, please see the following link: 1.3 Customs Information. 

Other Relevant Information

The Legal Framework in Peru, Budget Law 2012. The National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) is temporarily entrusted with the administration of the compound of the Binational Border Service Center (CEBAF) Eje Vial 1, Peruvian side, until the creation and implementation of the National Border Control Authority. For this purpose, SUNAT appoints the official in charge of the Management / Coordination of the CEBAF campus, Peruvian side. SUNAT is empowered to exercise all administrative acts that are necessary for the operation of the CEBAF Eje Vial 1 site, which includes the infrastructure, adjacent areas and routes.

The Administrators are in charge of the administrative and operational coordination of the CEBAF in order to facilitate its proper functioning, the conformation of which will be established by bilateral agreement. The officials designated by each member country will provide mutual assistance for the exercise of their respective functions. The Peruvian Entities that provide services in CEBAF are:

- SUNAT CUSTOMS for the administration and processing of the goods submitted for the different customs regimes of foreign trade such as Import, Export etc.,

- ITP SANIPES (INSTITUTO TECNOLOGICO PESQUERO-SANIDAD PESQUERA) Provides sanitary control and surveillance service of hydro biological resources, which enter through the border.

- SENASA Responsible authority in the field of Agricultural Health, Quality of Inputs, Organic Production and Food Safety.

- MIGRATIONS and NATIONAL POLICE OF PERU (P.N.P.) to facilitate and stimulate the administration of the migratory movement.

The two headwaters of CEBAF Eje Vial N ° 1 are located in Peru at 2.5 km from the new International Peace Bridge and, in Ecuador at 1.5 km., Control is provided through the application of all legal provisions, regulatory and administrative and in an integrated and joint manner of both States (Ecuador and Peru).

CEBAF Zarumilla – Tumbes

Carretera Panamericana Norte Km. 1292, Eje Vial No.01

Aguas Verdes - Zarumilla – Tumbes

Administrator Peru: Carlos Rios Sanchez

Tel. +5172-523893 (Switchboard SUNAT)

Cel. +985963808 (Migration Office)

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List.


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