Moldova - 1.2 Regulatory Departments & Quality Control


The main institution with relevance to food quality and safety in Moldova is the National Food Safety Agency (ANSA). ANSA is the administrative authority with national activity responsible for implementing the state policy in the field of regulation and control for food safety and in the sanitary-veterinary zootechnical, plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine, seed control, quality of primary products, food, and feed. It controls and supervises the requirements of the legislation in force regarding food safety at all production stages of the food chain, by primary producers, processors, importers, exporters, distributors, transporters, traders, and suppliers, as well as by packaging companies and food warehouses of vegetable origin. Control posts are located within the following border crossing points:

    • Leuşeni Giurgiuleşti, Criva
    • Tudora
    • Chişinău,
    • Pervomaisk
    • Goianii Noi

Regarding non-food items, there are several institutions responsible for ensuring quality standards. The main agencies involved in assessing NFI quality are:

  • Agency for Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance: It is responsible for conducting market surveillance of the conformity of non-food products, placed or made available on the market, with the applicable essential requirements.
  • Technical Supervision Agency: for industrial machinery, refrigerating equipment, transportable pressure equipment.

For the case of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (AMDM) is the administrative authority empowered to regulate and supervise medicines, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. It organizes and coordinates the process of expertise and authorization of medicines, applies and develops the pharmacovigilance system, approves and supervises the conduct of clinical trials; monitors the rational use of medicines. It also supervises the quality of domestic and imported medicines and carries out expertise of analytical-normative documentation, which is presented for registration of medicines in the Republic of Moldova[1].

For specific guidelines and legislation regarding the transport and storage of pharmaceuticals, consult:

Depending on the nature of the goods being imported into Moldova, other state institutions might need to be involved. A complete list of all the quality control agencies per type of product can be consulted here: Anexă (

ANSA Laboratories: Laboratoarele ANSA | Agenţia Naţională pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor (

Contact Information:

Republic of Moldova, mun. Chișinău, str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, 63

tel: +373 (22) 26 47 30



Contact Information:

MD-2028, Republic of Moldova, Chisinau Str. Korolenko 2/1
Telephone: (+373) 22 88 43 01 ;  (+373) 22 88 43 04
Website: Home | WMDA (

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Company Contact List

[1] About the Agency | WMDA (

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