Honduras - 1 Country Profile

Generic Information

Honduras occupies a privileged geographical place in the American continent. Located in the heart of Central America, it has access to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans; it has land boundaries with three countries and maritime boundaries with nine; It is essentially mountainous and has an extensive area covered with forests. In its territory lives a population that is the product of miscegenation, of which 8% is made up of indigenous and black people, which makes it multiethnic, multicultural and multilingual (1). 

Form of State: Presidential republic with Single-chamber parliament.  

Administrative division: Honduras is divided administratively into 18 Departments: Atlántida, Choluteca, Colón, Comayagua, Copán, Cortés, El Paraíso, Francisco Morazán, Gracias a Dios, Intibucá, Isla de la Bahía, La Paz, Lempira, Ocotepeque, Olancho, Santa Bárbara, Valle, and Yoro 

Area: 112,492 km2

Limits: Located in the center of the Central American isthmus, it limits to the west with Guatemala (340 km) and El Salvador (356.5 km), to the north with the Caribbean Sea (650 km), to the east with Nicaragua (575 km) and to the south with the Pacific Ocean (65 km).  

Capital: Tegucigalpa MDC: 1,293,611 inhabitants (2). Together with the ancient city of Comayagüela, it forms the Central District. It is in the center of the country and is the second most populous city in the Central American isthmus after Guatemala City.  

Other cities: San Pedro Sula (812,689 inhabitants); Choloma (282,684); Danli (226,042); La Ceiba (225,606); Progress (201,508); Villanueva (181,792); Comayagua (176,218); Choluteca (171,016); Juticalpa (145,213); and Puerto Cortés (138,151).

Official language: Spanish. In the Bay Islands the use of English is widespread for historical reasons.

More general information can be found in regularly reviewed sources that indicate current facts and figures. For an overview of the country, please refer to the following sources: 

Wikipedia Country Information: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honduras 

IMF Country Information: https://www.imf.org/en/Countries/HND 

Economist Intelligence Unit Information: http://country.eiu.com/honduras 

(*Note – This is a paid service) 

Humanitarian Information 

World Food Programme Information: https://www.wfp.org/countries/honduras 

Honduras Field Based Preparedness Project: https://logcluster.org/en/preparedness/hnd21a

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Information: https://www.unocha.org/latin-america-and-caribbean-rolac/honduras 

Facts and Figures 

Wolfram Alpha Information: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=Honduras 

World Bank Information: https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/honduras 

Population Information: https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/honduras-population 

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