Moldova - 2.3.2 Border Crossing of Tudora


Located 16 km west from the Palanca BCP, the shortest route from the capital to this BCP is through the R30. This border crossing specialises in cargo. It is important to note that this BCP is integrated with ANSA and counts with an office for sampling and tests on-site.
Unlike Palanca, this BCP is not integrated with the Ukrainian Customs Authority. For this reason, trucks will have to be cleared and inspected by one Customs Authority, transit through a No-Man-Zone, and start the clearance process for the other country’s Customs.


Border Crossing Location and Contact

Name of Border Crossing

2050 TUDORA (PVFI, road)

Province or District

Palanca. Stefan Voda District

Nearest Town or City with Distance from Border Crossing

Stefan Voda (34.6 km)


46.38 N


29.97 E

Managing Authority / Agency

Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, Customs Office Center

Contact Person

Customs Office Center

(-373 22) 53 53 65,



Travel Times

Nearest International Airport

Name Chişinău International Airport

Distance 117 km

Truck Travel Time: 2:20 hrs

Car Travel time: 1:43 hrs

Nearest Port

Giurgiulești International Free Port

Distance: 268 km

Truck Travel Time: 4:50 hs

Car Travel time: 4:12 hs

Nearest location with functioning wholesale markets, or with significant manufacturing or production capacity


57.8  km

Truck Travel Time: 1:25  hrs

Car Travel time: 46 m

Other Information


Although there are no fuel stations directly at the BCP, a high number of them are located along the road.


Hours of Operation















National Holidays



Seasonal Constraints



Daily Capacity

The volumes managed by this border crossing are similar to those of Palanca. The estimated traffic on any given day is approximately 70 trucks, of which the vast majority are imports into Moldova, and a minor fraction are exports into Ukraine.

The border crossing counts with a total of eight lanes, four for import and four for export. Two of the four lanes are specifically dedicated for trucks, one for private cars, and the remaining one for buses.

Weighbridges and radiation detectors are present at the BCP from both sides.

Customs Clearance

Two verification points are located on the Ukrainian side of the border. The Moldovan and the Ukrainian Customs are separated by a No-Man-Land of approximately 1.5 km.

The customs procedure is similar to the one in Palanca. Nonetheless, due to the presence of ANSA at the BCP, all food cargo will be directed to Tudora for inspection. For customs clearance of goods, the goods shall be transported and presented, together with the accompanying documents, at the border customs post. The accompanying documents shall include: 

  • the commercial document, such as the contract or invoice; 
  • the transport document; 
  • as the case may be, the permissive act, which applies to certain categories of goods. 

As a rule, the placing of goods under the import customs regime and the customs clearance thereof is not carried out at the border. This takes place at the internal customs post within the ​​activity area where the legal office of the economic agent is registered. After placing of goods under transit regime and applying of appropriate seals, the goods shall be transported, for customs clearance, to one of the internal customs posts, within the time-period set by the customs officer. When the means of transport and the goods have arrived at the internal customs post, the transit customs regime shall be terminated and the customs declaration shall be lodged for placing the goods under the import customs regime. 

​​​​​A detailed explanation of the procedure is available at Declaration procedure and timeframe ( 

Other Relevant Information

I. Stages of the food safety control

a) Prior Notification

The import of products subject to food safety control shall be carried out on the basis of a prior notification, via the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) information system, to be made at least 24 hours prior the import operation.

To a make an import notification via TRACES, the economic operators must be registered in this system. The registration of economic agents in the information system (TRACES) shall be carried out by ANSA, within 5 days since lodging of the application in this respect.

Upon introduction into the Republic of Moldova, the above-mentioned goods shall be accompanied by the following documents, to be submitted in original:

  • a document, issued by the manufacturer/exporter for all the food products of non-animal origin, confirming the quality and safety of the products concerned;
  • a document, issued by the competent food safety authority of the exporting State, certifying that the food products of non-animal origin are safe and compliant with the legislative provisions, required only for the food products of non-animal origin subject to consolidated control.

These documents must indicate the country of origin of the products, the number of consignments making up the shipment (in the events provided under the legislation), the minimum durability date, or the date of production and the expiry date. The documents shall be drawn up in the Romanian language or in one of the languages of international circulation (English or Russian).

ANSA inspectors shall carry out the documentary control of the goods subject to food safety control and physical control of goods (mainly a visual inspection) based on risk analysis, as well as sampling if necessary. It is important to note that the cargo will not be retained at the border during the processing of the samples. Instead, the cargo will be allowed into the country, and should the laboratory analysis indicate there are risks to consumers’ health, the products will be withdrawn.

Based on inspection results, ANSA inspectors shall complete Part 2 of the entry document (the document to be completed through the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) information system by the economic operator or the representative of the economic operator and by the competent authority, confirming the conclusion of formal controls and accompanying the transport of food products of non-animal origin and products used as ingredients for the preparation of food products intended for human consumption to the final destination of those products, in three copies: one copy for the economic operator, one copy for the customs authority, and one copy to be kept at the border inspection post.

The original of the document signed and stamped by the ANSA inspector at the border control post, shall accompany the products to the warehouse of destination.

The release for free circulation of the goods concerned shall be granted by the customs body upon submission, by the economic operators, of the entry document, duly completed by ANSA.

For more information on government contact details, please see the following link: 4.1 Government Contact List

Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova - Customs posts (


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