Kenya - 2.2 Aviation


Key airport information may also be found at: 

State of the aviation sector in Kenya 

The aviation sector in Kenya is run by the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA). KCAA was established on 24th October 2002 by the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act, 2002 with the primary functions towards; Regulation and oversight of Aviation Safety and security; Economic regulation of Air Services and development of Civil Aviation; Provision of Air Navigation Services, and Training of Aviation personnel KCAA; as guided by the provisions of the convention on international civil aviation, related ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), the Kenya Civil Aviation Act, 2013 and the civil aviation regulations. KCAA recognizes that aviation, like other sectors of our economy, is accountable to its stakeholders, the society and the (our) environment in achieving a sustainable civil aviation system in Kenya. During the fiscal year 2022/2023 8.8 million passengers were made through Kenya and 380 million kgs of cargo and 259,212 aircraft movements were made, contributing to 5.1% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), up from 4.6% in the previous reporting period. In 2017, over 4.7 million passenger journeys were made to Kenya, with aviation and tourism representing US$3.2 billion in GDP. It accounts for 4.6 per cent of Kenya’s GDP and supports 410,000 jobs.  

IATA identified four areas where government action can promote aviation’s growth and bring even more value to Kenya:  

1. Improve air transport infrastructure to accommodate the future growth of air traffic in collaboration with users.  

2. Improving operational efficiency at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport as essential if Nairobi is to remain a competitive connecting hub and East Africa’s main air cargo hub.  

3. Implement the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) and urge the government to implement it by making its regulatory framework statutory.  

4. Improvement of safety performance of Africa’s turboprop fleet to remain a priority in Kenya and the IATA Standard Safety Assessment Program (ISSA) enhances and complements the state’s safety oversight role.  

5. Integrating technology such as biometrics and AI to improve efficiency and passenger experience. 

Kenya ratified the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation (The Chicago Convention) on 1st May 1964, becoming a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization-United Nations’ specialized agency responsible for International Civil Aviation. The Kenya Mission to ICAO works in collaboration with ICAO Diplomatic Bodies, ICAO Member States, and Regional and International organizations in furthering the strategic goal of ensuring an efficient, safe, secure, and sustainable Global Aviation Industry. Kenya is also a host to the ICAO Eastern and Southern Africa Region office located at the United Nations Complex in Nairobi. 

For more information on government agency and airport company contact information, please see the following links: 4.1 Government Contact List and 4.5 Airport Companies Contact List.  

Procedures for Foreign Registered Aircraft 

A person who wishes to register an aircraft in Kenya shall apply for aircraft acceptance by applying online through the KCAA ecitizen portal ( In the application the following documents and or information should be submitted by the applicant to facilitate the aircraft acceptance evaluation exercise. 

  1. The full specification of the aircraft including the type, model, serial number. 

  1. Type certificate or equivalent document. 

  1. Supplementary type certificates (if applicable). 

  1. Type certificate data sheet. 

  1. Statement of compliance on the civil aviation (Instruments and Equipment) Regulations 2018. 

  1. Export Certificate of Airworthiness. 

  1. Compliance with the current KCAA Aircraft ‘B2, ‘B3’, and ‘A9’ Notices. 

  1. Copy of the current Certificate of Registration (if applicable). 

  1. Serial numbers of major components (e.g., engines, and propellers as applicable). 

  1. Make and Part numbers of avionics and equipment installation. 

  1. Airworthiness Directives (AD’s) status report. 

  1. A copy of the current Certificate of Airworthiness (if any). 

  1. Current and historical maintenance records. 

  1. Availability of a KCAA Approved Maintenance Organization with capability on aircraft type. 

The application will not be accepted unless all the required information and documents have been submitted. The application shall be for an aircraft, its engines, propellers, equipment, and systems whose type Certificate complies with the Authority acceptable airworthiness code as specified by Regulation of the Civil Aviation (Airworthiness) Regulations, 2018. Upon submission of the application the authority will go through a rigorous evaluation exercise. 

If the aircraft that does not satisfy the acceptable Certificate requirements, the aircraft will be classified as non-compliant and cannot be accepted for registration and if the aircraft satisfies the acceptable Certificate requirement, the Authority will move on to the next phase which is aircraft inspection. 

Upon acceptance of the aircraft documents a physical aircraft inspection shall be carried out. The time and place shall be pre-agreed between the operator/Owner and the Authority. 

Upon completion of a successful Aircraft documents evaluation and Aircraft Inspection, a recommendation letter will be written by the Authority, for the issue of a Certificate of registration. 

Upon acceptance of the aircraft the following administrative documents shall be submitted to the Authority by the applicant. 

  1.  A document to prove aircraft ownership (e.g., Bill of Sale); 

  1. Copy of a Government issued Identity Card or Passport as appropriate. 

  1. A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation if owned by a company. 

  1. Names of directors of the company owning or leasing the aircraft and their specimen signatures giving authority to register the aircraft and indicating who among them has the mandate to transact on their behalf on matters of registration. 

  1. A certified copy of the Lease Agreement if the aircraft is on lease. 

  1. Letter of authority (if the application is made on behalf of the owner (s). 

  1. A certified copy of a current aircraft insurance certificate. 

  1. Proof of payment of prescribed fees. 

A certificate of registration will not be issued until a de-registration certificate from the previous State of registry or a statement from the State of manufacture in the case of a new Aircraft is received. 

Completion of this task results in acceptance and issuance of an aircraft certificate of Registration. The process takes approximately 90 days to complete. 

If everything is not in order, you will be issued with a notice of denial. 

The KCAA has automated the process and soon (September 2023) the public will access the site through ecitizen where all the forms will be available. Some of the forms will be updated. 

The following forms are required:  

  1. Application for a licence to operate inclusive tour and group charter into and out of Kenya Air Transport  

  1. Application for the variation of an air service licence Air Transport  

  1. Application for an air service licence or renewal of an air service licence 

  1. Form AC-AWS004-1 - Special Flight Application Form Airworthiness  

  1. Form AC-AWS004-2 - Application for Issue of Export Certificate of Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS004-3 - Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness Application Form Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS006-1 - Pre-Application Statement of Intent Form Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS006-2 - Biographical data Form Airworthiness  

  1. Form AC-AWS006-3 - Local AMO Certification and Renewal Application Form Airworthiness  

  1. Form AC-AWS006-4 - Organisation Assessment Statement Form Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS006-5 - AMO proposed Certification Schedule of Events Airworthiness  

  1. Form AC-AWS023B - Service Difficulty Report Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS007-2 - Application for Foreign Approved Maintenance Organisation Certificate and Ratings Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS014 - Application for Acceptance of Major Modifications and Repairs Airworthiness  

  1. Form AC-AWS014A - Record of Major Modifications and Repairs Airworthiness  

  1. Form AC-AWS022 Application for Noise Certificate Airworthiness 

  1. Form AC-AWS024 - Unapproved Parts Reporting Form Airworthiness  

  1. Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness Application Form Airworthiness  

  1. Application For Issue of Export Certificate of Airworthiness Airworthiness  

  1. Special Flight Application Form Airworthiness 

  1. C of An Issue and Renewal Aircraft Systems and Equipment, Installations Airworthiness 

  1. C of An Issue and Renewal Aircraft Status Report Airworthiness  

  1. C of An Issue and Renewal Application Form 

  1. FORM:AC-OPS021B - Nomination for Operator Designated Check Pilot Flight Operations 

  1. FORM AC OPS021-1 Check Pilot Activity Log Flight Operations  

  1. FORM O OPS024-2 DCCE Approval Form Flight Operations  

  1. FORM O OPS021-2 DCP Approval Form Flight Operations  

  1. FORM AC-OPS001 Pre-Application Statement of Intent (PASI) Application Form Flight Operations  

  1. FORM AC-GEN024 EFB Application and Approval Flight Operations  

  1. FORM AC-GEN020A SETPA Application and Approval Flight  

  1. FORM AC-DG001-4 Dangerous Goods Occurrence Report Flight Operations  

  1. FORM AC-DG001-3 Dangerous Goods Personnel Biographical Data Form Flight Operations  


  1. Single Pilot (H) FORM-003PT-SP(H) Personnel Licencing  

  1. Single Pilot (A) FORM-003PT-SP(A) Personnel Licencing  

  1. PPL(H) Skill Test FORM-002PT(H) Personnel Licencing  

  1. PPL(A) Skill Test FORM-002PT(A) Personnel Licencing  

  1. Multi Pilot (H) Skill Test FORM-003PT-MPTR(H) Personnel Licencing  

  1. Multi Pilot (A) Skill Test FORM-003PT-MPTR(A) Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-009PT - Flight Instructor Rating (FIR) Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-008PT -Instrument Rating (Helicopter) – IR(H) Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-008PT -Instrument Rating (Aeroplane) – IR(A) Personnel Licencing  

  1. CPL(H) Skill Test FORM-003PT(H) Personnel Licencing  

  1. CPL(A) Skill Test FORM-003PT(A) Personnel Licencing  

  1. ATPL(H) Skill Test FORM-004PT(H) Personnel Licencing  

  1. ATPL(A) Skill Test FORM-004PT(A) Personnel Licencing  

  1. KCAA (100) F -Application for Clearance to Operate Commercially Foreign Registered Aircraft in Kenya Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 001 -- SPL Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 002-1 -- PPL(A) Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 002-2 -- PPL(H) Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 002-3 -- PPL (B) Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 003-1 -- CPL (A) Application Form 1 Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 003-3 -- CPL(B) Application Form 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 003-2 -- CPL (H) Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 004-1 -- ATPL (A) Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 005-1 -- Application form for Issue Air Traffic Controller Licence Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 004-2 -- ATPL (H) Application Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 005-2 -- ATC Renewal Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 005-4 -- ATC Station Validation Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 005-3 -- Additional Rating on ATC Licence Application Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. ORM-M-PEL 006 -- FD Application Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 007 -- Flight Engineer Application Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 008 -- Instrument Rating Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 009 -- Validation Form Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 010 -- English Language Proficiency Endorsement Application Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 011 -- Cabin Crew Member Certificate Application Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 012 --Flight Radio Telephony Operator's Licence Application Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 013 -- Application Form for Replacement of a Licence Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 014-1 -- Application Form for Endorsement of an Aircraft Type Rating Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 014-2-- Application form for a Flight Instructor's Rating Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 014-3 -- Night Rating Application Form 1 Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 015 -- Application form for Booking of Knowledge Tests Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 016 -- Conversion or Validation Exam Booking Application Form 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 017-1 -- Application Form for Booking PPL GFT Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 017-2 -- Application Form for Booking CPL GFT Personnel Licencing  

  1. FORM-M-PEL 017-4 Application Form for Booking of IR Flight Testing Personnel Licencing 

  1. Summary Form Personnel Licencing 

  1. FORM-M-PEL 017-3 -- Application Form for Booking ATPL GFT Personnel Licencing  

  1. Single-Engine and Multi-Engine Single-Pilot Aeroplanes- (SE/ME SP (A) 

  1. AVSEC FORM-003 - Application Form for Catering Operator Certification Aviation Security 

  1. AVSEC FORM-008 - Catering Operator Document Evaluation Checklist Aviation Security 

  1. AVSEC FORM-009A - Catering Operator Assessment Form (COAF) Aviation Security  

  1. AVSEC FORM 024 - Model Incident report form Aviation Security  

  1. AVSEC FORM 025 - Application form for Upstream Validation Aviation Security  

  1. AVSEC CL005 - Regulated Agent document evaluation checklist 2016-2018 Aviation Security 

  1. AVSEC FORM 002 - Application Form for regulated agent certification Aviation Security 

  1. AVSEC FORM 002A - Application form for regulated agent Re-Certification Aviation Security 

  1. AVSEC FORM 009A - Regulated Agent Assessment Form (RAAF) 

  1. Self - reporting form for Category E aerodromes General Forms 

  1. Form for application of an aerodrome licence General Forms 

  1. Air navigation service provider application Form General Forms Download 

  1. Aerial mast and other structures height approval application Form General Forms 

  1. Aerodrome Certification Application Form 

Link to Aviation forms. 



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