Honduras - 2.2.1 Palmerola International Airport

Airport Overview 

Palmerola International Airport was developed in part of the space occupied by the José Enrique Soto Cano Air Base, headquarters of the United States Joint Task Force Bravo, located 6 kilometers south of the city of Comayagua, in turn about 70 km north of Tegucigalpa. The Airport aims to function as the main international gateway by air to the Honduran capital, thus replacing the current Toncontín Airport, which will only serve national and regional flights, given its operational limitations. 

The new passenger terminal has a covered area of almost 40,000 m2 on three levels and has 13 boarding gates (7 with sleeves and 6 for remote positions), 40 check-in counters, 17 self-check-in stations, 34 immigration control posts and 45 commercial premises. 

For more information on airport, please see the following link: https://aeropuertointernacionalpalmerola.com/

Airport Location and Contact 



Province or District 


Nearest Town or City with Distance from Airport 


6 km 

Full name of the airport 

Palmerola International Airport 





Elevation (ft and m) 

2062 ft

628 m 

IATA code 


ICAO Code 


Airport Administration or Airport Authority 

Port Authority: Palmerola International Airport S.A de C.V (PIA) 

Management Level Contact Person 

Israel Dávila, Financial and Administrative Manager 

Opening Hours  

24 H 

Closing Hours  

24 H 

Airport Picture


  • Main Access 

  • Hangars 

  • TW 

  • Honduras Military Heliport 

  • Main track 

  • Honduran Army Platform  

  • SEI 

  • USA Base Homes 

  • Military Heliport USA 

  • Base Platform USA 

Description and Contacts of Key Companies 

At Palmerola International Airport, there are various government authorities working to ensure compliance with regulations and ensure the safety and efficiency of air operations. Here are some of the main government authorities that are usually present at an international airport: 

General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC)

The DGAC is the entity responsible for the regulation and supervision of civil aviation in Honduras. Among its functions at Palmerola International Airport, are the issuance of licenses and certifications for aeronautical personnel, the approval of flight plans and the implementation of security measures in the airspace. 

Honduran Customs

This government entity is responsible for the administration and control of customs operations at the airport. Customs verifies the import and export of goods and merchandise, making sure that the corresponding regulations and taxes are met. 

Forest Conservation Institute (ICF)

The ICF has an important role in Palmerola International Airport due to its location in a natural environment. This institution is responsible for the protection and conservation of the environment, ensuring that air operations do not adversely affect the nearby flora and fauna. 

Honduran National Police

The National Police has a presence at the airport to ensure the safety of passengers, crews and personnel working at the facilities. They also collaborate in the prevention and response to emergency situations or incidents that may occur in the airport area. 

Honduran Migration Authority

This authority is responsible for managing the entry and exit of people through immigration and customs control. They check passengers' documentation, including visas and passports, making sure entry or exit requirements are met. 

It is critical that these authorities work in coordination to maintain a safe and efficient environment at Palmerola International Airport, ensuring that passengers and aircraft comply with all regulations and procedures necessary for a successful trip.  

For more information on airport contacts, please refer to the following link: 4.5 Airport Company Contact List. 

Information on some aviation service providers can be found at: http://www.azfreight.com/ 

Passenger and Cargo Performance Indicator 

Performance for 2022 


By Year  

Per Month 

Per Day  

Total Aircraft Movements 




Total Passengers 




Total Airport Capacity (mt) 




Current airport activity (mt) 




Use of Humanitarian Flights (UNHAS) 





Runway #1 


2,441 x 45 m 






Runway #2


2,441 x 45 m 





Airport Infrastructure Details 

Palmerola International Airport is a passenger terminal of 39,500 m2, with a runway of 2,440 m long, at an altitude of 620 m above sea level. Due to the length of the runway, Class C/D aircraft such as Airbus A320, Airbus A321, Boeing 737 and others similar will be able to land. 

The fuel supplier is UNO HONDURAS and has a refuelling capacity of 2 5000 gal refueller trucks, 4 JET A-1 storage tanks of 10,000 gallons and 1 mobile tank of 250 gallons of AVGAS. 




JET A-1 Fuel 




AVGAS 100 


Terminal Building 


Central Refuelling Point 


Passenger Terminal 


Air units for starter 


Cargo Terminal 


Power Plant (mobile) 


Passenger Transportation to Platform 



Cargo Handling Services 


Control Tower 


Latrine services 


Climate Facilities 


Fire Category (ICAO) 


CAT 7, 

CAT 8 

Catering Services 


De-icing equipment 


Operations Room 


Ramp lighting 






Runway and approach lights 










Airport Operating Details 

Operating Detail 

Maximum size of aircraft that can unload bulk cargo 

Due to the length of the runway, Class C/D aircraft such as Airbus A320, Airbus A321, Boeing 737 and others similar will be able to land. 

Maximum size of aircraft that can be unloaded to palletized cargo 

Due to the length of the runway, Class C/D aircraft can land. 

Total aircraft parking area (m²) 


Storage area (m3 and MT) 

3,000 m2

Cargo Handling Equipment 

Elevators / Lifting Cranes (Hi Loaders)  


Maximum Capacity (mt) 


Maximum Height 



Loading Ramps 


Customs Guidance

Customs activities at Palmerola International Airport are essential to ensure the control of entry and exit of goods and people. Upon arrival at the airport, a customs declaration must be filled out specifying information about the goods and products you are carrying. This process can take between 20 to 30 minutes depending on the number of passengers on the flight and the amount of luggage you have. To work with customs officials effectively, it is advisable to present the required documents in an organized manner and answer any questions that are asked clearly and accurately.  

For more information about customs in Honduras, see the following link:1.3 Customs Information and https://www.aduanas.gob.hn/ 

Airfield Costs 


Palmerola International Airport is a major air transport hub in Honduras. However, navigation expenses at the airport have come under criticism due to problems with billing, cost estimation and ability to pay. 

As for billing, airport users have reported that air navigation bills are not being issued accurately and that the amounts charged are often inconsistent with established rates. This has raised concerns among airlines and other operators using the airport, who have difficulty determining how much they should pay for air navigation services. 

In addition, the estimation of navigation expenses at Palmerola International Airport has also been a problem. Many users have reported that expenses are higher than expected and that they are not sure how they are calculated. This makes it difficult for traders to budget and plan their operating expenses. 



Palmerola International Airport S.A. de C.V.  has committed and established an Operational Safety Management System, which guarantees the fulfillment of our objectives of proactively eliminating, containing or mitigating risks before accidents and incidents occur, through the monitoring of national and international standards in operational safety, through risk identification and management,  guaranteeing and promoting Operational Safety at the airport and maintaining a permanent interaction with the maintenance process and operations of the airport, which allow, as far as possible, that hazards are mitigated, eliminated or controlled. 

Palmerola Airport has 145 security cameras and the highest X-ray technology as part of its security. The terminal has 40 counters for common use for airlines, plus 18 self-check-in kiosks where passengers can make their registration more agile. 

The Palmerola Tower is also responsible for alerting the security services, immediately notifying any failure or irregularity in the operation of any device, light or other device installed at the airport to guide the transit of the airport and the pilots in command of aircraft. It shall notify the Approach Control Center, Tegucigalpa Control, of aircraft that cease to report after they have been transferred to its jurisdiction or that, after having made a notification, suspend radio contact and, in either case, cease to land within a reasonable period. 

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