1.2 Comoros Regulatory Departments & Quality Control


There is no department responsible for regulating consumer products in the Comoros. All sectors of activity are attached to a ministry and subject to the regulation and control of a specific state agency under their supervision and able to achieve quality control tests.

There are no private or independent laboratories even if some other public entities are able to provide some services such as the University of Comoros or El Maarouf General Hospital in Moroni.

Various regulatory departments and quality control agencies


The National Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment (INRAPE) is in charge of food quality control, but only conducts physical inspections. Therefore, the submission of the phytosanitary certificate issued by the supplier in the country of origin is mandatory to import food into Comoros.


The Ma-mwe (national water and electricity supplier) has its own water analysis laboratory. The University of Comoros can also perform some tests on request.


The state agency OCOPHARMA (Comorian Office of Pharmaceutical Products) is a procurement platform that allows pharmacies in Comoros to buy quality drugs at wholesale prices. They are able to perform some tests and quality checks on drugs.


The El Marouf Hospital in Moroni has a laboratory service for biomedical analyses.


The Comorian Hydrocarbons Corporation (CHS) is the state-owned company that imports fuel into the Comoros and conducts quality tests before resale.

For more information on regulatory departments and quality control laboratories’ contact details, please see the following links:

4.1 Comoros Government Contact List

4.3 Laboratory and Quality Testing Companies Contact List

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