Central African Republic
2.2 Central African Republic Aviation

Key airport information may also be found at: World Aero Data information on Central African Republic

Bangui is the main airport in the country with international standards. The country's airfield environment is composed of about 41 secondary inland airports but only a limited number of them are practicable for the aircrafts commonly used for humanitarian transportation.

For information on Central African Republic Secondary Airports, please see the following document:

Secondary airports in Central African Republic

Management of air transport

Placed under the Ministry of Transport, the General Directorate for Civil Aviation actually defines the country’s air transport policy, including security and safety matters. But the granting of overflight and landing permits is the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence upon advice from the Ministry of Transport.
All the activities of the Bangui International Airport are managed by ASECNA; except for the security on the tarmac, which is under the responsibility of the gendarmeries and the customs and immigration. ASECNA provides the usual services of control tower, air space travel, weather forecast as well as security in the terminal. AHS-Menzies, a private international company is responsible for the handling and ground services to aircrafts: checking, cargo/luggage handling and storage. Air traffic in the Central African Republic is extremely limited. Bangui is the only airport of the country with a significant traffic, mainly international connections with some African cities (Douala, Brazzaville, etc.) and Paris in France.
With the exception of the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), domestic traffic from Bangui to secondary airfields inside the country are rather inexistent.

Air traffic

Air traffic in the Central African Republic is extremely limited. Bangui is the only airport of the country with a significant traffic, mainly international connections with some African cities (Douala, Brazzaville, etc.) and Paris in France.
Except for the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS), domestic traffic from Bangui to secondary airfields inside the country is rather inexistent.

For information on Central African Republic Airport contacts, please see the following links:

CAR Airport Contacts

4.2.3 Central African Republic Airport Company Contact List

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