2.1.2 Haiti Port of Jacmel

Port Overview

The port of Jacmel is a small port operated under the supervision of APN in the Sud-Est Department of Haiti, next to the town of Jacmel. The port is inside the Baie de Jacmel and is partially protected by a fringing reef to the south-east. The port is quite exposed and experiences heavy swell at times. A pilot is available to guide vessels, but the approach is not complicated for shallow draft vessels. There are shifting sand banks on the approach to the port, due to the nearby river-mouth.

The port has a total workable surface of approximately 1700 sqm. Located on the southern coast of the country, it is the closest Haitian port to the Dominican Republic (Rio Haina and Caucedo). It does not receive shipments from major global shipping lines.  Bulk carriers with their own cranes discharge cement. These are the only vessel calling regularly at the port (July 2022) There are occasional calls by large stern ramp RoRos discharging second-hand vehicles. There is no RoRo berth and smaller vessel would not be able to discharge due to the height of the main berth.

The small cement ramp, to the north of the main pier, is used by local craft and is too shallow for RoRo operations

There is a customs office (in town located in same facility as that of the aviation authorities).

The location of the port in the south of the island allows greater access to southern areas of the country in an emergency. However, there is very limited storage capacity and cargo traffic to Haiti is only moved through the port sporadically. 

Port website: http://www.apn.gouv.ht/ Key port information may also be found at: http://www.maritime-database.com

Port Location and Contact



Province or District

Jacmel, Sud-Est Department

Nearest Town or City 

Port-au-Prince 92km





Port Authority

 Autorite Portuaire Nationale APN

A - Commercial cargo wharf

B - Concrete landing ramp for small landing craft 

C – Old Jetty not usable for commercial cargo. Wooden surface in poor repair

D - Stone mole limiting usage length of west side of wharf

Key Companies

Jacmel is operated under the supervision of APN (Autorite Portuaire Nationale). No stevedore companies or transporters are based at the port but can be arranged by port authorities. Joel Khawley is the principal importer in to Jacmel Port (July 2022) +509 3137 0101.

Handling Equipment

There is no shore-based cargo-handling equipment available at the port and no stevedore company. Forklifts can be sourced locally. There is no other cargo handling equipment. Ships must self-discharge. The pier is adequate to handle heavy trucks.

Pictured here is Mounie K which calls every few months with bagged cement from Dominican Republic.

Storage and Hinterland

There is no dedicated covered storage facility at the port. Cargo must be moved out of the port area directly. The cement apron is relatively small and there is not a large parking area. No transport companies are based at the port, but trucks can be hired from Port au Prince or other locations.   

Berthing Specifications

Type of Berth


Length (m)

Maximum Draft (m)

Ht above Sea Level


Conventional Berth


East 106 m

West 50 m

5 m / 2.7m above S/L

Eastern berth has good fenders. Often in use as lay-by piers for idle vessels as port only used sporadically for significant cargo traffic.

Old Jetty



3m/ 1.5m above S/L

The wooden surface on this jetty is in very por condition with many planks missing. It could not withstand vehicle traffic.

The main pier extends in a southerly direction. eastern showing the principal berth. Good fenders and bollards in place.

The old jetty showing poor condition of wooden planking.

Security and Access

The port fence is in poor condition. There is a private enterprise building and restoring fishing boats inside the port. Access is not very secure.

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