3.5 Guinea Food and Additional Suppliers

It is possible to procure on the local market depending on the commodity itself. The local market is able to meet demand and to scale up if required. During the Ebola Response there was a huge demand for plastic tools such as plastic buckets and similar equipment used as preventive measures for hand washing. The local manufacturer faced some challenges at the start but was able to accommodate the multiple demands from different UN agencies and NGOs. 

Although Guinea has mining resources, it is estimated that 60% of the Guinean population is engaged in agricultural production. The growing of corn, cassava, peanuts, rice, fonio, cola, citrus, tropical fruits and coffee assure 24% of GDP despite a lower growth rate in 2001 (0,1%). The arable land is estimated at 7.5 million ha with a cultivated area of 3,000,000 ha.

Key exports and imports are:
  • Exports: 
    • $1.31 billion (2013 est.); $1.348 billion (2012 est.)
    • Commodities: bauxite, alumina, gold, diamonds, coffee, fish, agricultural products
    • Partners: India 10.6%, Spain 9.6%, Chile 9.4%, US 7.1%, Ireland 6.3%, Germany 6.3%, Ukraine 5.7%, France 5% (2012)
  • Imports: 
    • $2.384 billion (2013 est.); $2.606 billion (2012 est.)
    • Commodities: petroleum products, metals, machinery, transport equipment, textiles, grain and other foodstuffs
    • Partners: China 14.2%, Netherlands 7.6% (2012)

For contact information for food and additional suppliers, please see the following link: 4.11 Guinea Producers, Wholesalers, Retailers List

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